The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 15 The Missing Diary And Membership (Please Subscribe!)

Watching the students leave, Dumbledore walked up to Bai Hao: "How is it?"

Bai Wu spread out his hands: "As expected, I didn't find it."

Dumbledore nodded regretfully. Although he didn't have much hope, he still had to try it.

"However..." Bai Hao changed the subject, "I didn't find the Horcrux, but I did find someone who had been in contact with the Horcrux."

"She has residual magic power, which is almost exactly the same as the magic power when Ra Wen Keluo's crown was still a Horcrux."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed: "Who is it?"

On the other side...

"It's unbelievable!" Hermione walked ahead of Harry and Ron aggressively, "I thought he was going to do something shady today."

"I didn't expect that he was going to deal with the basilisk~!"

"What can't be said about this, you even transferred me to the guild!"

"This...why is she angry?" Harry heard Hermione's babble, turned to Ron and whispered, "Is it because Bai Hao didn't tell her about the basilisk?

"I don't know!" Ron shook his head in bewilderment, "She was like this when school started last time, and she got angry for no reason."

"Ask Ginny, maybe they are all girls."

"it is good!"

Ron pulled Ginny who was walking behind him to his side: "Ginny, show me Hermione, can you guess why she is angry?"

But Ginny didn't respond.

Ginny?" Ron looked down at his sister, who was in a daze.

"Ginny, what's wrong with you?" Harry saw Ginny's ugly face from the side, "Speaking of which, I've noticed that you've been absent-minded since yesterday.

Ron reached out and touched Ginny's forehead: "Are you sick?"

"No.....No!" Ginny came to her senses, her face tensed, her eyes wandering around, but she just didn't dare to look directly into other people's eyes.

"Do you want me to take it to Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione asked worriedly when she heard the movement behind her.

Ginny hurriedly waved her hands and shook her head: "No need! Really no need! I'm fine!"

"Ron!" Bai Hao suddenly appeared in front of the three of them at this time, "Lend it to your sister.

As soon as the words fell, Bai Hao took Ginny away directly.

"This... what happened here?"

The three of them looked at each other, but they didn't react for a moment.

Bai Hao brought Ginny to the principal's office.

Ginny felt her eyes dazzle just now, and when she looked up in a blink of an eye, she saw Dumbledore appearing in front of her.

She was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head, trembling with nervousness.

"Ginny Weasley..."

"Professor, can you stop talking to a little girl with such an aura?" Dumbledore was interrupted by Bai Hao, who patted Ginny's head to comfort him, "Didn't you see?" Are people afraid?"

"You send Professor McGonagall!"

"Ahem..." Dundo coughed in embarrassment, he would habitually put on the White Devil's airs when it came to Voldemort's affairs

Professor McGonagall pulled Ginny aside.

After a while, under the comfort of Professor McGonagall, Ginny told everything.

Ginny went to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks and teaching supplies before the start of school, and when she got home, she suddenly found a diary from nowhere among her new textbooks.

She didn't pay much attention to it at first, only thinking it was an ordinary diary.

After school started, she wanted to take this diary to take notes, but found that there was a "friend" in the diary.

This "friend" was very friendly and knowledgeable, and he answered almost anything she asked in the diary.

And just a few days ago, the "friend" in the diary began to instill some pure-blood theories into Ginny, and hinted from inside and outside that the Chamber of Secrets is a real thing.

Ginny gradually hated these words, but she didn't want to give up such a friend, so she locked the diary in a cabinet in the dormitory.

Until yesterday, she couldn't bear the curiosity and took out the diary again, after which the incident of Elena's attack happened.

Ginny immediately thought of her "friend" when she saw those lines of blood. She hurried back to the dormitory to question him.

Yes, he admitted.

Out of fear, Ginny threw the diary out of the window on the spot, and she has been terrified ever since.

"I...I really didn't do it on purpose. He controls...controls the things I do." Ginny lowered her head and kept rubbing her fingers, trembling even as she spoke.

"It's over, I still haven't found it in the end." Bai Hao looked helplessly at the younger sister of his own guild member. As the guild leader, he had to help deal with the aftermath.


Ginny raised her head slowly with teary eyes, and her eyes suddenly became very frightened.

Professor McGonagall's eyes widened: "Mr. Felkes, what are you doing?"

I saw Bai Hao aiming at Ginny with his wand: "Obliviate!"

A flash of blue light flashed, and Bai Hao supported the fainted Ginny: "It's better not to know some things at her age.

Professor McGonagall took Ginny from Bai Hao and hugged her in his arms: "Mr. Felkes, you can't cast spells on your classmates at will."

Bai Hao rolled his eyes: "Professor McGonagall, trust me."

"I don't do this today, but you will do it after a while.

"Minerva, he is right." Dumbledore said at this time, "Some things are better for her growth."

Bai Hao stretched his waist and yawned: "The diary must have been picked up by someone else now."

"Today, I've already startled the snake. It's hard to say whether this Horcrux is in the school or not."

Dumbledore thought for a while: "We can only wait and see what happens."

The thing about the basilisk in the school is still fermenting among the students, but it's not about white and smelly things.

This afternoon, it's Fairy Tail guild members' membership event.

For Bai Hao, there is nothing more important than this.

16 members have assembled in front of the House of Requirement.

Bai Hao suddenly appeared in front of everyone: "Hi everyone, welcome to join Fairy Tail.

"Don't gossip, come with me!"

Bai Hao walked in the front and pushed open the door of the Room of Requirement. The magnificent scene of the guild residence immediately shocked the 13 people.

Of course Hermione and Cedric were already immune, while Luna was fine, just looking around excitedly and curiously.

?As soon as he entered the door, Bai Hao pointed to a large stone tablet in front of the pool in the square: "This is the purpose of our guild."

...asking for flowers...

When everyone looked up, they saw the words written on the stone tablet:

All powers beyond common sense are born in common sense. Magic is not the power of miracles, but the airflow in the human body, which is specifically presented from the wavelength of the air flowing in nature. Magic is the result of concentrating spiritual power and concentration and injecting your entire soul. If you care about other people's opinions, you will not be able to practice magic and move towards the path you believe in. This is the wizard of Fairy Tail.

Bai Hao looked at the people who were a little confused and smiled: "You will understand this passage later.

"Let's move on."

Then Bai Hao introduced the entire guild resident from beginning to end under the shocked eyes of the members.

"This is the battle zone, the largest guild residence in the entire guild." Bai Hao pointed to the huge building belonging to the battle zone.

"Do you remember Articles 5 and 6 of the Guild Rules?"

Luna tilted her head, holding a velvet in her hand: "All disputes in the guild will be settled through duel mode. As long as Article 2 of the rules is not violated, there are no restrictions on the content, method and bet of the duel. .”


Bai Hao nodded happily at her: "That's right, this is where the guild resolves conflicts."

"Okay, I'll introduce you to the guild here, what do you want to ask?"

Fred raised his hand first: "Can we experiment with prank props in the practice area?"

Bai Hao nodded: "Of course, but don't experiment with dung eggs, or I will stuff you into the Hogwarts cesspool."

Neville also raised his hand: "Can I experiment with potions here?"

"Yes, the premise is that you have to prepare the materials yourself, and the funds of the guild are seriously insufficient."

"Of course, if the quality of the potion you make is good enough, you can sell it to the guild for a buy-your-own price!"

Harry: "I want to learn powerful magic!"

"You can ask Hermione or Cedric about this, and they will give you a satisfactory answer.

The members began to chirp with various questions, and Bai Hao patiently answered them one by one.

An hour later, Bai Hao finally finished answering all the questions exhausted.

"You all take a look around, and collect ministers in the guild castle in two hours."

The members all dispersed, excitedly looking for something they like to do.

"You two stay here for now." Bai Hao left Hermione and Della Co. behind.

"Della Ke, I heard you called a Mudblood to Hermione some time ago?" Bai Hao rarely looked seriously at the blond boy in front of him.

Della Coe Malfoy, the only one who hadn't asked any questions just now.

Among the 16 guild members, his problem is the biggest.

Della Branch clenched his fists, he didn't dare to answer.

The person in front of me is far behind him in both strength and status.

He didn't understand what White Stinky meant, did he want to stand up for that Mudblood?

"It doesn't matter if you don't talk, I left you here today to let you understand something." Bai Hao exuded an amazing aura, "You two will follow me into the battle zone!

Hermione glared at Della Branch and followed behind Bai Hao, and Della Branch gritted her teeth and followed.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! VII).

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