The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 56 The Brand New La Wen Keluo (Please Subscribe!)

The work of digesting the inheritance continues into the day.

Bai Hao slowly opened his eyes, let out a foul breath, and sat cross-legged on the ground all night, his entire lower body was numb.

He put away the crown of Raven Klau lying in his arms, looked around, and saw several senior Raven Klau students with their backs facing him and surrounded him.

In addition, there were two professors standing outside. They were entrusted by Dumbledore to wait in the Raven Crow lounge all night.

"Everyone has worked hard!" Bai Hao's heart warmed, he could see that these students and professors had stayed up all night for him.

"You're finally awake! Philx!" Professor Flitwick turned around when he heard the voice, and excitedly ran to Bai Hao's side with short but hasty steps.

"Thank you! You have worked hard, Professor Flitwick!" Bai Hao stood up slowly with the support of two senior students, "Everyone has worked hard!"

Bai Hao staggered and found a sofa to lie on, he can't move now, he's numb!!!

"Son, have you already obtained the inheritance of La Wen Keluo?" Flitwick asked impatiently.

Although he stayed in the lounge last night and didn't sleep all night, he doesn't feel sleepy at all now, instead he feels abnormally excited.

Bai Wu smiled and nodded: "Yes!"

Such a simple answer made everyone in the lounge extremely happy.

Over the years, Hogwarts, as the oldest wizarding school in Europe, has gradually declined.

Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Ugadu and other emerging magic schools have risen one after another, putting Hogwarts, "the best magic school in the world", in a very embarrassing position.

But now it's different!

After thousands of years, the inheritance of Lawen Claw reappeared in the magical world, which means that the Raven of Hogwarts has awakened, and the feather of wisdom will lead Hogwarts to the top of the magical world again

"Then can you tell us about the inheritance of La Wen Keluo?" Professor Flitwick asked excitedly again.

"Professor, don't worry." Bai Hao stretched out his hand to comfort Professor Flitwick, the old Laura Wen Keluo is too excited now, "I think, let everyone listen to it together!"

He rubbed his still numb thigh: "Valentin, please, call everyone, I have something to say.

Valentine Brandy: La Wen Clau's fifth grader, ranked first in the exam grade, she is one of La Wen Clau who just stood by Bai Hao's side.

Valentine nodded excitedly: "Oh! Okay!" Turning around, he ran to the nearby boys' dormitory.

Now at this time, what is the difference between men and women!

After Valentine left, Bai Hao began to close his eyes and meditate, waiting for the arrival of every Lawen Keluo.

La Wen Keluo's Eagles were very efficient, and within five or six minutes, all of them rushed from the dormitory to the lounge.

Many were still in their pajamas, but they hadn't slept all night.

Bai Hao, who had almost recovered, stood up, looking at the frenzied eyes of the little eagles around him, why did he feel so much like an MLM boss!

But it's not surprising that the students of La Wen Keluo have persistence that ordinary people don't usually have. They are often called freaks and lunatics outside.

But the genius is on the left, the lunatic is on the right, Raven Klau always has wisdom beyond the world.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bai Hao Felkes, and I'm glad to welcome you to Raven Klau Academy. Our emblem is an eagle, and the colors it represents are sky blue and bronze, which means soaring high above no one. The pinnacle of reach."

"We have eagle-like eyes and quick thinking, we are detached from the world.

"We are calm and introverted, that is, Zhang Yang is passionate!"

"Everyone says we are grotesque, but the chaos of the world has never been able to control those who pursue wisdom"

"We soar under the storm, listening to the cry from the bottom of our hearts, and the wise mind keeps us from getting lost."

"Here, on behalf of Raven Klaw, I offer wisdom from ancient times to every wise man who pursues the truth.

"Under the guidance of the raven, you will look up at the sun, moon and stars in the blue sky, and embark on the path of pursuing supreme wisdom."

"So far! I wish every La Wen Ke Lao can even touch the final palace!"

Bai Hao drew out his wand and pointed to the sky, a huge blue magic circle shot up into the sky, and the permanent super magic [Fantasy Mirage Falling] was activated.

Permanent Super Magic [Fantasy Mirage]: Super large permanent burning magic, which can endow dead objects with rules and wisdom, and create a permanent illusion according to the caster's wishes.

The light of the magic circle disappeared, and the whole lounge changed drastically.

Now the lounge has become wider. When you enter the door, you can see the marble statue of Royna La Wen Ke Lao standing in front of an arch. Going around the stone statue and entering behind the arch is Ra Wen Ke Lao's unique collection of books.

Going further into the lounge, you will find a tall blue bronze tree in the middle of the lounge that goes straight to the ceiling, and there are nine ravens arranged in a staggered manner from low to high. They stand on different branches, watching the eagles entering each area of ​​the nest.

Looking up, the ceiling has become a flowing blue sky, the sun and the moon are shining together, and the stars are shining.

These sun, moon and stars are actually the body of [Phantom Mirage Fall], which contains all the knowledge and inheritance of La Wen Keluo, and it also contains Bai Hao's magic knowledge.

And how to get inheritance?

In fact, Bai Hao has just said at the end: under the guidance of Raven, look up at the sun, moon and stars in the blue sky, and embark on the path of pursuing supreme wisdom.

Once someone walked into the lounge, only the raven would ask questions.

They will ask different questions respectively, including nine aspects of seeking knowledge, human nature, kindness, extreme evil, loneliness, tenacity, cherishing, introspection, and absurdity.

As long as someone answers the nine questions raised by the raven correctly in a row, he (she) can enter the inheritance hall of Lawen Keluo and get what he or she wants.

This sentence may not be understood by others, but the clever little eagles can understand it as soon as they hear it.

Bai Hao looked at the eaglets in the lounge who were already struggling to answer the questions, and smiled unconsciously!

He felt as if he had become different from before! Could it be that he was really a La Wen Keluo?

At this time, a question arose in his mind. Back then, he had cheated the Sorting Hat by relying on his ability to think about the Great Wall.

Bai Hao shook his head, and he walked towards the door of the lounge.

His only thought now is to make a meal, he spent a lot of brainpower all night, and now he is so hungry!

But when Bai Wugang opened the door...

"What the hell!" He was shocked by the scene in front of him...

Countless Hogwarts students were standing outside the door crowded with each other, looking curious about the baby.

"Come out! Bai Hao Felkes has come out! The inheritor of La Wen Keluo has come out!" A little wizard shouted excitedly.

As soon as he saw the door of La Wen Keluo's common room opened, he quickly looked around and recognized the person they were looking forward to at a glance.

"Oh oh oh!!!!!"

Everyone gave out cheers, they knew early in the morning that the white-nosed Felkes of the La Wen Crow Academy had obtained the inheritance of La Wen Crow.

Before Bai Hao could react, a group of people cheered his name while lifting him on top of their heads and throwing him upwards.

The reason why they were so excited was because of the Harry trio.

After yesterday's dinner, many people gathered around Harry and the three asked about the secrets of the basement, including people from the other three colleges except La Wen Keluo College.

The three of them didn't want to talk about it, because this matter was too embarrassing for them.

But seeing the people around them look like you don’t want to leave if you don’t tell them, they have no choice but to briefly tell the secrets in the basement.

So under the nonsense of Harry and Ron (Hermione can't lie), Bai Hao's heroic deeds were infinitely magnified.

Then after last night's "oath", "exaggerated expressions between people", "Dumbledore announced this morning that Bai Hao has become the successor of La Wen Keluo".

These few things add up to completely confirm Bai Hao's title of "Hogwarts Hero".

Of course, Bai Hao didn't know all this.

At this time, after being thrown up and down dozens of times, he finally couldn't bear to activate the space magic and escaped.

When he came to the cafeteria, he observed the surrounding environment and made sure there were no crazy students, so he silently ordered a big steak and ate it.

"White Crystal!"

"My God! Here we go again!" Bai Hao sighed exhausted physically and mentally. 4.1

Because he drank the brain cleanser last night, it is difficult for him to get an effective rest now.

And because of the long-term mental activity at the same time last night, he is very tired now.

He really just wants to have a meal in peace!

"I said, how do you know I'm here?" Bai Hao looked weakly at Hermione and the two useless men behind her.

"I guessed it all!" Hermione raised her little head proudly, "There are so many people outside the door of Wen Keluo's lounge, and you love to eat so much, you won't go anywhere else except here

"Okay!" Bai Hao pressed his palms and rubbed his eyes, "What are you looking for? Why don't you avoid me all of a sudden?"

(Brothers, sisters and friends, to be honest, the results of this book are not optimistic after being on the shelves for more than two days. It may be because I am a new writer. It has attracted a lot of readers. And judging from the current situation, I don’t know if I can continue to finish writing this book. In fact, I really cherish this book. After all, it is my first novel. I hope you can support me a lot, please subscribe , ask for a monthly ticket, ask for flowers, thank you everyone!).

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