The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 2 Letters From Hogwarts

August 1, 1991, London, England, 57 London Street.

"Bai Hao Felkes! Come down from this damn tree immediately!" A fat woman ran out of a small two-story house, wearing a red apron, Holding the spatula in his hand, he pointed at the boy hanging on the tree and shouted loudly while running.

"Understood, Mary Aunt." Bai Hao sat on the 6-meter-high canopy and turned his head to respond when he heard the shout, his hands seemed to be hiding something in his clothes.

When it was over, Bai Hao straightened his body, supported himself with one hand, and exerted force on his waist and abdomen, so that he stood on the branch, and he couldn't help exhaling in the process.

"You can't jump! Climb down slowly." Seeing this, Mrs. Mary didn't know what Bai Hao wanted to do.

Having said that, it is obvious that Bai Hao is not an obedient person...

I jump! *.. (?????)*..

I saw Bai Hao jumped up and slowly fell to the ground in mid-air with a slender branch.

"Oh! God! I swear if I could go back in time, I would leave you in the park to die." Seeing Bai Hao jumping down from the tall tree, Mary Felix took a deep breath and patted Said with horror on his chest.

"You have said this many times. The beautiful and kind Mary Aunt would not leave a child alone in the park." Bai Hao said with a grin, showing his white teeth.

"And you don't have to worry, I'm pretty good at it." Bai Hao swung his biceps.

"That's not the reason why you climbed so high and jumped down. It's okay if you fall to your death. What if you scare me to death?" Mrs. Mary said, grabbing Bai Hao's face.

"Um, is there some problem with the logic of this sentence, and I climbed up to save a very cute cat." Bai Hao took out a white kitten from his arms with blue eyes Juicy and very cute.

"Look, it's cute, isn't it?"


"Oh, poor little one." Mrs. Mary took the kitten and held it in her arms.

"Leave this little cutie to me, and your task now is to go back to eat for me right away."

"Yesmadan!" Bai Hao quickly ran into the house.

Bai Hao has been in this world for 11 years. During the period of time, he proclaimed his memory, because the soul of a few decades suddenly turned into a baby, which is a bit unbearable in the senses, so to a certain extent, he just crossed over. It's been a year.

The magic power to maintain the seal lasted until Bai Hao was 10 years old, and Bai Hao also got a strange memory.

In this new world, a British family named Felix took him home when he was "young" at that time, and the little girl who discovered Bai Hao at that time was the youngest daughter of this family, Xitaya, and she also had a Big Brother Locke, a bit naive twin.

After recovering his memory, Bai Hao experienced the strange ten years in his mind, and then felt the magic power in his body.

The ability of [World Tree] is still there, and it has never stopped passively absorbing magic power to practice.

That's right, there is magic in this new world. Compared with Aslant, the magic here is milder and of higher quality.

why would you say so? Aslant's magic power is very heterogeneous, and there are many different kinds of magic power elements in the air. If a mage uses this magic power directly, it will easily cause a magic riot. For example, if Naz directly uses this magic power to roar, it is likely to explode in his mouth before sending it out.

Therefore, the magicians of Aslant invented the magic circle. By using their own magic power to describe the magic circle, filter the mixed magic elements in the air, and then stabilize the magic power to achieve the ideal spellcasting effect.

In this way, the mage only needs a little of his own magic power to describe the magic circle, and then he can use the magic circle to attract the magic power in the air to complete the stable casting.

And the magic power in the new world is very pure, the air is pure magic power, and there are no special elements mixed in it, which means that Bai Hao can complete stable spellcasting without using a magic circle, but this consumes a lot, although The effect of casting spells is not the same, but if you use magic through the magic circle, the casting speed will be faster and the consumption of magic power will be lower.

This is because the direct casting of spells uses the magic power in one's own body. In this world, the magic power in Bai Hao's body has changed a long time ago, so he no longer has to worry about the problem of magic riots when casting spells. The use of the magic circle is to use the magic elements in the air. Bai Hao only needs to use a small amount of magic power to describe the magic circle and cast spells.

This is the same as if you want to put a paper article on the computer, the other is to type it by hand, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and typos will inevitably appear in the process. And one is to upload directly by scanning, which is fast and convenient, and the effect is better. Although both can type articles on the computer, there is a big difference in the process.

After Bai Hao regained his memory, it’s not that he never thought about going back to Aslante. He had no relatives in the first life, so he had a lot of nostalgia for his companions in the guild, but so far he hasn’t thought of any way, so since he came If it is, he will be safe, and he intends to live in the new world well until he finds a way to go back.

As for why he still has the name Bai Hao, it is not difficult to use magic to slightly change people's minds.

"Bai Hao, come and eat, we have barbecue today." Entering the house, Bai Hao saw Xitaya fiddling with knives and forks by the table, a plate of roast meat smelling hot, and a plate of cream next to her Mashed potatoes, topped with cheese, and poached broccoli.

"Xitaya, why is it mashed potatoes again? I want to eat rice and noodles!" Bai Hao said with a broken face when he saw the mashed potatoes on the table.

In fact, Bai Hao’s sense of facing mashed potatoes was not bad before he recovered his memory. Because of his self-proclaimed memory, he is essentially an ordinary person who grew up.

But this recovery of memory and the return of the rabbit's soul made Bai Hao's sense of taste and smell tortured, because he had to face mashed potatoes at the dinner table every day, and changed the taste every now and then. For example: salt water mashed potatoes, creamy mashed potatoes, tomato sauce mashed potatoes, black pepper mashed potatoes, honey mashed potatoes, charcoal baked potatoes and then mashed, etc...

shift! I feel sick just thinking about it!

"What? You think my cooking tastes bad, don't you?" Mrs. Mary walked in from outside the house holding the kitten, with the words "If you dare to say it is you will die" written on her face, she obviously heard Bai's words. Good complaint. And the little milk cat in his arms is holding a small feeding bottle and drinking water.

"No, how could it be?" Bai Hao said guiltily.

Then don't cast your eyes to the upper left corner, this is Xita Ya's innermost thoughts.

"Hmph, sit down and eat." Mrs. Mary found a seat and sat down.

"Where are Mr. Locke and Mr. Bolas?"

"One of them has a game today, and the other has to work overtime. It's a pity that they won't be able to eat the meal I cooked today." Madam Mary said regretfully, touching her face.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Mary has always had a lot of confidence in her cooking skills. Although she doesn't know where it came from, the food she makes is indeed edible and tastes good.

But for Bai Hao, Mrs. Mary's single recipe is a nightmare for him as a rabbit, especially mashed potatoes.

"Tuk! Tuck! Tuck!"

While Bai Hao was looking at the narcissistic Mrs. Mary speechlessly, there was a sound from the window.

I saw an owl lying on the window sill outside, holding a letter in its mouth, tilting its head, and staring at them with big black eyes through the glass.

"No way~~~" Bai Hao looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene, the corners of his eyes twitched, and a strange feeling surged in his heart.

Xitaya curiously walked over to open the window, and took the letter out of the owl's mouth.

A piece of red beeswax was used to seal the envelope, and the pattern on the beeswax was a shield composed of four animals: snake, lion, eagle and badger, with a big H in the center of the shield.

Xitaya turned to the back of the envelope, which read: London, England, London Street, No. 57, Mr. Bai Hao Felix, who was complaining about eating mashed potatoes at the kitchen table.

"Bai Hao, this is a letter for you." Xitaya was very surprised, because no one had ever sent a letter to her home before, and it was returned to Bai Hao.

"Open it for me." Bai Hao told Xitaya to open the envelope directly, because he knew that from now on, the Felkes family would be exposed to a strange, magical, and dreamy world, and they needed to get used to it in advance. .

"No wonder this world has magic power, so I have traveled to the world of HP."

Xitaya opened the envelope, and Mrs. Mary also walked over, and saw the letter read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Sir Merlin First Class, Wizengamot Chief Wizard, President of the International Federation of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Felix:

We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of required books and supplies is enclosed with this letter.

Semester begins on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl reply before August 5th.

Your loyal Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress (female)

Uniform: First-year students need: 1. Three plain robes (black) 2. One plain peaked hat for day wear (black) 3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar material) 4. One winter wear Cloak (black fabric, silver buttons)

Please note that all clothing for all students must have name tags.

All students are required to prepare the following textbooks: Standard Spells for Beginners by Miranda Goshawk, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, The Theory of Magic by Adebe Woflin, The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emory Swich, A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spoel, Magic Potions and Potions by Arthinis Giger, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Newt Scamander, Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense by Quentin Chamber

Other Equipment: A wand, a cauldron (tin, size 2 standard), a set of glass or crystal phials, a telescope, a brass balance.

Students can bring an owl or a cat or a toad.

Parents, please note that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks

Mrs. Mary and Xitaya read the letter from beginning to end, and looked up at Bai Hao in a daze.

The kitten that was just picked up was also lying in Mrs. Mary's arms, and the two of them looked at Bai Hao, but the blue eyes were full of doubts.


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