The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 511 Savage Torrent

Although Miao Cuihua was anxious, she was calm. She winked at everyone and then said, "I'll go in by myself."

She pushed open the door and entered.

When he saw Zhao Chuanxin leaning on the bedside, his face was very haggard and pale, his cheekbones were protruding. His face was already very thin, and now his cheeks were even more sunken. He was shocked and couldn't stop crying. Live slip.

Zhao Chuanxin waved: "Sister Hua, come quickly."

Miao Cuihua sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his thin face: "What's wrong?"

Instead, Zhao Chuanxin helped her wipe away her tears: "Hey, it's not a big deal. Some accidents happened. Don't worry. I used to think that life was short, but now I feel like it is long."

Miao Cuihua didn't understand what he wanted to express.

Maybe no one will understand.

In the past, Zhao Chuanxin tried his best to avoid having strong ties with this era.

For example, saving seeds...

Therefore, he speaks more harshly and unscrupulously than before. Sometimes he deliberately provokes the anger of heaven and earth.

In this way, we can live into the twenty-first century without any worries.

But how can we be ruthless if we are not just grass and trees?

I think of the faces in Lugang Town that are obviously simple but deliberately proud.

Thinking of Miao Cuihua, Wilhelmina, Rebecca Levi and his apprentices...

All these people have become part of his life and cannot be separated easily.

Now Zhao Chuanxin is worried about his longevity.

After living so long and consuming all the people he cares about to death, then what?

Where will I go?

Will you die alone?

Although she didn't understand, Miao Cuihua suddenly felt a sore nose.

She vaguely guessed that this time Zhao Chuanxin became like this, might he have paid a heavy price for them?

He was supposed to live forever?

Zhao Chuanxin didn't know that Miao Cuihua had misunderstood.

He suddenly gained strength and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Evil disciple, come in quickly."

When Benjamin Goldberg outside heard this, he ran over quickly.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Who made you look like this? Let's kill him!" A mouthful of Chinese that smelled like dirt came out.

Zhao Chuanxin sat up straight: "Come, let's construct a scenario and discuss the solution together. If there is a person, he is surrounded by a group of enemies, among which there are short but ferocious creatures less than one meter tall. They are very fast. quick……"

Zhao Chuanxin described the dilemma "I" encountered.

Benjamin Goldberg listened carefully, his eyes wandering.

After Zhao Chuanxin finished speaking, he asked: "Master, do you think that person can be resurrected infinitely?"

"Yes, but..." Zhao Chuanxin wanted to say something, but held it back: "Although he can be resurrected, the damage to his body will be great."

Benjamin Goldberg looked at Zhao Chuanxin: "Master, the person you are talking about is not you, is it?"

"Nonsense, the only weird creature here is you, how can you be surrounded by other monsters?"


Miao Cuihua couldn't help laughing, with tears still hanging on her face.

Even if Zhao Chuanxin is weak, he is still the same Zhao Chuanxin.

Being crazy is not because of success. Those who are crazy when they are successful are called villains, and some people are born to be awesome.

Benjamin Goldberg said: "Master, it's simple. All monsters always have to breathe. Is there wind there? Is it strong?"

Zhao Chuanxin thought for a while: "It should be windy."

Of course there is wind in the moor.

Benjamin Goldberg touched his chin and muttered: "Master, you said that the ecstasy lamp can extract substances. Just before I left, I bought the latest microscope. There happened to be various poisonous plants in Hawaii. I came to help extract them, and then Mix it into the mist of the ecstasy lamp. Give it to that person and let him release the poisonous mist, paralyzing all the enemies, and you're done."

Zhao Chuanxin was dumbfounded: "Is this okay?"

"Of course, it's just that maybe the person will be injured in the front. After all, the poison cannot act instantly."

But Zhao Chuanxin frowned: "Those who hold the ecstasy lamp can see objects, but they cannot avoid inhaling the fog. How to solve this problem?"

Benjamin Goldberg was confident: "My wife told me stories about the outside of the Pass, saying that there was a big smoke bubble outside the Pass. It was full of rotten leaves and animals that had accidentally fallen into it. After the decay, poisonous gases were produced. People passed by. When the time comes, you will be stunned and fall into it and become part of it. Only one animal can survive, that is, the wild boar, because the wild boar digs up the soil everywhere. I guess that the particles of the soil and the porous materials in nature can absorb poisonous gases. It’s like covering your mouth and nose with a wet towel when you use smelly liquid. We can make something that is worn over your mouth and nose..."

Gas mask?

Of course it didn't exist yet. It first appeared during World War I and was invented by a Russian chemist. I didn't expect that my apprentice would think of it now.

Zhao Chuanxin's eyes lit up: "I know there is something that is very effective in filtering poisonous gas, especially mist. It can absorb moisture, activated carbon."

Benjamin Goldberg claps his fist: "Then the last piece of the puzzle comes together."

"The living remnants of the dog days, now I want you to look good." Zhao Chuanxin secretly felt cruel in his heart.

This mission made him suffer greatly.

He had to make amends.

He is going to go on a killing spree in another world!

At this time, there was a noise outside again.

Zhao Chuanxin heard the voices of Jixi and the high priest.

He perked up and said, "Sister Hua, help me change my clothes."

Not only did the high priest come, he also thoughtfully brought a sedan.

The sedan's workmanship was very rough, with only seats and two poles.

He shouted outside: "Kuku, God of War, I am the high priest of the Kanaka tribe, and I am here to greet you."

The door creaked open.

Even though it's November, it's not cold in Hawaii.

Zhao Chuanxin was naked on the upper body, wearing a pair of jeans and work boots underneath, and a Panama hat on top of his head. His head was slightly lowered, and the brim of the hat blocked most of his face.

The tattoos all over his body are particularly eye-catching.

Although he was haggard and a little thinner, the weight loss made his muscles even more exaggerated.

None of the Kanaka warriors present had as many tattoos as him, and none of them had the complicated patterns on his body.

In fact, not only the Kanaka tribe, but all the Polynesian natives recognize people by their tattoos.

Just by looking at the tattoo, you can tell what achievements this fighter has and what his status is.

The tattoo on Zhao Chuanxin's body represents brilliant achievements, the God of War, and the incarnation of Kuku.

When they saw him, a group of Kanaka tribesmen immediately cheered, or raised their guns or short spears and shouted excitedly.

They also don't wear much, and they have refrigerator bodies and are unusually stout.

The people of the Kanaka tribe seem to be born with flesh all over their bodies, and they do not differentiate between men and women.

All the warriors have tattoos and when grouped together they look like an army of beasts.

The captain, crew and Francis Fuller were horrified as a savage torrent formed on the scene and swept them away in the storm.

Zhao Chuanxin slowly raised his hand, and all the noise stopped.

Francis Fuller was shocked.

As a diplomat, he understands customs and cultures around the world.

At this time, the indigenous Kanaka people in Hawaii were far less docile than later generations.

They are brutal, bloodthirsty, and stubborn.

It’s not that I will obey you just because you have a scary reputation. At most, I won’t provoke you.

But at this time they were definitely in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

This was not the first time for the captain and crew to come to Hawaii, and it was also the first time they saw the Kanaka being so respectful to a foreigner.

Zhao Chuanxin took a deep breath and shouted: "Let's go home."

After saying that, he got on the sedan chair.

Two strong men lifted the sedan and the group disembarked.

The captain wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "You must test it. You are lucky not to be beaten to death by these barbarians."

Francis Fuller had a thoughtful look on his face.

When Zhao Chuanxin got on the sedan, the sedan jolted and Zhao Chuanxin's face lifted a little.

In an instant, Francis Fuller saw Zhao Chuanxin's pale and haggard face, with a sallow complexion in the white, which was an extremely unhealthy sign.

Thinking about it more carefully, Zhao Chuanxin walked unsteadily. He looked like a Kanaka tribesman, but in fact he was weak and swaying.

He used arrogance to cover up his weakness!

It was a shocking thought to him.

Is the Far Eastern butcher who scared the whole United States actually sick?

Francis Fuller's eyes flickered, and he had some thoughts in his mind.

Testing this kind of thing cannot always be done by Americans. He, Zhao Chuanxin, has countless enemies, so he should just pick the most thorny one.

With so many strong men guarding him, Zhao Chuanxin felt relieved.

He was holding on in front of him, but after getting off the boat, his body went limp.

When they arrived at the settlement of the Kanaka tribe, it seemed that Claris, who had been marginalized, stopped being careless and had the foresight to help Zhao Chuanxin down with Miao Cuihua.

Only then did the high priest speak: "You are weak, but not injured. Let me pray for Kuku's blessing and give you divine power again!"

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth: "Would Kuku be annoyed by this?"

"What are you talking about!" The wrinkles on the old high priest's face melted away: "You are the incarnation of Kuku."

"Yes, yes." Zhao Chuanxin lay down on the blanket on the ground: "God Kuku bless me and let me kill the remaining creatures."

This is called scratching music while kneeling in front of the statue of the god, which focuses on piety.

Although Zhao Chuanxin was vain, he did not take the current predicament seriously.

Every man who wants to wear a glorious shirt must experience setbacks and pain. The more immature a person is mentally, the more they like a smooth life.

It collapsed at the slightest blow.

But surprises always come unexpectedly.

Let him be strong and let him be strong, and the breeze blows on the hills. He lets him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river. Jin Yong understands mature men.

Clarisse stood in the corner, tears welling up in his eyes.

Before, she always clung to Zhao Chuanxin, but now, she became a marginalized person.

As a woman, she is naturally sensitive to the relationship between men and women.

She could tell that Miao Cuihua cared about Zhao Chuanxin. She could also tell that Rachel Kravis was suppressing her concerns.

That woman's husband is right next to her, as well as her son.

This man actually attracted bees and butterflies to this place.

Ah, no better than the men in Panama who marry many wives at the same time.

But people are like this. The harder something is to get, the more they want to hold on to it. The best products are the ones that are popular.

They're all bastards.

The high priest said: "Everyone leave, I am going to sing."

Although Miao Cuihua wanted to stay, it was better to do as the Romans did in other people's territory.

The high priest then lit some kind of plant, and held a handful of grass with a scarlet flame in his withered old hand, swinging it back and forth on Zhao Chuanxin's head while chanting.

Zhao Chuanxin was smoked by the smoke, and his eyes began to blur...

An additional chapter will be added tomorrow for the brothers who voted.

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