The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1036 Flower of Life?

"Ouch. (Sister, please stop making trouble.)"

Kyuubi lay on the small bed with a "desperate" look on his face, looking at Togekis who was "dominating" and "seven in and seven out" behind his butt.


I saw Togekis standing on the ground, looking at Xia Yan sitting at the window, his two wings turned into small flexible hands, playing with the nine slender but soft tails of the nine tails.

"What? (This one goes through here, and then this one goes through there? Why is there an extra one?)"

Pokkisi couldn't help but scratch his head during the operation.

It is knitted according to Xia Yan's method, so why is it wrong?

Pokkisi shook his head, ready to break up and start over.

"Oss~~ (You have to do this, do this, and then do this again)"

"Bu ya bu ya~~ (No, you have to do this first, and then do that.)"

Pokkisi: "."

Eyes widened slightly.

"What's up? (Are you guys coming?)"

As a result, Latios and Fairy Eevee waved at the same time.

After a while.

"Ouch!! (It's over! It's knotted! It can't be untied!)"

Kyuubi looked at his tail, which he didn't know how, and was completely entangled into a ball that couldn't be freed, and growled.

Seeing this scene, the two dog-headed strategists Latios and Fairy Ibrahimovic ran away decisively.

Pokkisi's face was also full of embarrassment.

It didn't do it on purpose. It was all because Latios and Fairy Eevee knocked it out with one mouthful, which resulted in Nine-Tails' tail becoming like this.

"Xia Keyi (Xiaojiu, is there a possibility that you look better this way? I think many human women like to tie their hair into a knot, you...)"

What greeted it was Kyuubi's eyes that were a bit angry and a bit aggrieved.

Pokkisi didn't know what to say at all.


Kyuubi stood up, dragged his nine tails that turned into balls, ran to Xia Yan, and arched his elbow with an aggrieved look on his face.

Xia Yan, who was weaving a "rein rope" with the ghost horse's mane, didn't care about the elves' play at first. Anyway, there was no need to guess. In most cases, Togekis took the lead.

But in most cases, the elves still have fun.

But this time when he turned his head and saw the nine tails of Kyuubi, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"How did you end up like this?"

Kyuubi immediately looked at Togekis in the corner.

But I saw it looking up to the sky at a forty-five degree angle, as if it was outside the room.

Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It is precisely because of this little guy Pokkisi that there will always be things in the team that make Xia Yan dumbfounded and make outsiders laugh and cry.

However, it was also because of Togejis that Xia Yan's team was so cheerful.

If they were all like the Sting Bee, Hu Di, and Flame Monkey, the whole team would probably be frighteningly boring.


Every time, Pokski always had to do something wrong.

But even so.

After the general matter was over, the other elves forgot about the previous unpleasantness and continued to circle around Togekis.

have to say.

Titles like "eldest sister" and "social butterfly" are really chosen by Pokkisi.

"Oooh ooh-"

Kyuubi coquettishly asked Natsuhiko for help.

"Hu Di, help Jiuwei." Xia Yan greeted.

Hear the words.

Hu Di, who was hovering in the air in the room not far away, was meditating cross-legged and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Kyuubi's appearance, a brief moment of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he couldn't help but laugh.

Move the spoon slightly in your hand.

The nine intricately entwined tails suddenly separated slowly under the operation of Hu Di's superpower, like stripping silk from a cocoon.

"Ouch! (Thank you, second brother!)"

In response, Kyuubi immediately cheered, his head touching the tails one by one, with indescribable joy.


When he saw Togekis coming over again, the smile on Kyuubi's face suddenly dropped and he turned his head away, not wanting to pay attention to it.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

With a sneer on his face, Togekis leaned close to Kyuubi and arched it with his wings.


But Kyuubi became more and more arrogant, putting on a showy attitude and just didn't want to pay attention to it.

See this.

Pokkisi rolled his eyes twice.

From nowhere, a bowl of smoothie appeared, with Kyuubi's favorite tree fruit particles and berry juice smeared on it, exuding an alluring aroma.


After smelling the aroma, Kyuubi's nose twitched subconsciously, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the smoothie conjured by Togekiss.

Although the surface remained unmoved, the squirming throat and swallowing saliva betrayed it.

"Cha Ke Yi——"

Togekiss couldn't help but look "disappointed" when he saw that Kyuubi still didn't move. He shook his head and pretended that he could only eat the smoothie by himself.


This trick of playing hard to get is most effective against Kyuubi.

Kyuubi's tail suddenly flicked in Togekis' hand, and the smoothie it was holding also disappeared.

When Pokkis saw this, instead of being angry, he showed a proud smile.

He approached Kyuubi again and arched his wings against it.


Kyuubi didn't pretend to be pretentious this time.

Not a moment.

The two little guys made a fuss again.

"Quack? (Eh? That's not right. Sister, you eat smoothies to increase your resistance to ice. Then Xiaojiu eats smoothies.)"

Onion Youbing appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey! (Oh, Xiaojiu eats smoothies, of course, to increase his control over the ice element.)"

Pokkisi had an expression of "I don't know this."

Let Cong Youbing feel a little doubtful about life.

How else can it be explained this way?

Then he thought of himself again.

As a fighting elf, it is afraid of flying, superpowers and fairies, but this cannot be made up for by eating.

Moreover, if you want to strengthen your fighting attributes, you need fighting skills

"Kuku?! (Brother Duck, what are you doing? There's something wrong with your eyes)"

Disciple Xiong, who was riding a horse not far away, suddenly shivered, and an inexplicable chill spread from the end of his spine.

Noticed the look in Cong Youbing's eyes.

"Kuku! (Brother Duck, I am a serious bear!)"

Scenes like this happen almost every day for Xia Yan.

He has long been used to it.

Focus exclusively on the “rein”.

I have to say, this is real needlework, the kind without double quotation marks.

God knows why the "tying reins" were woven.

Fortunately, the ghost horse's mane is relatively easy to use, at least it is a single thread.

If the mane of a snowstorm horse was replaced by ice-like hair, Xia Yan wouldn't know how to operate it.

"It's done."

Xia Yan let out a breath and looked out the window at the white halo that was gradually rising.

It took him a whole night to finally make this "rein", and this was with the help of his superpowers.

Without superpowers, who knows how long it would take.

"Just sleep for two hours."

Xia Yan stretched and his body made a "crackling" sound.

As a person with super powers, two hours of sleep is enough for him to make up for his sleep.

Crown Snowfield.

On a rock platform not far from the top of the mountain.

There are dreamlike white clouds surrounding it, with a hint of crystal color, as if you are in a fairyland.

"I didn't expect that there are so many flowers growing on the Crown Snow Field."

Although the road from Dongning Village to the Crown Temple is not easy to walk, it doesn't make much difference to Xia Yan now.

The strength of the wild elves active in the Crown Snowfield is actually similar to that of the wild elves in the tunnel they walked through before.

This is almost the average strength of the wild elves in the Crown Snowfield.


Without human intervention, the strength of wild elves would generally be high.

But this is on the high side and has certain limits and scope.

For example.

The Blizzard King clan is more active in the Crown Snowfield.

Although without human intervention, their strength is considerable.

However, the resources of the natural environment, the competition and confrontation within and outside the clan, the hidden injuries left after several battles, the limitations of one's own talents and abilities, etc., will all become shackles for the continued growth of the elves of this group.

Among them, any two or three items, no, only one of them needs to go wrong, which will cause the Blizzard King's strength to stop after reaching a certain level.

And these.

In fact, it is also a problem that trainers need to avoid.


The nine-tailed tail gently broke off a bright ice crystal flower and ran up to Xia Yan.

can be seen.

After these ice crystal flowers came into contact with the Nine-Tails, who was an ice elf, the crystals on them became even more dazzling, almost as if they were blooming again.

The elves who saw this kind of flower for the first time also showed curiosity.

"You're almost rested."

Xia Yan dusted off the sticky snowflakes on his body and looked at the top of Wangguan Mountain.

over there.

The Crown Temple cannot be seen clearly.

But a towering giant tree covered with frost that grew behind the Crown Temple pointed him in the right direction.

The elves immediately put down what they were doing and followed Xia Yan up the stairs.

The closer you get to the Crown Temple, the more you can feel the hugeness of the tree on the top of the mountain.

The old aura that hit his face made Xia Yan and the elves look askance at him from time to time.


The number of wild elves and the frequency of attacks gradually decreased.

Some small flying insects have gradually become mainstream.

For example, the cute flies that picked the nectar from the ice flowers before, or their evolved bow-tie cute flies, looked like they were working hard.

It is precisely because of this that the ice flowers on the Crown Snowfield bloom so beautifully.

The reason why these seemingly weak insect elves are able to be active in this extremely cold place.

That's because when you actually step onto the top of the Crown Snowfield and pass through the hazy clouds before, bright rays of sunlight shine slantingly on the top of the mountain like beams of light.

The warmth brought by it makes the top of Wangguan Mountain a little gentler than the area below.


Xia Yan also faintly saw some green hidden in the ice and snow.

Fresh and green plants.

What this presented was like the scene caused by the collision of winter and spring, which made the little guys walk cautiously, for fear of trampling on some plants or hurting some non-aggressive elves.

in particular.

Togekiss, Fairy Eevee, and Nine-Tails, these three little fairies, are always surrounded by a few cute butterfly flies and cute flies, dancing with butterflies in the flowers, making them smile. The sound never stopped after reaching the top.


The last leg of the journey seemed calm and simple, but when they actually entered the Crown Temple area, Meng Flies and Bowie Meng Flies who had been following them all showed nervousness and fear.

They tried to hold Kyuubi, Fairy Eevee, and Pokski to prevent them from going up any further.


Faced with the fear of these "children", Fairy Ibrahimovic, as the "eldest sister", fully demonstrated her "leadership" momentum.

It says it doesn't matter to the cute and butterfly-knotted cute flies.

But Mengfu and Bowie Mengfu said that the guy on the mountain was not only powerful, but also extremely cunning. He almost regarded the top of Crown Mountain as his private garden.

the most important is.

The top of Crown Mountain during this period is a bit special.


Pokkisi looked curious.

Mengfu and Bowie Mengfu have repeatedly emphasized that the guy on the mountain is extremely cunning and likes to bully the weak. He has a strong sense of territory and will definitely be attacked if he approaches without authorization.

But the more they said this, the more Pokkisi wanted to take a look.


Even the mythical beast Linyouma and the others were beaten yesterday. Could it be that the one on the mountain is stronger than the Linyouma?

"That's what they mean by special, right?"

Xia Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he pointed not far away. On the huge and bare tree behind the Crown Temple, a fluorescent pink flower actually bloomed.

Because the distance was too far and the flower was too small, I couldn't see it clearly.

But now there is only a small plain away from the Crown Temple. The vision blessing brought by Xia Yan's super power allows him to see clearly the flowers blooming on the tree.

And looked along Xia Yan's line of sight.

When he saw the little flower, Pokkisi's expression was stunned.

The three feathers on its head suddenly became entangled with faint pink threads.

"The Horn of Xerneas? So, the flowers blooming on that tree are the flowers of life? Or, in other words, flowers filled with the breath of life?"

Xia Yan made certain guesses based on Pokkisi's performance and the descriptions of Meng Fei and Bowie Meng Fei.

Life energy is also one of the abilities of King Leiguan, who was once known as the "King of Fertility".


When it waves its right hand, flowers bloom and grass becomes green.

When it waves its left hand, the fields will be fertile and the crops will be harvested.



On the cliffs on both sides of the mountain road leading to the Crown Temple, a large number of rocks and ice stones began to roll down, carrying wind and snow as well as sharp icicles.

Upon seeing this, Mengxiao and Bowie Mengxiao immediately exclaimed.

They knew that that guy was coming!

"Interesting, they actually set traps."

Xia Yan held his hat and looked at the falling rocks and ice, feeling extremely calm.

Vaguely, he saw some red and purple figures on the mountain cliff.

"It turns out to be this kind of elf, so it's no wonder."

While muttering in his heart, he also said: "Duck duck, little bear, Vulcan moth."

Hear the words.

The green soldiers set up their green spears without any fear, and even rushed towards the falling rocks with a little excitement.

The apprentice bear stood on the other side, steadying his horse and tightening his turban. His petite figure was as reassuring as a thick city wall at this time.

The two elves were on the left and the right. No matter how turbulent the rolling stones looked, they could not invade Xia Yan's position.

Some broken rocks or ice crystals were also annihilated in the air under the burning golden flame of the Vulcan Moth.

To this.

The cute flies and butterfly-knot cute flies opened their eyes wide.

"Pokkisi, pull it out." Xia Yan said again.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

The understanding Pokki immediately responded.

It vibrated its wings, with a sly look on its face, and turned into a white light that quickly swept towards a certain place on the mountain cliff.

The bright white arc-shaped blade revealed a bit of splendor under the golden sunlight.

Bang bang!

Dark malice intertwined with a thin pink mist.

The next second.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi returned to Xia Yan with a little surprise.

Immediately afterwards.

Several figures jumped down from the cliff and stopped in front of them.


It is a somewhat ugly goblin with a ferocious appearance, covered in long purple hair, with sharp green ears, and exposed fangs.

Hairy troll!

And behind it are two Hairy Trolls and a group of Bluffers.

And the leader's strength is even more championship-level!

Wild champion level elf!

This level of rarity is almost as rare as that of a mythical beast.

No wonder he was able to occupy the top of Crown Mountain with a few Hairy Trolls and Bluffers.

Xia Yan looked past the group of hairy trolls and glanced at the pink flowers blooming in the cold wind and sunshine on the giant tree not far away.

So, these hairy trolls should have reached the championship level with the help of this thing, right?

Xia Yan's gaze seemed to have touched the weak points of the long-haired trolls again and again, and their eyes instantly became extremely unkind.

Their reactions also successfully attracted Xia Yan's attention.

He scratched his head subconsciously.

He smacked his mouth and said, "If the 'danger' King Lei Guan mentioned is you, I don't know if it's because of its weakness that it can't speak accurately, or if I should doubt its ability."

Although there is a champion level hairy troll.

But for him now.

How much trouble can a wild elf, even a champion level, create?

"I'm starting to become more curious about that flower and King Lei Guan's abilities."

As he spoke, the elf ball slipped from his waist.

I'm also curious about something.

How did King Lei Guan lose his power?

Just because of the lack of faith?

However, as long as all the people and elves who believe in the power of faith do not evaporate instantly, there must be a process of disappearance.

During this process, with King Lei Guan's ability, Xia Yan did not believe that it could not restore these beliefs.


King Lei Guan lost the power of faith, causing it to become extremely weak.

Even its beloved horses, Ghost Horse and Snowstorm Horse, eventually left it.

There must have been some key events that have not been recorded.

These things aroused Xia Yan's curiosity.


PS: It’s almost 1.2w~~Please vote for me~~

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