Pei Ye felt a little guilty, but at this time he was willing to say this to the girl with pale lips and sad face in front of him.

As long as it makes her happy.

From an early age, the girl's depressed demeanor had made him feel uncomfortable. When he recalled that day by the lake late at night, when the girl's face was pale and helpless, and she murmured to save him, the boy would hug the quilt tightly.

Now standing in front of her, looking at the red eyes and stunned and miserable expression, Pei Ye tried his best to coax her quietly and gently.

The effect of these words is indeed outstanding.

Li Minqing stood on the field, completely stunned by the heavy hammer, mumbling, not knowing what expression to show on his face, and a teardrop had already flowed down.

This was the second time that the boy gave her a dreamlike feeling.

She stared blankly at the boy in front of her who stiffened after speaking, and only had one thought in her mind: "It turns out that his nervousness was for himself."

The silence lasted for too long, until Pei Ye panicked: "Li, Li Qingqing, I have always liked you, but I was too stupid to understand. Now I understand, are you still willing?" Go boating with me? I will too now.”

His voice lowered: "...I can row now."

There was another moment of silence, and then the girl finally started sobbing in a cry-like voice: "Pei Ye, do you have a good relationship with Master Mingjian?"

"." Pei Ye was stunned and didn't know how to answer. Maybe he should try to wipe away all the girl's worries, but in the end he told the truth, "I dare not say that I am Miss Ming's friend, but Miss Ming is very important to me! I am not that kind of-"

Li Mingqing interrupted him softly, raised a pair of tear-filled eyes, and whispered: "Then can you let me have a few words with Sword Master Ming?"



"Miss Ming, this is the one I told you, friend." Pei Ye brought Li Mingqing, who was wringing her hands, to the woman. He felt that the girl behind him had completely held her breath, "Her name is Li Mingqing, she is Cui The young master of Yujian Sect told me very early on that he likes you very much."

Ming Qitian looked at the girl who looked nervous and expectant, and nodded gently: "Shaolong Jade Feishan Yumai, the instructor mentioned it to me when I was learning swordsmanship when I was young."

Li Mingqing's face suddenly burst into surprise.

Then I heard the woman continue to say calmly: "Thank you, you are very beautiful too."


The state government office has dismissed.

In the envious eyes of many people, the young master of Cuiyu Sword Sect invited the master of Liuli Sword to his home.

Along the way, the girl with red eyes carefully followed the woman, asking endless questions, and finally said with some embarrassment: "Master Ming Sword, do you think I'm annoying?"

Ming Qitian shook her head gently: "No."

So she smiled happily and continued.

Pei Ye even saw her ambition to stick to her and hold her arm, but in the end she gave in.

Regarding the questions asked in the state government office, the girl has not given him a clear answer so far. Pei Ye followed the two of them anxiously. Several times the girl asked a stupid question and took advantage of Ming Qitian. Before he could answer, he hurriedly stepped forward to interrupt, and then received a fierce glare from the girl.

Until they arrived at Cuiyu Courtyard, Li Mingqing was still reluctant to leave Ming Qitian's side. Pei Ye was scratching his heart and lungs so much that he couldn't bear it anymore. He went up and took Li Mingqing's sleeves and pulled her aside: "Miss Ming She still wants to study and practice swordsmanship, so don’t disturb her."

Li Mingqing was unwilling to give in: "I won't disturb her. Ming Jianzhu is studying. I also study, so I can just sit quietly next to her."

".That's annoying."

"What's the trouble?"

"." Pei Ye couldn't help it anymore, "I'm annoyed."

Li Mingqing looked at him, her eyes still a little red, but she couldn't help laughing: "What's bothering you?"

"Come and chat with me." Pei Ye muttered, "You haven't answered me yet. Are you willing to go boating with me?"

There was a moment of silence, and Pei Ye's heart tightened. He looked up and saw the girl with a red face and her head slightly lowered. Her voice was very low: "We can go again in the evening. Sword Master Ming finally comes here. I don't know when. Gone, but we can, for a long time.”

My heart suddenly felt full, as if something was expanding. The hanging heart fell steadily to the ground, and a burst of happiness burst out. The boy's smile spread on his face, and he touched his head and asked: "When will that night be?"

"I don't know." Li Mingqing turned her head to look at the tall trees in the courtyard and whispered, "You made an appointment with me."

"Then, can Xu Shi be okay?"

"Okay." The girl said as if nothing had happened, "I can do it."

"Hehehe." Pei Ye laughed for a while, and the girl stood in front of him. After three days, there should have been a lot to say, but at this time both of them seemed to have become mute.

The atmosphere was a little quiet. Pei Ye glanced at the sky and said, "Then I'll go work on Yang Yan's sword practice first. Let's meet again in the evening."

Li Pingqing raised an eyebrow: "Yang Yan, isn't it just about practicing swordsmanship?"


Li Mingqing lowered his head: "Just bring over the sword book."


The girl pushed him gently: "Just go and tell Senior Brother Chu Nian and ask him to call Yang Yan over."

Pei Ye was confused for a moment: "I can't tell Senior Brother Chu, or you should go."

Li Mingqing glared at him: "You go."



In the courtyard shaded by cold trees, a girl in white clothes sat under the tree holding a scroll. The girl moved a small bench and leaned against her side.

The two of them read a volume together.

"Master Ming Sword, what does this 'Five Saints of Immortals' mean?"

"Don't pay attention to the comments about the qualifications of swordsmanship." Ming Qitian skipped this paragraph and continued to read the reasoning below.

"But Master Ming Sword." The girl raised her head and whispered, "I want to pay a little attention to you."

Ming Qitian looked back: "The 'five' refers to sword heart, sword sense, wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and destiny. It is the composition of sword Fu proposed in "Yanjian Tongyi". Nowadays, everyone uses this theory. The heart of the sword is the heart of holding the sword, which is different from the generally speaking mind; the sense of the sword is the body of holding the sword. Some people will feel more intimate and comfortable holding the sword, this is the reason; wisdom is the ability to learn the sword and analyze the reason. This aspect can be cultivated the day after tomorrow; spiritual enlightenment is a flickering spiritual light, close to the 'enlightenment' of Taoism and Buddhism; as for destiny."

The woman pondered for a moment: "You should know that swords are different from other weapons."

Li Mingqing nodded quickly.

"This is where it should be. Many people have excellent human nature, and they also control other weapons well. They have a clear mind when reading and analyzing. They even practice arrays, weapons, elixirs and other ways, and their inspiration often breaks out - but... I can’t learn the sword well.”

Ming Qi Tianping said: "It's not very prominent at first, but once you get to a high place, it's like being strangled by the throat. After a lifetime of hard work, you can't make any progress - something like the sword gift seems to come by fate. Therefore, the first four mentioned in "Yanjian Tongyi" are actually general, and the mention of the word 'fate' is the crystallization of its spread to later generations."

"Can't the sword gift be changed in one's life?"

Ming Qitian pondered again: "It can be said roughly. However, more than 20 years ago, Yunlangshan excavated this theory and published a "Three Thousand Men's Sword Fu", which opened some gaps, but After all, you can’t change the destiny or reverse the big block.”

Li Mingqing nodded slowly.

"As for the so-called 'immortal', it is its own thing." Ming Qitian weighed the book in her hand, "It is the fourth level of 'Mortal Jade Immortal'. This is the author's proud comment. Dao Qihui is not It will be divided like this."

"Isn't it right?"

"It's not wrong, it's just boring." Ming Qitian said, "You can clearly see whether a sword's talent is good or bad, how good it is, and how bad it is. There are no obvious gaps in it, so why should it be artificially controlled? Is it cut into four sections? Therefore, this section does not follow the principles of swordsmanship, but the author's own desire to leave a name, which is out of boredom."

"Oh" Li Mingqing nodded heavily and couldn't help but said, "Then Sword Master Ming, according to this boring distinction, what rank am I?"

Ming Qitian looked at her carefully.

The girl was a little expectant and a little worried, and whispered: "Everyone says that I have great spiritual energy. Pei Ye said the same. Do you think I have the talent to enter the Sword Academy?"

But Ming Qitian looked at it for a while, then gently shook her head: "No. When you practice swordsmanship, you should often encounter things that you can't grasp and can't figure out. This means that your 'spiritual understanding' and 'intelligence' are slightly inferior. In fact, It’s not quite high enough to reach the threshold of the Sword Mastery Academy.”

"Ah" Li Mingqing lowered her eyebrows, then remembered that her sword test was due to her inaccuracy in distinguishing mortal spirits in "Yellow Jade". She had obviously been studying this sword classic for three years.

Momentarily depressed.

"What's really outstanding about you is actually the heart of the sword." The woman said calmly, "First, you are extremely tough. Climbing the mountain of kendo, there are many rocky and thorny cliffs. The further you go, the more it becomes more and more. To recruit a disciple at Yunlang Mountain, the first thing you need to do is to Tenacity; the second is extreme clarity, pointing directly to what you want, without confusion or confusion."

Glancing at the girl's widened eyes, she explained: "It's just that the fog is temporarily covered, so it's not easy to see, but it will be fine after hardening. In addition, you have an excellent sword sense. Although it is difficult to learn the sword, But with the sword one should always walk in the right path.”

"As for your destiny, I can't tell right now, but I think it will be no problem to reach the Intention Sword." The woman looked away, "You can enter the Sword Academy, and I will write a letter of recommendation for you later."

"...Is this okay?" Li Mingqing was a little confused.

The qualification test for the Sword Xiu Academy requires a series of steps to test talent. Yesterday, during Sui Zaihua's screening, he only watched a sword show and asked a few questions. He also judged based on his intuition supported by experienced experience and superb vision. But now, this woman only glanced at her a few times and told her five talents one by one. It was really incredible.

"Don't I need to practice swordplay, Miss Ming?" Li Mingqing was a little uneasy, "Well, Pei Ye just told me that he wanted to ask you to write a letter of recommendation. You must not listen to his nonsense."

Ming Qitian shook her head: "If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't work. I won't lie to others."

"Oh" Li Mingqing responded and breathed a sigh of relief, but soon couldn't help but lowered her head and smiled - although Miss Ming still had a calm and calm tone, she suddenly felt that the woman who said seriously "I am not lying" was a little bit... cute.

"Then, what level am I?"

"When your sword heart becomes clear, you can probably reach the 'jade'."

"Oh, what about Pei Ye?"

"Pei Ye, I think he is an 'immortal'."

"Oh." Li Mingqing glanced over there, and when he came back he looked at the woman brightly, "Then Sword Master Ming, you must be an 'immortal' too, and the most powerful one!"

Ming Qitian nodded, her voice still as calm as water: "If it goes by what it says, I would be taller."

He raised his hand and turned the page.

When Yang Yan came over with the sword album in his arms, he saw this scene. Pei Ye was sitting on the steps far away, holding a small album and reading with his head raised. When he heard him push the door in, he immediately stood up and revealed A delighted smile.


"I read it for a while last night, and I feel it's almost done." Pei Ye smiled and took "Bengxue". He was now calm and clear-minded, especially thinking about the rafting appointment in the evening. He was even more excited and full of learning energy, "Today It should be able to break through the first level.”

But Yang Yan's expression was not very good.

These teenagers seemed to be troubled by their worries, and sat next to Pei Ye with some boredom: "Pei Ye."

"Well, what's wrong?"

The young man never shows off: "Tianshan wants me to get started."

"." Pei Ye paused as he spread out the sword sutra, "You don't want to go?"

Pei Ye did know that Tianshan was in contact with Yang Yan, but he didn't expect that they wanted to take him under his wing, but this should be an easy thing for the young man who was burdened with a lot of hatred.

Yang Yan was silent for a moment: "No, there are many things that I haven't figured out yet."

"When did you ask me?"

"The day before yesterday, I was asked to give an answer before they left."

Pei Ye raised his eyebrows: "Are you talking about what happened the day before yesterday now? Ask me earlier and I will help you think about it for two more days."

"." Yang Yan looked at him silently, her eyes cold, "Did you pay attention to me the past two days?"

"Tianshan is a sword sect." Pei Ye said nonchalantly, "If you go there, you will major in swordsmanship."

"I do know that our sect is also a swordsman, and isn't it also a jade pendant?" Yang Yan said, "I'm thinking that I don't know what the secret of our sect is, but since it wants to "Swallow the Sea" and "Bengxue" respectively, It can only be opened with the second level, and the things inside must be able to be mastered with both swords and swords - I think my senior brother is a master of both swords and swords."

"Then are you worried that once you go to Tianshan, you will lose track of your enemy?"

"Yes." Yang Yan whispered, "The days when a sect learns swordsmanship are like no swordsmen in the mountains."

Pei Ye temporarily closed the book and thought in silence for a while: "Do you want to take revenge and feel happy, or do you want to inherit the sect again?"

Yang Yan was a little stunned: "I think so."

"Then I think... let's go." Pei Ye thought, "You have to build up your strength before you can fight out. Huansilou, you have seen what happened these days. The masters are all here. How can you take revenge in your five lifetimes? What's more? Without the protection of the sect, running around every day will slow down my progress."

Yang Yan was silent.

".There is nowhere to vent your anger. You are not willing to give in, are you?"

Yang Yan nodded.

So Pei Ye also fell silent.

"There's nothing we can do about it." He sighed.

"Actually, it's not the Huansi Building that I hate the most." Yang Yan suddenly whispered.

Pei Ye looked at the young man, and the next words made him speechless.

"It's my senior brother." The young man lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "He colluded with outsiders to kill the master, took away the things that the master had protected for thousands of years, and finally threw the accusation to me. I wanted to stab his heart with a knife. .Ask him why he did this.”

Pei Ye raised his hand and patted his shoulder gently.

After a long while, he said: "So, this is what you want to do most, right?"


"and you."

"Then you should go to Tianshan." Qing Ling's voice suddenly appeared in front of her, and the two of them raised their heads. Li Mingqing stood here at some point, and she said seriously, "Some hatred will not be tolerated for a long time. It becomes dim, forcing myself to complete my revenge, which is more valuable than rushing in and dying."

"Thank you, I understand." Yang Yan was stunned for a moment, "I'll think about it again."

"But you have to live well in the days before revenge." The girl smiled and poked his shoulder, "Every year and every day that passes will never happen again - by the way, you went to Tianshan, but You have to say good things to us Cuiyu."

Yang Yan blushed and smiled: "Okay."

The girl also smiled, then she glanced at Pei Ye and lowered her head slightly: "Well, there are still two hours left, I will also practice sword practice for a while, and then go change clothes."

"Okay." Pei Ye looked at her and smiled.

Yang Yan watched the girl walk away, turned around, and was faced with Pei Ye's dangerously narrowed eyes.

".What's wrong?"

"Are you blushing like a ball?"

Yang Yan glared: "Why am I blushing?"

Although he had known her for a long time, he really had not had much communication with this girl. Such a strange friend suddenly comforted her so kindly that he couldn't help but blush.

"Don't always blush casually." Pei Ye frowned, "It's easy to misunderstand."


The small courtyard became quiet. In the following time, Pei Ye read "Bengxue" for two hours and understood the first move. Then, under the gazes of Yang Yan and Ming Qitian, he struck the well with a sword. A three-foot-high water column exploded.

At the same time, the starry night had descended on the small town. Pei Ye put away his sword and stood up. When he looked up, he saw that the girl was already pacing with her head down at the entrance of the courtyard.

He immediately smiled and raised his legs to go over.

But Yang Yan grabbed him.

Pei Ye turned around and saw that he was also looking at Li Mingqing at the entrance of the courtyard, frowning deeply.

"What are you doing?" Pei Ye said.

At this moment, Yang Yan suddenly seemed a little hesitant, as if she had discovered something that she didn't know whether to say or not.


"No, I think." He gritted his teeth, turned his head and whispered, "Pei Ye, tell me, does Li Mingqing like you?"


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