: A new goal

Morgana looked at the gift box, without thinking, Morgana also knew what was inside.

Under the witness of Rorschach, she slowly opened the box.

Inside the box was a head that was too miserable to describe in words.

Morgana didn’t know how much physical and mental torture he had endured to die so horribly. Morgana only knew that it was a relief that he died now.

“Do you like it?” Luo Xia gently helped Morgana stroke her dark hair, with a loving expression and a gentle tone, just like a brother who cares about his sister, “I prepared it for you specially.” Group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 5,, 8″5. ; 6 prepared. ”

Morgana remained silent. She knew that no matter what she said now, it would only make Rorschach more happy, so she didn’t say anything, but prayed in her heart that the innocent deceased would rest in peace.

“What a fucking perverted scum.” Valieva scolded Rorschach mercilessly.

Section 558

Morgana did not respond to Varieva.

“It’s a pity that this gift doesn’t seem to be suitable for placing at the head of the bed. It will attract bugs, and it’s not easy for the maids to tidy up.” Luo Xia said regretfully, “I’ll leave it to you to handle it yourself, remember to treat it well , after all, this is my heart.”

“I will, Master.” Morgana whispered.

“Very good.” Rorschach touched Morgana’s head, “By the way, you won’t have to play my cousin in a few days, I willPretend you’re back home, I have another task for you. ”

Morgana’s heart sank. Rorschach was trying to keep her away from Fiona, so that Morgana would not be able to meddle in Fiona’s affairs.

Morgana nodded, expressing her obedience to the arrangement. At the same time, she thought, “We can only rely on Valieva to defeat Rorschach before Fiona’s accident occurs.”

“Master, what task do you want to give me?” Morgana asked, “Is it the same task as when Shyvana was corrupted last time?”

“No, you don’t need to recruit any more believers for this mission.”

“Then what about Shivana? Master, did you let her degenerate but not let her do anything?”

“It’s not the time yet, but it’s coming soon.” Rorschach said, “The bastards under me have not succeeded in chasing and intercepting Fiddlesticks. If there is no news in a few days, you will come forward and let Shiva Na go get Fiddlesticks for me.”

“Fiddlesticks…” Morgana thought inwardly that it was bad. If Shivana intervened in this matter, the possibility of Rorschach catching Fiddlesticks would be much greater.

“Who are Fiddlesticks and Shivana?” Varieva asked.

“Sirvana is a half-human, half-dragon girl who has been corrupted by Rorschach’s despicable means, but she doesn’t know it yet.” Morgana explained.

“Half-man, half-dragon? It’s interesting, and I’d like to meet him. What about Fiddlesticks?”

“I don’t know much, but I know that it is the oldest demon. Rorschach has always wanted to catch it, and he can’t let Rorschach succeed. Rorschach has been subduing other demons to achieve his [Demon King] status. He values ​​it very much. Fiddlesticks, if Fiddlesticks is also subdued by Rorschach… at least it will not be a good thing for the whole world, the whole civilization.”

“It’s so mysterious, is it really that powerful?” Valieva still didn’t quite believe it.

“You will know sooner or later.”

“Fiddlesticks doesn’t need you to use Shyvana yet, just wait and see. If you use Shyvana now, you can only postpone another interesting thing.” Rorschach said.

“What’s the matter?” Morgana asked.

“The prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV, likes Shivana.” The ink patterns on Rorschach’s face jumped happily.

Morgana was silent.

“It’s very interesting, isn’t it? The prince of a country that is extremely banned from magic, actually fell in love with a half-human, half-dragon girl.” Luo Xia smiled happily, “This is simply a natural tragedy material. For playwrights, Guaranteed to write countless elegiac songs that make people cry.”

“Master, what do you want to do?”

“This material is really good, so good that I don’t need to deliberately arrange anything. It can break our prince’s heart casually, such as raping Shivana in front of his eyes, or publicly revealing that he likes Shivana. His secrets can make his life worse than death.” Rorschach was very happy, he didn’t even hide his plan from Morgana, because he felt that no matter what Morgana did, it would be futile, and she would never let Jarvan IV Give up the love for Shyvana.

Love is not extinguished that easily.

“This guy is so disgusting.” Valieva’s dislike for Rorschach has reached its peak. “Give me a body, and I’ll just stab him.”

“Don’t worry, you must kill the devil with one blow. If you miss and let the devil escape, you won’t have a second chance.” Morgana was not in a hurry.

“Okay, let’s talk about the mission for you.” Rorschach seemed to be in a good mood. He touched Morgana’s face and whispered evilly, “Your next target is Lux.”

Lux slowly controlled the light in her hand.

“Huh…” After seeing the light disappear, Lacus let out a long sigh of relief, but her worry became more and more serious. “My magic power is getting stronger and stronger… What should I do if I can’t control it…”

Lacus was very distressed, but she had no solution.

It is definitely impossible to find a magic teacher. It is impossible for a mage to exist in Demacia openly.

Even if Lux wants to find some magic books to teach herself, it is even more difficult. The magic searchers search for magic books very strictly. Not only the books that record magic spells, but even those books that only have magic descriptions will be searched by the magic searchers. Sealed and searched, the demon searchers only allow books criticizing magic and evil to be circulated among the people, and they will even make surprise inspections on the collections of nobles from time to time.

So Lux currently doesn’t have any means to control her magic power. The light in her body will come out from time to time, which will scare her and put her in danger at the same time. If the magic hunter finds out…

“How about… go and find him…” Lux looked at the sky, it was still dark.

Lux changed into the clothes she was wearing outside, quietly slipped out of the mansion of the Crown Guard family, and ran towards Justice Square.

The Demacian heroes are very quiet at night, no one can come out during the curfew time, but Justice Square is a blind spot, patrols and demon seekers will not pass here at night, because there is nothing here except the huge statue of justice , no patrol value.

Lux came to the feet of the Colossus of Justice and pressed her hand on its smooth body of the forbidden magic stone. Lux felt that her magic power was being absorbed by the Colossus of Justice.

Then, the giant statue of justice moved.

“Good evening, little girl.” The stone statue greeted Lacus.

“Good evening, Galio.” Lacus put her hands on her hips helplessly, “Also, I’ve said it all, call me Lacus.”

“Okay, little girl.” Galio said.



Once the Colossus of Justice is attacked by magic, it will wake up.

It will resist magic for us and destroy the enemy’s formation with a heavy blow.

– Galen

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