? Luo Huaiyuan is very bad at the moment!

Let him use one sentence to describe his unlucky experience, it's just a horrible thing!

After arriving in Fuzhou, Xie Mao gave Luo Huaiyuan a more detailed explanation. It turned out that Luo Huaiyuan had to come in person for this matter because the copper mine Xie Mao discovered was in Ryukyu, separated by the ocean from Daxi.

Ryukyu is located in the eastern sea area of ​​Daxi, facing northeast and southwest. It is not a complete continent, but scattered into many small islands, which is a landform feature of the archipelago.

The copper mine zone where Xie Mao got the news was on one of the islands.

The Ryukyu Kingdom itself has its own ruling dynasty, but it has been in constant civil strife. Because of its special geographical location, it is connected to Fusang in the south and Xiaoliuqiu in the north. It is often occupied by foreigners. Most of them are Fusang people. Of course, the so-called pirates. Its internal situation is extremely complicated.

Due to Daxi's maritime ban in recent years, the situation of the Ryukyu Kingdom has been greatly eased, and the emperor has also made efforts to strengthen the diplomatic friendship with Daxi, and used Ryukyu as a transit point for maritime trade to revive the country's economy. Of course, this is also limited to part of the main island of Ryukyu, and many small islands attached to it have been in a state of chaos.

To use the simplest analogy, a slightly larger force used to be able to occupy land as king, but these small islands are very rare. Under normal circumstances, no one comes to occupy these small islands.

There are two other situations. One is pirates. Even if pirates rob sea ships everywhere, they need a nest. It is also good to occupy an unremarkable small island as a nest. The second is the maritime black market. The maritime black market was born at the time of the Daxi Sea prohibition. Ryukyu has a special landform and is a transit station for maritime trade between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Many local smugglers from Daxi often come here to do business with merchants from other countries. Trading has become a famous black market nearby.

At the time of the Daxi Sea ban, Ryukyu’s black market transactions were particularly rampant. Until Daxi opened the ban, its market had already formed, so its prosperity was only slightly worse than that of Fuzhou Port.

One of the biggest black market is on an island called Yeluo. The power behind Yeluo Island is unknown and independent of Ryukyu. It is said that its armed forces are extremely powerful, and even the Fusang Langren who often raid the coast dare not. Skip its edge.

Xie Mao and Yan Zhi had their own affairs in the local area, so naturally they couldn't go to sea easily, so they wrote to Yunzhou and let Luo Huaiyuan go there in person. Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that Luo Huaiyuan has always wanted to find a way for himself, a way for his family to withdraw safely even if the domestic affairs fail.

Although the environment in Ryukyu is complicated, if the operation is done properly, it is not a good way to go. People with their own power and their own, the days of occupying the land as the king must also live a happy life.

This is also the reason why Luo Huaiyuan would go there in person, he had to go out and see in person.

It is imperative!

Now that the decision was made, Luo Huaiyuan made arrangements and went out to sea with the cargo ship of Marine Merchants. He first went to the main island of Ryukyu Kingdom to look at the local customs and customs, and then followed the merchant ship to prepare for a diversion to Yeluo Island.

On the sea way to Yeluo Island, the merchant ship they were on was robbed.

Luo Huaiyuan didn't have many people with him when he went out, only Xiao Anzi and two confidant guards.

First, the cargo ship was escorted by the Fujian Navy. Second, despite the internal strife in Ryukyu, most of the merchants who came here to do business were treated with courtesy. When Luo Huaiyuan came for the first time, he didn't intend to make any big moves. He just came to see the situation, so he didn't want to be eye-catching, so he dressed as a businessman. He didn't expect to be so unlucky.

When the merchant ship was hijacked, the ship of the Fujian Navy did not **** it.

Speaking of this, we must mention an unwritten old case on Yeluo Island.

Yeluo Island itself has its own power. They came from the black market, and they don't want to deal with officers and soldiers. Therefore, there has always been a rule on Yeluo Island that merchants and cargo ships from all over the world are welcome here, but other armed forces are not welcome to enter.

Although Fujian Navy is famous, it is not its own national border after all. Entering as usual, plus the Ryukyu main island is not far away from Yeluo Island, which is only half a day away. Yeluo Island’s power is also strong enough to tremble everywhere Xiao Xiao dare not looting the cargo ships that come to Yeluo Island to trade, so this sea route has always been safe.

But this time something went wrong, and the merchant ship was robbed by a group of pirates.

If not, Luo Huaiyuan would not yell at the dog. He was always safe on weekdays. But when he came, he ran into pirates. Why is this not a dog?

The merchant ship also has its own armed forces. It may have been at ease for a long time, or it may not have been robbed here at all. Coupled with the ferocity of the pirates, it was almost impossible to fight back, and the merchant ship was taken.

Luo Huaiyuan couldn't run even if he wanted to run. There was a vast ocean outside. He believed that he didn't have the ability to go back to the coast with a dog planing style, so after several considerations, he chose to be honest.

It's not that no merchant ships have been robbed by pirates. As long as they don't encounter the most evil people, most of the above-mentioned maritime merchants can mix their lives without worry, at most, people suffer a little crime and lose a little property. Because now the pirates have also learned to be clever, knowing the truth about not being able to kill chickens and get eggs. The original is to ask for money, and the Shanghai businessmen are very valuable, and they can use their lives to threaten to exchange some wealth, and they can make a lot of money.

So in the face of the merchant ship being hijacked, after the initial panic, most of the merchants on the ship calmed down. Of course, I can't calm my heart. Although most people understand the truth of the so-called saving money and avoiding disasters, it is inevitable to feel distressed when the truth comes.

All the merchants on the ship were gathered into a cabin by the pirates with knives. Luo Huaiyuan squatted honestly among the crowd. Xiao Anzi and the two guards seemed to be separated and detained elsewhere.

After that, the cabin door was tightly closed, and there was someone guarding the door. The ship seemed to move and did not know where it was heading.

The atmosphere in the cabin was very depressing. Some businessmen were depressed, some were frustrated and uneasy, and some were howling and crying like dead mothers. It is estimated that it is the kind that spills on the family property and hopes to make a fortune from the sea trade. How can I know that he died before he was quick, and he encountered such an unlucky thing for the first time.

There have always been many such people. If you are lucky, you can make a fortune. It is not uncommon for a dead body with bad luck to sink into the ocean.

There are great opportunities for maritime trade profits, but the relative dangers are also quite high. However, due to the deterrence of the Fujian Navy in the past two years, there have been few cases of maritime merchants being robbed by pirates. Most of the people who were robbed were small merchants who wanted to save the money of the Fujian Navy, and got into a few small cargo ships to set off privately.

It is indeed saved, but these also depend on opportunities. If you really encounter pirates and looting, you will directly lose money. Of course, you can't say that these people are at fault. Fortunately, everyone has it. You can only say how big a bowl is and how much rice you have. If you don't have the ability, you should rest as soon as possible.

I don't know how long it has been sailing, but the sky is getting dark anyway.

Along the way, Luo Huaiyuan had already scolded the power behind the Roshzi Yeluo Island countless times. The power was not powerful enough, and he had to learn to be arrogant and tyrannical, which would harm their group of innocent small businessmen.

There are also many businessmen in the cabin discussing this matter. Some of the more experienced maritime merchants either comforted themselves or comforted everyone, and they all discussed the Yeluo Island with people who were familiar with them.

From their mouths, Luo Huaiyuan also learned about the forces behind Yeluo Island.

It turns out that many years ago, Yeluo Island was also a place where pirates and refugees from various countries were mixed. This group of people gradually merged into a pirate force, making a living by looting merchant ships and fishing boats everywhere. Roach, the leader of its forces, is a man of great talent and strategy, and he is not willing to be a pirate. Instead, based on Yeluo Island, it slowly developed into the largest black market in the nearby waters.

The origin of the sea black market is not Yeluo Island, but Roach made it into a scale.

During this period, it is indispensable for the competition of various forces. The forces headed by Roach not only need to deal with the main island of the Ryukyu Kingdom, but also against the pirates of various places. They can develop rapidly, and Roach has spent countless efforts in it.

Being a pirate, it is natural that his hands are stained with blood. It may be because of too much crime and Roach's heirs are very thin. According to reports, his wife and concubine and the woman who robbed him had more than 30 numbers, but only one woman.

This woman is named Luo Qiong because she has a pirate leader's father, and she herself is quite sturdy, and she is known as the "Jade Face Rakshasa" in the nearby waters.

The story naturally didn't end there, but started after Roach was injured and passed away.

At that time, after Roach's death, the forces on Yeluo Island were in chaos. Because it does not have an orthodox heir, the people under his team have turned against the water and wanted to stand on their own. Naturally, there are also a group of diehards who are loyal to Luo Qi's only daughter, Luo Qiong. But Luo Qiong himself is only twenty-eight years old, and he is a girl's family, plus the fact that his father has just passed away, it is difficult to survive for a while.

They all wanted to grab this black market, which has developed into a large scale, as a basis. It is said that the civil unrest on Yeluo Island lasted for a long time. In the end, Luo Qiong's direct line was lost, and he retreated to other islands. Luo Qiong's faction left, and the rest of the people competed more fiercely. At that time, no smuggling sea merchants dared to go here.

Just as the civil strife on Yeluo Island came to an end, Luo Qiong's faction made a sudden comeback and took Yeluo Island with lightning speed.

The incident finally subsided, and the black market on Yeluo Island slowly resumed its previous prosperity. Only then did people discover that the leader in the position was not Luo Qiong, a direct descendant of Luo, but a person called the'four masters'.

The fourth master is Luo Qiong's new husband and wife. After marrying, Luo Qiong, known as the "Jade Face Raksha", retired and handed over all the forces in his hands to her husband.

No one knows where this'four master' came from and who he is. His origin is extremely mysterious.

This fact shocked everyone, thinking that the "four masters" would be speculative. Just because they won the heart of the "Jade Face Raksha", they took over a good party.

Of course, some people don't think so, because Luo Qiong's retreat was obviously out of power. Now that he can make a comeback and take down Yeluo Island with a thunderous momentum, the'four masters' are not incapable.

Facts have proved that this argument is not unreasonable. Yeluo Island quickly developed in an irresistible manner in the hands of the'four masters'. Its scale is getting bigger and bigger. Seeing its means and formation, it is far from comparable to that of Roche's wild team.

The'four masters' not only wiped out the pirate forces in the vicinity, but also explicitly prohibited nearby pirates from looting merchant ships that came to Yeluo Island for business. Naturally, some people are unwilling to violate the ban by using military force, but those people are all scumbed by the'four masters'. Frightened by his sharp edge, this item gradually became an unwritten rule that the nearby pirates abide by.

On the other hand, the black market business on Yeluo Island has also entered the market scale.

In the past, there was a mixture of dragons and snakes on the black market, and inevitably things such as forced buying and selling, cheating, or robbing merchants who had just finished the transaction. But now Yeluo Island is in good order, and all sprites are forbidden on Yeluo Island’s main island. Once discovered, they will not only be punished very seriously, but will also be expelled from the island and forbidden to enter next time.

Of course, merchants who come to trade here do not need to pay a price. They only need to take a certain percentage of the total price of their goods and give it to Yeluo Island for protection. The black market in the early years had this kind of expense, but because of its irregularities, there would always be things such as low-level people overcharging others, charging indiscriminately, or collecting money but not being able to guarantee their safety, etc., which caused many businessmen The grievances spread. But now Yeluo Island has a clear stipulation that its fees are also public, and everything is in accordance with the rules.

Yes, rules.

With rules, there will be order. Everything on Yeluo Island follows the rules, and those who dare to break the rules will end up in terrible situations.

And the pirate who robbed their merchant ship this time violated Yeluo Island's rules. I really don't know what his fate will be like.

More and more businessmen joined the discussion, and it seemed that the more powerful Yeluo Island was, the more guaranteed its safety. However, when people are in crisis, they need a spiritual sustenance so that they can not let themselves fall into despair.

"This group of pirates must be new to the industry and don't know the rules!" said a middle-aged businessman in his forties.

He looked like he was pointing to the country, and he started the discussion about Yeluo Island this time. It can be seen that he has a lot of confidence in Yeluo Island.

"This screwdriver is also true, and he rushed to take action without inquiring about the situation. How can anyone do this as a pirate." A businessman echoed.

"I don't know when they will let us go. They let us go early and return the goods to us. We can consider not going to Yeluo Island to tell them that they don't understand the rules."

It may also be out of fear, or out of despair to magnify Yeluo Island, and the words of a few businessmen are becoming more and more ridiculous.

They had never thought that they were in the hands of the pirates at this time, and they had all imagined good hope that they would not suffer any loss, and let the pirates send them back as their grandfather.

There are a few well-established businessmen who look at them with weird eyes, but it is hard to argue with them. After all, everyone is in the same boat now, and everyone is eager to be as beautiful as they imagined.

There were no less than 30 merchants in this entire cabin size, and their thoughts were different at this time. Compared with others, Luo Huaiyuan smelled a hint of crisis.

We must know that there are certainly no lack of bold people in this world, but now in the waters around Ryukyu, there are still very few pirates who dare to rob Yeluo Island and the Daxi Fujian Navy. Are they really so bold? It's fine if one party commits a crime, and both parties commit crimes. How much ability do they have to make them retreat?

Is it true that a new entrant does not understand the rules? Or is it a wicked person who doesn't consider the consequences at all?

On the contrary, Luo Huaiyuan felt that the latter item might be larger.

The reason why these maritime merchants were able to calm down in the past was because in recent years, pirates mainly robbed money and did not kill merchants. Because he also knows the principle of killing chickens and getting eggs, it is better to cut them like leeks every other time, so that they will fatten their own pockets, and they will not be afraid of irritating all parties and come to encircle them.

Now that this prediction conflicts with the previous one, will it happen that pirates kill people in order to cover their tracks? You must know that this is the vast ocean, and people are killed and thrown into the sea, but it is really called unconsciousness. In this way, no one knew that they had robbed the merchant ship that came to Yeluo Island, and got the money, and they would not be held accountable...

Thinking of this, Luo Huaiyuan couldn't help but shudder.

He hid the panic in his eyes and looked around.

There are so many merchants in a cabin, but there is no one guarded, just closing the cabin door? Are these people really careless, or is it expected that no one will dare to escape? Also, the vast sea, where do you go?

Luo Huaiyuan could feel someone guarding outside the cabin door, but the noise in the cabin was so loud that there was so much criticism of these pirates that no one came in to stop it.

Is it really calm and composed, or treat this group of people as dead? The dead make some noises before they die, which can be ignored.

Luo Huaiyuan became more frightened as he thought about it, and there were others who had the same thoughts as him.

For example, there is an old man in his fifties who is thin and thin with a goatee. When the two accidentally collided with each other, Luo Huaiyuan clearly saw panic in his eyes.

"It's not good." The old man squeezed his beard and faintly burst into blue veins.

Luo Huaiyuan's face was calm, his brain turned quickly.

This was the first time in his life that he faced a death crisis, and it was only then that he felt that the intrigue he had experienced in the past were nothing. After all, his status and status are there. Even if someone wants to make him want to kill him, he has to be famous as a teacher, and he has to go around.

But what you are facing now is a bunch of vicious pirates. They won't look at your identity, they won't listen to you, they will only brutally kill you, and then destroy your body. The so-called talent meets soldiers, that's probably what it means.

Could he be wrong? Maybe--

At this moment, the hull shook and seemed to stop.

Luo Huaiyuan was silent for a while, but he didn't feel the movement of anchoring.

We must know that the movement of a sea-going vessel’s anchoring is extremely high. If the anchor is not anchored, it means that it has not docked. Why does it stop if it does not dock?

There was no more time for Luo Huaiyuan to think about this issue. The door of the cabin was opened, and a group of pirates with ferocious faces rushed in. They were dressed in all kinds of exotic clothes. They were all sturdy and bright in their hands. Broadsword, depending on the situation, there is something wrong.

The leader, Chiliquala, didn't know what to say, and someone came forward to chase away the people in the cabin. One of them could speak Chinese and asked everyone to stand up and go to the deck.

Some businessmen wanted to talk to him, but no one paid any attention to them. With a flick of the knife in his hand, he honestly followed out.

Many torches were burned on the deck, and the lights were very bright everywhere, like daylight. There were many pirates standing around, surrounded and hideous.

Some people have realized that something is wrong, and they are asking in horror what they are going to do. The old man next to Luo Huaiyuan sighed softly, my life is gone.

Another wave of people was driven onto the deck. Luo Huaiyuan saw Xiao Anzi and the two guards. The three described being a little messy, with their hands tied up. It is estimated that these people are followers of the merchants, and they are naturally not as helpless as ordinary merchants, so the supervision is extremely strict.

One of the pirates stood up and spoke in a sluggish Chinese language: "Listen to my report, some of you said that we violated Yeluo Island's rules, and Yeluo's'four masters' won't let me wait? We small-force pirates are naturally afraid of the'Four Lords'. By the way, we are also afraid of the Fujian Navy. In order to make ourselves less troublesome, I am sorry everyone."

This person has only one eye exposed, and the other eye is hidden under a black blindfold. His face was grinning, his teeth dangling white under the light of the torch. As soon as his voice fell, some of his pirates went to the crowd to pull people.

The deck suddenly became chaotic. Many merchants wanted to plead with the pirates, or exchange their belongings for their lives, and many could not stand the scene before them, crying and begging for mercy...

These people are worthy of the wicked and wicked people, and they don't listen to anyone's rhetoric. Pulling one over, the knife swung up. A miserable howl sounded, and the people who followed were thrown into the sea. They don't care if they kill or not, they throw them into the sea if they are cut.

Above the sea, there are people who have not yet died struggling hard everywhere. Only after a while, I heard a more miserable howling from the sea.




The night is as cool as water, with months.

The moonlight swayed gently on the surface of the sea, shining a faint silver light. It can be seen that the color on the sea surface has become more intense. Whether it is blood or not, no one dares to guess.

Suddenly, a sound that resounded to the sky blew up, shocking everyone to look sideways.

I saw a man with a very large body standing in the field with his head high and his chest high, his aura was not angry and mighty, and he did not seem to be a mortal. His voice was strong and powerful, with one hand pointed at the pirate leader and the other behind him.

"Let's see who I am! Dare to move me, no one in heaven or on earth can save you!"?

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