The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 254: Expensive cell phone


Ye Yaorong opened the wrapping paper, took out a box showing the Apple mobile phone from the inside, looked at Wang Sisi with some doubts and asked.

"Yes, Brother Honor, I think the phone you are using is very old-fashioned, and many functions are not available, so I bought an Apple 5 phone for you." Wang Sisi said.

"Yes, I like this gift. My mobile phone can't access the Internet, watch movies, play games, and change it to another mobile phone."

Ye Yaorong said with a smile. In fact, Ye Yaorong was planning to change his mobile phone before the New Year. Now that Wang Sisi gave an Apple 5 mobile phone, he didn't need to buy it.

"Husband, open it and take a look."

Liu Qingqing said. Liu Qingqing felt that it would not be that simple. If Wang Sisi thought gave a mobile phone to his man, he should also send Apple 6S instead of the outdated Apple 5. This is somewhat unreasonable.

"it is good."

Ye Yaorong smiled and opened the mobile phone box and took the Apple 5 mobile phone out of the box.

"Well, why does this phone look shiny and golden?"

Ye Yaorong looked at the phone in his hand with some doubts. This phone seemed to be inlaid with beautiful crystals, which was different from the Apple phone that Ye Yaorong saw.

"IPhone5 Gold Superstar Ice Edition."

Liu Qingqing said in surprise. Liu Qingqing has seen this Apple 5 mobile phone before. This is a special Apple 5 mobile phone made of 364 diamonds. It is a very expensive mobile phone. Even among the rich in Beijing, few people use such an expensive mobile phone.

This "iPhone5 Gold Superstar Ice Edition." The selling price on the market is more than 600,000 yuan. The key is that you may not be able to buy it if you have money. You have to buy it through relationships. It is a luxury accessory in a mobile phone.

Liu Qingqing did not expect that Wang Sisi would buy such an expensive mobile phone as a gift to his man. This was a waste of money.

"Qingqing, have you seen this phone?"

Wang Bingzhen asked in surprise. After all, it is very difficult to see such an expensive mobile phone on the market. Unless you are often in contact with the rich class, ordinary people don't know this "iPhone5 gold superstar ice version." I didn't expect Liu Qingqing to know this phone.

It seems that I suspected that there was nothing wrong with this last time. This Liu Qingqing must be from a wealthy family, but there are several wealthy families named Liu in China. I don't know which family Liu Qingqing came from.

"I have seen it on the Internet. It seems that this mobile phone is very expensive, costing more than 600,000 yuan." Liu Qingqing said.

"More than six hundred thousand, no, this phone is made of gold, and it's not worth that expensive." Ye Yaorong said in disbelief.

After all, in the phone that Ye Yaorong had contacted. The most expensive is the Apple 6S mobile phone that I bought for Liu Qingqing, which is only six thousand yuan, and this Wang Sisi gave it to himself. This Apple mobile phone is a bit smaller than the Apple 6S. Why is the price even more expensive than the Apple 6S? Ten times more expensive.

This is a bit unreasonable, anyway, Ye Yaorong can't see where this Apple 5 mobile phone is, it can be worth more than 600,000.

You know that with more than 600,000 yuan, you can build a yard as big as your own in your village. If you spend this money on mobile phones, it seems that rich people can really play.

"Husband. This phone is made of 364 diamonds, so it's very expensive."

Liu Qingqing explained. In fact, this Apple 5 mobile phone is no different from an ordinary mobile phone in terms of function, except that its shell is inlaid with 364 diamonds.

This kind of expensive mobile phone is basically bought by the rich second-generation who likes to show off ~ forced to use it, and most people will not buy such an expensive mobile phone.

"Some people are really sick now, don't they just have a mobile phone? They are also inlaid with diamonds, are you not afraid of being robbed when going out?" Ye Yaorong asked with some confusion.

In Ye Yaorong's view, mobile phones can make calls and send text messages. Just surf the Internet and play games. As for the appearance, just look pleasing to the eye. The surface is inlaid with diamonds. It's just a meal and nothing to do.

No wonder there are so many thieves and robbers on the street nowadays. The surface of a mobile phone is inlaid with diamonds. This is totally to lure others into committing crimes.

"Doesn't this appear to be an identity?" Wang Sisi whispered.

"Forget it, I don't need such an expensive mobile phone. I don't feel at ease when I hold it in my hand. I am afraid that it will fall. I am afraid of being thought of by the thief. If it is broken, I don't know where to send it for repair."

Ye Yaorong returned the phone to Wang Sisi and said. I am a farmer with a mobile phone of more than 600,000 yuan. Isn't this trying to find sin for myself?

The more than 600,000 mobile phones were really afraid of being turned in their mouths, and they were afraid of falling in their hands, almost like their ancestors, Ye Yaorong didn't want this.

When Ye Yaorong wants to come, just buy a mobile phone for one or two thousand yuan. You can use it whatever you want. When you are in a bad mood, you can also play with the phone like the protagonist on the TV. Don’t be afraid of it being broken. If it breaks, just buy another one at most.

"Brother Glory, this is really my heart, please accept it."

Wang Sisi looked at Ye Yaorong and said. This is a gift his grandfather wants to give himself. If he doesn't accept this, grandpa will definitely be unhappy.

"Honor, actually it's not worth much, just accept it. It's Sisi's heart anyway." Wang Bingzhen saw that Ye Yaorong didn't accept the gift and said.

"Elder Wang, it's not that I won't accept it. It's because this gift is too expensive. Even if I accept it, I can't bear to use it. In the end, it might be rotten in the cabinet, so forget it."

Ye Yaorong shook his head and said. There is a saying, "If you have nothing to do, you will be stolen if you don't have anything to do," Ye Yaorong had to think about things that are not good when sending such a valuable gift to himself.

"Glory, you also know our net worth. We really can't give this cheap gift." Wang Bingzhen said.

"Elder Wang, you don't think cheap gifts can be given, but I also think the gifts are too expensive and it is hot to hold in my hands, so I can't accept this gift."

Ye Yaorong still refused. Now Ye Yaorong regrets letting his wife accept Wang Sisi's gift. Looking at it this way, the bag Wang Sisi gave to his wife just now is probably not cheap.

"But I bought this I can't get it back." Wang Sisi said.

"You can't return it. You can give it to others. I really won't accept such an expensive gift."

Ye Yaorong said firmly. After all, people cannibalize, take short hands, and really accept such an expensive gift. The next time they ask themselves, they won't be able to refuse.

"Then, Sisi, why not buy an Apple 6S phone tomorrow, Honor, you can always accept this Apple 6S phone."

Wang Bingzhen saw that Ye Yaorong was determined not to accept this expensive mobile phone, so he could only say helplessly.

"If there is an Apple 6S phone like Qingqing, I will accept it."

Ye Yaorong thought for a while and said. After all, people also kindly give gifts to themselves, and if they don't accept them again and again, they will also appear impolite.

If it is an Apple 6S mobile phone worth 5,000 to 6,000 yuan, Ye Yaorong can still accept it. At most, when they go back, they will send them some special products, so that they will not owe any adult favors. (To be continued.)

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