Qiqi thought for a while and glanced at Li Tong, "Sister anchor, I want to ask, if I hadn't met you today, I don't know what would have happened, and what would have been my ending?"

[This little girl is the same, why bother with these things? Since the matter has passed, don't think about those things anymore. ]

[I think this may be a thorn in her heart? After all, if she hadn't met the anchor today, maybe her fate would only be to marry that man,]

[Don't worry about those things anymore, just work hard to live a good life in the future, right? 】

Li Tong also spoke at this time, "You mean you want to know what your original fate is? Or the original horoscope?"

"Ah? What is a horoscope? I don't quite understand this."

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

"It's your original fate. This is just the literal meaning. There's no need to worry too much about it."

Her samsara eye saw the future horoscope when she saw Qiqi for the first time, so she didn't need to use her ability again.

The content presented on the original horoscope Qiqi happily married Hu Feng. Because she couldn't be humane, and because of Hu Feng's family's earlier plot,

Qiqi was drunk by Hu Qiang with a glass of 50-degree wedding wine on the wedding night. The lights were turned off, and Hu Feng took his place in the room for his son at night.

One month after marriage, Qiqi was tricked by Hu Qiang into drinking wine under the pretext of adding excitement, and then Hu Feng entered their wedding room and had sex with her.

Over time, Qiqi also felt something was wrong. Maybe she drank too much and her alcohol tolerance increased. A glass of white wine could not make her as drunk and confused as before.

She thought that she would smell an old man's smell every time she had sex with her husband, until one day her father-in-law passed by her and she smelled exactly the same.

This made her feel like being struck by lightning. She felt a headache and something was pushing up in her stomach.

She said silently in her heart: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible. She must have been too tired recently and had hallucinations."

Hu Qiang saw Qiqi suddenly vomiting, and then drove to the hospital. After the doctor checked Qiqi's body at the hospital.

He smiled and said to them, "Your wife is fine, she is just pregnant. Don't let your wife be too tired in the future. Pay more attention to rest."

After learning the news of Qiqi's pregnancy, the family was so happy. Qiqi was also very happy to know that she was pregnant.

She no longer entangled the guess in her heart. Moreover, she also believed that her husband would never do such a thing.

If the seed-borrowing plan ended here, it might be possible to conceal it for a long time, but this Hu Feng was too rude. He was greedy.

A Ma Guifang with fine lines on her face and loose skin was not as attractive as a young and tight-skinned daughter-in-law. He persuaded Ma Guifang to agree to have sex with Qiqi for the last time.

Later, Ma Guifang couldn't stand her husband's entanglement, so she finally agreed to her husband and warned him sternly that this was the last time.

From now on, he would never touch Qiqi again. Of course, Hu Feng nodded in agreement? This old dog couldn't hold back his restless heart at this time.

He wanted to run to Qiqi's room immediately and make love with Qiqi in bed. In the evening, after Hu Qiang brought a glass of wine as usual, Qiqi was careful this time.

He drank it and waited for him to turn off the glass and turn off the light, and then spit it on the dry towel prepared earlier.

She heard the door of the room open, and clearly felt the presence of a third person in the room.

When her husband took off his clothes and began to lie on her to do the work, she smelled the smell of old oil again. She didn't know where she got the strength from, and pushed her body away.

Then she turned on the light and saw her father-in-law, who was naked, lying on the ground with his legs spread out, grimacing in pain!

She collapsed at that time. She was right. The person who had sex with her was her father-in-law!

The mother-in-law and husband who heard the noise outside rushed in. Seeing the scene in front of them, they knew that the matter was exposed.

The mother-in-law ordered her son to act in an orderly manner, asking him to put away Qiqi's mobile phone and computer, cut off her contact with the outside world, and prevent her from asking for help and calling the police.

The child in her belly was the most needed seed for the Hu family. It not only preserved the incense of her husband's family, but also preserved her son's face, killing two birds with one stone.

As for Qiqi, the daughter-in-law who married from Suzhou to the city, he didn't care at all and only used her as a child-bearing machine. After giving birth, it was up to her to leave or stay.

Qiqi was locked in the house, with the doors and windows sealed. She had no one to ask for help, so she began to self-harm.

Ma Guifang was not panicked. She asked her son to find the prepared rope and tie her in the room. Hu Qiang and Ma Guifang forced her to eat and drink. She ate, drank, defecated and urinated in the room. Even if she cleaned it every day, there was a strange smell in the room.

Usually, Qiqi's parents called and used various excuses to prevaricate, such as severe morning sickness, feeling drowsy every day,

or for example, the radiation from mobile phones during pregnancy was not good for the eyes and the fetus, so her mobile phone was temporarily managed by her mother-in-law.

When Qiqi's parents came to see their daughter with local specialties, they were politely invited to the house by Ma Guifang, who was very good at dealing with people, and poured tea and ate melon seeds.

When she asked about her daughter, she said that her son was afraid that she would be depressed, so he took her out to relax, and showed her in-laws the photos that had been prepared long ago.

Qiqi's parents were naturally happy that their daughter and son-in-law had a good relationship, and they were very happy in their hearts. Unexpectedly, they had just left their home.

This hateful old dog would throw all the gifts from Qiqi’s parents into the trash can. It should be said that this old dog's heart is not ordinary poisonous.

The conspiracy continued until the day Qiqi gave birth to her baby, when she asked the doctors and nurses at the hospital for help. The hospital helped call the police and the truth came to light.

However, her husband's family criticized her, saying that Qiqi deliberately seduced her father-in-law, and that she and her son Hu Qiang were both victims. He also said that Qiqi suffered from depression.

They tied her up with a rope only if she did things that hurt her child and herself during her pregnancy.

But Qiqi's family couldn't refute this point. Anyone was locked in a dark room for nine months, with no one to communicate with, and no way to see the sun.

Everyone has mental problems, and they can only suffer from this depression. In the end, the court ruled that the two were divorced.

The child born by Qiqi belongs to the Hu family. The Hu family does not need Qiqi to be responsible for child support and threatens to directly cut off the contact between the mother and her son.

In addition, the Hu family will compensate Qiqi for an additional 300,000 yuan in mental damages, and the matter will be settled.

This incident was so big that it later made it onto the news, TV, radio, computers, web pages, and short video platforms.

They were all in publicity and reporting, and Qiqi wanted to die at that time. No matter who this kind of thing happened to, who could face it calmly?

She was just a girl, a person who had been hurt by that family her whole life. Her relatives and friends soon found out about Qiqi’s things.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Qiqi finally chose to end her life.

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