She looked at Meng Ke'er with red eyes. If her eyes could kill, she would have killed Meng Ke'er many times.

"You bitch, you dare to hit me, you..." Before Yan Ran could finish her words, a slap hit her face directly. "Pah"

"Bitch, how dare you hit me."

"Damn, even if I hit you lightly, who gave you the courage to abuse my daughter? Did I give you face?"

At this moment, Yan Ran was stunned by Meng Keer, and her eyes were full of little stars.

"You are pretending to be a ghost, who are you?!"

She didn't believe that this woman was Xu Jianhua's ex-wife Meng Keer. No woman was still younger and more beautiful after five years!

She was even more unwilling to believe that this woman was a ghost. There were no ghosts in the world.

Meng Keer picked up Dudu and stood up to look at Xu Jianhua, who did not dare to look directly at her, and Yanran, who glared at her.

"Who am I? Xu Jianhua, come and tell her who I am."

Xu Jianhua, who was named, had no choice but to look at Yanran. When Yanran saw his hopeless look, she became even more angry.

"You're still looking at me. You don't even know a stranger has entered my house, and you're still watching her hit me. Why don't you call the police?!"

Yan Ran angrily pinched Xu Jianhua's waist. Xu Jianhua gasped in pain and quickly took out his cell phone to call the police.

Before he could dial the three numbers, Meng Keer's hand stretched out.

They were nearly two meters apart, and Meng Keer's hand became two meters long in front of their eyes, and she snatched the mobile phone from Xu Jianhua's hand.

Dudu saw this scene, but she didn't say anything, she just held Meng Keer's hands tightly together, for fear that her mother would disappear again.

"Ghost! She is a ghost!"

Seeing this unusual scene, I no longer wanted to admit that Meng Keer was not a human being, but it seemed that I couldn't do it anymore.

Yan Ran was so frightened that she hid behind Xu Jianhua and said in fear.

Xu Jianhua was also afraid. He knew that what Meng Keer cared about most was their daughter Dudu. Yanran had spanked Dudu just now.

How could Meng Keer turn a blind eye? The most important thing is that he is standing aside. If Meng Keer takes revenge, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Yanran, don't...don't be afraid, wait for me to talk to her."

Yuan Xu Jianhua hugged Yanran and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Yan Ran glanced at Meng Keer with interest in Xu Jianhua's arms.

Meng Keer was so angry that she almost laughed. This woman wouldn't think that she came back because of that man, would she?

Xu Jianhua glanced at Kerr awkwardly.

"You, what do you want to do when you come back? Why did you come back if you didn't leave?"

After holding it in for a long time, Xu Jianhua managed to choke out these two sentences.

Ke'er snorted coldly: "It seems you all thought I left on my own?"

"My feet are on you, what are you walking on if you don't walk on your own?"

"Have you ever called the police to find me in these years?" Ke'er asked calmly.

Xu Jianhua looked troubled, but it was Dudu in Ke'er's arms who spoke.

"Mom, he never looked for you. He kept telling me that you found other men and abandoned us."

Seeing that Ke'er's face looked ugly, Dudu touched her face and said, "Mom, I've been looking for you, but I was too young and couldn't find it, and they didn't let me go too far, so I looked for Tangyuan." Not to you."

"Dudu..." Ke'er didn't expect that this would be the result after she was abducted.


Ke'er suddenly thought of the day she was abducted. She was supposed to be at home with her child that day, but she received a call saying that something had happened to Xu Jianhua and asked her to go there.

On the way to the hospital, she met an old man who also wanted to go to the hospital but had difficulty moving. The man asked her for help, so Keer thought about taking a taxi with him.

Coincidentally, when she agreed to take the old man to the hospital, a taxi happened to appear in front of her, and she stopped it with her hand.

After getting in the car, someone covered her mouth and nose and she fainted. When she woke up, she appeared in a mountain village thousands of miles away.

It is very strange to think about Dudu saying that Xu Jianhua has never looked for him and that he ran away with other men.

"Xu Jianhua, let me ask you, was it your fault that I was sold into the mountains?!"

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Xu Jianhua retorted without thinking. In fact, he was already panicking inside.

Seeing Xu Jianhua's hands constantly buttoning his pants on his thighs, Ke'er smiled sadly.

"You know what your favorite thing to do when you lie?"

Xu Jianhua stiffened up and did not dare to do anything.

"When you were lying, your hands would involuntarily button your pants. You just buttoned them, so you lied."

Xu Jianhua didn't even know he had this habit, but he absolutely couldn't admit what Meng Keer said.

"You are really funny. You can tell a lie with just a small move. It's not like I don't know if I don't lie. I don't want to explain it to you."

Yanran looked confused at the side, and she suddenly thought of something.

Ke'er sneered: "You think I won't know if you don't tell me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kerr stretched out his hand to grab Xu Jianhua by his neck.

"Xu Jianhua! Are you still a fucking human being? You are simply a beast. Is this how you treat me and my daughter? You scumbag."

Yanran shouted, reaching out to hold Xu Jianhua, but she was a step too slow.

Ke'er glanced at her casually, and suddenly froze in place, unable to move.

Xu Jianhua was pinched by the neck, his whole face turned red, and his hands and feet kept resisting, trying to escape from Ke'er's hands.

Ke'er looked at Xu Jianhua's bulging eyes, and Xu Jianhua's eyes suddenly became dull.

"I want to change my wife. Now my wife only cares about children, which is really not interesting at all.

It’s really annoying that I don’t take care of my child and don’t consider her feelings every day. I married her just to take care of my parents.

If she leaves a seed for my family and I have to take care of it, then why should I marry her? Just change it if you want. There are many women and there will always be obedient ones.

But I have no reason for divorce. After the divorce, I will share half of my property with her. This money will be divided, and it will be difficult to marry a young girl.

It would be great if my wife could be killed by someone, so that I can still get a compensation, and then I can get any kind of wife. "

"Are you serious?"

"You must be serious. I have long disliked her. It's just that she is still useful to me, so I didn't kick her."

"I have a way to make your wife disappear and give you a sum of money at the same time, but you can't go find someone or call the police."

"Really? Is this something illegal? It won't implicate me, right?"

"Don't worry, you won't be implicated. I'm just helping your wife find a new in-laws."

"So what do I need to do?"


This conversation between Xu Jianhua and a strange man while drinking made Kerr red-eyed.

I saw them calling me two days later to trick me into going to the hospital, and I saw Xu Jianhua getting a sum of 200,000 yuan.

After watching him pretend to be betrayed by his wife and lose his mind for two months, he was introduced to someone and spent 200,000 yuan to marry Yan Ran, his so-called new wife.

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