"Let me go, let me go quickly, damn you, you are the one who is entangled with us, right? You are dead, why don't you go to hell?"

Lin Yong suddenly screamed loudly, and the next moment, his voice stopped abruptly. A thing covered in blood and no flesh could be seen in the video.

It can only be said that it is a thing. Although it has the same outline as a human, the bloody body that can't tell where the flesh is and where the skin is is too scary.

A face has been twisted together, and the two deep eye sockets can't see the eyeballs. There is still black blood dripping down from the corners of the eyes, "tick! tick," every drop of blood dripping on the floor will make a "click! click" sound.

The sound is dull and crisp. The two words that are antonyms appear at the same time in this scene.

The face can no longer be called a face, because many pieces of meat are squeezed together, revealing the white bones in the lower part.

There were some insects on the bones that twisted and squirmed vigorously, as if they were trying to crawl onto the pile of broken meat and then drill into it to suck the blood and flesh. They crawled desperately,

some crawled in, some fell down halfway. Some fell into the mouth that had grown so big that it had become deformed.

No, it shouldn't be called a mouth, it should be called a black hole. Xiaoya saw everything in front of her and hid in the quilt, shivering, "Xiaomei, please don't do this.

I know it's you, I know what you mean, we know we are wrong, please let us go, I beg you? Don't mess with us, okay."

"Xiaoya, are you scared too? Are you begging me? But how did I beg you at that time, and how did you treat me? Have you forgotten so quickly?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw such a scene suddenly appear in the video, and everyone almost stopped breathing and heartbeat at the same time, facing the mobile phone screen with eyes open and mouths wide open.

Every netizen's face was pale. There was no trace of blood. A netizen used trembling fingers. His fingers were not obedient at all.

He was shaking like a chicken claw. He wanted to calm down, but the conditions did not allow it. What could he do?

[Oh my god! Help me? Is this true or false? It's too creepy. Mom, help me? ] He was already crazy and started to speak incoherently.

[This... that... this... that...]

[Oh my god! I actually peed my pants. It's so embarrassing. Is this a computer special effect? ​​Or... ]

[I want to sleep. I don't want to watch it. It's so scary. ]

[Ghost hunter Lin Zhengying is here. All demons and ghosts get out of the way... ]

[Heaven and earth, your death has nothing to do with me. Don't look for me, okay? There are no taboos, no taboos, Amitabha, Amitabha. ]

[Damn, it's so funny. Are you a Taoist priest or a monk above? Talk nonsense. If you are so unreliable, Jesus can't save you? I said this... 】

Li Tong looked at everything inside, picked up the table on the cup, oh no, it was the cup on the table, drank a few sips of water, and then looked at everything on Lin Yong's side.

Suddenly, the bloody face faced the camera, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were immediately scared out of their wits. Xiaomei is now much more terrifying than the soul of Susu's cat.

[Sister! I know you died unjustly, please raise your hands and don't scare us, okay? We are all children? 】

[The sister upstairs is right, I am my parents' good baby. Sister, don't scare us cute and kind people with this look, okay? 】

[Yes, sister, whoever hurt you, go find whoever, kill all those who killed you, we have no objection,

I think sister must be a beautiful and kind-hearted little sister, but now sister's face is really scary... woo woo]

The video shook a few times, and when it appeared again, a 20-year-old girl with a pretty face and black hair appeared in the video.

And she was smiling, with a dimple on each side, and big eyes, especially watery.

Is this a standard young girl? It's completely different from the look just now.

"I'm sorry, I scared you just now, I apologize to you here."

[Fuck, is this a real person? This girl is so pleasing to the eyes, I want to be her fan. ]

[My dream goddess looks like this, and it's really worth coming to this live broadcast room today? Not only did I see a ghost, but I also saw the goddess of my dreams, I love it so much... ]

[This sister looks so beautiful, right? How can she be so beautiful? Compared with the look just now, it's just, just, just, just. Love it. ]

[Don't look like that again, it's so beautiful like this... 】

"Sister anchor, let me tell you my story in person? Is that okay?"

Xiaomei looked at Li Tong and asked. Li Tong smiled and said, "Okay."

So she started to tell her story, "Xiaoya and I were college classmates. After we graduated, I stayed to work there.

Xiaoya returned to her hometown. Although we can no longer live and eat together like we did in college, we still use QQ, WeChat and other social tools to video chat frequently? Make phone calls, etc.

Every year during the holidays, she would either visit me or I would visit her. We were sisters, and I used to value her as a sister.

The reason was simple, because I was an only child, my parents only had me, and I had no brothers or sisters. On the surface, I looked quite optimistic.

In fact, I was quite lonely, and perhaps it was this situation that made me particularly sentimental.

When I received the news of Xiaoya's marriage, I was so happy because my good sister was getting married.

With excitement and sincere blessings, I took the high-speed rail from a city thousands of miles away to attend my good sister's wedding.

I spent two thousand yuan to buy her a pair of jade bracelets, which meant round and smooth, a particularly good meaning, and bought a cake. After arriving, I gave her another ten thousand yuan as a share.

Everything was good at the beginning. I was the bridesmaid of the bride. On the night of the wedding,

I came to Xiaoya and asked if they had the custom of teasing the bride. I know that many rural areas or regions have this custom.

I am afraid of this custom. When I was a child, there was a bad custom in my village to tease the bride, and later the bride and bridesmaids were both tortured to death. "

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