[It seems that the fellow Taoist above is also a fellow Taoist? Otherwise, it is impossible to know so deeply? ]

[Real or fake, can it really be undetected? ]

[No, I am laughing so hard that tears are coming out, it is too funny, the lover I miss so much is actually a man, I want to ask, are you sure this is not a joke? ]

[I just followed the action above and studied it and it really works. As long as the posture is correct, it is not easy to be discovered. ]

Are there still many experienced users in the live broadcast room? One person may not understand something, but when everyone thinks about it together, the effect is different.

When An Yiwan saw the information in the live broadcast room, he closed his eyes painfully. He tried to calm the confusion and heartache in his heart. At this moment, he had only one thought,

I really want to slap that grandson to death with a slap, Nima? Isn't this playing with people? Or playing with people? Or disgusting people?

Li Tong wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw An Yiwan's look, she swallowed the words she wanted to say.

The main person hadn't spoken yet, so she was not in a hurry. After An Yiwan calmed down for a while, he felt that he was finally better, but he still had a lot of anger in his heart.

Think about it, you can understand it, right? No matter who encounters this, who can continue to remain calm?

"Anchor, if she is really a woman, why doesn't she have an Adam's apple? Men have Adam's apples, right?"

An Yiwan was still unwilling, and couldn't help but find various reasons to try to make it clear that she was not a man, but a real woman.

Perhaps in his heart, he had already believed that his husband was a man, not a woman, but subconsciously, he was unwilling to just accept his fate.

This matter was really too embarrassing. If his family, relatives and friends knew about this, he couldn't imagine what it would be like.

The woman he had just married ran away with her baby because she couldn't stand his strength.

In the end, it was discovered that the woman he married was not pregnant because she was actually a man. If this news spread among An Yiwan's relatives and friends, he couldn't believe what the consequences would be.

"Who told you that she doesn't have an Adam's apple? She has an Adam's apple, but hers is only a little bit. Unless you touch it, you can't see it if you just look at it."

An Yiwan's heart was completely dead, "But you are not the only victim. She has cheated someone before you. That person spent 100,000 on her.

The one who ran away with her now spent 180,000. You have been cheated of at most one million."

An Yiwan looked confused and blank, and a feeling of loss and despair instantly swept his whole body and mind.

He asked weakly: "Host, do you know where she is now? I'm going to find her. I'm going to slap that guy to death. Damn it, isn't this bullying?"

"Of course I know...wait...you don't have to go find her," Li Tong's words made An Yiwan even more confused.

"What do you mean you don't need to look for her? What's going on? Anchor, I don't understand what you are saying?"

"She is already in the police station now,"

"Ah? How could this happen?"

"She took the money and was ready to run away. The man couldn't find her, so he called the police. After receiving the call, the police went all over the street to look for him. It was his bad luck.

At that time, he was about to run into the high-speed rail station, but was caught by the police at the high-speed rail station. They are confronting each other in the police station at this moment?

Even if you don't look for him, the police will call you after a while. He has explained everything."

Hearing that the guy was caught by the police, An Yiwan didn't know whether he should be happy or sad at this moment. In short, his heart was particularly messy.

It's a mess, and it's messy. This world? It's true that there are strange things every year, and there are especially many this year.

Don't say that An Yiwan admires Li Tong so much at this time, even those new fans who just entered the live broadcast room admire him very much.

Every fan has this thought in their mind, [Wow, this anchor is so amazing, right? Can he decide someone's life or death with just one sentence? Is he really that outrageous and perverted?

How can he be a half-immortal? He is clearly a full-immortal, okay? ]

[The anchor is simply a living devil? He said someone is in trouble, and just as he calculated that An Yiwan's wife is a man, he was caught by the police the next second.

This is an extraordinary physiognomy. Oh my god, it's too scary. ]

In a certain city, in a police station, let's call the man who ran away with An Yiwan's husband Lao San for the time being.

Lao San looked at the pitiful girl in front of him, and his anger disappeared at this moment.

"Wang Xue, where have you been? I'm so anxious." Lao San's face was covered with sweat, and his tone was indescribable.

"Hey, husband, why did you call the police? My phone is out of battery. Do you know what day it is today?"

Without waiting for the third brother to speak, Wang Xue spoke again: "Today is the 258th anniversary of our meeting. I was thinking of ordering a cake to celebrate.

Look at you, you are so annoying. Why did you call the police? The police are so busy every day. We shouldn't bother them so much."

Wang Xue said this, but in her heart she wanted to slap the idiot Lao San to death, if he hadn't called the police.

By this time, she had probably already taken the high-speed train and traveled far away. "You idiot, call the police, call the police, and pay your grandma a favor? I'm so unlucky that I got caught by the police."

She muttered in her heart, and the third child smiled honestly, "Aren't I worried about you? I thought something had happened to you? And you are still pregnant.

What should I do if something happens? "Looking at the honest look of the third child, Wang Xue couldn't help but shuddered all over.

She pretended to be angry, stretched out a white finger, pointed at the third child's head, and nodded, "Hubby, don't do this again in the future, you know?"

"Okay, okay, I promise I won't do this again." At this moment, the third child was extremely happy, seeing Wang Xue treat him like this.

Wang Xue remembered how many days they had known each other, and even ordered a cake to celebrate. For a moment, the third child felt warm in his heart.

He muttered in his heart: "I am worthy, this is the woman I want to protect for her even if I fall out with my family, relatives and friends.

Being so kind to me, why should I not be nice to her? It's all worth it. "

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