She really didn't want to believe that her friend who had been with her for four years in college, and the relationship between the two of them was still so good, turned out to be a spy for Little Japan.

She couldn't accept this result, and she was not willing to accept it from the bottom of her heart.

Li Tong cleared her throat, took a few sips of a glass of water from the table, smoothed her long hair, and said slowly:

"A year ago, your friend went to Little Japan to inspect the market due to a job transfer. After arriving there, he was instigated by the people there to rebel. At the beginning, he could still stick to his heart.

But later on, people used a lot of money to seduce them, and then they were gradually instigated to rebel.

And this time, the task assigned to your friend over there is just to share the movie website. This kind of small thing is not too easy for her.

In this way, she did these things without any psychological burden. "

After listening to Li Tong's words, Huang Jiayi felt goosebumps all over her body for no reason, and she was scared just thinking about it.

"She only went there for a year? How could she be instigated to rebel? This..."

Li Tong understood what she meant, glanced at her, and continued helplessly: "Your friend's grandfather is Japanese and invaded our country many years ago.

You can also understand that she has little Japanese blood flowing in her body. So it's not unacceptable that she was incited to rebel. "

Huang Jiayi didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment. From a friendship perspective, she felt it was a pity, but from a national perspective, she felt it was a pity.

She also felt that she was blind because she was friends with such a person, and it almost cost her her life.

Even thinking about this moment, she still felt trembling all over.

"It's better to let the police arrest her to avoid causing any trouble in the future."

After thinking about it, Li Tong decided not to let this person go. Huahua couldn't explain how she felt about Li Tong's request for the police to arrest her friend.

"Catch him. It's impossible not to catch rubbish like spies." Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, after all, they were friends for so long, but it was a matter that rose to the national level.

Huang Jiayi is still quite sober. Although it is a pity that the relationship between them has lasted for many years, in the face of the safety of the country and the people.

Those who take the wrong path should be punished accordingly. She also personally called the police and reported her friend.

Netizens expressed their understanding and praise for her actions.

【here you go! This kind of harmful friend is not worth pitying. It's so rubbish. 】

[To be honest, people like this who are instigated by profit to become spies have long lost the backbone of us Chinese people. It is a good thing to find out early. At least when encountering trouble, there will be no such people holding us back. 】

[It’s funny to think about it. The original purpose of studying abroad was to allow students to learn the knowledge and abilities of other countries, and also to let them see the survival and development of other countries.

Unexpectedly, some people forget their own country and where their home is when they go away. For such people, it is best that you never come back in your life. China does not welcome you. 】

[I don’t know if I should be glad that I let this female ghost come here just to kill people, not to steal our national secrets...]

[Master Li, Little Japan has treated us this way, so can’t we return it in the same way? It is unreasonable to come and not go. 】

After Li Tong saw this comment, he smiled and then said to Huang Jiayi: "Okay, your matter has been resolved and I will leave now."

After speaking, Li Tong turned around and left, "Master Li, thank you this time."

Li Tong waved to Huang Jiayi without looking back. If Huang Jiayi wasn't her fan this time and this girl's life shouldn't be cut off,

Then it would be impossible for her to expend so much merit power to help her. Li Tong left, silently when he came, and silently when he left.

After she returned home and put the live broadcast room on her computer, she said, "I have kept everyone waiting for a long time. As for just now, netizens asked me if I could use the same method to repay Little Japan.

I just calculated that there is no need to take action, something will happen in Little Japan in the next few days. "

When netizens heard what Li Tong said, everyone was very happy and excited, not to mention the sour feeling in their hearts.

[Master Li, can you tell me what will happen in this little Japan? Let us say it first so that we, the people who eat melons, can be happy and happy, right? 】

[Yes, Master Li, what is going on? Can you make it clearer? 】

Li Tong shook his head, smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone will know in two days." Netizens absolutely trust Li Tong's words.

No one doubted what Li Tong said. Huang Jiayi clicked through ten more carnivals. Are the netizens happy? Everyone rushed to give Li Tong gifts.

All of a sudden, the live broadcast room was dominated by the special effects of gifts. After this wave of operations, netizens directly put Li Tong at the top of the reward list.

Li Tong did not stop the netizens from buying gifts. She smiled and watched the netizens buying gifts. She thought about one more thing. It won't take long for the thing in her heart to be realized.

However, she still lacks a trustworthy and reliable person in her hand. If she has to deal with everything alone, she will not be able to handle it even if she is exhausted.

After all the gifts from netizens, tens of thousands of fans flooded into her live broadcast room. To put it bluntly,

At this moment, Li Tong is the top sister on the Douyin platform.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your support. It's a bit late today. Let's draw the third red envelope and see what troubles the last one today has."

Netizens instantly became quiet. Everyone was eagerly staring at the red envelope sent by the anchor. They all had one thought in their hearts. This time it must be me, and they must not be obsessed with miscarriage anymore.

Li Tong stopped talking nonsense and directly sent the red envelope for tonight's third hexagram. It was snatched away in less than a second.

In Hangzhou City, on a not-so-wide street, a taxi with double flashers stopped on the roadside.

The driver is a middle-aged man about fifty years old. He smokes a cigarette and has a cheerful face. He is a little fat.

Although he is over fifty, he looks like he is only over forty because he has taken good care of himself. "No, I actually won a red envelope from Master Li. I am so rich."

Before he could be happy, he heard Li Tong talking to him again in the live broadcast room over the video.

"My friend from the netizen named Lao Zhang, is it convenient for you now? If it is convenient, you can make a video link."

The online name is Lao Zhang, who directly swiped a gift from Douyin No. 1, "Hello anchor, it's convenient."

Li Tong conveniently sent a video link request to Lao Zhang.

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