The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 36: Don't be afraid (thirty-six)

Chapter 36 Don’t be afraid (thirty-six)

The scene was quiet for a while. He Rui couldn't help but laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears: "Hahahaha..."

Zhou Xin whispered in her ear, "When the music stops, whoever the flower falls into will be punished by touching the note..."

Xu Nuonuo understood. She was so embarrassed that she lowered her head and buried her face. I want to shrink myself into a small bean, and then bury it directly in the soil and slowly sprout on its own.

As if he understood her embarrassment, Song Yi chuckled, crossed his legs, and looked at her lazily.

Others cheered, "I'll punish you if you touch the little beauty."

Promise did not move, and the man said speechlessly, "No, it's just a game, can't you afford this?"

Zhou Xin couldn't see anyone mocking Nono. Just as he was about to reply, he heard the girl's soft voice asking, "Where are you touching?"

The boy who proposed the game took out a box of scraps of paper.

Xu Nuonuo still took one amidst their cheers. Nuonuo saw the words above clearly. It might be too unbelievable. She even rubbed her eyes, thinking she was dazzled.

Of course, Wen Ya would not let go of the opportunity to tease Xu Nuo Nuo. She leaned over and read out loud: "Sit on the lap of someone of the opposite **** in the audience for thirty seconds."

So **** exciting.

A group of boys are eager to try it out, what a little beauty!

Wen Ya looked at Xu Nuo Nuo playfully, and even persuaded her softly, "No Nuo, this is just a little game, it's okay."


Xunuonuo lowered her head, she didn't want to have too much contact with others. The slender neck is slightly bent, and the skin is dazzlingly white.

The white and tender fingertips grasped a corner of the clothes, pitifully slender and fragile.

Song Yi's eyes darkened.

He stood up, took a step forward, and was about to open his mouth to help Xu Nuonuo out.

He Rui suddenly said, "Little classmate, don't be afraid. Those rich and powerful people are not worthy of you. You can come to our brother Yi! Our brother Yi is the best at helping others."

Others whistled without fear of making trouble.

Song Yi also stopped and looked at Xu Nuonuo with his thin lips.

He only looked calmly, his gaze fell on the girl's beautiful and clean face, and he slowly stared into the little girl's eyes.

Xu Nuonuo's eyes were usually beautiful and pure, but now they were wet. They were like a frightened deer, looking at him in panic.

The darkness in Song Yi's heart gradually brewed. He stretched out his hand and said to the pure and innocent princess, "Don't be afraid, I don't eat people."

Xu Nuonuo finally took steps a little bit amidst everyone's booing and approached Song Yi, who was sitting casually on the sofa.

The young men are all in their prime of life, and with the warm and fragrant soft jade in their arms, they might just use the gun and go off. A group of people looked at them funny.

Zhou Xin was very anxious, but he didn't dare to promise these people away.

However, Nono had never so clearly realized that he was a scumbag with a lot of inner activities and was unable to resist.

She can only be regarded as a joke among this group of people. Xu Nuo Nuo's greatest luck is that she can still rely on Song Yi.

Xunuonuo sat up awkwardly. She had a good posture and only sat one-third of the way. After all, Xu Nuo Nuo's legs were still a little short, and almost all of his body weight rested on Song Yi's long legs.

Nuonuo's face turned red unconsciously, and her ears turned red.

If it were more serious, Song Yi would have no doubt that smoke would come out of Xu Nuo Nuo's head. The little girl was too shy.

Xu Nuonuo was sitting sideways. When Song Yi lowered his head, he could see Nuonuo's panicked and innocent eyes. Coupled with this innocent face, it was able to bring out the deepest desires in people's hearts.

Even the resplendent Buddha, who is admired by the world, may not be able to resist temptation. (End of this chapter)

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