After having the light, Tang Wan didn’t feel so uncomfortable.

 Her eyes fell on Fu Wenzhi, and then she shook her head. She was no longer afraid.

Fu Wenzhi seemed to have just asked this question, without saying anything more or asking more questions out of curiosity.

 He took off his watch and placed it next to Tang Wan's pillow, as if he did it casually.

Tang Wan felt that Fu Wenzhi must have discovered that he was afraid of the dark, but he didn't say anything or ask, giving himself enough private space.

 For an insecure kid like Tang Wan, Fu Wenzhi's doing this greatly satisfied Tang Wan's need for security.

Tang Wan watched Fu Wenzhi leave, lay back on the quilt, and then pulled the quilt to cover his face.

 Her eyes fell on the small watch, and she closed her eyes looking at the soft light on it.

 A dreamless night.

At dawn the next day, a strange man's voice came from the door, as well as the restless knocking on the door.

“Open the door quickly, open the door quickly!”

 “There is a monster!”

 “Open the door quickly! Come and save me!”

 The sleepy children were awakened by this sound.

This time, what is unexpected is that the calmest child is not Tang Wan, but Su Jiajia.

 The most panicked child was Tang Wan.

Her eyes were wide open and she looked in the direction of the door, as if she was looking at some man-eating monster!

 Everything in front of me is unreal.

 Everything was twisting, making a sharp crackle like a chemical experiment.

Tang Wan’s eyes and ears seemed to have lost their function.

 She was not in a cozy cabin, but in a strange and familiar room.

 The surroundings are not children accompanying me, but tables, chairs and benches that have fallen and become twisted.

 The furniture is not covered with soft bedding, but is covered with...

 Blood stains!

 The same figure appeared in front of Tang Wan and pushed Tang Wan further inside.

Tang Wan opened his mouth and wanted to say - don't push me, stop pushing me!

 But she couldn't make a sound, she could only see the "door" being opened!

 Many people rushed in outside.

 So many, so many people!


 “Tangtang? What’s wrong with you?”

Tang Wan’s attention was suddenly called back by Gou Xi.

 Her pupils were still a little dilated, and it was obvious that they had not returned to normal.

But soon, with Gou Xi’s voice, Tang Wan also began to find his focus.

She looked at Gou Xi blankly, and Gou Xi's anxious face appeared in front of her eyes.

I don’t know why, this expression overlaps with a certain point in my memory.

The man seemed to have said something else, but Tang Wan couldn't remember it and couldn't hear it clearly.

Finally Gou Xi hugged Tang Wan, then covered Tang Wan's head with both hands, and yelled at the people outside: "What are you doing?"

 “If you do this again, I’ll beat you up!”

 The staff outside heard Gou Xi's voice and touched their noses in embarrassment.

Then he looked at the director who winked at him out of the corner of his eye, and continued to knock on the door, still shouting: "Open the door quickly, open the door quickly!"

 Finally, Su Jiajia couldn't bear it and stood up, walked to the door, and was about to open the door.

Su Jiajia has her own plans. Obviously, if I continue like this, this program will not become the program that made me famous in my previous life.

 He can only find another way.

It's now!

Isn’t Tang Wan afraid of the knocking on the door?

Then you will do the opposite.

Isn’t she, Tang Wan, so knowledgeable?

Then you will become a fool, knowing nothing and knowing nothing.

 The main theme is a reckless and true temperament.

There were many such characters in the entertainment industry in my previous life. Their kind of adults can have good effects. If you are wearing the shell of a cub, you cannot have worse effects than them.

Thinking of this, Su Jiajia moved faster.

 Even the cubs around him didn't react.

Fu Wenzhi's expression didn't change much, but his eyes looked particularly cold.

 Looking at Su Jiajia, her eyes were a little more gloomy.

 The audience in the live broadcast room does not have that much meticulous observation ability, so they can only write down in the live broadcast room.

  【What's going on with Tangtang? Why did she feel that her courage suddenly became so small? 】

I found that Tang Wan seems to be very afraid of people. She is not so afraid of dangerous things and threatening animals, but she is very afraid of this kind of man-made movement. 】

  【There is also this loud knocking sound. 】

  【When you said this, I also discovered that normal children should simply dislike it and then start crying, rather than appearing scared like Tang Wan. 】

  【A little strange...】

  【Do you still remember the Xinxin Orphanage? I think there may be some problems there. 】

  【Okay, okay, no more conspiracy theories. Everyone is just guessing. Don't talk nonsense without evidence. If you make such a guess and say a few words, that orphanage will be closed in the future, and so many children without parents will become street children. 】

  【That's right, it's better not to think of people so badly. 】

 The topic on the barrage quickly changed, and the audience's attention fell on the children again.

Su Jiajia reached out and opened the door. The staff wearing weird clothes outside immediately grabbed Su Jiajia and shouted: "Hahaha, you have been deceived by me!"

 “I’m going to take your little friend away now!”

 “This is the price of your recklessness!”

It’s just that this staff member’s acting skills were really awkward, so that no one with long children followed his script.

Tang Wan saw that no one was paying attention to him, and he looked a little pitiful. He opened his mouth and said "ah", which was a relief to the staff.

As if being saved, the staff exaggeratedly picked up Su Jiajia, and then ran out while shouting at the children in Tangwan: "Don't count on your parents! They are already under our control!"

 The moment his voice ended, a piece of paper fell out of his body.

Tang Wan ran to the front and picked up the paper.

  is a map.

 It was just as sloppy as the map I got last time.

  【Laughing to death, this kind of plot should be fun for other children, but for them, it must be very childish, right? 】

[Look at the faces of these brats written all over with "Can you please stop playing", "You are such a waste, you are locked up again", "I want to get off work", "I want to take a vacation", it's really too much It's fun. 】

Gou Xi’s movements are the fastest.

She quickly ran to Tang Wan's side, looked at the map in front of her with her, and then nodded.

“The places where Su Jiajia and the adults are detained are still two different places. Where should we go first?”

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