Tang Wan heard these voices, and countless panic surged in his heart.

In her vague memory, she felt that the voices of these people were somewhat familiar, and her body couldn't help but start to tremble.

The little rabbit crawled in the dark, trying to find a hiding place.

I seemed to hear a female voice comforting myself in a crying voice in my mind.

—Baby, can I play a game with you?

—Don’t make a sound, just stay in this cupboard and come out at dawn.

Tang Wan doesn’t remember how he answered.

 Just a black space suddenly appeared in my mind.

 She was trying to catch the woman inside.

 But she couldn't catch her, she could only watch her disappear in front of her.

 But today, there is no one similar to that woman in front of her anymore, she only has herself.

Tang Wan gritted his teeth and moved his body slowly, moving slowly in the darkness.

 But the man's voice was getting closer and closer to her.

“Impossible, we’ve searched all around, and no one is here!”

“That’s right, boss, this area belongs to us, how could there be anyone else here?”

"Bah." The man named "Boss" seemed to spit on the ground, then crushed it hard, and said, "Didn't a program crew come to film at our place during this time?"

“It’s not convenient for everyone to move around.”

“When will their program group leave?”

There was a "click" sound, which was the sound of a lighter being turned on. It was particularly abrupt in the silent darkness. Tang Wan pricked up his ears and listened to their conversation.

“I heard from the aunt next door that it will take half a month.”

“Half a month? So long? I don’t know where this kind of bird can take pictures if it doesn’t poop.”

"The factory in Su Yue has been exposed. Let's find a new location."

 “Aren’t you going to chase me, boss?”

"What are you chasing after? Those city dwellers are so timid that even they wouldn't dare to come here."

Tang Wan heard their voices suddenly disappear, but did not lower his guard.

  She didn’t know why, but her heart kept shouting about danger.

I kept shouting in my heart that I can’t go out!

 Don't go out!

 Hide it well!

Tang Wanzhen hid motionless in the darkness, hiding in a corner, with a lot of cold sweat spreading all over his body, but his eyes like black grapes kept staring at the flames jumping not far away.

 Looks a little calm.

 After a while, the fire died out and fell on the muddy ground.

 Then he seemed to lift his foot and crush it on the ground a few times, suppressing the firelight in the darkness.

The footsteps were a little heavy, as if they were leaving the same spot.

However, Tang Wan did not act rashly.

 The vigilance and fear in her heart were infinitely magnified in the darkness.

 She didn't come out of the corner immediately.

In this extremely quiet environment, Tang Wan could even hear his own heartbeat.


 Once again, like a life-threatening charm.

Suddenly the man named Boss spoke again: "Tsk, it seems it's really not here. Search somewhere else."


Tang Wan opened his eyes silently.

 Sure enough!

His actions just now were just a cover-up!

 They just moved their feet on the spot, bluffing and waiting for them to walk out of the corner!

They pretend to be leaving, and if they just step out of the corner, they will catch them!

Tang Wan heard their footsteps getting farther and farther this time. Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a clear phone rang.

This time, Tang Wan's heart was in his throat again.

At this time, Tang Wan was extremely glad that Lu Lin hadn't had time to buy a children's watch for herself. Otherwise, when they found out that she was missing and called him, she would really not be able to get out.

Someone answered the phone and said in a breathy voice: "Hello? What's up." "Has someone been there?"

 “The labor and management just discovered that someone is walking this way!”

 “You said that labor and management pursued the wrong case? Who are you over there?”

“A man in his twenties? Or a foreigner? Is he from that program team?”

"Okay, okay, the labor and management know it, let the labor and management wait until it happens!"

Tang Wan heard the boss's voice and covered his mouth with his hand.

Her eyes were wide open and red-rimmed.

She took a deep breath of air, which was still mixed with the pungent smell of tobacco.

 But I am thinking in my heart.

 Male in his twenties, a member of the program team…

that is not…

 Lu Lin? !

 It turns out that I just ran in the opposite direction! Just missed it with Lu Lin!

Tang Wan heard their voices getting farther and farther away, and the last words fell on Tang Wan's ears, like some kind of bad news.

“Okay, go catch that man and break his legs!”

“It’s really annoying. Every time someone finds out, we have to move to another place, and the labor and management will be annoyed too!”

When their voices completely disappeared, Tang Wan emerged from the darkness and ran in the original direction without looking back.

 The dirt on her face was mixed with tears and blood, falling drop by drop on the gray rabbit suit, and then fell to the ground.

Like a spark that has just been extinguished, falling into darkness.

 Small and ubiquitous.

In Tang Wan's mind, Lu Lin reached out to himself and picked up his small and dirty self.

 It was the way he hugged himself, joked with himself, and ran to his side immediately when he was injured.

  It was he who broke open the door of the orphanage and held himself in his arms.

Tang Wan cherishes the hard-won happiness.

Although she is timid and timid, she...

 But she has the courage to do whatever it takes.

 She had nothing and nothing to offer, but it was Lu Lin who took her out of the gloom.

 Now it’s her turn.

 She will become a brave child.

 She will become the warrior chosen by the sword of justice!

 She wants to save her brother!

People's potential is endless. Even small individuals can bloom flowers of courage in extremely harsh environments.

 Even if that small individual is just a flash of fireworks.

 But if such fireworks exist, someone will see them.

As long as you see it, one day it will connect the city with fire and illuminate the darkness.

Tang Wan ran back to the villa with all his strength. There were not many people guarding here.

 The adults all went to help, but they didn't know that they were running in the wrong direction.

Tang Wan's mind was in a mess. She was thinking about Lu Lin, Su Jiajia, and what those men said.

 Perhaps this place gave the program team a wrong message from the beginning.

The program team did not have the right path at all. It was just Tang Wan who, relying on his intuition, stumbled to the right place.

At this moment, a figure suddenly stopped in front of Tang Wan.

Tang Wan subconsciously raised his head, looked at Pei Yunzhou in front of him, opened his mouth, and realized that he couldn't make a sound.

Tang Wan’s tears suddenly fell down.

 The beads were connected one by one and smashed on the ground.

 Her heart was anxious, she stretched out her hand and made sign language over and over again.

  [Save brother! ]

  [Go and save them quickly! ]

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