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They were all from humble backgrounds, and of course they knew how difficult it was to study in a farming family. That's why Xue Tingxiang said that the Xue family never forgot to cultivate their children and grandchildren while they settled down, and Qiao Xiucai praised them greatly.

Because he knew that this matter seemed insignificant, but it was actually too difficult for farmers. How many families had the idea of ​​changing their own destiny by reading books.

It can be said that those who are born in a poor family in the countryside and can achieve great fame have all experienced great hardships. The starting point is much lower than others. It takes countless efforts to catch up with others, and at the same time they have to face all kinds of cruel competition.

This kind of competition is not only between classmates and test takers, but also between the same clan and even one's own brothers.

If you succeed, the sea and sky will be vast, and you will be no ordinary person from now on. If you fail, you will put down the book and pick up the hoe, and face the loess and back to the sky for the rest of your life.

Because they understood this kind of cruelty, the two of them couldn't help but wonder whether the boy was deliberately weakening his own knowledge, just to get his brother to lower the difficulty of the questions. But this is a double-edged sword. After all, leaving your studies to others is a disadvantage to yourself.

These thoughts only happened in an instant, and because of the sudden attention from He Xiucai and Qiao Xiucai, Xue Qingshan's eyebrows jumped wildly, for fear that Xue Tingyan would say something shocking again. At this time, he could no longer think about why Xue Tingyan knew the interpretation of the scriptures, and he completely forgot that his previous idea was that Xue Tingyan did not understand the meaning of the scriptures, and it would be effortless for his son to defeat him.

This also applies to Clan Chief Xue. If something happens in the clan that cannot be seen, it will only be within the clan. If it happens in public, it will be a bit ugly.

The two people's eyes seemed to be filled with needles, burning anxiously on Xue Tingyan's face. Unexpectedly, he smiled shyly and said: The boy was weak and sick when he was young, so he inevitably fell behind.

Xue Qingshan hurriedly smiled and said: That's it. I'm not afraid of the two seniors laughing at me. My nephew is actually very talented, but his weak body has hindered his studies.

Patriarch Xue also nodded in agreement.

No one else knew what the fuss was about, they just opened their eyes and watched. Only Zheng Lizheng seemed to realize that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell the details and could only remain silent.

After another round of mutual humility between He Xiucai and Qiao Xiucai, He Xiucai took the lead in the end. Sitting at the top, he said to Xue Tingyan: Since you don't understand the meaning of the scriptures and it is beyond the scope of your study, it would be unfair. You two are still young, and it is time to lay the foundation, so I will test you two. Human base.

Hearing this, although Xue Juncai was a little disappointed that he was overqualified and missed the opportunity to perform, he was also disdainful.

If you don't test the scriptures, then Xue Tingxiang is not his opponent!

He Xiucai pinched his beard with his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said: Zhuzi said: The size of learning is inherently different, but it is the Tao, and it is just one. This is only for children. If you don't learn it in primary school, you won't be able to learn it. Its heart, to cultivate its virtue, is the foundation of the university. The two of you will each silently write a Disciple Regulations.

Neither of them expected that the first question would be Mo's Disciple Regulations. You must know that Disciples Regulations was learned at the beginning of elementary school, and the whole article is only about a thousand words. In addition to the general narrative, it is divided into seven chapters: filial piety when you enter, brotherhood when you go out, sincerity, faith, universal love for all, kindness and benevolence, and Yu Liwen.

Each chapter is not long, with three words and one sentence, rhyming in the same pattern, and catchy. It lists various norms that disciples should abide by at home, when going out, and when dealing with others. It is a classic that teaches children how to be upright, do their best, stay honest when doing evil, and cultivate a loyal family tradition and self-control. It also just proves what He Xiucai said before, the size of learning is inherently different, but it is the truth that it is only one.

Someone has already prepared a square table and pens and inks, and each person has a table and table in front of the hall, and even the ink has been sharpened.

When the two came to the table, they picked up a pen and wrote without any hesitation.

As the two rushed to write and write, the noise gradually faded away. Even if the country people don't understand the basic principles, they also know that scholars should not be disturbed when they are doing their studies.

This is not a problem for Xue Tingyan, because he only has one book, so he has spent a lot of effort to memorize the things he has learned in elementary school.

Not only memorizing, but also keeping in mind, so that when asked in school, he can answer fluently, because he has no reference at all.

It is better to have no books than to have books, because these are all engraved in the mind. Especially since having that dream, in order not to affect his memory, he has silently recited the book he had memorized countless times in his mind.

While Xue Tingxiang was writing vigorously, he also had a slight change in his opinion of He Xiucai.

He could see that the other party asked such an unexpected question, not because the other party deliberately released the water, but because the other party wanted to make a surprise. Because this discipline is too simple for scholars, they have learned it when they were just learning, but they just throw it away after learning it.

Except for the early days of elementary school, Mr. will not take these tests later. It may be a test of the Three-Character Classic, or even the Hundred Family Surnames, Thousand-Character Classic, but it will not be this disciple rule.

Xue Tingyan even couldn't wait to see Xue Juncai's reaction. Maybe the other party could roughly write down this article, maybe write down all the more than a thousand words, and each word is good and in a good order? Moreover, when He Xiucai asked Mo to follow the rules of his disciples, I am afraid that he was not just Mo Xi, but also agreed to one of the books in elementary school.

Just using your own words is enough to outshine the opponent.

Just as Xue Tingyan thought, Xue Juncai did have contempt at first. He even thought that He Xiucai was mentally ill because he took the Disciple Regulations test.

Who doesn’t know how to discipline disciples? This is what you need to learn when you first enter school. But when he fell silent, he realized that he was not as good as he thought.

I wonder if you will love me after you leave, or will you be hurt? You must know that this Disciple Rules is not like other articles. It can connect the past and the future and corroborate each other. If one sentence is wrong in the first sentence, the next paragraph will be wrong.

The more Xue Juncai kept quiet, the more annoyed he became. He always felt that he had made a mistake. If someone asked a question, he would naturally answer it fluently. Ke Mo is still a good word Mo!

At first, he wrote quickly, but then he became slower and slower, even to the point where he couldn't even start writing. It was obvious that he was not sure whether his memory was wrong.

On the contrary, Xue Tingxiang has been calm from the beginning, and he is still writing at a leisurely pace at this time, but it can be seen that his writing is very coherent, with almost no pause.

At the first place, Qiao Xiucai glanced at He Xiucai with sigh in his eyes, not hiding his surprise at all. He naturally had a clear view of the following situation, and had to admire He Xiucai's ingenuity.

He Xiucai sighed slightly. In fact, he would ask this kind of question, but he just wanted people to make mistakes. I had an idea and felt very proud.

He stroked his beard and said with a slight smile: You two little friends, don't worry, one stick of incense will take you enough time to write down.

Writing more than a thousand words on a stick of incense seems to be a bit hasty, but writing something as simple as disciples' rules silently is not impossible as long as you hurry up.

But that was before. When he heard someone mention the time, Xue Juncai couldn't help but become more anxious.

In the following time, he kept looking at the incense stick, because he looked at it too often, which made his speed even slower.

Okay, time's up.

As the words fell, Xue Tingyan made a stroke of his pen and put down the pen in his hand.

Xue Juncai didn't move, until someone went in front of him, only to find that his whole body was as stiff as a stone, and he was dripping with sweat, and the paper in front of him was only half full.

Because the two of them were carrying the door, and Xue Qingshan and Yang Zhong were sitting at the end, they did not notice anything strange. In their minds, a Regulations for Disciples couldn't be simpler, and Xue Juncai's strange appearance also attracted the attention of the two of them, but they still didn't expect that Xue Juncai could not finish writing it.

It was not until He Xiucai and Qiao Xiucai looked at each other after reading their papers respectively that He Xiucai announced that Xue Tingyan had won this match.

Xue Qingshan stood up from the chair in surprise: How is that possible?

At the same time, there were a lot of discussions below and outside the door, and it seemed that they couldn't believe that Xue Juncai had lost. The insider looks at the door, the outsider looks at the excitement. The villagers who couldn't read a word didn't know what was being tested. They only knew that the scholar master said that Xue Juncai lost to the Xue family's son.

Xue Juncai lost to Xue Gouzi?

This, this is really surprising. You must know that Xue Juncai has always been the most outstanding young man among the younger generation in Yuqing Village. Whoever mentions him does not give a thumbs up.

Senior He, Senior Qiao, are you making a mistake? This is a disciple rule...

He Xiucai signaled with his eyes, and two people stepped forward to unroll Xue Juncai and Xue Tingyan's papers, held them up, and showed them to everyone.

On one of the pieces of rice paper, the handwriting was plump, straight and beautiful. On the other piece of rice paper, the handwriting was not bad, but it started to falter. It became more scrawled toward the back, and there were even dots of ink on it.

Xue Tingxiang's words are not bad, and there is no ink on the scroll, which is a good appearance. And Xue Juncai didn't finish his silence, and there were mistakes and omissions, so Xue Tingxiang won this round.

Juncai! Xue Qingshan said in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief. He wanted to say something else, but Yang Zhong stopped him.

Xue Juncai didn't look up until now, and then he stiffly raised his head and glanced at Xue Tingyan with red eyes.

Next is the second game, this time it's back to normal school exam homework.

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