If the subscription ratio of this article is ≥50%, it can be read normally, otherwise it will be delayed for three days, and the supplement can be made up immediately to see that Xue Qingshan is also out, but not in Shangdi, but in the town. It is said that some classmate in the town has elders at home Have a big birthday.

Now is the busy season, and there are not many schoolchildren in the school. The private schools in the countryside are like this. Every two seasons when the farming season is busy, the students will be given holidays, so Xue Qingshan has been quite free recently. But no one cares about where he goes or not. When the school is on vacation, he is often not seen for several days.

Zhao'er washed the dishes and chopsticks used by himself and the little man, and took them back to the kitchen. Mrs. Zhou was cooking pig food, while Tao'er was sweeping the yard. Seeing that she had nothing to do, Zhao'er found Heizi's food bowl, and scooped up a bowl from the leftover rice that was going to be mixed with pig grass to feed pigs later. , carrying it and walking out the door.

Mrs. Zhou glanced at her back, but said nothing.

The leftovers are for Heizi. Dogs in the country are like this. The owner eats dry food, and the dog drinks water. When the owner eats water, the dog usually starves. The country dogs are used to starvation, but Zhao'er usually pays little attention to sunspots, no matter good or bad, he always feeds him.

Occasionally there are additional meals, of course, these are invisible to the human face.

Anyway, Mrs. Zhao saw Zhao'er picking food out of her pig's mouth and feeding it to the dog!

She stepped out of the main room and saw this scene, her old face immediately pulled down, and she didn't see her scolding Zhao'er, so she stood in front of the door and shouted at the direction of the kitchen: Let you feed the pigs! It’s good for you, feed the food into the dog’s mouth, such a big person is useless, and eating for nothing is not enough.”

This clearly refers to Sang scolding Huai.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Zhou didn't speak. Tao'er, who was sweeping the yard, looked up at Grandma, endured it and continued to sweep the yard. Mrs. Zhao didn't mention her name, who knows who she was scolding, if she stepped forward to intervene, she would only change the target and be scolded bloody.

These are lessons learned.

As soon as Zhao'er walked to the gate of the courtyard, she heard such scolding. She didn't show any weakness, and turned her head to look at Zhao with a smile: Grandma, are you scolding Third Aunt? If you scold Third Aunt, Third Aunt But it’s too unfair. If you want to scold you, you should scold me. I scooped up the leftovers and planned to give Heizi to eat. Didn’t I just think that Heizi would not be easy, so I would bring a rabbit to the house every now and then. You said we You can’t do something that wants the cows to work without giving them grass, don’t you think?”

Mrs. Zhao glared at Zhao'er angrily. She knew that this girl was not a cheap girl, so she scolded Mrs. Zhou, but she found her by herself. Just as he was about to say something, some of the women who passed by the gate of the courtyard smiled and said, I saw Lian Xing's family so energetic early in the morning.

Someone next to him interjected: Don't talk about it, Ren Zhao'er is right. How can there be a cow that works without giving it grass?

That's right, Lian Xing's family, it's almost enough. Everyone in the village doesn't like your big black dog. At this time when there is a rabbit shortage in the wild, it can fetch rabbits. What a smart beast. Usually In summer and autumn, voles, wild rabbits, and pheasants were often picked up at home, and they would be brought back if they didn’t eat them. If you don’t like Heizi, give it to our family, and your Uncle Shouxin has already taken a fancy to Heizi.”

This is a Lianxing family, Mr. Xue and his aunt, known as Aunt Shouxin. Although he is ten years younger than Mrs. Zhao, but he is of a higher seniority.

There are more than 200 households in Yuqing Village, with Xue and Zheng as the main surnames, and there are more than a dozen other households with mixed surnames. Since they all have the same surname, it is inevitable that every family is related, and some relationships can be pulled out of Wufu. But relatives are relatives, and when one is younger than others, one has to respect one another, so when this aunt Shouxin spoke, she sounded like an elder giving advice to younger generations.

Mrs. Zhao was terribly blocked by these words, even though she was scolding, she was really reluctant to let her give Heizi to others. Just like what these people said, Heizi did bring some wild animals to his house at ordinary times, regardless of size, fat or thin, he always eats meat, and it is not easy for country people to eat meat.

She kept a straight face and said nothing, but the trick in front of the door was on point: Grandma Seven, this is not acceptable, Heizi is my lifeblood, you have made my lifeblood run away, I can't live anymore.

She smiled as soon as she said it, and said witty words in her mouth, and immediately made Aunt Shouxin laugh, pointing at her bit by bit, and said to others: Look at this naughty girl, but she is not at all. You're welcome. Please, please, Seventh Grandma doesn't want you dog, so she won't take away my son's life.

After talking and joking, Zhao'er sent the women away with a smile, and then turned around to feed Heizi.

Mrs. Zhao glared at her, turned around and was about to enter the room, but just as she lifted her foot, she heard someone calling her from behind.

Mom, why are you standing here?

But Xue Cuiping, the eldest daughter of the Zhao family, came back.

Xue Cuiping's appearance is 60% similar to Zhao's, but she has a pair of big almond eyes. She looked like she was in her twenties, and she was wearing a washed-out blue floral jacket with a pair of red-coloured wide-leg trousers underneath. She was holding a bamboo basket in her hand, which was covered with a layer of cloth, and she couldn't see what was in it, and she was looking at Mrs. Zhao suspiciously.

This really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here soon. The old man said before that the Zhao family is planning to get someone to report to Shangshui Village. This will save trouble.

The mother and daughter walked into the house while talking, and soon disappeared behind the curtain of the main room door.

Zhao'er squatted there watching Heizi eat, stroking its big head with her hand, but she was a little curious about how her aunt came back in time for the busy farming season.


This can't be done, mother, you are letting someone poke my spine! In the main room, Xue Cuiping stood up after listening to Mrs. Zhao's words.

Mrs. Zhao hurriedly reached out to pull her, and at the same time gestured for her to keep her voice down so that no one could hear her.

Why not? You are Gouzi's aunt, and you beat the younger brother and the second child. If this family says who the child wants to listen to, they will probably listen to you.

Mrs. Zhao's words are true. Xue Cuiping has been friends with her second child, Xue Qingsong since she was a child, and she and Mrs. Qiu also got along well when she was not married. When Xue Gouzi was born, she often hugged him.

Xue Gouzi has been shy and introverted since he was a child, and since his second wife left, he has become more silent and gloomy. He often doesn't see him say a word for ten days and a half months, and the members of the Xue family are only close to aunt Xue Cuiping.

But... Xue Cuiping was full of embarrassment, and secretly said in her heart that she shouldn't be coming back this trip. She never thought that she hadn't finished her business before going back to her mother's house, but this kind of thing would happen.

Don't forget, your family Xingzi came to our private school, and your elder brother didn't care about you. Now your elder brother needs your help, why don't you want to ignore it, you are good, your elder brother is fine, The big house is promising, can it still make you suffer?

Why don't you tell the dog yourself, mother!

Mrs. Zhao has never been a patient person. She can speak so softly because Xue Cuiping is her daughter. Seeing her daughter pushing back and forth like this, and poking her heart with words, she immediately exploded: If your mother can go and tell him, is it still necessary for you? Your mother can say this, can you say it? If you let outsiders You know, what has become of this?

Xue Cuiping was already irritated by her in-laws' affairs, and when she saw her mother scolding herself, she immediately became annoyed: Hey, the whole family will not go, and I am an outsider who asked me to be this villain? Even if an outsider finds out, it is still It’s no use for me to be an aunt, and the second elder brother’s family and adults are all dead, so why not force a child?!”

Seeing her daughter's voice getting louder, Mrs. Zhao was afraid that people would hear her, so she gave her a firm hand and scolded: You are afraid that people will not hear you, right?

Naturally, Xue Cuiping didn't want to have a falling out with her mother, so she muttered reluctantly: Let me say, it's not your mother's business to be in charge of this matter, let the elder brother or sister-in-law handle the affairs of the elder brother's house by himself. Let others do all the bad things. , their family is innocent, there is such a thing!

Why are you talking about your elder brother? Your elder brother is a scholar, he wants to face and respect. Besides, he is ashamed of his second son, and he can't do such a thing.

Xue Cuiping's lips parted, and she pressed down her full stomach.

If he really felt ashamed of his second brother, would he still make such a fuss? In fact, over the years, Xue Cuiping has also seen through the behavior of this elder brother. If the elder sister-in-law is a smiley face, the elder brother is not a good person. Bad things have been done by others. It is obvious that their family has benefited, but they still pretend to be innocent.

But so what if she knew, she was a married woman after all, she couldn't shake the deep-rooted respect her parents had for her elder brother. As long as this kind of value is not broken for a day, the big house will always be the first in the family. In particular, she also has her own selfishness and her own reasons, so even if she knows what happened at home in the past two years, she can only ignore it against her conscience.

She brushed back the hair that fell on her cheeks, and said: Mother, let's not talk about it, I came back this trip to borrow some wheat seeds, you also know my mother-in-law's disease, because I was in a hurry to raise money last year The money for the medicine, and no seeds left...

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao patted her hard twice: Borrowing wheat seeds again, do you think your mother's family has gold and silver, don't you? With so many sons in the Liu family, let you, a daughter-in-law, come back to dig out her mother's family!?


Those head-cutting things in the Liu family, a house full of losers, a bunch of incompetent bastards, who can't even support their mothers... Mrs. Zhao scolded, and seeing Xue Cuiping crying, she beat her again. She said twice: Go and deal with Gouzi, and mother will give you wheat seeds.


Go, don't ink.


When he heard that his aunt had returned, Xue Gouzi felt a sense of fate in his heart.

Afterwards, when Xue Cuiping opened the door curtain and walked in with a smile, he surprisingly didn't feel sad at all.

When Xue Cuiping was talking, Xue Gouzi was not actually listening, he was just thinking about all the strange things in and out of the dream.

Xue Tingxiang also experienced such a thing back then, since his parents passed away one after another, he felt resentful towards Xue's family in his heart. And these grievances accumulated little by little under Dafang's hypocrisy and the acquiescence of his family members. Until this time, he still had the last bit of hope in his heart, but when even his closest aunt was standing on the opposite side, he completely collapsed in despair. Instead of being silent earlier, he chose to explode.

In fact, what Dafang and even the Xue family were waiting for was his outburst. As long as he raises this matter himself, countless big hats will be put on his head. He had no ability to resist at all, and these people were all his elders, so his anger and unwillingness were all strangled to death in his infancy.

This time, what happened in the dream happened again, what should he do?

Xue Cuiping's mouth was still opening and closing, it could be seen that she was a little guilty in front of this pale and frail nephew. But these guilty consciences were hidden behind her constantly opening and closing mouth. Xue Gouzi's eyes were indifferent, but someone beside him couldn't help it.

Zhao'er's face was ugly, but he still forced a smile: Auntie, you see that the dog has been sick for a few days, and he just got better. He is not in good spirits. If there is anything to say, let's talk about it later.

In fact, Zhao'er knew that this day would come sooner or later, otherwise she wouldn't be desperately trying to make money recently. But when the malice between relatives approached a little bit, and it was her little man who forced it, Zhao'er couldn't ignore it.

She knew that it was the relatives who hurt people the most, and she had suffered this kind of pain. When mother left, she promised her that she would take good care of the little man, she made an oath.

At this moment, Zhao'er's eyes were stern, which was a sign that the female beast was going crazy.

Xue Cuiping was frightened by what Zhaoer saw in her eyes, she shook her head subconsciously, and smiled uncomfortably, she couldn't believe that a girl's eyes could be so scary.

Zhao'er, Auntie is here to enlighten the dog. Auntie is also doing it for the good of the dog, and for the good of the family...

Auntie. Suddenly, Xue Gouzi spoke.

Interrupting Xue Cuiping's words also interrupted Zhao'er's explosion at a critical point.

Xue Cuiping hurriedly turned her head to look at him: Dog, Auntie told you...

Auntie, I didn't understand what you said for a long time. What should the meaning of the family come first? Why does Kong Rong give up pears? What does elder brother need from me? Auntie, you don't know that elder brother has everything, grandma Uncles and aunts love him too, and they bought good pens, inks, papers and inkstones. Every time he uses paper for calligraphy practice, I can only practice calligraphy with branches and write on the sand. The paper I occasionally use is the worst quality Zhaoer bought. The rice paper, the ink drops on it and it is printed.

Brother has a lot of books, but I only have a copy of Children Learning Qionglin, which I bought when my father worked as a carpenter for a few months. I know that my reading is not as good as that of my elder brother, and my handwriting is not as good as that of my elder brother. So I dare not ask to be like him. I don’t have anything, I really don’t know what I can give up to my elder brother.”

Xue Gouzi's eyes were bright and moist, with a kind of bewilderment and doubt that was ignorant of the world. The envy in his expression implied inferiority, and there was also some sadness in the inferiority complex.

In particular, he had just recovered from a serious illness, his face was pale, and he was so thin that only a bone remained. He said such words that really made the sad witnesses cry.

These words left Xue Cuiping speechless, feeling distressed and ashamed of herself, feeling that she would have no face to see her second brother and sister-in-law if she died. But the situation at home is imminent. There are no seeds during the spring plowing, and the wheat seedlings are not cultivated in time. If this season is missed, the whole family will suffer from famine this year.

She suddenly hardened her heart, licked her lips and said, Auntie is talking about going to the school in the town. You see, your handsome elder brother is better at studying than you. He is at the critical moment. You should give up as a younger brother. Anyway, you are one year younger than him, so it won't be too late to go again next year.

Zhao'er turned around abruptly, and picked up the stick behind the door.

At this moment, Xue Gouzi said again: Why did you let me go? Didn't I have to go? Uncle asked you to come? Did he forget what he promised my father before he died? It turns out that uncle said Treating me like my own son is all fake...

Xue Cuiping shook her head suddenly, It wasn't your uncle who asked me to come, I came here by myself, I just thought...

The next words were interrupted by Xue Gouzi again.

He showed a shy smile, as if he breathed a sigh of relief: It's not that uncle asked you to come. Auntie, you almost scared me to death. I thought that uncle only loves brother Juncai and not me. Obviously uncle said the best It hurts me.

From then on, Xue Cuiping couldn't continue her words, she could only say a few words in a hurry without knowing why, then lifted the curtain and went out.

The room was very quiet, the eyes of the young man on the kang darkened, and there was a trace of vicissitudes that did not match his age.

Looking at such a little man, Zhao'er was afraid to go forward. It took a while to come over, sitting on the edge of the kang, hesitantly said: Dog, are you okay?

Looking at the worried face of the other party, Xue Gouzi smiled: I'm fine.

Zhao'er pursed her lips tightly and patted his head: Believe me, sister, one day we won't have to ask for anyone.


Xue Cuiping left without even eating lunch, and when she left, she took a bag of wheat seeds Mrs. Zhao gave her.

No one knew what she had said to Mrs. Zhao, and what Mrs. Zhao had said to her. All in all, when eating lunch at noon, Mrs. Zhao's and Mrs. Yang's faces were so ugly that Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Zhou were cautious.

Zhao'er never looked at these things. After the rice was put on the table, she took two bowls to put the rice first, and then add the vegetables. Lunch can't be called rich, it's just millet rice, and the dishes are stuffed white rice and radish, as well as some homemade pickles. There is also meat, all big fat meat, a small plate, placed in front of the men.

Men have to work in the fields and eat meat to gain strength.

Zhao'er didn't want to eat meat either, the meat cooked by Zhou's was greasy and greasy, which made people feel unappetizing. She put some hot dishes and pickles into the bowl as usual, but she didn't put much, but Mrs. Zhao suddenly dropped her chopsticks.

Just such a little food, the two of you can eat this? Hungry ghost reincarnation or something?

This is very hurtful and slaps face, but anyone with some self-esteem can't stand it, but Zhao'er is used to it. Zhao Shi is like this, whoever makes her dissatisfied, she can use various methods to get back sick.

She was not annoyed, and continued to pick up vegetables. She originally planned to pick up only those, but because of Mrs. Zhao's words, she deliberately picked up two more chopsticks.

I can't help Grandma, the dog needs to take care of himself, if there's nothing good to feed him, he has to be full to eat. As she spoke, she suddenly turned her head and said to Mrs. Zhou: Third Aunt, wash the vegetables next time. You call me Caicai, our family is not a family that is too poor to eat, but there are scholars in the family, and there is a master who is a child. Although grandma lives carefully on weekdays, she is not a person who does not let people eat food.

When it comes to pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, Zhao'er thinks she can't lose to anyone, especially since she is holding her breath in her heart.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhao was immediately annoyed: No matter how rich a family is, they can't afford you to eat so much. You can eat more than anyone else if you don't work every day. A stupid girl like you, if it wasn't for our family, He was kicked out a long time ago.

Zhao'er immediately put away her smile: Grandma, you are wrong to say that. I came to the house when I was seven years old, and I didn't do any work inside and out? When my father died, I wore a filial piety and kept my spirit. When my mother died, I waited on her bed day and night for more than half a year. I was the daughter-in-law of the second room, and I paid the end of my life for the second wife.

But grandma, don't dislike me as a granddaughter-in-law who is talkative. People are divided into three or six grades according to how much they eat. Some people don't know how to wipe the oil on their mouths when they eat delicious food. They can be replaced by others. If you eat some rotten white song, it will become a waste of food. There are more than a dozen chickens in this house, and there are no fewer eggs. Taoer and I feed them every day, and I don’t know where the eggs have gone. Gouzi’s disease I ate one egg so far, don’t let me raise the chicken next time, anyway, I can’t eat it, whoever eats it will raise it.”

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