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Zhao'er took the towel, returned to the edge of the kang, took off the towel on his head and wiped his hair.

Her hair was dark and thick, reaching her waist. She pushed her long hair to the side of her neck, then sat on the edge of the kang with her head tilted slightly, letting her long hair hang down, and combed it with a comb.

The girl was wearing a lilac-colored floral jacket and purple wide-leg pants. She had to straighten her back and tilt her neck to prevent the water from her wet hair from getting her clothes wet. These were all subconscious actions, but in Xue Tingyan's eyes, they made his heart beat faster for no reason, and he felt a sense of tension in his blood.

Apart from anything else, it was because of this posture that the girl's figure was revealed to the fullest. With high breasts and perky hips, and a slender waist, Xue Tingyan had never seen such a scene before. An extremely unfamiliar feeling of heat rose up in her body.

But at the same time, it was not unfamiliar. A picture appeared in his mind. It was the wedding night between the two of them.

In the dream, he didn't like her at that time, but he thought it was natural to marry her.

It was a deep-rooted thought that she should be his wife.

But his deepest hidden emotions were concealed by his awkwardness and ignorance. Especially when he later went to school to study and let his classmates know that he had a child bride in the countryside, he attracted a lot of ridicule.

But in fact, he liked her deep down, so she was tortured by him on the wedding night.

Originally, he was ignorant and she was new to the world, so it hurt him and her too. But he still thought about it when it hurt, and she cried until tears and runny nose ran down her face. That was the first time she showed weakness in front of him, and he fell in love with this way of bullying her from then on.

At that time, he was studying in the school dormitory and could only come back every ten days. Every time he came back, she was so scared that she hid. But she had to rely on him and let him do whatever he wanted. He obviously liked it, but pretended not to like it.

Now that I think about it, he was really a jerk at that time.

Thinking about the mess in his mind, he suddenly said: I'll wipe it for you.

Zhao'er glanced sideways at him in surprise, and subconsciously refused: It still doesn't work, I will do it myself. After these days of correction, she has gradually learned not to call herself sister.

Before she could finish her words, Xue Tingyan had already snatched the cloth and pulled her to turn her back. Zhao'er could only freeze there and let him wipe it.

Seriously speaking, Xue Tingyan is still half a hair short, so he can only sit up and wipe her hair while kneeling. The two of them were so close that Zhao'er didn't notice at all, but Xue Tingyan felt that his blood was surging fiercely.

Zhao'er's hair is very dark, thick, and smooth, like a piece of fine satin. He was clumsy, and he pulled her painfully several times at first. It wasn't until he heard her inhaling unconsciously that he slowed down and became gentler.

It felt a little difficult for him to reach, and Zhao'er felt a little distressed. He kept stretching his arms: What if I don't lie down here?

As she said that, she went to give it a try. Sure enough, it was more convenient for him to lie on the kang, and neither of them was tired this way. What she didn't know was that her posture was even more sultry when viewed from behind, especially for a young man who was full of energy.

Xue Tingyan immediately regretted agreeing to this matter. It felt like a kind of torture. He needed to work hard to steady himself so as not to look randomly.

If not, why don't you sit up? he asked.

But she didn't get an answer.

I went to look and found that she was asleep.

The girl seemed very tired and slept soundly. She was lying on the long quilt, her thick long hair spread behind her and reaching her waist. Because the quilt was covering her face, her face was slightly deformed, but her pink lips were pouty.

Zhao'er, who had just taken a shower, still had moisture on his face. His plump and delicate cheeks looked young and tender at first glance, and his pink lips had a watery shine that was attractive.

Something was clamoring in his heart, and he leaned in unconsciously. Their cheeks were getting closer and closer, so close that he could see and smell the sweet fragrance.

Suddenly, she moved, and he quickly stepped away, pretending to be calm and muttering why he fell asleep, but in fact, he was nervously watching her reaction.

Fortunately, she moved a little and showed no sign of waking up, so he felt relieved.

But the impulse in his heart was gone. He looked at her several times, reached for the thin quilt and covered her with it, and continued to wipe her wet hair with a cloth.


Yuqing Village was originally a village built by a group of victims who fled the war in the previous dynasty and took root here.

At first it was not called Yuqing Village, but Zhengjiazhuang. Everyone in the village had the surname Zheng, but there were not many people there, only about ten households. Many years later, there was a famine one year, and the government arranged for a group of people who had fled the disaster to stay here. These people were the ancestors of the Xue family.

There are not many people with the surname Zheng, and there are also many people with the surname Xue. At first, the people with the surname Zheng took the lead. As time went by, the two surnames began to fight against each other.

The Dachang Dynasty implemented the Lilao system, with one hundred households in one li, and a chief Jia, commonly known as Lizheng. He also appointed several elderly people, who are commonly known as village elders.

Within the jurisdiction of Yuqing Village, everything in the village, such as settling civil lawsuits, arbitrating rights and wrongs, guiding folk customs, advising on farming and mulberry farming, communicating with superiors, etc., as well as collecting taxes and military service, are all done by the local people. Li Zheng and the village elder co-hosted the completion.

The power of the Li Lao can be said to be quite great, and those who can be promoted to the Li Lao are all highly respected local people.

In fact, this system is equivalent to people in one place managing the people in one place.

There is a saying nowadays that the imperial power does not extend to counties, but only to clans, and clans are autonomous. Autonomy depends on ethics, and ethics creates country gentry. This is how it is.

Over the years, the two surnames Xue and Zheng seem to be harmonious on the surface, but they have been constantly competing for the right to speak in the village. Although it was because of the emergence of a scholar among the people named Xue that the Xue clan reversed its earlier decline and several village elders appeared in succession, the position of Li Zheng has always been in the hands of people named Zheng.

Nowadays, there is one village elder and four village elders in Yuqing Village. Three of these four village elders are surnamed Xue, which means two to three. However, because of Zheng Lizheng's presence, it is still not an advantage.

Chief Xue was confident that if another scholar emerged from the clan, he would be able to completely overwhelm the Zheng family, so when he heard about the rumors that had been circulating in the village for the past two days, he immediately exploded.

While Mr. Xue was still in the fields, he was called to the Xue clan chief's house.

Seeing Patriarch Xue's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, Mr. Xue was still puzzled by Monk Zhang Er: Brother Haizi, what's going on? In terms of seniority, Patriarch Xue was Mr. Xue's cousin.

What's wrong with you asking me? Don't you know what's going on outside recently?

Mr. Xue really doesn’t know.

Seeing this, Patriarch Xue told the story roughly with a dark face.

It turns out that I don’t know since when, things about the Xue family began to spread outside.

The source was that someone saw Xue Gouzi, the only son of the second wife of the Xue family, crying in front of Xue Laoer's grave.

The specific content of the cry cannot be tested. It may be that a half-year-old boy can express his grievances in this way, which is enough to prove that the child must have been wronged at home. Later, someone who knew the inside story revealed the truth, and everyone found out that the Xue family boss planned to send his son to study in the town, but only his nephew was left behind.

Not many people in the village knew how the second son of the Xue family died. When Xue Qingsong was about to die, many people in the village were there, so they naturally saw him holding Xue Qingshan's hand and making him promise to treat his son well.

When I came back from the Xue family, many people talked privately, saying that the second oldest child in the Xue family was really miserable, leaving behind a sick wife and a young son. No wonder the boss of the Xue family didn't agree to him, so he couldn't sleep a wink.

Now that such rumors have spread, the scene before Xue Laoer's death has been retold in various ways. Some elderly people are shaking their heads and sighing, saying that people's hearts are unpredictable and no one can entrust their wife and children to it. Take good care of yourself. You treat people as your elder brothers and risk your life, but they don't treat your son as your own son.

Xue Tingyan's situation in the Xue family in recent years also made some women talk about it.

For example, although the dog in the second room rarely appears in front of people, he is always dressed in old clothes, while the handsome man in the first room has never been seen wearing old clothes. Even some things in the private school were told to adults by ignorant children. Xue Juncai had no shortage of pen, ink, paper and inkstones, and he had the most books in the school. As for Xue Gouzi, he was seen writing on the desk with water on several occasions.

Everyone is partial, and no one can say anything about favoring his own son. But Boss Xue also carried the life of his own brother on his back. This kind of partiality is a bit chilling.

You are already a lot of years old, but you can't teach the younger members of your family well? You are right to favor the elders, but why did you bring this matter to people's attention? What do you think we should do now!

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