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What good can come from going at this time?

Zhao'er's eyes were wary.

Xue Taoer ran over, got close and whispered, My father is not yet the eldest aunt, but he said he wanted to talk to the dog.

Xue Tingyan also heard the noise outside in the room and came out.

Don't go, I'll push him away. Zhao'er knew that Yang Zhong, a seasoned killer, would do no good if he found a young man. He liked to point fingers at others because of his status as an elder. Xue Jun was his grandson. What good things could he say if he went, especially Is there another incident from before?

It doesn't matter.

Zhao'er was stunned for a moment when he said these words, and then Xue Tingyan remembered that she would never speak like this.

He smiled: It's okay, you are still worried that he will eat me.


At this time, Xue Tingyan had already passed her to the main room, so she could only follow him quickly.


Here in the main room, people are drinking heavily.

Yang Zhong's chubby face was red from drinking, as if he was tipsy. Mr. Xue's dark and red face shone red under the light. Xue Qingshan also sat beside him, along with Xue Juncai, Xue Qingbai and Xue Qinghuai.

Women are not served at the table.

As soon as he saw Xue Tingyan walking in, Yang Zhong said: Our little talent is here, come and let me take a look.

He waved his hand, not taking himself as an outsider. When Xue Tingyan came closer, he looked up and down with a pair of drunken eyes: I don't see any change, how come you have become so promising?

This was a sarcastic remark, and the place immediately fell silent.

Xue Qingshan concentrated on eating vegetables and seemed not to hear. Xue Juncai seemed to be sitting upright, but in fact his eyes were looking here intentionally or unintentionally.

The rest of the Xue family were a little embarrassed, especially Mr. Xue, whose face was a little stiff but he hesitated to speak.

Just as Zhao'er was about to have an attack, Xue Qinghuai suddenly stood up and picked up the wine bowl with a smile: My father-in-law, I offer you a bowl of wine. This wine was brewed by my father himself. Most people can't drink it. I'm not looking at you. When I came, I quickly dug out a jar and said I would drink a few more bowls with you.

Yang Zhong looked at Xue Qinghuai with a smile, without hesitation, he picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, and ate a few more bites of vegetables. Taking advantage of the situation, Xue Qinghuai hurriedly winked at Zhao'er and Xue Tingxiang and told them to leave quickly.

Xue Tingyan sighed slightly and planned to leave with Zhao'er. Before he could take a step, he heard Yang Zhong speak.

What's going on? Why are you leaving before the elders finish speaking? Although I'm not your biological grandfather, I'm still your biological grandfather. Do you think you don't take this old man seriously, or what?

The hat was a little too big. Just as Zhao'er was about to say something, Xue Tingyan pulled her.

He took two steps forward and pretended to listen respectfully: Since my grandpa has taught me something, I just listen to it. After a pause, he added: It's just that my grandpa is also a scholar, so he must know not to speak inappropriately. principle

According to your little kid's opinion, as an elder, I can't talk about you, a junior?

The smell of alcohol in his mouth rushed straight towards Xue Tingyan's face, which was also mixed with a strange smell of various vegetables mixed together.

Xue Tingyan did not shy away, and nodded calmly: Of course.

Hey! Look! This is really different.

Yang Zhong tapped Xue Tingxiang a few times with his finger, and looked at the rest of the Xue family with a smile, and the evil one complained first: My dear, is this your tutor?

It was obvious that Yang Zhong was here to cause trouble, and of course it was for Xue Juncai. When he came back from Li Zheng's house, Mr. Xue estimated that there would be a commotion in the big room, but he didn't expect that the commotion would happen here.

In fact, how could the eldest couple, as their son and daughter-in-law, openly argue with Mr. Xue? After all, they had sworn before that whoever won would go and whoever lost would not complain. Going back on their word now would not be a slap in the face. As Xue Juncai's maternal ancestor, Yang Zhong was the perfect person to step in for him. If it works out, that's great. If it doesn't work out, it won't damage the relationship between father and son.

relatives by marriage……

Mr. Xue was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xue Tingyan's voice.

Although my parents are dead, I still have my grandfather, uncles, and other elders of the Xue family. Even if there is something wrong, it is not the turn of people with other surnames to point fingers here. Although my in-laws and grandfather are related to my family, We are going to get married, but we must never go to the Xue family's table, eat the Xue family's food, and then scold the Xue family.

Because there were guests, candles were rarely lit in the room, making the whole room brightly lit.

The young man standing in the middle is thin but tall and tall. He was wearing shabby clothes, the cuffs and skirt of his clothes were worn a little white, but he felt an inviolable aura.

Is this how my in-laws behave as guests? One day, I, the Xue family, went to your house as guests, and I also pointed out and made weird comments to the Yang family. I think my in-laws will not be angry. After all, it is rude to come and not go back. Thank you I always think that the younger generation in the family is talking about my grandpa, but I only think that my grandpa is a scholar, a person who understands etiquette and observes etiquette and is respected by the younger generation. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!


There was silence in the room, and no one expected that Xue Tingyan would have a fit on the spot regardless of her elders and inferiority.

Xue Qingshan stopped eating and suddenly felt restless.

But he did not stand up to speak for his father-in-law. Xue Tingyan's hat was too big, which affected the reputation of the Xue family and even the Xue clan. If he spoke for it, he would agree with the fact that the Xue family's face could be trampled to the ground by the Yang family.

In particular, this is not in line with what he planned.

Yang Zhong's face turned red and his lips trembled with anger: You kid, you dare to teach an elder a lesson at such a young age.

Don't dare! A gentleman is harmonious but different, a villain is homogeneous but not harmonious. I'm just telling the truth. I hope my grandpa will be careful in his words and deeds, so that he can be a gentleman.

This is teaching yourself through the words of the sage!

Yang Zhong laughed angrily and nodded at him: Okay, okay, it's really amazing. After studying for a few days, people are different. Do you really think it's amazing that you won Juncai today? furious.

A gentleman has nothing to fight for, so he will definitely shoot! He bows and gives in, rises up, and drinks from the bottom. This is how a gentleman fights.

This sentence comes from Chapter 80 of The Analects of Confucius. Its general meaning is that a gentleman will not argue about anything. If he does argue, it must be upholding the way of a gentleman. Neither humble nor arrogant, neither angry nor resentful, only having a drink and talking happily after the competition is a gentleman's fight. It doesn't mean that you must be red-faced and red-eyed, like a black-eyed chicken, which would be disgraceful.

It talks about being a good person and dealing with things. At the same time, it also uses the words of a sage to ridicule Yang Zhong for not having the etiquette and tolerance of his elders. In order to protect his grandson, he actually made things difficult for his juniors.

There were only four scholars present, and the others were all confused. They could only see that Xue Tingyan was not at a disadvantage, but Yang Zhong was so angry that his orifices seemed to be filled with smoke.

Yang Zhong gave it up. While he was angry, Xue Qingshan and his son couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

You must know that although Xue Tingyan has studied the Four Books, he only understands the superficial knowledge and does not understand the meaning of the classics. But just now he said two sentences in a row, both of which were from the Four Books. If he didn't understand the meaning of the scriptures, how could he use them to hurt others.

Could it be that someone taught him behind his back? No wonder his performance today was so unexpected.

But at this moment, other changes occurred in the scene.

It was Yang Zhong who stood up in anger and wanted to teach Xue Tingyan a lesson, but was stopped by Mr. Xue and Xue Qinghuai and Xue Qingbai.

You're such a little brat, your hair hasn't even grown yet, and you've learned to curse.

A gentleman does not mirror water, but mirrors people. When a mirror is in water, you can see your face when you see it. If you look in a mirror, you will know good or bad luck. But I think my grandpa doesn't understand this sentence.

Xue Tingyan had a smile on her face, and there was nothing wrong with that smile. It was even a bit shy. She was polite and polite when she spoke, but it gave off a bit of sarcasm in her character.

Do you understand, I also know that you are scolding, I must teach you a lesson today! Yang Zhong struggled to raise his hands, and at this moment, a loud shout came out in vain.


But it was Mr. Xue who spoke.

My father-in-law, I respect your family, but this is my Xue family!

Mr. Xue's face was very ugly. He had just been tolerating the other party because of his identity, but Xue Tingyan was right. There were a large family sitting in the room, all of whom were surnamed Xue. There was absolutely no reason for someone surnamed Yang to teach others. .

No matter how much trouble a family has, it's okay for outsiders to interfere.

There was silence in the room, except for the sound of Yang Zhong breathing heavily.

There was a sound of a stool falling to the ground, and it was Xue Qingshan who stood up.

At this time, Ms. Yang, who had been hiding in the house, also ran out and said angrily and anxiously: Dad, what are you doing! Why did you start making trouble after drinking some wine?

She explained to the dark-faced Mr. Juncai's father, you too, why didn't you stop it and make it such a mess?

Yang Zhong said: I'm making trouble, what's wrong with me?! Xue Lianxing, don't forget what you promised me back then. Juncai is your eldest grandson, and you're just going to let it go?

Dad, stop talking. I'll help you go down and have a rest.

The couple from the big house, one on the left and one on the right, helped Yang Zhong out. Yang Zhong seemed to be really drunk. He shouted, Just let me go. He stumbled and was helped out by the couple.


Because of this commotion, the Xue family became extremely quiet.

Zhou originally asked Zhao'er and the two of them to go have dinner, but they said they had finished eating and went back to the house.

Only half of the food and wine on the table were eaten. Mr. Xue was sitting there eating food and drinking wine alone, and no one dared to disturb him.

Ms. Zhao was hiding in the back room. Even though she usually yelled at Mr. Xue, she didn't dare to cause trouble when Mr. Xue got really angry.

Xue Qinghuai walked to the table and sat down, saying, Dad, it's getting late, so you'd better rest early.

Mr. Xue nodded, but when he put down his chopsticks, he sighed again.

Xue Qinghuai couldn't help but persuade: Dad, don't think too much.

Look at the eldest and his wife, why don't they remember their gratitude? The second eldest child only died a few years ago. Even if the child is ignorant, there is no need for this.

Xue Qinghuai understood what his father meant, but it was not easy for him to answer these words, so he could only say awkwardly: Maybe the eldest brother and sister-in-law don't know that the in-laws will make such a fuss.

Mr. Xue snorted and said nothing.

But Gouzi didn't suffer. Look, he made my sister-in-law angry.

Hearing this, Mr. Xue couldn't help but frown: I just followed my second brother.

Xue Qingsong has this kind of temperament. He is usually taciturn, but don't push him into a hurry. If you push him into a hurry, he can surprise everyone.

This whole family has been living in harmony and beauty, but it's getting harder and harder. Mr. Xue sighed sadly. He might have drank some wine, and his emotions were particularly leaking.

Xue Qinghuai didn't answer.

After a long time, Mr. Xue sighed: Let your wife clean up the table. You should go and rest early.

Hey, I'll let her take care of it now.

When it comes to this, it's old news.

At first, Zhao'er felt sorry for Xue Tingyan, so she saved some money to buy him calligraphy paper. Who would have thought that this paper was much more expensive than she imagined. Even the poorest quality yellow bamboo paper cost forty cents per knife, and Zhao'er collected all the money he had that day, but only thirty cents.

In order to get the boss to sell the paper to her at a cheaper price, Zhao'er struggled with the boss for a long time, even making up the pretense of having a diligent and studious younger brother, but unfortunately both parents died and the family was poor, before the boss agreed to sell it to her at a cheaper price. Later, she came to buy several times, always at the previous price, but she became familiar with Boss Chen.

Boss Chen praised her for her noble character. She earned all her hard-earned money, but she still supported her brother's education. Usually when she comes to buy paper, she almost always buys half and half for free.

Normally, Zhao'er would have tolerated such words shamelessly, but with Xue Tingyan here today, she was inevitably a little embarrassed, fearing that Boss Chen would let the matter slip and the young man would look down on her for lying.

Zhao'er has suffered, so she knows how to survive, but the little man doesn't, especially the scholar who has a particularly pedantic air, so every time she encounters a situation where the two people's ideas are in conflict, she will always subconsciously Avoid these.

Within one day, two people in a row said that they were his younger brothers, which made Xue Tingyan very unhappy. Naturally, he did not notice Zhao'er's hidden thoughts. By the time he came to his senses, Zhao'er had already talked with his boss, and even showed him the book Hundred Family Surnames that he copied overnight.

Is this your brother? He is handsome, but a little thin. Boss Chen is an elegant middle-aged man over forty years old, with a goatee. Wearing a scholar's shirt, he looks more like a scholar than a business boss.

He was ill for a while and got better recently.

No wonder I haven't seen you here for a long time. As Boss Chen spoke, he took the handwritten manuscript from Zhao'er, which was very poor in terms of binding and paper quality.

He knew in his heart that a boy like this from a farm family would not be able to write very well. However, he admired this young man named Zhaoer, so he decided not to criticize him too much, but to reject it with some polite words. .

If his skills are not bad and his words can still be read, it is not a bad idea to give him some odd jobs to do, just as a helper.

But when Boss Chen saw the words on the yellow bamboo paper, he was really surprised.

Did he write this? Boss Chen looked at Xue Tingyan in surprise, then turned over the manuscript in his hand.

His expression was so weird that Zhao'er had a bad feeling in his heart. She couldn't help but wonder if the little man's handwriting was not good. After all, no one had ever praised the little man's handwriting. Even Xue Qingshan said that his handwriting was like a spring earthworm or an autumn snake.

Although Zhao'er didn't understand what Spring Earthworms and Autumn Snakes meant, she understood the little man's sad expression, and she knew that it meant that the writing was not good.

But she doesn't think it's the little man's fault. He even has to pick out the paper that can be used to practice calligraphy. Can he write well? It was that time that she got angry, collected vegetables and sold them in the town, and saved a sum of money to buy Xue Tingyan the first piece of paper in her life.

A whole knife, not a few pretense handouts from Xue Qingshan or Xue Juncai.

Zhao'er's head felt cold, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was usually too blind to the little man, or if he flattered him too much. She was not afraid of anything else. She was afraid that if Boss Chen said something unpleasant later, the little man would not be able to bear the blow.

With this in mind, she hurriedly made a gesture to Boss Chen behind her back, led him aside, and then whispered to him: Uncle Chen, if my brother's handwriting is really bad, can you...

Can it be anything? Immediately, Boss Chen understood and said with a smile: It's the same for you kid. Even if you have a protective heart, you shouldn't deceive him. Instead, you should point out his shortcomings so that he can do it in the future. Only then can we make progress.”

His voice was a bit loud, and Xue Tingyan over there must have heard it. Zhao'er blushed, but she didn't know what to say.

Boss Chen added: But your brother is really good at writing, he must be a famous teacher.

He walked up to Xue Tingyan in a few steps, clasped his fists and saluted: I wonder who my little friend is studying under? After saying this, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, because the poor young man in front of him, wearing a short brown suit in coarse cloth, really didn't seem like someone who could study under him. A person who is a famous teacher.

Just his words...

Since Boss Chen runs a bookstore, he either loves it or it is his ancestral business. In fact, Boss Chen has both, which can be regarded as his family background. When he was young, he took the exam several times, but he stopped being a scholar. However, he was not interested in being an official, so he turned around and took care of his ancestral business. He usually met a few literary friends, played chess, drank tea, and tasted calligraphy and painting together, which was also a beautiful thing in life.

From his perspective, although this boy's handwriting is immature, he already has character.

We must know that the form is easy to obtain, but the spirit is difficult to find. Yan Jia and Liu Jia have always been collectively called Yan Jin and Liu Gu, which is enough to show the characteristics of Yan's body. And Xue Tingyan's calligraphy already has its foundation. As long as it doesn't go askew, in time, he will definitely become a great calligrapher of the generation.

Little did he know that Xue Tingyan deliberately hid his writing skills in order to hide himself. It took him most of the night to finish the book that could have been copied in half an hour at most. Otherwise, when the calligraphy was taken out, Boss Chen would think it was someone's calligraphy work.

Just when Boss Chen's mind was wandering, Xue Tingyan had already answered: The boy has no teacher.

Just copying?

I once visited the Yan Qin Li Monument.

Xue Tingyan did not lie. He had indeed only copied the Yan Qin Li Stele. This set of copybooks was Xue Qingshan's treasure and was never touched by others. And the reason why he was lucky enough to see and touch her once was because Xue Jun, who was still young at that time, showed off to him.

Because of this incident, he was deeply impressed by the Yan Qin Li Monument and even became an obsession. Later, when his family had some money, Zhao'er bought a set of fonts for him. The first font he learned was Yan Ti.

Just visited the Yan Qin Ceremony Monument?

Xue Tingyan nodded.

The light in Boss Chen's eyes grew brighter, and he sighed after a long time: Perhaps you have a talent in this field that is difficult for others to catch up with. I hope you practice more and don't slack off. Well, let's get down to business. Your handwriting is very good. In my opinion, It’s passed here.”

He walked to the counter, took a book and handed it to Xue Tingyan.

I have a copy of University Chapters here. You can take it back and try it. The writing and ink will be produced by me. After copying it, if the finished product is not inferior to the standard of this book, I will pay you one or two taels of silver.

One tael of silver? Uncle Chen, isn't that a bit too much? Zhao'er asked in surprise.

Uncle Chen laughed: Do you know how many words there are in this book? And do you know how much money I would get if I resold this book?

After finishing speaking, he continued to say to Xue Tingyan: Originally, it is supposed to be copied in my bookstore. If you take the book back and copy it, you need to pay some money or things as a pledge. I know your brother well, so forget it. Come on, how long will it take to finish copying?”

Xue Tingyan hesitated for a moment and said: Since Boss Chen has rules here, how about I just copy them here? I just hope Boss Chen can be accommodating. Can I let the kid read one or two of the books here in his spare time?

Boss Chen was stunned for a moment, then understood. He took a deep look at this thin but neither humble nor arrogant young man.


Then thank you in advance, Boss Chen. Don't worry, I won't damage the books here.

Zhao'er kept silent until the conversation was over, then pulled Xue Tingyan aside to talk.

Do you really want to copy books here? It would be great to take it home. If you are afraid that Boss Chen will not allow it, I still have some money here that can be used as pledge.

You don't think this is a good place.

Xue Tingyan looked back at the room full of books. The books he had read were limited, and in 'Xue Tingyan's' memory, many of his memories in this regard were blurred.

But life is his, and he has to move forward step by step. It does not mean that he has a dream, and he will definitely be the first assistant in the future, and he will definitely pass the Jinshi examination. After all, even Xue Tingyan in the dream had to make a lot of efforts and go through many detours to reach the first rank of official residence step by step.

Of course Zhao'er understood what he meant, but she was very worried when she suddenly left the little man alone outside. She was just thinking about finding an excuse to stay with him here when Boss Chen said from the side: Okay, you don't have to worry about your brother. Can you still leave him here? You don't have to sell vegetables or work today? Go quickly.

In the eyes of Boss Chen, Zhao'er is a hard-working brother who supports his younger brother by selling vegetables and working in the town.

Uncle Chen, I'm leaving now.

She hurriedly took out a dozen coins from her arms and handed them to Xue Tingyan: I should come to have lunch with you at noon. If not, you can buy it yourself, just...

Copy books here, and we can have a light meal at noon. Boss Chen interjected again.

Zhao'er was still nagging: You still have the money and you can buy whatever you want. I'll pick you up in the afternoon.

You'd better pick up your work and finish it first. Don't worry, your brother won't lose it.

This Uncle Chen!

Zhao'er couldn't talk any more and ran out of the bookstore almost in despair.

After they left, Boss Chen smiled and teased: Your brother is very kind to you.

Xue Ting sighed, it was quite good, like a little hen worried about her chicks. For some reason, he actually thought of this sentence.

Afterwards, he was led by the store clerk to a room behind the store.

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