≥50% of the people who have subscribed to this article can read it normally, otherwise it will need to be delayed for three days, and the supplement can be made immediately. He laughed a little, but he admired Zhao'er's frankness in not wanting to take advantage of others: These were resold to garment shops or embroidery workshops. The price is also the same. Regardless of the large quantity, there are actually not many good ones, and the ones that can be sold at a high price have already been picked out.

Zhao'er thought about it, the people in the county naturally have different views than the people in the country, let alone a big pawn shop like this. What they think is not good is actually good for the people in the country.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, I want this package of clothes from Shopkeeper Shen, and I'll give you the money right now.

Are you rich now?

Of course she has money, Zhao'er now has more than two taels of silver in total, and Sulan just gave her another five taels, which is naturally enough.

At the same time, Shen Ping laughed and said, Well, I forgot that you came here to see her. She wouldn't take advantage of me. The words were very low, almost mumbling, and Zhao'er only cared. I had to look at the clothes and didn't hear clearly.

I'll find a guy to call a car for you. Even a little girl like you can't transport these things.

Thank you, Shopkeeper Shen.

After sending Zhao'er away, Shen Ping turned around and entered the pawn shop.

Although he is named the third shopkeeper, he is not the third shopkeeper of this store, but the third shopkeeper of the entire 'He Rongsheng'. It is only at his deliberate request that he will be permanently stationed in Xia County.

Shen Ping is a son of the Shen family. His father is the chief manager of the Shen Mansion, and he has been working with the third young master Shen Fu as a boy since he was a child. When he reached adulthood, he was released and became a shopkeeper.

If she comes again next time, just do as I told you before.

Yes, shopkeeper.


Just after noon, the waiter Ah Cai came to deliver food to Xue Tingyan.

Boss Chen said it was a simple meal, but in fact the food was not bad, with meat and vegetables, and a soup. Xue Tingyan knew that Boss Chen was taking care of him deliberately. How could anyone hire someone to copy books and take care of tea and meals, and the wages they paid were not low.

It was because he knew in his heart that he didn't refuse verbally. In this case, refusing still preserved his character, but it seemed too petty and pretentious.

It can only be repayment in the future, Xue Tingyan thought lightly in her heart.

After eating, when the waiter came to clear away the dishes, he said he could rest for an hour. There is a royal couch available in this room. Of course, you can also go to the front and read a book to pass the time.

In fact, the last sentence is the key point. Xue Tingyan was not pretentious. After cleaning her hands, she went forward.

This store may not seem big, but it has a lot of books of all kinds, ranging from rural novels to books about the imperial examinations. Among them, there are many books about the imperial examinations.

Starting from the previous dynasty, the eight-legged essay was used as the standard style for imperial examinations. The regulations were strict and even restricted the length of sentences, the number of words, the rhyme and rhyme, and even the range of topics.

The title of the eight-part essay comes from the Four Books and Five Classics. It consists of eight parts: breaking the topic, carrying the topic, starting, starting, starting the part, middle part, back part, and closing part. It seems rigid and rigid, but in fact it is not easy to write a good eight-part essay. If you really think that just reading the Four Books and Five Classics is enough, you are wrong. Not only do you need to know astronomy and geography, but you must at least be involved in all aspects before you can write a good article that is full of flowers and colorful and meaningful.

In that dream, Xue Tingyan won the Jinshi with the 21st place in the second class, and then passed the imperial examination and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy. He was supposed to rise steadily from then on, but unexpectedly, because he offended someone, a high-ranking Hanlin Academy was demoted. That kind of official position is the kind of place where a bird has nothing to do.

Xue Tingyan pursed his lips slightly, feeling that he had thought too much. After all, he was not even a child now, so he should think about the present.

Then, without thinking too much, he took out a book from the bookcase and started reading it quietly.

During this period, customers came to the bookstore to sell some pens, inks, paper and inkstones, or to buy books, which always interrupted Xue Tingyan's reading.

Boss Chen saw this and said: Brother Xue, you can take the book to the back and read it.

Xue Tingyan looked at him in surprise: This...

It doesn't matter, I won't miss this volume for you.

Xue Tingyan was silent, bowed deeply as a courtesy, and then went back.

At this glance, he lost track of time. When Xue Tingyan woke up, he heard Boss Chen talking outside, and at the same time, he heard Zhao'er's voice.

Where did you get this big bag of stuff? Boss Chen looked at Zhao'er in surprise, asking for the bag at her feet that was much bigger than her.

Zhao'er was sweating profusely and said: Uncle Chen, I got it from the county, and the guy from the car dealership also helped me drop him off at the intersection, and then dropped me off. I originally wanted to drag him to the car dealership, but But I think my brother is still here...

Boss Chen laughed and called to the waiter: Ah Cai, come and help little brother Zhao'er carry the things in. Then he said to Zhao'er: Come in, have a drink of tea and rest before leaving.

Uncle Chen, how can you be so embarrassed?

You were not polite when you were bargaining with me, but now you are more polite. Boss Chen pretended to stare.

Overall, Boss Chen is an elegant yet humorous person.

Xue Tingyan also came out to help and asked: What's in it? Why is it so heavy? Where did you get it?

Not to mention how heavy it was, Ah Cai tried several times but failed to lift it, so it could only be carried by three people.

I got it from the pawn shop. If I can sell this bag, I will have enough money to send you to Qinghe Academy.

Zhao'er hadn't realized that he had let slip the truth, but Xue Tingyan had discovered it. He glanced at Boss Chen. At this time, Zhao'er understood what he had said and looked at Boss Chen with a guilty look: Uncle Chen, I will explain to you later.

She was a little anxious, so she picked up the big bag and put it on her shoulders without letting the two of them help. The big bag weighed her down, but she managed to stand still, and she quickly carried the things inside.

Ah Cai praised: Look, she's not strong either, but she's so strong.

Here, Xue Tingyan looked at the back and tightened the corners of his mouth, while Boss Chen's eyes darkened.

Xue Tingyan looked up at Boss Chen and walked towards him.

Zhao'er found a place to put down his big bag, then went to wash his hands and face and tidy up before being led by Ah Cai to see Boss Chen.

Seeing Boss Chen, Zhaoer felt a little guilty. But she didn't plan to continue to lie to Boss Chen, because Boss Chen was a good person. Not to mention the benefits he had given her before, Zhao'er couldn't continue to deceive her because he asked the little man to copy books for such a high price, and he also asked him to read here and take care of the food at noon.

In fact, Zhao'er didn't lie, it was just that she concealed her gender, and the so-called work was just collecting some vegetables to sell and make purses.

Uncle Chen...

Boss Chen sighed and waved his hand: Okay, you don't have to say it anymore. It's really difficult for a girl like you.

Zhao'er looked surprised, his round eyes widening.

Boss Chen laughed a little and said, Your little husband has already told me everything.

He, what did he say... Zhao'er stammered, still a little unbelievable. Because she knew that the little man always cared about face and had many things on his mind. He didn't like to mention that she was his child bride and the Xue family's troubles in front of outsiders.

I've said everything that needs to be said. After a pause, Boss Chen asked, Looking at how surprised you are, is this still a secret?

Zhao'er laughed awkwardly and hesitated: Not really, it's just that he is young, and the people in our village are very annoying. There are always people who make fun of him by saying that I am older than him, and that my wife coaxes men.

The same sentence has different feelings in different people's hearts.

Boss Chen couldn't help but want to laugh, but Xue Tingyan outside had mixed feelings in her heart.

That's why she always calls herself sister, so in the dream she doesn't want to marry him when he reaches his age. Or did he ignore her wishes and marry her by force on the orders of her parents?

She actually understood her awkward mentality. He told herself not to care about other people's words, but she cared about them in her heart. Therefore, even if the two of them got married, they would not be able to treat each other as equals.

She actually knows everything, but she relies on him for everything! Follow him!

While his mind was churning, the topic changed inside.

I just heard you say that you plan to save money to send him to Qinghe Academy?

Zhao'er nodded, and seeing a strange look on Boss Chen's face, she couldn't help but ask, Is that school not good?

We are following the path of opportunism and it will not last long.

Although Zhao'er didn't quite understand what he said, he knew it wasn't a good word.

If you want to help him find a good book school, I have one that I can recommend. But... Boss Chen suddenly sighed: Come on, you don't understand even if I tell you, let's talk about this later.

Zhao'er nodded somewhat blankly.

Later, they saw that it was already getting late, and the two planned to return to Yuqing Village.

Because the big bag of clothes was too much and it would attract people's attention when taking it back, Boss Chen asked Zhao'er to put the things in his store temporarily. There were a few empty rooms at the back of the shop anyway, so he could just find a place to put them.

The two of them took a car back to the village. Because time had passed and only the ox cart could be used, they sat on the ox cart and bumped back.

Halfway down the road, a mule cart was driving towards us.

The driver was a man, dark-skinned and tall. As I got closer, I could see his appearance clearly, and I saw that he had thick eyebrows, a straight nose, and a very heroic look. His sleeves were half rolled up above his elbows, showing the muscles in his arms, which made him look powerful at first glance.

Xue Tingyan saw the person coming as soon as he passed by, and his pupils immediately shrank.

He glanced at Zhao'er beside him and felt relieved when he saw her head half lowered.

But the visitor still saw them, his eyes lit up, and he shouted: Zhao'er.

Zhao'er looked over and smiled immediately: Brother Jiang Wu, where are you?

Jiang Wu tightened the reins and stopped the mule cart.

I'm going to town, are you going back? Get off the car, I'll take you off.

Zhao'er hesitated and said, Don't you still want to go to town? Anyway, we are already in the car, so you should go and do your own business.

I don't have anything to do. I just went to Lao Li's place to have a look. Originally, my father said he would go tomorrow and buy some things on the way back. It doesn't matter whether we go or not. Come on down, this car is slow and bumpy. My cart is faster. Jiang Wu said to Zhao'er with a smile, but he didn't realize that the owner of the cart had a dark face.

Seeing this, Zhao'er jumped down from the cart without letting the owner of the cart stop. After taking two steps that way, I remembered that I had forgotten the person.

While she asked the owner of the oxcart to stop, she said to Xue Tingyan: Come down quickly, let's go back in Brother Jiang Wu's car. With her beaming look, she was in a good mood.

Xue Tingyan's face looked a little ugly. He glanced at Zhao'er before slowly getting out of the car.

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