The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 97: Below the neck is indescribable

Just as the light was about to shoot out, Bullseye's innate alertness paid off again.

Although he didn't know what Leo did, the huge sense of crisis instantly made Bullseye tremble like a strong current.

Bullseye jumped violently with his legs, grabbed the fire escape outside the residential building, and climbed up.

The moment he jumped up, a white light was dodged by him, passed under his feet, and shot onto the trash can on the side of the road.

The trash can shook slightly, and on this big summer night, a water stain quickly condensed on the surface, as if the fat house happy water had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

Leo, who was sprinting, saw Bullseye climb up the fire escape, and flexibly climb higher and higher, he also jumped up and grabbed the same fire escape.

But Leo rushed too hard, and he and the light power suit weighed too much together, and the fire escape rattled overwhelmed, and then fell with a thud...

Having climbed to the bullseye of another fire escape at a high place, he looked back at Leo, who fell to the ground in a bit of a mess, and laughed with a weird smile.

Then, he turned his head like an ape and climbed to a higher place.

Seeing Bullseye climbing the wall so nimbly, Leo gave up the idea of ​​taking off his light power suit to catch up.

No way, climbing the wall is not Leo's strength, Leo can't catch up at all.

Leo took out his pistol and fired at Bullseye, but he was easily dodged by Bullseye with the help of the terrain.

Bullseye climbed to the top of the building in a blink of an eye, jumping between residential buildings one by one like parkour, and disappeared after a while.

Leo downstairs was quite depressed, the bullseye was slippery like a loach, and he was too cautious.

With Bullseye running away, Leo really has nothing to do with him!

It's just that the timing of Bullseye's arrival is too coincidental, and Leo's equipment has not had time to update.

If you wait a while longer, after the miniature nuclear reactor and neural sensor are made, there is no way Bullseye can escape.

With the function of the miniature nuclear reactor, Leo's speed is absolutely beyond the bullseye, and he can quickly catch up with him and beat him to the ground, and it won't take so long at all.

Bullseye lost track, and Leo turned helplessly and left.

Without the liveliness of Leo and Bullseye chasing, the streets of Hell's Kitchen became deserted again.

Although Leo's gunshots just woke up some sleeping people, no idiot would dare to open the window to check the situation at this time.

Because people like that are already stupid.

Leo was not in a hurry to go back so quickly. He believed that Bullseye must have been too frightened to sneak back into the Eyre Building.

He hurried back step by step like this, thinking about what to do next as he walked.

After thinking about it, Leo believed that the most likely situation for the sudden appearance of Bullseye was that it was instructed by Jin Bing.

But what did King do with Bullseye infiltrating El Tech?

Jin Bing took a fancy to the El 1 generation chip just launched by Er Technology Company a while ago. He wanted to invest, but was rejected by Leo. Leo had already guessed Jin Bing's idea at that time.

I remembered that after Bullseye sneaked into the Eyre Building, I went straight to the technical department...

An answer was about to come out, and Leo muttered to himself:

Could it be that Bullseye was sent to the El Building by Kim and was going to steal the manufacturing technology of El series chips?

Now, Leo is really angry!

As the saying goes, cutting someone's fortune is like killing one's parents.

Leo counted on relying on the El chip to start his business, and this Jin did plan to steal Leo's core technology to make money.

The aunt can't bear the uncle and can't bear it, so Leo felt that this gold can't be kept, and he must find an opportunity to kill him!

At this time,

Leo had walked two blocks, and the road lit by dim street lights was still empty.


A pile of broken bricks suddenly fell from the roof dozens of meters in front to the street.

Leo immediately raised his head and looked up to the top of the building, only to find the brightly bald head of Bullseye again.

The bald head was jumping between the residential buildings at this time. The bricks that fell just now were the ones he stepped on when the bricks loosened and fell.

In addition to the bald bullseye, behind him was a figure in a red tights with DD embroidered on his chest. It turned out to be Matt, the company's special legal counsel.

I saw Matt jumping between buildings chasing Bullseye, and even spinning from time to time, it seemed that his movements were much more flexible and smooth than Bullseye.

Bullseye was very depressed at this time. He finally escaped Leo's pursuit. When he was about to leave Hell's Kitchen from the roof, he encountered this guy behind him.

Before the bullseye set out on the mission, Jin Bing reminded him that El Technology is not easy, and the boss Leo does not seem to be an ordinary person, so he should be more careful.

Although he is confident, he is not conceited. Since it is the boss Jin Bing personally reminded him, Bullseye must be more careful.

Careful saved his life, because if he was careless, Stim's first shot could send him to the west.

At this time, Bullseye regretted very much. He was so happy and comfortable abroad. He had to covet gold and give money, and took such a errand.

Alright now, first chased by a powerful geek covered in metal, and now the Night Demon from Hell's Kitchen!

The weirdo in front was fine, with great strength and speed, but lack of flexibility. Bullseye finally managed to escape without a hitch.

But now Matt, who was chasing after him, was different.

Not only is Matt's dexterity and speed not lower than Bullseye, but also under the training of Bucky, his fighting ability has increased significantly.

Bullseye is not an absolute coward. When he saw Matt for the first time, he had already recognized the vigilante from Hell's Kitchen.

He saw the Night Demon rushing towards him directly from the roof. Out of underworld self-cultivation, he took the initiative to throw a steel needle at Matt without saying a word.

But the distance was too far, and Matt easily escaped the steel needle. Then Bullseye took the initiative to attack Matt and had a few moves with Matt.

But he is inferior to Matt in all aspects, and he falls directly to the disadvantage.

Bullseye was afraid of being entangled by Matt, so he turned around decisively and fled, so Leo saw the scene just now.

Bullseye's quality is indeed inferior to Matt's in all aspects. After crossing a few roofs, he was still caught up by Matt.

Except for the four large iron water tanks at the corners, the roof was very spacious in the middle. Matt caught up with the bullseye in the center of the roof and immediately began to attack.

Matt swept towards Bullseye with a whip leg, and Bullseye ducked, then took out two steel needles and threw them in the face of Night Demon.

The sensitive auditory vision instantly understood the direction of the steel needle. As soon as Matt tilted his head, the steel needle plunged into the depths of the night, and he did not know where it flew.

Bullseye did not expect such a close-range sneak attack, and Matt dodged so easily, and the posture that he was about to pursue immediately turned into a flaw.

Matt took the opportunity to kick straight, Bullseye hurriedly crossed his arms to block it, and then half squatted on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

At this time, Matt had the opportunity to speak to Bullseye:

Who are you? Why did you attack me just now?

The gasping bullseye almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood!

It turns out that you were not sent by ErTech to hunt me down! If I hadn't taken the initiative just now, you wouldn't have chased me so far, right? !

Bullseye complained silently, but his body was half squatted on the ground, not daring to act rashly.

Reality is chased by Leo and chased by Matt...

He is very tired now and wants to take the opportunity to take a rest before running for his life.

explain? ! nonexistent! It is not clear now.

Leo stood on the ground. Due to the problem of perspective, he could only see the heads of Matt and Bullseye on the top of the building from a distance, and he could not describe everything below his neck.

But just now the heads of the two were staggered, but now Bullseye's head suddenly disappeared, and Matt's mouth moved as if he was saying something.

It is not difficult to guess that Matt has the upper hand in this wave of head-to-head confrontation.

Leo couldn't help but sigh, it's really one thing falling into one thing!

I was so exhausted that I didn't touch the corner of Bullseye's clothes, but Matt, who couldn't beat him, was able to hit Bullseye and couldn't even find his head!

Leo suddenly envied the excellent balance of Matt and Bullseye, and they could walk on the ground between buildings!

I don't know if it's too late to start training now...

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