The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 89 Active solicitation

Leo gave two key technologies in a row, which basically solved all the problems of high-level mechanical prosthetics.

After listening to Leo's introduction to the various parameters of the miniature high-compression battery, Peter immediately understood that this battery is definitely the best choice for high-level mechanical prosthetics.

Leo's profound knowledge and mastery of high-tech technology deeply impressed Peter.

He exclaimed:

Mr Erwin, you are amazing.

With the support of these two technologies, I believe that prototype products of high-level mechanical prosthetics will be available soon.

Peter was like a dream this afternoon. First, the Spirit Arm project was declared a death sentence by Leo, and then a new high-level mechanical prosthesis was suddenly within reach and within reach.

His mood was like a roller coaster, going up and down. But luckily, he's also on it

(Hey, why use it here?)

When Leo saw Peter with a happy face, it was as if he saw a high-rated mission beckoning to him, and he was naturally very happy.

Simply, Leo made Peter happier.

Peter, I actually have a drawing here, which is a robotic arm made with muscle sensing technology and miniature high-compression battery technology.

However, it was not originally designed to be used as a mechanical prosthesis.

But if you take it as a reference for a prototype product, that's enough.

The drawings that Leo prepared to give to Peter were naturally the light-loaded power arm he originally designed.

With this drawing, I believe that Peter can design a mechanical prosthesis that he is satisfied with faster, so that Leo can complete the task faster.

At the same time, Leo guessed that Peter should have realized that Leo is not an ordinary person, and may be guessing his identity in his heart.

It just so happened that Leo was going to use this high-tech blueprint that could be used as a weapon to give Peter a more intuitive feeling, so that Peter could understand Leo's heritage and power.

But how could Leo guess that when he repeatedly used all kinds of high-tech to help Peter, he was almost shocked by Peter.

Peter can't imagine now, what is it that bites Leo to make Leo evolve into such a pervert.

Mr. Erwin, you know so much!

There was a faint glimmer of admiration in Peter's eyes.

Leo now looks to be in his twenties, not even a few years older than Peter.

But he is now not only rich, but also the sole director of a new company, a properly successful person in society.

Moreover, in Peter's mind, Leo is still a mysterious and powerful person.

As a college student who just graduated, it is natural for Peter to have some envy, longing, and even admiration for people like Leo.

Not to mention, in Peter's eyes, Leo is so knowledgeable, and very generous, almost responsive, both technically and financially.

So Peter couldn't help but say:

Mr. Erwin, you are amazing, just like the jingle cat in the manga.

I can't help but suspect that you're from the future just like him, and also have a magical pocket of all sorts of magical items.

If Peter hadn't been sane, he would have even suspected that Jingle Cat did exist and bit Mr. Erwin...

Otherwise, how could Leo seem to know everything at such a young age? !

Not only Peter thinks so, even Otto thinks Leo can solve any problem.

Otto thought about it for a long time, and finally asked Leo:

Mr. Erwin, do you have any technology similar to intracranial nerve signal sensing?

I still don't want to give up on this direction.

Want to go deeper.

I wonder if you have a similar mature technology that I can learn from?

Otto is not as happy as Peter, but his eyes contain determination, longing, and even some prayers? !

Leo saw the complicated emotions in Otto's eyes, and was secretly suspicious.

What happened to Otto?!

It stands to reason that Leo has provided both funding and systematic technology, and high-level mechanical prosthetics should be easily made.

Otto should be as happy as Peter, right? !

Even if Otto suddenly doesn't want to do a mechanical prosthesis, he now has a large amount of money, he can't do anything else well, why does he have to compete with the doomed intracranial nerve signal sensing technology!

Leo didn't understand what Otto was thinking, and he didn't have the curiosity and energy to figure it out.

So Leo said truthfully:

Sorry, Doctor Octavius, I'm not the Doraemon Peter was referring to when he was joking, so there's no magic dimensional pocket that can do anything.

I really don't have the tech in neurosensing, so I'm sorry I can't help you.

Otto was very disappointed when he heard Leo's negative answer.

Peter is as confused as Leo, and feels that Otto today is weird, and he doesn't know why Otto is in a low mood.

But as Otto's assistant, half a student, he still comforted Otto in a low voice with concern.

Under the comfort of Peter, Otto's mental state gradually stabilized a lot.

At this moment, it was getting late, and Leo had to go back to the company earlier to prepare a celebration feast for the new product launch, so he couldn't stay in Otto's laboratory for a long time.

However, Leo not only took the initiative to come up with muscle sensing technology, miniature high-compression battery drawings and lightweight power arm drawings, but also provided a lot of research funds in the future.

This time, Leo paid too much price, which was not in line with his character at all.

It's just a task reward from Peter, and it can't meet Leo's interest expectations at all.

What he really plotted was not a mere quest reward. What he plotted in the end was actually Peter and Otto.

At this time, Otto was no longer very disappointed, and Peter lost his excitement just now. Both of them calmed down and regained their normal thinking and judgment.

Only then did Leo speak Shi Shiran and said the plan he had planned for a long time.

You two, look, the next mechanical prosthesis project, all the key technologies and funding, will be provided by me alone.

Well, this is no longer your research project, this is my research project, and it is the research project of ErTech.

Only now, I've delegated this project to the two of you.

Leo first affirmed that he is the full owner of this project, and then went on to say,

So, this project is not suitable to be carried out on the New York campus, in your laboratory, Dr. Octavius.

For this project, I am going to set up a new mechanical prosthesis department in the El Building at El Tech.

I will be the supervisor myself, mainly responsible for supervision; Peter and Dr. Octavius, both of you as deputy supervisors, have the same rights and are mainly responsible for the implementation of the project.

I don't know how the two of you feel?

Peter and Otto looked at each other with wide eyes, and were a little confused by Leo's sudden suggestion. They thought they would still be working in a familiar laboratory.

Leo looked at the expressions of the two and thought they were hesitating, so he threw out the benefit distribution system he had already formulated to tempt them.

Of course, the original idea of ​​the mechanical prosthesis came from you, so if the project is successful and makes money, I can give each of you 10% of the total project profit as a bonus at the end of the year.

Moreover, when you join Ertech as the deputy director of the department, you will also receive a matching monthly salary and various benefits.

However, if you don't join, I can only give you 5% of the total profit.

Leo threw out the temptation of interest and quietly waited for Peter and Otto's reply.

He was full of confidence and felt that this recruitment plan would be guaranteed.

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