The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 286: Venerable Gu 1 is injured?

demon? Dark Books?

what the hell? !

Is there anything like this in Marvel? ?

Leo, who was touched by the blind spot of knowledge, was very confused in his heart, but he looked at Gu Yi calmly.

In a trance, Leo frowned slightly.

Because he seemed to see a very discordant look on Gu Yi's face, as if... disappointed? Mixed with pity?

But this look was fleeting, and the look on Gu Yi's face was replaced by sullen anger in a blink of an eye, and Leo wasn't sure if he was dazzled.

After listening to Wang's words, Gu Yi said nothing, raised his hand to draw a portal, and walked in.

Wang hurriedly followed, followed by and disappeared into the portal.

The portal did not disappear, it was still open there, as if someone was still waiting.

Of course, it may also have been forgotten.

Leo, who was intrigued by the words Demon and Dark Book, immediately leaned over, one meter away from the portal, and looked in through the portal.

The other end of the portal seems to be a library, with rows of wooden bookshelves, and on the bookshelves are old books as thick as Xinhua Dictionary.

Leo adjusted his position and looked inside the portal from different angles, trying to find Gu Yi and Wang, but he didn't see it.

After thinking about it for a moment, Leo no longer hesitated, and passed through the portal with lightning speed, as if the back of his butt was on fire.

In fact, there is a reason why Leo was in such a hurry to pass through the portal.

As we all know, the portals of Marvel mages are not only a function of space transmission.

When the portal is closed, the directly closed space crack is extremely sharp.

And this portal was not opened by Leo. Who knows when it will close. It is natural for Leo to be careful when passing through.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional. The moment Leo crossed the portal, the portal closed suddenly, almost cutting into Leo's heel.

Staring at the location where the portal disappeared, Leo's brows couldn't help frowning, looking thoughtful.

As Leo saw, there was a library behind the portal, but in the daytime, there was almost no sunlight in the library, it looked gloomy, and there was a faint strange smell, and I didn't know what was going on.

Leo raised his head and found that Mage Gu Yi and Wang were not far away. Their positions were on the back of the portal. No wonder Leo couldn't see them just now.

Leo took a few steps and walked to Gu Yi and Wang's side, only to find that there were two other people besides the two of them.

One of them was sitting on the ground, leaning against the bookshelf, clutching his chest, and looking at his appearance, it was the young Master Casillas.

Casillas didn't see any injuries on his body, but he was holding his chest and panting heavily, his face full of pain, and he couldn't even speak.

The other man was Master Hamill, and Leo still knew his name from Otto's mouth.

At this time, Mage Hamill continued to draw with both hands, and spells and runes penetrated into Casillas' body, but the pain on Casillas' face did not diminish at all, but increased a bit.

Mage Hamill hit another spell rune, and Casillas shouted in pain, leaving Hamill at a loss:

The ancient one, Mage Casillas has a demonic breath in his body. Although I used several dispelling spells, I just couldn't dispel it...

It doesn't matter, you rest first and let me come. Gu said.

Then your injury...

Gu Yi interrupted Hamill with a smile: It's okay.

She squatted down, her eyes flickered, stared at Casillas' body, checked for a moment, drew a dispel rune that Hamill had just used with both hands, and patted Casillas' chest lightly.


Casillas immediately let out a sigh of relief, the pain on his face faded, and it seemed that the so-called demonic breath had been expelled by Gu Yi.

Cough cough!

But suddenly, Master Gu Yi shook his body,

He put his hand to his mouth and coughed twice, frowning.

Wang and Hamill immediately looked at Gu Yi with concern, Gu Yi waved his hand,

It doesn't matter.

After speaking, she lowered her head slightly, looked at Mage Casillas and said:

Mage Casillas, are you okay?

Casillas grabbed his chest and struggled to stand up: It's alright.

He stood up straight, took a couple of deep breaths, then let it go and began to explain what happened,

I was meditating here just now, and I felt the fluctuation of space in a trance, and found that a demon suddenly teleported over.

That demon was wearing a cloak, and it was very powerful. I fought with it a few times, but I never hit it. It was eroded into the body by its demonic aura, and I couldn't move.

But the demon also looked rather apprehensive. I, who had lost the ability to resist, opened a strange portal and ran away with the Dark Divine Book we brought back last night.

Wang took Casillas's words and continued to explain the matter to Gu Yi.

I'm on duty at the library today, just as Master Hamill came to return the book.

The two of us heard the fight at the door, came to check, and found that the Casillas Mage fell to the ground, the Dark God Book was gone, and there was an unpleasant smell of demons here.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Mage Hamil stayed behind to treat Mage Casillas, and I immediately opened a portal to your door to report the situation to you.

So far, what happened next is clear.

Gu Yi looked thoughtful after listening to Casillas and asked:

The demon you saw this time was a kind of cloak? Not the bull-headed demon we saw a few days ago?

Yes, it is different from the demon we saw in that temple a while ago, and the fighting method is also different. Casillas said very confidently.

That should be a demon wizard, a demonic creature proficient in dark magic.

Gu Yi nodded slightly, but his face was not good-looking.

Physical demons have disappeared in Midgard for a long time, but I didn't expect them to appear again!

Does Odin care about it?

However, the last sentence Gu Yi did not say, only muttered to himself in his heart.

Since Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, led his army to level Muspelheim hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demons have been hiding in their own lair, and have not dared to come to the human world for hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, Casillas and other young mages have never even seen the face of a demon. It is already very reluctant to tell the difference between the two kinds of demons, let alone expect them to accurately call out the name of each kind of demon.

Wang Zhui asked, Venerable Gu Yi, now that the Dark Divine Book has been lost, what should we do?

Don't worry, let me think about it.

Gu Yi paced around the bookshelf, looking left and right, looking like he was lost in thought.

Hum, hum~

At this time, Leo, who was ignored by no one, sniffed twice in order to get rid of his identity as a transparent person, and said to himself,

It seems to have an unpleasant smell. At first, I thought it was because the Library Pavilion didn't see the sunlight and was moldy. It turns out that this is the smell of the devil!

Wang endured Leo for a while, but when he saw Gu Yi didn't speak, he was embarrassed to attack.

At this time, when I heard that Leo was arguing here, and the matter involved the work responsibilities of the administrator of his library, he couldn't help it:

There is a permanent ventilation spell in this library, and every book is carefully maintained every other year. How could it be moldy?

Also, who are you? Who told you to follow through the portal? The library is the center of Kama Taj, and non-jurists are not allowed to enter, so let me out quickly.

After finishing speaking, Wang frowned, with a pitiful face, and was about to drive Leo away.

But at this moment, Gu Yi suddenly shouted loudly:

King, don't be rude, Mr. Erwin is my distinguished guest.

Then she changed a smile and said kindly to Leo,

Mr. Erwin, I'd like to ask you a favor.

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