The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter two hundred and seventy-two eighty-four

Dr. La slowly rubbed the photo with his robotic arm, and recounted some old things:

When Mr. Schmidt disappeared with Captain America Steve, Miss Sienna was young and went into hiding, and I was captured by the American government.

For the next few months, Mr. Schmidt's former colleague, Werner Reinhardt, was in charge of Hydra.

Later, I heard that he dug up a bunch of stuff from a place in Austria and left it there to experiment.

But at that time, the American army was invincible, and Reinhardt was afraid of death, so he wanted to evacuate from his laboratory and find a place to hide.

But he was also unlucky. Just as he was evacuating, he was found by the Roaring Commando led by Agent Peggy Carter.

After some battle, he became a prisoner, and what he found was confiscated by the Strategic Science Corps.

I don't know exactly what Reinhardt found, but I do know that he was locked up by Peggy Carter until the late 1980s, and it was not until the traitor Pierce came to power that Reinhardt was reinstated. came out and renamed him Daniel Whitehall.

Dr. Zola paused and said again,

Let's call him Whitehall now, after all he's been using that name for a few years.

What Whitehall did back in the day was so much hated that Agent Peggy Carter put him in a 'rat' prison, and she didn't even agree to put Whitehall in need of scientific personnel when America launched a rocket. Er let it out.

Of course, I guess that Carter's special care for Whitehall has something to do with the thing Whitehall dug up. That thing must not be easy!

And according to the practice of the Strategic Science Corps, which is the current S.H.I.E.L.D., those things of unknown origin, or some very remarkable things, will be numbered 084 by them and kept secretly.

The 084 on this photo is exactly the 084 that Whitehall found, and it is the hope for our Hydra to rise again!

The charcoal bald head was successfully aroused by Dr. Zola's history, but since Dr. Zola also didn't know what was in the box with 084 printed on it, his biggest doubts could not be solved.

Therefore, he was itching in his heart, and he could only ask the second doubt:

Dr. Zola, Reinhardt, no, where is Daniel Whitehall now? Is he still alive?

Should be alive. Pierce released him, ostensibly working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and secretly working for Hydra.

Two years ago, Pierce betrayed. He happened to be not at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base at the time. He ran away after receiving the news of Pierce's mutiny, and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

After Dr. Zola finished speaking, he looked at the black charcoal and said,

What's wrong? Director Yuri, what are your thoughts?

The charcoal bald named Yuri replied:

Daniel Whitehall is one of the veterans of Hydra, and I think we need to invest some resources to find him and let him continue to play for Hydra?

After all, our Hydra is now seriously damaged, and urgently needs to employ people.

No need!

Daniel's philosophy is different from that of Mr. Schmidt, and he does not have a harmonious relationship with the Hydras of our department. Moreover, Daniel is old, he is in his 80s now, and he will have a good life in a few years, so don't pay attention to him.

Dr. Zola waved his hand to deny Director Yuri's suggestion, and then changed the subject and said,

Now the Hydra, relying on me is enough.

I still know a lot about Wakanda, 084, etc. I will definitely find the magic help that will make Hydra rise again!

After Dr. Zola was kicked out of America by Leo and Fury, he always wanted to kill him again.

So he looked for anything that could help him turn things around based on the information he had.

Wakanda and the item with special number 084 are the two-handed preparations he made carefully after summarizing the information.

After more than a year of operation,

Dr. Zola finally confirmed the existence of Wakanda and found the exact location of Wakanda.

However, he organized two attacks on Wakanda, both of which ended in failure.

Moreover, according to the Hydra warriors who escaped from Wakanda more than half a month ago, the advanced weapons that Wakanda possesses are far beyond their reach.

Disappointed Dr. Zola, knowing the plan to conquer Wakanda, is now going to put it aside.

Otherwise, Hydra will provoke another powerful enemy.

Fortunately, the Hydra agents who re-dive back to the United States found the mysterious 084 and gave Dr. Zola a shot of cardiotonic.

Next, Dr. Zola is going to put all the resources of Hydra into the search for 084. This mysterious 084 was named Hope by Dr. Zola.

Now that Dr. Zola is so confident, Director Yuri stopped talking, and after doing the etiquette of Hi, Hydra, he was ready to go back to rest.

It's late at night, and staying up late is not a good habit.

But before he could leave the room, the alarm in the base suddenly sounded.

According to the flashing frequency of the alarm light and the change of the sound of the alarm bell, Director Yuri was surprised to find that someone had attacked the base at night!

The time is slightly ahead two minutes.

Leo drove a small spaceship from Wakanda, carrying members of the Marvel mercenary group, suspended on the ground not far from the Hydra base.

The spacecraft has a stealth device that can deceive all current radar and satellite detections.

Moreover, the flight of the spacecraft does not rely on the engine, but on the anti-gravity generator, so the noise is extremely small, so when they got to the Hydra base, the Hydras didn't know anything.

Stim, the control of the spaceship is now officially handed over to you, wait for my order.

Om~Okay, Master. Stim linked the signal to the spacecraft from the laboratory via the satellite, and there was basically no delay.

Afterwards, Leo left the driver's seat and gestured to his teammates: Go!

The five people changed into battle armor and battle uniforms, filed out of the spaceship, and quickly approached the Hydra base.

While walking, Bucky asked in the communication channel:

Leo, on the way here, I asked you what our tactics were, and you kept it a secret. Now, can you tell?

The tactics are very simple, just one word 'reckless'!

Leo smiled,

The last time I came here, it was investigated that there is no self-destruction facility in this base, and the Zhenjin battle suits you are wearing have extremely abnormal defense capabilities. Even if the grenade explodes in your arms, it will not hurt you in the slightest.

If so, we have to develop tactics to play sneak attacks, then the efficiency is too low.


Reckless! Rush through them all the way!

Bring out more enemies to fight melee, and try to end the battle as quickly as possible.

Everyone was very speechless, especially Bucky, who muttered:

Then you said it earlier! I thought you had some high-end tactical arrangements...

After speaking, he controlled the size adjuster and returned to his normal body shape from the size of an ant. With a flick of his right hand, an energy gun appeared in his hand.

Picking up the gun and aiming slightly, Bucky shot at the stone wall twenty meters away in front of him.


The power of the energy weapon is very huge, and it blasted a big hole in the stone wall with one shot, making a huge noise.

This time, Bucky seemed to have stabbed the snake hole, and a harsh siren sounded immediately in the Hydra base, and the night shift officer immediately charged towards Bucky with a weapon.

Bucky laughed, holding the gun, without dodging or dodging, he fired three shots in a row, pierced through several stone walls, and eliminated two Hydra warriors incidentally.

Bucky, if you shoot a few more shots, the base will collapse! Change to cold weapons to fight.

Natasha also returned to her normal body shape, pulled out two short sticks, snorted, rushed up, and smashed the head of a Hydra warrior with one stick.

Peter, who had a bitter face and hatred, also rushed up and made a deadly attack.

He didn't take any weapons, he shot, pulled, and punched the spider silk, and he was gone.

Although his killing steps seemed a bit cumbersome, his killing efficiency was the fastest.

Bucky, Natasha, and Peter ignored the bullets fired by the Hydras and rammed into the Hydras that came in a hurry, with huge lethality.

On the other hand, Matt seems to be more leisurely.

Instead of rushing to the front line of the battle, he twisted his guide stick, revealing the sharp tip of the knife, and walked slowly.

Among the Hydras who were knocked down by the first three reckless men, not everyone died, and many passed out in a coma, or even pretended to be dead.

And whether the enemy is in a coma or pretending to be dead, the sound of their heartbeats can't deceive Matt, who has amazing hearing.

Matt wielded a guide stick with a knife tip, like a god of death, plugging in and pulling out, easily reaping the life of the enemy.

Today, it is destined to be a nightmare for the Hydras.

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