The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 243 The Origin of the Black Panther (1 Chapter)

Someone naturally meant Leo himself.

He just made up for the picture of the girl in front of him suddenly turning into an octopus, waving tentacles on the ground, and his favor for the girl in black instantly dropped a lot.

For a moment, Leo calmed down and carefully recalled what the black-clothed girl had just said.

Suddenly, Leo noticed something was wrong.

Because the girl in black said earlier that Leo was the first person who could communicate with her for thousands of years, but the second person who could see her. Is there any logical loophole here? !

So Leo asked the doubts in his heart.

The girl in black didn't think this was a logical loophole at all, she took it for granted:

Fifty thousand years ago, that person awakened my consciousness, transmitted some knowledge to me, and left immediately, I didn't speak to her.

So you are the second person who sees me and the first person who can communicate with me normally, no problem.

Then what happened when you turned into a black panther?

Leo continued to ask,

According to the legend of Wakanda, the ancestors of Wakanda were guided by the black panther goddess to find the heart-shaped herbal medicine. Shouldn't the ancestors of Wakanda be regarded as people who have seen you?

No, he didn't actually see me.

The first person in Wakanda who took heart-shaped herbs was named Shi Qian. It was 47,103 years ago. At that time, I was conscious for more than 2,000 years. Heart shaped herbs.

A memory appeared on the face of the black-clothed girl again.

At that time, there were indeed a group of black leopards living in this area, and then when Shiqian went hunting, he chased a black leopard, unfortunately fell into the valley, and accidentally found a heart-shaped herb, because he was too hungry, he Eat it.

Wait. Leo interrupted the ancient story of the girl in black and asked, Can you see what's happening in the real world?

No! The black-clothed girl said naturally, I can only feel the things that grow in the ground, such as ore, vibranium and some plants.

I don't have eyes in the real world, so I can't see the outside picture.

Then how do you know so much about the origin of the first Black Panther?

This is all that Shi Qian entered my domain after eating the heart-shaped herbs and was strengthened by the essence of life. I saw it in his dream!

Essence of life?

This is the second time that the black-clothed girl has mentioned this term. Leo was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized, You mean the vibration energy contained in vibration gold?

That's what you humans call it, but I think it's more appropriate to call it Life Essence.

Because the energy contained in vibration gold can actually be combined with the cells of carbon-based organisms to give birth to new life forms. The girl in black emphasized.

Leo is very sure of this, because according to the plot, the Vision is bred from the Mind Stone and Primordial Vibranium through the Cradle of Regeneration.

Thinking of this, Leo trusted the words of the black-clothed girl a little more. It sounded like the black-clothed girl didn't lie to him.

Leo thought about it carefully again, and found that there was nothing to continue questioning in what the black-clothed girl said just now, so he said:

Then continue to tell the story of the first Black Panther Shi Qian.

The girl in black showed her teeth and claws at Leo two or three times, as if expressing her dissatisfaction that she was interrupted while telling a story.

But seeing that Leo didn't show any guilt, the girl in black could only continue to tell the story depressed:

After Shi Qian ate the heart-shaped herbs, he entered my domain. He firmly believed that the black panther led him to find the heart-shaped herbs, so naturally he took the initiative to imagine a black panther in my domain space. Leopard.

Fifty thousand years ago, after that person woke me up and transmitted some basic knowledge to me, I actually knew that human beings existed in the real world.

But for more than 2,000 years, Shi Qian was the first person I met, so I thought it was very exciting and fun. With my control over space, I strengthened the black panther he transformed into. .

Then the black panther was too human, and Shi Qian firmly believed that the black panther was a god, and pointed out the direction for him to become stronger.

In this way, Shi Qian was strengthened by the life essence contained in the heart-shaped herbs, he unified several tribes of Wakanda, and he believed deeply in the Black Panther Goddess.

Since then, I don't know how Wakanda chose it. Anyway, every few tens or hundreds of years, a new Wakanda will eat a heart-shaped herb and enter my realm.

I gradually learned more knowledge, and even learned a new language. English is what I only learned in the last 100 years.

In this way, tens of thousands of years have passed, until today, I met you.

Leo's heart is already very big now. After listening to the story spanning tens of thousands of years, he was not surprised at all, but raised his eyebrows slightly and said tactfully:

In such a long time, at least hundreds of black panthers have been born and entered your domain space. Except for me, even if none of them can actively discover you, can't you take the initiative to communicate with them?

I can't do it. The black-clothed girl was also puzzled.

They can't see me, they can't hear me, and I can't actively influence them. I can only passively accept knowledge from the outside world through this special domain space I master.

The girl in black suddenly smiled again,

That's why I was so excited when I found out that you could actually see me. You were the first person who could talk to me in thousands of years.

Are you sure, you can't actively communicate with people from the outside world? Leo frowned and asked again.

Sure. Very sure. The black-clothed girl nodded.

So why can you just take the initiative to communicate with me? !

Leo was very puzzled.

After thinking about it, in the end, Leo could only put the root cause on his magical Mechanical Force.

At that time, he was also the girl in black who only discovered after using Mechanical Force to release the Mechanical Force insight skills.

From then on, the girl in black can talk to him normally.

It seems that there are too many magical places in this series of skills derived from Mechanical Force and Mechanical Force, and Leo needs to ponder slowly.

At this time, the girl in black also thought hard for a while, and her face was full of puzzled expressions.

Leo came back to his senses, saw the confused expression of the girl in black, and asked, What's wrong?

I actually have some innate memories, but they're a little fuzzy.

The girl in black continued to say,

In my innate memory, I shouldn't be in this state, I can actually affect the real world more actively, I can actively communicate with the outside world, and even I can gradually grow and control the entire earth.

But now, I'm limited everywhere, and I don't know why.

The black-clothed girl suddenly shook her head vigorously, looking a little painful.

Hearing this, Leo had already made some calculations in his heart based on his previous experience in reading the starting point library.

Controlling the earth is not a good thing, it is no different from what the Great Demon King does! If one wants to do this, it will definitely be stopped by countless people.

Leo suddenly felt that the mysterious woman who awakened the black-clothed girl 50,000 years ago should have quietly added some material to the black-clothed girl, and it was not necessarily a good idea!

However, this matter has little to do with Leo now. He thought about it for a moment and then put it behind him.

Now he has more important questions to ask the girl in black.

After waiting for a while, the girl in black, who had been suffering a while ago, recovered, and Leo hurriedly asked:

You said just now that you cultivated heart-shaped herbs with vibranium. Then, what is the relationship between you, vibranium, and heart-shaped herbs, can you explain to me?

:. :

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