The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 231 Bucky's Thoughts

Hydra emblem?! Leo said in surprise, You read that right!

I've been in Hydra for so long, how could I see it wrong! Bucky said firmly.

You mean Wakanda is actually loyal to Hydra?

Leo is particularly unbelievable. If Wakanda is the base of Hydra, then the world has long been unified by Hydra!

No, no, you misunderstood what I meant. Bucky said quickly,

The Hydra badge is not enshrined in the house by Wakanda's combat headquarters. Those Hydra badges are actually cut from some clothes, which should be trophies or evidence.

I've confirmed that the clothes seem to be uniform, somewhat like military uniforms, and completely different from Wakanda's style of dress.

You mean, the traces of the battle we saw outside the shield were left by Hydra? The one who attacked Wakanda a while ago and fought a war with Wakanda was Hydra?

After listening to Bucky's explanation, Leo suddenly realized that the Wakanda people were madly transporting vibranium from the vibranium ore vein.

Hydra is so notorious in the world, and its combat power and vitality are notoriously tenacious. It makes sense that the Wakanda people are willing to spend a lot of vibrating gold to build weapons in a short period of time to prepare for battle.

Yes, that's exactly my guess.

Bucky said,

But I don't understand Wakanda's language, so I can't be 100% sure if this is true. But based on those Hydra badges, our two guesses should be inseparable.

That should be the Hydra, otherwise, no other organization has the ability to find Wakanda and fight Wakanda fiercely. Leo affirmed.

Leo has no doubts about Hydra's ability to find Wakanda, after all, they have a criminal record.

Back in the day, Red Skull John Schmidt was able to find the Rubik’s Cube of the universe that fell to the earth according to the illusory myths and legends.

So now, Hydra can naturally find Wakanda, which is hidden deep in the mountains and forests of East Africa, according to the local history and myths and legends of Africa.

But what makes Leo puzzled is why there is no plot about Hydra's invasion of Wakanda in the Marvel plots he knew in his previous life?

Why did the plot change?

Could it be because I destroyed all the Hydra bases in the United States and expelled the Hydra from the United States, and then the Hydra suffered a big loss in the United States and began to think about developing foreign markets?

Suddenly, Leo thought of this possibility.

And after careful consideration, this guess is really the most likely.

Leo touched his nose innocently subconsciously, and said in his heart: Wakanda people, don't blame me, it has nothing to do with me!

Bucky saw that Leo was lost in thought and did not speak. After waiting for a while, he couldn't help but ask:

Leo, do you have any thoughts on the Hydra attack on Wakanda?

Let's just wait and see what happens. Leo thought for a while and said, Our purpose here is to find Zhenjin, don't make any extras.

In fact, what Leo wants to say is that the two of us should not worry about Wakanda's housework.

Just by the level of Wakanda's combat power,

Even if the Red Skull still possessed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and led the army to the border of Wakanda, it was hard to predict who would win.

With only three or two of Hydra's kittens and puppies, it is estimated that even Wakanda's protective shield can't get in!

Bucky nodded, after all, Hydra was the Wakanda that attacked more than ten days ago, and now there are no figures, and there is no way to find it.

So he put the Hydra thing behind him and asked again,

How are things going on your side, has Zhenjin found it?

I found tens of thousands of tube vibrating gold! Leo said amazingly.

so much!

Bucky was very surprised, and his eyes suddenly became golden.

The vibrating gold of a standard glass tube is worth 100 million US dollars, so tens of thousands of vibrating gold tubes are equivalent to several trillion US dollars!

Bucky has lived for decades and has never seen such a large fortune at once.

Leo nodded and said:

However, those tens of thousands of Zhenjin are guarded, and because the Hydra attacked Wakanda recently, Wakanda is frantically rushing to suppress the Zhenjin weapons to prepare for battle, so those Zhenjin are counted every day, thinking Take it away quietly, it's a little hard to tell the truth.

Why take it away quietly? Can't you make things smaller and pack them up?

Bucky was surprised.

Shrink these tens of thousands of tubes of vibrating gold, put them in your arms, and run away. How can the Wakanda people know that you and I did it?

Good idea, I did think about it.

Leo nodded,

But how do we get out?

Leo continued to ask,

What would you do if you were the king of Wakanda and you found out that trillions of dollars were suddenly stolen from your backyard?

Bucky pondered a little, and according to the known information, brought in the role of the king of Wakanda:

I will order to immediately fully open the protective shield, block the entire Wakanda area, and conduct a rigorous search.

That's right. Leo continued to analyze,

Once the shield's defense is fully activated, there is currently no good way for me to leave Wakanda quietly.

And do you really think we can go unnoticed by becoming the size of ants?

Today, I happened to meet the king of Wakanda in the vibrating gold mine. When I approached within three meters behind him, he felt it, and was almost discovered by him.

Really? Bucky was very surprised. Isn't he an ordinary person?

Bucky knows that, except for children, ordinary people can't have the time to appreciate the ants on the road or the wall, let alone Leo is still behind others.

I think so too. Leo affirmed.

Could it be that Wakanda has a super serum? Bucky was even more surprised.

Leo had an idea, and calmly prepared to give Bucky some heart-shaped herbs:

It doesn't have to be a super serum, maybe some other good stuff like that, but it will take time to find out.

I have time. Bucky said immediately.

What's the meaning?

I have time to find something like a super serum. Bucky's eyes were bright.

Haven't you been strengthened by serum? Why are you still so keen on similar things?! Leo wondered.

But you didn't. Bucky stared at Leo with eager eyes.

Are you serious? Leo's expression was a little unnatural.

Of course. Bucky patted his chest. I always like to think about my friends.

You're not serious, I'm sure. Leo pointed at Bucky, Your eyes, expressions and movements all tell me you're lying. Say, what are you going to do!

Bucky laughed suddenly:

You just said that the king of Wakanda can intuitively find you three meters behind him, so the super serum-like thing that Wakanda possesses should enhance spiritual power or wisdom.

Hehe, you know, I'm not mentally strong.

That's the truth. Leo breathed a sigh of relief.

You can think so much based on the few words I said, which proves that you are not lacking in wisdom at all. So in the future, just say what comes to your mind, and don't be around the corner to find some trumped-up reasons.

Bucky laughed embarrassedly.

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