The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 21 The Death of Howard Stark

In the fields outside New York City, Howard drove his car down the highway.

In the car, Howard and his wife Maria chatted with each other, looking forward to a happy future.

Suddenly, Maria saw from the right rear-view mirror that a motorcycle was rapidly approaching from the right rear of the car.

The motorcycle was full of energy and quickly chased after her and Howard. Maria reminded Howard worriedly:

Howard! Be careful, there's a motorcycle in the back, it doesn't look good.

Without his wife's reminder, Howard had already noticed the motorcycle following closely behind the car.

The intense light from the motorcycle's high beams, reflected in the car's rear-view mirror, has flashed to Howard's eyes many times.

Howard's mission was carried out in secret, and only people inside S.H.I.E.L.D. knew it, and it should not arouse anyone's prying eyes.

However, the motorcycle behind him did look menacing, and Howard couldn't help but start thinking about it.

The motorcycle was getting closer and closer to the car, and the more Howard thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became.

Maria, sit tight, I'm going to start trying to get rid of this motorcycle!

Howard stepped on the gas pedal and the car began to accelerate. A car and a motorcycle started chasing on the road one after the other.

The speed of the car was too fast, and Maria was so frightened that she clutched the armrest in the car tightly, comforting herself in her heart.

When the two cars passed an unremarkable small town, the road suddenly began to narrow, and Howard dared not accelerate any more.

The motorcycle, without any scruples, suddenly accelerated again and caught up.

Bucky, the Winter Soldier, was on his motorcycle, turning the gas pedal to catch up with Howard's car.

With a scream from Maria, Bucky raised the robotic arm in his left hand and slammed the door of the car with a punch.

During high-speed driving, the car was subjected to a huge external force and suddenly lost control.

Although Howard tried his best to control the direction, but unfortunately the road was too narrow, he still did not have time to stabilize the car.

With a loud bang, the car slammed into a wall in front, and the front of the car was smashed into pieces.

And Bucky withdrew his left hand, used his huge force to stubbornly stabilize the motorcycle head, and slowly stopped in front.

Howard, who was driving the car, although wearing a seat belt, was also hit and bloodied.

Fortunately, because of other protective measures in the car, Howard was not directly knocked out, and he remained awake.

At this moment, the motorcycle folded its head and drove back from his right front. After passing through his eyes, it turned another corner and stopped beside the car.

Howard's heart tightened, and he was suddenly filled with regret and despair. He first looked at the wife next to him, and found that his wife was still alive, a little relieved.

Howard resisted the pain and said weakly to his wife:

Maria, the man is back! But don't worry, they're targeting me specifically, you'll be fine. Don't worry, everything will be fine.

After speaking, Howard struggled to open the door and climbed out of the car.

At this time, Bucky the Winter Soldier got off the motorcycle and approached Howard with a blank face.

Save my wife, please, save her. She doesn't know anything.

But the Winter Soldier didn't respond at all to Howard's words. He reached out and grabbed Howard's hair, who was lying on the ground, causing Howard to raise his head.

Howard suppressed the panic in his heart. At first glance, he saw the coming person's left arm raised high and reflecting the metallic luster. The next moment, he could see the coming person's face clearly, and then said in surprise:

Sergeant Barnes?!

Then, Howard seemed to want to understand something, and his eyes began to be full of prayers, praying that Barnes would let his wife go.

At this time, Maria seemed to feel something,

In the car, he anxiously called out to his husband.

However, Bucky the Winter Soldier was unmoved. He raised his robotic arm and punched Howard hard in the face, and then another punch!

With Maria's cry with a cry, Howard collapsed softly to the ground and died.

Bucky lifted Howard's body by the back collar of his shirt and put Howard back in the driver's seat with his head on the steering wheel.

When Maria saw the body of her husband who was close at hand, her heartache, sadness, fear, anger and other emotions all poured out in an instant. Her mind went blank and she couldn't even breathe.

But Bucky the Winter Soldier remained expressionless. He went around to the passenger seat, stretched out his right hand and grabbed Maria's neck, strangling her alive!

Then, Bucky the Winter Soldier walks up to the camera, which has been probed long ago, and destroys the camera with one shot.

Before firing, he made a provocative gesture.

Bucky retracted the gun to his waist and went back to the car to start a careful search.

Finally, from the back seat of the car, Bucky took out a sealed box, got on the motorcycle, galloped down the road, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...


On the evening of the 16th, at 11:45.

Fury paced the secret base office, feeling a little irritable and worried.

At this time, the base security director also walked into the office quickly and said to Fury:

Sir, we have contacted Mr. Stark's in-car communication many times, but there has been no response. I'm afraid, will they...

Don't guess, that's pointless. Send half the agents on the base and drive along all possible routes to find Mr. Stark in the direction of downtown New York.

Fury interrupted the security chief and ordered to go out to search. After listening, the security supervisor quickly walked out of the office and quickly arranged for the relevant personnel.

Fury was in the office, waiting, fidgeting.

An hour later, the base security director hurriedly ran into the office, shouting as he ran:

Sir Fury, it's not good, something happened. The Starks got into a car accident on the way, and they both died...

The next moment, Fury's face was full of shock!

He picked up the jacket beside him and ran out of the office quickly. Afterwards, he and the security supervisor drove a car and hurried to the scene of the incident.

In the place where Stark's car accident occurred.

Fury, who arrived late, watched the Starks and his wife be put into the body bag, with a sad look on his face.

Since Fury was transferred to S.H.I.E.L.D., Howard Stark has been taking care of Fredo. In addition, Howard is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Fury loves him very much.

Taking a deep breath, Furui calmed down and looked around, while facing the main security channel standing behind him:

Did the agents who came early find out the reason? Why did the Starks have a car accident?

The team of forensic doctors and investigative agents have compiled the situation, and there are a few key points that need attention.

On the right side of Mr. Stark's car, there are signs of being hit by a heavy object. The cause of Mr. Stark's death was a blunt blow to the head, and Mr. Stark showed signs of getting out of the car before he died.

Mrs. Stark, who was blue-purple above her neck, proved to be strangled by someone and died of suffocation.

In addition, there were traces of motorcycles staying at the scene, and the footprints of a third party were also checked, and it was determined to be a male with a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

Also, the agents found no samples of the superserum in the car.

The security supervisor told Fury the details of the scene one by one, and finally concluded,

From the above points, it can be concluded that the Starks were killed. Moreover, the suspect did not intend to make any disguise at all, he just came to take the serum.

Fury thought for a while, then asked:

Since the suspect is not prepared to disguise, is there anything left at the scene that can identify him?

Strange to say, according to criminal psychology, such unscrupulous people generally leave items at the scene to identify themselves. However, our agents did not find such items.

That only proves that you are stupid and need training!

Fury taught the security director a lesson coldly, and the security director lowered his head and did not dare to retort. Fury continued,

Don't think I wronged you, what do you think that is?

The head of security looked in the direction of Fury's finger, found a broken camera, and lowered his head in shame.

The agents he led have stayed in the S.H.I.E.L.D. research base for too long, and their daily work is like a security guard, and they have basically never performed any tasks.

Many skills that have been trained and learned before are becoming increasingly rusty.

Fury did not reprimand the security director any more, and said lightly:

You take a few people and follow me to find the owner of the surveillance camera.

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