The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 199 What the hell are you?

? The sun hangs high in the sky, illuminating a great view of New York City.

Construction is underway on a vacant lot in the southern suburbs of Queens, and it is in full swing.

Leo was wearing a hard hat, and together with Old Tom, accompanied by several leaders of the construction team, he was inspecting the construction of the second base.

This base covers a large area, and its architectural blueprint was designed by Leo himself, and is ready to be independently powered by a large Ark reactor.

There are many buildings designed in the base, including experimental area, sales area, construction area and so on.

However, due to the limitation of the amount of working capital of Erwin Technology Company, the construction of the base did not start all buildings at the same time, and only concentrated on the construction of a main laboratory building.

Once completed, this building will be Leo's exclusive laboratory. At that time, Leo will also transform this laboratory into a trolley case.

Leo was standing in front of the far unfinished laboratory at this time, looking out.

As far as the eye can see, the surrounding area is empty, and there is no large building in sight. This is really a suburb within a suburb.

A large piece of open space around has been bought by Old Tom in the name of Leo, and it has cost tens of millions of dollars in total.

Leo looked around for a week, stood up straight, and suddenly felt a sense of pride that this large area of ​​land would be Leo Erwin's from now on.

Even if he does nothing and wait patiently for 20 to 30 years, the value of the land alone can be doubled by dozens or hundreds of times.

Boss Leo, are you still satisfied with this place? After old Tom sent the construction team away, he walked to Leo and asked.

With a smile on his face, Leo patted Old Tom on the shoulder, I'm very satisfied with this place, you did a good job.

Old Tom was having a good time, he looked around like Leo while laughing, and asked

Boss Leo, we bought such a large piece of land to build a base. Did you name her?

Leo had long been convinced, This building under construction will be called the Erwin Laboratory in the future.

Old Tom's face froze immediately, and he was deeply impressed by Leo's ability to name names.

He swallowed and asked tentatively, What about other planned buildings?

Those haven't thought about it yet. But I have already thought about the name of the entire base. Leo suddenly burst into arrogance, The name of the base is called Marvel.

Marvel Base? Old Tom wondered, Is there any special meaning?

Of course it's meaningful. Leo gave old Tom a but I won't tell you look.

jingle bell~

Just when old Tom wanted to ask again, the phone on Leo suddenly rang.

Old Tom wisely stopped the questioning, and walked aside on his own. Leo took out his mobile phone and saw the phone number showing unknown.

Leo was stunned, smiled slightly, and answered the phone.

Hi Leo, I'm Fury. A low voice came from the phone. 35xs

Unsurprisingly, Leo said, I saw the phone number as 'unknown', so I guessed it was you. What? The review is finally over?

Well, it's over in the morning. After I went through some formalities, I just got back to where I live, so I called you.

Without waiting for Leo to ask, Fury took the initiative to tell the results of the review,

The agent's level has been lowered to the first level, leaving the country for ten years, and reporting to the organization on a weekly basis. This is the result of the review.

Tsk tsk, it's a bit miserable. Leo shook his head.

I think it's okay, it doesn't matter. Fury laughed and said seriously again,

I'm calling you today, not to betray you. What I want to tell you is that the Security Council did not find evidence that Pierce was a Hydra in the end. Pierce's punishment was the same as mine, and he was also arrested today. released.

Leo raised his eyebrows, Then what do you want me to do with Pierce?

It's up to you to decide. You do things, I can rest assured. Fury laughed and hung up the phone.

Leo slowly stuffed the phone back into his pocket with a playful smile on his face.

If he were to make the decision, Pierce would of course disappear completely from this world.

Thinking of this, Leo said hello to old Tom, and then drove away from the Marvel base under construction.

The car whizzed along the road, and after turning a corner, there was a screeching brake sound.

Leo got out of the driver's seat, looked back and forth, and made sure that the road was empty.

With a wave of his hand, the special car has turned into a small and exquisite toy car, which he stuffed into the storage belt.

The next moment, through the transfer box, he took out a palm-sized locator from the storage belt. After operating it twice, Pierce's current position was displayed on the locator's screen.

To Leo's surprise, Pierce had already left Washington at the moment, and was moving south rapidly, almost to Frederick.

This is, absconding in fear of crime? !

Leo originally thought that with Pierce's city, he would try to play the trick of dark under the lights and continue to stay at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

But he ran just fine, and Leo was more convenient to do it halfway.

So he clipped the locator to his waist, put on the seventh-generation Viper armor, and flew into the sky in an instant, chasing after Pierce.


In the open field, a white car was galloping on the road, and the roar of the motor could be heard in the distance.

Suddenly, a black figure fell from the sky and landed directly two hundred meters in front of the white car.

But the white car didn't seem to see it, its speed did not decrease at all, and it slammed straight into the black figure.

The black figure raised his right hand slightly, and a blue light group condensed in his hand. The next moment, the white car turned over, the car parts splashed out, and the tire rolled to a hundred meters away.

The black figure is Leo, and the person driving the white car is Pierce who just left the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

The moment the car shattered, Leo shrank the armor, escaped the impact of the car fragments, and then returned to its original size unscathed.

His eyes swept across the mess on the ground, and then he saw Pierce lying on his back on the side of the road thirty meters away.

Leo walked over quickly, bowed condescendingly and looked at Pierce, the mask automatically shrank and disappeared.

Mr. Pierce, it's not a good habit to drive a car, and trying to kill someone is even worse. How do you feel now?

Pierce was lying on the ground at this time, his right leg was twisted into a weird arc, blood was flowing from his forehead, and the corner of his mouth was broken, and he was very embarrassed.

But he did not die, but opened his eyes wide, staring viciously at Leo's face, gnashing his teeth.

Are you Leo Erwin? Dr. Zola's assistant? The traitor who escaped from the Hydra base?!

In the end, he realized after hindsight,

Could it be that the destruction of the Hydra base, the exposure of the spies in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even the death of the leader of Sienna, were all caused by you?

Without waiting for Leo to answer, or Pierce was not ready to listen to Leo at all, Pierce, who was weak, suddenly slammed his right fist and smashed it towards Leo's face.

Leo raised the corners of his mouth, easily raised his hand to block Pierce's right punch, and laughed playfully.

I've been protecting you from this attack for a long time. I was thrown more than 30 meters away from a car with a speed of 140 yards, and I only scratched a little skin, twisted my leg, and you didn't cry or scream. .

Hehe, Pierce, what the hell are you?


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