Bucky wanted Leo to help him build a suit of armor to play with, but after he thought about it carefully, he finally didn't open his mouth.

Because Leo can take the initiative to give, but Bucky can't take the initiative to ask.

Bucky is not stupid, this armor that can zoom in and out, and can fly, is absolutely high-end that ordinary people can't imagine.

Leo didn't hide it from him, Bucky, and he already showed his trust in him. If Leo was really convenient, he would take the initiative to give him a set.

Not long after, Leo took Bucky to Washington and hovered over the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Long before setting off from New York, Leo and Natasha had already agreed on a place to meet by phone.

Right in her agent's apartment.

Natasha is still an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., although her agent level and authority have been lowered, but S.H.I.E.L.D. will not deprive her of the benefits of accommodation.

Soon, Leo took the mustard house with his hand and brought Bucky to the SHIELD apartment building.

He didn't rush into the house, but walked around the house twice.

Compared to when Leo came to visit in the morning, there were no soldiers standing guard outside Natasha's house at this time. And the army downstairs has also been withdrawn.

It appears that Natasha's review is indeed over.

Only then did Leo take Bucky, and Shi Shiran flew in through the crack of the door.

As soon as you enter the door, you will be greeted by a spacious and bright living room. The floor of the living room has been swept clean. There are still a few pots of flowers on the balcony at the end of the living room, which are in season and blooming beautifully.

At this time, Natasha was sitting on the sofa on the west side of the living room with her legs curled up against the wall, watching TV boredly.

On the table in front of her, there was a cardboard box for pizza, and there were still two pieces of pizza left in the box. It should be Natasha's leftover lunch today.

However, although there were two whole pizzas left in the box, the top ingredients (shrimp, bacon, etc.) were missing.

The corners of Leo's mouth curled up unconsciously, and it returned to its normal size.

He took off the seventh-generation Viper armor, stuck it and the mustard house outside the storage belt, and sat down next to Natasha.

Natasha shrank subconsciously on the sofa away from Leo, her whole body tense and her fists clenched.

When she saw that it was Leo, she relaxed and complained: It's scary.

Leo hehe smiled: If you don't look like a ghost, how can you quietly take you to see Fury?

Natasha got interested, put her feet under the sofa, and sat up straight:

How are you going to take me to see Fury? Shouldn't you have prepared a suit of armor for me? Although I don't know how to operate it, I think I can give it a try.

Natasha was looking forward to it.

What are you thinking?! Leo glared, My suit of battle armor cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars. You still owe me more than four million dollars. Do you want to owe more? You can afford it. !

Natasha wrinkled her nose and gave Leo a roll of eyes.

Seeing that Natasha stopped talking, Leo stopped teasing her, waved his hand and took out the mustard seed house from his belt, which became the size of a slap and placed it in the palm of his hand:

This room is called the Mustard Seed Room. This room can be enlarged or reduced in size. You can get into this room in a while, and I can take you to see Fury quietly.

Women like pretty things, so Natasha's eye was immediately drawn to the exquisite mustard house.

She didn't even say hello, reached out and snatched the mustard seed house from Leo's hand, put it in her hand and looked over and over, obviously in love with it.

But it was hard for Bucky, he had heard Natasha's voice and wanted to say hello to her.

But before he could make a sound, he felt that the world was spinning, and he could only hold the clothes drying pole in the mustard house tightly with both hands, and then his body began to spin seven hundred and twenty degrees:

Natasha, stop turning, I'm going to vomit!

Finally, Bucky, who couldn't bear it, cried out.

Natasha really stopped turning the mustard house, holding the mustard house, looking at Leo and asked suspiciously:

Why did I just hear mosquitoes buzzing in this house.

Leo didn't say anything, and spread his hands while holding back a smile.

In fact, he wants to say that the text can also speak English!

At this time, Bucky, who was in the mustard house, heard Natasha's thunder-like voice outside the house, and was very helpless.

But in order to prevent Natasha from taking his voice as a mosquito buzzing again, he could only howl loudly:

Natasha, I'm Bucky Barnes, your martial arts teacher. I'm in the house, don't shake the house, I'm going to throw up!

Bucky lowered his voice again and sighed,

What's wrong with me today!

Natasha heard the sound coming from the mustard room this time, and then raised the mustard room in disbelief, and saw Bucky, the size of a fingernail by the window, slumped on the floor.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and then Bucky saw a huge eyeball about two meters in diameter.

Leo laughed unkindly beside him and said:

How about it, Natasha, no surprise.

Leo, let me out so quickly! Bucky shouted while sitting in the mustard room.

Leo took the mustard house from Natasha, lifted the table in the center of the living room to one side, then waved to make the mustard house a lot bigger, and opened the door.

Bucky walked out of the room babbling, and then he felt something was wrong...

Could this sofa be too high? ! All to my chest.

Ah...why am I only as tall as Natasha's thighs? !

Bucky was dumbfounded for a long time, and finally looked at Leo with a sad face: Leo, can I change back? I won't be a dwarf in the future, will I???

The corners of Leo's mouth were wide and he smiled happily:

No, no, you just want to become a three-meter-tall giant, and I can help you achieve it. This is just because there is no room for mustard seeds in the living room, so this kind of funny... No, unexpected situation .

Bucky pouted, and walked back to the mustard seed house with a grudge on his face.

When he stayed outside for an extra second, he felt that his height was insulted for a second.

Natasha was stunned the whole time, and finally she forced herself to wake up, swallowed her saliva, and asked carefully:

Leo, you won't turn me into a slap-sized villain in the future, will you keep me as a pet?

No, why are your brain circuits so strange, am I that kind of person... Leo was a little powerless to complain.

Obviously in the movies he saw in his previous life, these superheroes never worried about anything like this!

The only similar thing is that Scott Lang's daughter keeps ants as pet dogs...

Anyway, after some assurances from Leo, Natasha believed Leo for the time being and agreed to carry this mustard seed house and go to see Fury after it became smaller.

But when she wanted to enter the house, she was in trouble again.

Leo, this...how do I get in. Natasha pointed to the door that was as high as her legs.

Leo stuck out his tongue and tentatively came up with an idea: How about you... get in?

Natasha stared immediately.

Leo said again,

How about we find an empty place, such as a suburb? Or, is there a larger warehouse in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base that is empty and unmonitored?

Of course, there are no similar warehouses, and going to the suburbs is too time-consuming.

So Natasha could only sigh in the end, and crouched down and got into the mustard seed house.

As soon as she entered, Natasha found that the room was too short, and she couldn't stand up straight in the room, so she could only sit on the floor with her legs bent.

Bucky opened his mouth wide and looked at Natasha with a dazed expression.

Because after Natasha sat down, Bucky was as tall as her...

Leo glanced in at the funny picture from the door, and smiled and closed the door for the two of them.

This is the surprise that Leo prepared for Natasha and Bucky. Everything is in Leo's calculations.

You two, sit back and help, let's go to see Fury!

The next moment, the mustard seed house suddenly shrank, and Leo also shrank at the same time.

Holding the mustard seed house, he flew slowly to the interrogation room where Fury was being held.

He didn't dare to fly too fast, otherwise, because of inertia, if Natasha accidentally fell into the room, it would be difficult to even turn over...

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