The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 15 The new 9-headed snake base

I ate two big lobsters and drank a big glass of Fat House Happy Water.

The satiated Leo picked his teeth and walked from the fire stairs to the top floor of the building without taking the elevator.

After swiping his ID card and verifying his fingerprints, Leo entered the top floor of the building.

At this time, it was almost evening. Through the glass window, Leo glanced at the densely packed, high and low buildings outside, as well as the vehicles coming and going on the street, and couldn't help but admire the horror of the Hydra organization again.

Even Boston, the oldest city in the United States, has a Hydra building. Moreover, according to Leo's understanding of Marvel, he knows that this organization has also penetrated into the interior of S.H.I.E.L.D.

How terrifying!

Leo thought about walking, and before he knew it, the conference room was already close at hand.

He pushed in the door and found that there was only Dr. Zora in the conference room at this time.

Dr. Zola didn't have to eat, so he waited here early.

Leo, here you are! Come here and deduce a few quantum mechanical formulas for me.

Leo secretly pouted, Here again!

Then he sighed helplessly and walked over obediently.

For the past three days, every time Dr. Zola saw Leo, he would try his best to test his intellectual problems, for fear that he would be turned into an idiot by Sienna.

Leo picked up the pen, swayed the pen and ink at will, and quickly deduced several formulas on the paper, and then said:

Teacher, as you can see, I have no problem with my IQ.

The leader's abilities didn't affect me. I'm healthy now and have an unparalleled appetite. I ate two large lobsters this morning.

Leo first showed off his increasingly obvious Hong biceps, and then patted his stomach again.

Leo, did you know? You never called Siena a leader before me before. You either called her by her first name, or even called the Grinning Goblin!

But now... don't you notice anything strange?

The leader is a light that illuminates the future of the organization. In the past, I was young and ignorant, frivolous, and did not understand the greatness of the leader. Now, I have changed!

Dr. Zola was taken aback by Leo's high-sounding words. Then he sighed.gif

Leo was secretly relieved when he saw that Dr. Zola stopped asking questions.

Leo felt embarrassed to brag about Siena like that.

But Leo wanted to give everyone at the base an impression that he had given up on Sienna. As a cultivated actor, he must always pay attention to his words and deeds.

Next, Dr. Zola began to chat casually with Leo academically...

After chatting for about ten minutes, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and two people walked in one after the other.

Walking in front was naturally the charming Sienna, and following behind was a tall and thin white man who was respectful. He is the general manager of the building, Ktar Zaitsev, a Russian.

This building used the name of a pharmaceutical company as a disguise to the outside world, and even most of the employees were really ordinary people. Ketal is nominally the CEO of the company, but secretly controls the entire company.

In the entire building, only Ketar can be called the high-rise of Hydra, and the Winter Soldier has been frozen again. So, as soon as the two arrive, the meeting is ready to begin.

Ketar, how is the preparation of my simple hibernation device?

Dr. Zola, we are a pharmaceutical company after all, and we lack all kinds of mechanical materials you need. In the past few days, I barely finished collecting them secretly, and all the goods arrived in the afternoon.

Without the necessary sleep equipment, Dr. Zola's daily sleep time has doubled from 6 hours to 12 hours.

Also, the computational speed of Dr. Zola's robotic body was greatly affected.

If there is a simple hibernation device, theoretically, not only can his daily hibernation time be reduced to 9 hours, but it can even ensure that he can work at high speed every day, so Dr. Zola is very concerned about the progress of this matter.

Dr. Zola, although the materials are already in place, please go and process and assemble it yourself. My people here are not good at this job.

After Ketar finished talking about this, he turned his head to Sienna and talked about another heavier matter,

Boss, I have secretly contacted the agents who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. After confirmation, they did not know that S.H.I.E.L.D. had recruited Black Widow.

After their investigation afterwards, Black Widow was secretly recruited by a senior SHIELD agent named Nick Fury.

Nick Fury is a U.S. Army colonel-turned-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with considerable power, and our people can't find much information about him.

Is Nick Fury? I know this person, and he has some skills! You notify the lurking agents and let them find a way to approach and monitor Nick Fury. There may be unexpected gains in the future!

Okay, Chief. But this will take time, and I'll do my best to arrange it.

Notify them as soon as possible, they have already done badly once, and I don't want to have a second time!

Sienna lightly put some pressure on Ketar, and then continued,

Besides, are there any other valuable information from those lurking agents?

One more, it sounds very important. About three months ago, didn't the latent agent get a message that Howard Stark was suspected of trying to restore the super serum?

Sienna recalled for a moment, and remembered that there was indeed such a thing. At that time, in the Kapok pond base, she also put forward a plan to deal with Howard at the meeting. Sienna nodded and motioned for Ketar to continue.

The latent agents spread the news yesterday. They said that after confirmation, Howard Stark has indeed successfully restored the super serum, and has now contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. and is preparing for human experiments.

I knew it! I figured it out!

In Project Paperclip, I designed the Insight Project, and I figured out that Howard Stark was a threat to the new Hydra organization, and the organization should have sent people to root him long ago.

After Dr. Zola heard Ketal's words, he shouted and started to stand up and dance, looking very excited.

Dr. Zola, don't worry. You can count too many people who are a threat to Hydra, including even a neurosurgeon who is powerless. It's unbelievable.

If all these people are killed, the cost to the organization is too great. The new Hydra organization is still thriving, and there is no need to take such a big risk.

Sienna raised her hand and pressed Dr. Zola to calm him down, and then asked,

Dr. Zola, how is your super serum research going, can you conduct human experiments now?

Not yet. The experimental materials have been destroyed in the explosion a few days ago, but I have backed up the experimental data, so I can continue to conduct research without much delay. But the implementation of human experiments is still a long way off.

Dr. Zola broke free from Sienna's control, spread out his hands and replied Sienna.

Dr. Zola felt that he was beaten by Howard, and seemed very annoyed, and said angrily,

It's abominable! If the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was still there, I would have researched the super serum long ago, and the Hydra organization would be able to change the world with this solid goal! It's abominable!

Okay, don't talk about it! The Cube has become history with my father and Captain America, and now we have to focus on the present.

Sienna raised her hand to stop Dr. Zola's complaint, and after thinking for a while, said,

About the super serum, I have a plan here. Now everyone listen carefully and analyze the feasibility!

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