"Son, this exam is not ugly! It's the way I was back then. Su Yunhui said with a smile.

Regarding Su Yunhui's enthusiasm, Su Jingcheng was extremely calm, after all, he was not familiar with him, and the only connection was that the original owner and Su Yunhui were related by blood.

"I've eaten, I'll go back to my room first." For the sake of unnecessary trouble, Su Jingcheng chose to escape temporarily.

This world is very unfamiliar to me except for glory and some of the plot characters, and I don't have time to get to know them.


After entering the game, I controlled the swordsman to come to the vicinity of Maoshan City, this is the Blade Canyon, generally only swordsmen and other professions will come here, of course, some players who want to brush the boss will also come here to wait.

As soon as I came here, I saw an acquaintance, and the familiar operation made Su Jingcheng watch.

"The sound of the night rain is annoying, I haven't seen you for a long time." Su Jingcheng said. (The words here are all typing)

"Swordsman and Warrior God, are you also there?" When did it come? Huang Shaotian asked.

"Ten minutes ago, I've been watching you for a long time, what are you doing here?" Su Jingcheng asked.

"Isn't this waiting for the boss here, I've already rushed to the Internet café as quickly as possible, but it's still a step too slow, and the boss has already been taken by those in the top few ranking." Huang Shaotian complained.

"Top few?" Su Jingcheng said thoughtfully.

The top few are undoubtedly not future competitors, except for Ye Xiu and Su Muqiu, they belong to Han Wenqing and a few people who are ranked high, and now they are still young, not to mention the decline in state, it is understandable that Huang Shaotian can't keep up with them.

"Great God? Great God? Shall we team up together? Huang Shaotian asked.

"Is it there? Are you there? Where's your life, great god? Huang Shaotian wondered.

"Great God? You reply with a word! Huang Shaotian said urgently.

"Ahh The boss is about to spawn. Huang Shaotian said excitedly.

Just when Su Jingcheng was drinking a glass of water, Huang Shaotian sent several messages.

Su Jingcheng unhurriedly clicked on an invitation to form a team.

"I'll go! God, you've finally taken care of me! Huang Shaotian stood up directly and shouted.

"Who? Ghost screaming on the big night? The rough man next to him scolded.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Huang Shaotian looked at the surrounding environment and found that a bunch of people were looking at him, so he had to lower his voice and agree in shock.

After inviting Huang Shaotian, he directly opened the microphone and said: "Hey, the night rain is annoying, hello." "

Great God, your voice doesn't sound like you're an adult, right?" Huang Shaotian said in a suppressed voice.

Hearing a small and broken sound coming from the earphones, Su Jingcheng frowned, and then asked, "What's wrong?" Is it inconvenient for you to talk over there? "

It's inconvenient to speak." Huang Shaotian hurriedly said yes.

"Huh? Well, let's type. Su Jingcheng said helplessly.

Originally, the team was formed because it could be better commanded, but now it can only depend on the tacit understanding between the two.

The blade swordsman Lang Rui was resurrected in the words of the two, and the poor one didn't know how he would be tortured.

The two quietly waited for the boss's HP to be consumed by other players, and the wild boss players could snatch each other, Su Jingcheng and Huang Shaotian, the two old sixth, were going to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

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