The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2127: brother

Seeing this family in the house, Yu Shiniang's eyes flickered with tears, but she was vigilant in her heart. She heard terrible news as soon as she left the customs. At this time, everyone in the court was indistinguishable from good and evil. But Yu Shiniang still had a trace of alertness in her heart.

"I have seen my sister-in-law!" Yu Shiniang bowed to Wen Yingji.

"Hey, Shi Niang will give up the gift soon, but it's a pity that it is not time for you to leave the customs. If your brother knows that you are going out, I don't know how happy you are."

Yu Shiniang looked at everyone in the field, and finally fell on Tan Xuan, "My brother... how did he die?"

"Your brother... this matter is hard to say in one word!" Wangchen on one side sighed slightly, Yu Duxiu's several reincarnations, the twists and turns of which are complex, it is true that it can be described in a few words.

"A word is hard to say, so let's talk slowly," Yu Shiniang said.

"Well, I will tell you." Wangchen looked at Weichen with a pair of eyes: "Senior sister should know the first half of his life."

"Yeah" Wei Chen nodded, and began to join the Taiping Dao from Yu Duxiu, consecrating the gods several times, rolling up the heavens and the world, and then talking about it, when Yu Duxiu consecrated the gods, then Wen Yingji lowered his eyes. With a touch of grief in his eyes, he hugged the Holy Child in his arms.

"It turns out that Gantian is a big bad guy, and he will have to suffer retribution in the future. My injury turned out to be that Gantian sent someone to secretly kill him." The Holy Infant breathed fire in one eye.

Wangchen shook his head: "Senior brother said, although it is a poisonous man in the world, the poison of the years is not something that can be found in the sky. The poison of the years must hide a conspiracy. The brother has been tracking the whereabouts of the poison of the years until This time, the five decays of heaven and man are just a clue."

At this time, the old ancestor Jade walked in outside with a smile on his face: "Ten Niang, ancestor, I am most familiar with your brother. If you want to know about your brother, I will tell you one by one."

"Old ancestor!" Yu Shiniang saluted the jade ancestor.

"You little girl is really pitiful. You have been separated from your brother for tens of thousands of years. Now that you are only born, there is a gap between Yin and Yang. It is really sad, but you can rest assured that I will take care of you. Brothers love brothers and sisters, and I will tell you about your brother’s past.” The old ancestor Yushi came to Yu Shiniang, and his eyes were full of memories: “Your brother claims to be the best in the world. The top-notch Tianjiao has always been the number one person in the world. No one can beat your brother half a point. Later, your brother had to marry Donghai because of the mana in the body and the persecution of the great ancestors. , Was trapped by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and took away your brother's life luck, and his background was hollowed out. Your brother is very powerful, and he has taken a different path. Although he can't practice, he was actually refined into the elixir of life. "

"The medicine for immortality?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback.

The old jade ancestor nodded: "Yes, it is the elixir of immortality. As long as you take one pill, you can live forever. This incident immediately shook the heavens and all realms. Don't face up to the supreme powers, and fight for it. In the end, your brother After being forced to death by eight human ancestors, your brother reincarnates in the tenth world and walks the road to heaven. The Buddha is the Taoist quasi immortal. This move is truly earth-shattering. The tenth quasi-immortal status has become the number one in the world. people."

At this moment, I recalled Yu Duxiu’s former glory. Not only was the jade ancestor's expressions sighing, but also Wen Yingji and others on the side looked fascinated. Wangchen sat there in a daze, seeming to be trapped in that sorrow. In the years and years, you cannot extricate yourself.

Yu Shiniang's eyes are full of pride, and her heart is filled with sadness and joy: "This is my brother! No matter where he is, he is so detached!"

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Shiniang’s expression, but smiled softly: "If you think that things are just like this, then you are wrong. Your brother will be so proud of him. After his reincarnation, he will roll up with the supreme body. The race wars suppressed the snake gods. This matter shook the heavens and worlds, opened the channel of the Yin Division, conquered the Yin Division, and fought the ghost masters. All kinds of deeds have gone, listen to me slowly."

As the old jade ancestor said, everyone in the field was fascinated by it. After a long time, the old jade ancestor still wanted to smash it, smash it: "That’s how things are. He had to be dismembered by the supreme powers, and then because he swallowed the elixir of life, he lived with the heaven and the earth. As a result, he pitted himself. The fragmentation of the earth also caused his own five decays because of his inability to resist. , So I took the initiative to fall into reincarnation."

"It turns out that my brother died like this! The eight ancestors and all the demon gods deserve to die. They dare to hit my brother's eternal life medicine. I will definitely take revenge for my brother in the future." Yu Shiniang's eyes are full of murderous intent.

"You hapless bear child" Jade ancestor gave Yu Shiniang a white look: "My relationship with your brother is no worse than you and your brother. Your brother has had ten reincarnation experiences before, and he has a plan in reincarnation. My ancestors are not in a hurry, what are you worried about? Besides, I have sensed your brother's qi when he was born the day before yesterday. Your brother will return against the sky for at most a hundred years, and by then you can naturally get together with your brother."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Jade’s eyes are full of emotion: "You must not resent the demons and the demons. All these are your brother’s own choices. It is hard to say who is an ally or an enemy! Nowadays, the demons and the demons The clan was smashed by your brother, how can your brother take revenge by himself, how can he fake the hands of others."

Yu Shiniang was silent when he heard the words, and the ancestor of Jade sighed softly: "That Golden Winged Dapeng is indeed your brother's son, but it was born of your brother and Taiyin fairy."

"Fairy Taiyin?" Yu Shiniang murmured.

The ancestor of Jade said: "It is the goddess who lives on the moon."

Yu Shiniang looked at the moon with a pair of eyes, and saw the supreme energy on the moon, without saying much, she lowered her head silently.

The ancestor of Jade sighed softly: "You are sitting here, ancestors, I will look for the reincarnation of that boy Hongjun. Now the supreme powers of the heavens and ten thousand realms are like smelling flies. Coming up, it was careless. Your brother doesn’t know who took him away. I can’t relax my ancestor!"

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade walked out of Yujing Mountain and said, "Shi Niang has just arrived at Yujing Mountain, so please rest in your brother's side hall."

"Thank you, Senior Sister" Yu Shiniang smiled.

Yu Shiniang bid farewell to everyone, and led Tan Xuan around the Yujing Mountain. After walking for a while, no one was seen. Yu Shiniang turned around and looked at Tan Xuan: "What they said is true?"

"Eight or nine do not leave ten," Dan Xuan said.

"Eight or nine do not leave ten?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback.

Tan Xuan was embarrassed when he heard the words, and Yu Shiniang said: "Where is the discrepancy? It's not coming soon."

Tan Xuan smiled bitterly: "There is not much difference in what he said. It's just that Brother Hongjun is not as great as the jade ancestor said. The reputation of the brother in the heavens and the world is not good. He has always been known for his sinister, cunning, and shameless. The supreme powers of the heavens and the world are jealous. I heard people say that in every battle of the heavens and the world, there are seniors pushing the black hands behind them. These countless sins are all caused by the seniors alone."

"It's My brother was merciful, he couldn't bear to kill even a chicken, so I had to do it myself, how could I do such a mass murdering thing?" Yu Shiniang rejected: " This matter is purely fabricated, not credible!"

Tan Xuan was speechless, and he secretly slandered: "That is, you believe that your brother is a good person! Your brother does not kill chickens and ducks, but he kills people, kills demons, and kills demons."

"By the way, this box was entrusted to me by my senior brother and asked me to give it to you personally." Tan Xuan took out a black box from his sleeve, which was densely covered with various seals.

"My brother gave it to me?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback and took the box.

Tan Xuan nodded.

Yu Shiniang sighed softly and opened the restriction on the box, but saw a black and yellow color rising into the sky, and Tan Xuan exclaimed and covered his mouth: "The gas of black and yellow!"

"Xuanhuang Qi?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback.

"This is a must-have for immortality." Tan Xuan felt a little dizzy. A black and yellow aura had been on him for so long, and he didn't cause any murder. Thinking about it, he was afraid.

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