The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2121: Promote the number of days, 6 cycles

"Tell the elephant god, this palace is uncomfortable, let him figure it out." Fox **** turned the letter in his hand into powder.

Outside of the chaos, Yu Duxiu's eyes sighed: "Heaven and earth are all in my hands, and the days and fate are all in my heart. This way of heaven should also be changed. I should refining and making the treasure and proving the infinite chaos. "

Yu Duxiu made up his mind, and saw that his three souls and seven souls instantly turned into primordial spirits, submerged in the purple placenta in the green lotus, and then the placenta rotated and separated from the chaos, sinking into the center of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows. The purple placenta revolved, and the way of heaven was instantly engulfed by the placenta, and began to copy the profound meanings of heaven and earth, the truth of the law, and the mysterious runes of Tao and Dao in it.

Forty-nine Magnificent Purple Qi represents the Forty-nine Way of Heaven, and the one who escaped is still hovering in the body of Yu Duxiu, at a loss.

"Reincarnation!" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly. This is not the first time she has been reincarnated, but it is undoubtedly the most dangerous one, involving the birth of her own innate spirit treasure.

All forty-nine cosmic purple qi were absorbed by Chaos Qinglian, transformed into a placenta in three thousand chaos, and were thrown into the soul by Yu Duxiu, infused with the profound meaning of heaven and earth, intending to refine the treasure of heaven and earth.

The escaped one sank into the chaotic green lotus, wandering among the three thousand chaos, Yu Duxiu slowly stood up, with a dignified look in his eyes, he is now refining the innate spirit treasure, and he has not yet reached the tenth rank of the flower. Passing through, can't be stimulated, and now the quasi-superior has to take a detour on his own, so as not to move the'fetal gas'.

Yujing Mountain is too eye-catching. If you stay in Yujing Mountain and call it the old turtle guardian, it is not impossible, but it will inevitably bring the calamity to that Yujing Mountain and harm the innocent people in Yujing Mountain.

"Shangqiongbi and fall under Huangquan. If this vow is not fulfilled, my innate spirit treasure will not be successful. Now I am about to fulfill the vow and establish the six reincarnations. All living beings have gone through the forgotten river and passed away, washed away the past and present, and completely ended the cause and effect." With a sneer in Yu Duxiu's eyes, the way of heaven fluctuates slowly, and the will of heaven moves like a knife, and now the six reincarnations are appearing.

In the old days, there was only reincarnation in the great world. The so-called six reincarnations were all controlled by the ghost master, and sentient beings could not see it.

At this time, Yu Duxiu took the shot, and set up another reincarnation, no less than a draw from the bottom of the kettle, digging the corner of the ghost master.

In the Pure Land of Lingshan, Amitabha stepped on the golden lotus, and the sound of the Buddha sang throughout his body. The vast Buddha light suppressed the nine directions and eight poles.

"Unexpectedly, the human race is prosperous, and my Buddhist school is also prosperous!" Amitabhas eyes are full of excitement: "Today, my Buddhist school has established six reincarnations, which will completely break the situation of the dominance of the Yinsi family. The ghost is dedicated to the world, but does not know the truth. You are also plotting a conspiracy."

Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and saw the days scrolling, and then Amitabha stepped on the lotus, stepped onto the other shore and started.

At this moment, the blood demon came to Amitabah to listen to the message in an instant, but saw Amitabh’s mouth singing and shaking Yinsi. The ghost master is busy suppressing the **** of death at this time, and the ghost is not Amitab’s opponent. Out of this bad breath.

"Majesty, Amitabha is taking advantage of the fire to rob him, the one who came is not good" said the strong good and evil.

"I know, I have to see what tricks this old immortal wants to play. Now I have nothing worthy of conspiracy, but I have to see what tricks this old bone stick wants to play." Not slowly, he carried his hands and looked towards the other side.

Amitabha stirred the wind and rain in the Yin Division, and attracted the attention of the heavens. Everyone raised their heads and looked into the Yin Division, with a playful expression on their faces.

"Just now when the world was peaceful, Amitabha came out to stir up the wind and the rain, and he was not a son of man." Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was gloomy: "I didn't see this guy in a human crisis back then. Now it's good, it's really time to fight."

"Although my human race won the race, Amitabhas got a big advantage. Because of the Buddha's merits in saving sentient beings, there is a faint trend of great prosperity. This is the destiny and cannot be changed." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked unhappy.

"I don't know what disgusting things Amitab will do when he ran to the Yin Division this time" Taiping Jiaozu said, touching his chin.

The powerhouses of the Monster Race also stopped their movements at this time, and looked at Yinsi with their eyes.

The demon clan, the twelve demon gods all applauded at this time, but listened to the wolf demon god: "It should be like this! If it should be like this, the Yin Division should be retributed."

"Good! This remark is great!" Niu Shen applauded.

In the depths of the Yin Division, Jinlin Aole stood not far away, watching Amitabha's movements.

"Amitabha will look for an opportunity. At this time, the Yinsi is not picking up. The Yinsi Prince has just proclaimed, and the ghost lord is dragged by death and cannot relax. This opportunity is just right" Jin Lin hit his tongue.

"Why, don't you plan to help?" Ao Le squinted at Jinlin.

Jinlin sneered: "Amitab is not a soft persimmon. It is easy to pinch. If you want to pinch Amitab, you have to have real skills. Moreover, my sea clan is very troublesome now. I don't want to cause other troubles."

Ao Le shook his head and looked at the other shore: "As long as the eternal heroic soul gets his hands, I will have nothing to do with the Yinsi. It is better not to swim in this muddy water. If Amitab's eyes are on, it will be very bad."

As he was talking, Amitabhas finished, scanning the surrounding void with a pair of eyes, looking at the ghost of the Yinsi, with a hazy look on his face, with a color of compassion: "This deity sees all living beings entangled with cause and effect, which cannot be resolved, causing the disaster of immeasurable calamity. The six realms of reincarnation are specially established to save sentient beings and break the cause and effect of sentient beings."

When the words fell, the will of the heaven and the earth rolled, and there was an instantaneous induction, and the blessing came down, and Amitabh spit out golden lotus and vibrated a thousand times: "Today I have six reincarnations, and all beings in the heavens need to enter these six reincarnations and cut off the past and present. Memory, liberation of all cause and effect, all sins, so far there should be six reincarnations that cater to the laws of heaven and earth."

"Today I establish the human way, the animal way, the evil way, the asura way, the heaven and the human way, and the **** way. These six ways cover all living beings. Those who enter will cut off the past and present lives, straighten out the cause and effect, yin and sun of the great world, and look forward to the world and the earth to learn from" Amitabha The voice is compassionate, as if it can universally save the endless beings of the big world.

"Amitabha, dare!" In the depths of the Yinsi, the ghost master's wrath was heard, and then a ghost claw with a huge claw covering the sky and the sun came to suppress Amitabha.

"Amitabha, the ghost lord is about to reincarnate in You are in charge of the origin of reincarnation again. These six powers are useless to you. Why not look at the open hand. Now, one of the six reincarnations belongs to hell, this seat It can be considered as benevolence and righteousness. If you have a **** of death that has not been suppressed, why have you jumped out and violated the general trend of the world?" Amitabha's voice was not hurried, and thousands of Buddha's lights were shining all over the world.

"Bastard, after I have taken care of the **** of death, I will come to you to settle the account!" The sound of the tossing deep inside the Yinsi kept on, obviously the **** of death took the opportunity to make trouble again.

Outside the outside world, the prince of the underworld wore a haze in his eyes, and he wore the emperor's dress: "Buddha deceives me and there is no one under him?"

"No, the deity is committed to suffering for the sake of all beings, but the prince's words are too much." Amitabha looked at the prince of Yinsi and said with a smile: "What's more, these six reincarnations are controlled by the ten temples of Yama. You are the ten temples of Yama. For the respect, why not the prince? The deity just earned some luck by the way."

The prince of Yin Si felt bitter when he heard this, but he was dumb eating coptis and didn't make sense.

Then the other nine Yamas are all quasi-superpowers, and they are all members of your Buddhist school. Will they be dispatched by this prince? .

It's just that Amitabha's words are righteous, and Prince Yin Si can't refute it either.

Seeing the madness of the Buddha's gathering, the Prince Yinsi said with a cold face: "No matter what, since I met the Buddha today, the king has recently proclaimed the Dao, and he is about to ask the Buddha for advice."

"Never mind, the prince can do it," Amitabh said helplessly.

In the chaos, Yu Duxiu suddenly loosened her whole body, and the birth of the purple placenta accelerated a lot. At this time, Yu Duxiu only felt that the spiritual platform was clear and there was no dust.

"A word that I had accidentally achieved cause and effect back then has happened to be resolved once. The weather is rolling in, but it can't resolve my calamity. It's really sad!" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, and she really committed sin. rw

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