The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2083: Dragon barrel gun, Yaozu withdraw troops

Jinlin never expected that the father would be slaughtered here, and the children would have become enlightened over there. Fastest update

It's a pity that Ao Le enlightened it too late, and after all, he couldn't save Donghai Longjun.

Under the blessing of the four seas and Tao Tao’s spiritual veins, Ao Le’s whole body morphed wildly, the aura of chaos lingered, and the mysterious runes on the silver-white scales of the whole body circulated indefinitely, just like the original jade dragon's true body. But it was stronger than Yu Duxiu's momentum, I don't know how many times, the fairy machine passed all sentient beings surrendered.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu's blood slowly converged, her face looked down as usual, and a pair of eyes was slowly brewing: "Ao Le proves! This time it is fun, I don’t know Jinlin’s chess game. How to live."

The old jade ancestor moved to Yu Duxiu's side: "Hongjun, people are already enlightened, when will your kid become enlightened?"

"It's coming! This matter can't be anxious. My enlightenment is different from ordinary people's enlightenment." Yu Duxiu stood there weakly with her hands on her back.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu suspiciously with his eyes up and down: "Your boy has been hollowed out? Why are you weak?"

"Old ancestor, what about Xihe, but are you messing up?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade ancestor with a gloomy expression.

The old jade ancestor smiled: "It’s not about my ancestors and mine, it’s that Xi and the little girl are willing to pay for themselves. You guys get a bargain and behave. You are not willing to exchange a set of tricks for a beautiful woman who looks like a jade. what."

Listening to the old jade ancestor's method, Yu Duxiu rolled his eyes. This old thing was rough and thick, so he couldn't help it.

"What do you say about doing things?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"What can I say, the ancestor can only pinch his nose and recognize it." The old ancestor Jade stuck in his waist: "They can't beat me, so they can only pinch their nose to recognize, and then talk about Taishi's stuff. Now all races Tianjiao has proclaimed one after another. You see that Qi Luck is flowing towards the sea and the heavens. Where can the teaching ancestors have time to care about the affairs of the sky, looking for Taishi is the main thing."

While talking, the old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu up and down: "Your kid has the ability to control the snake god, why don't you have the ability to control the Taishijiao ancestor and fear? If you can use these two powerhouses for you, you kid can It’s amazing, and you don’t have to be so fearful in future actions."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu shook her head.

"The snake **** is controlled because the snake **** himself died, and he was wise to escape by secret techniques. He planted the Tribulation Seed in the belly of the white snake in advance, and the snake God took the initiative to merge the Tribulation Seed, and naturally fell into his own secret calculation. "

Yu Duxiu couldn't tell the ancestor of Jade about this kind of robbery that this old thing is too unreliable, and Yu Duxiu has hardly encountered anyone who is less reliable than him.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Old Jade Ancestor curled his lips: "You kid wait for a headache. In the future, Ao Le and Han Jin will be killed. Who do you help? One is your old lover and the other is your new ally. You say you help that. ?."

"Although Ao Le has smelted the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon and turned into the true body of the Ancestral Dragon, Han Yan has already melted the origin of the cold ice, and the realm is much higher than that of Ao Le. Even if Ao Le has mastered the various methods of the Ancestral Dragon, he will never "Yu Duxiu is not Han-Rang's opponent," Yu Duxiu is firm.

"Where is Jinlin? What are you going to do with Jinlin?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu.

"The one that Jinlin relies on is nothing more than swallowing a dragon king. I have my own care about this."

Yu Duxiu's eyes slowly closed, thinking silently in her heart.

Outside, the starry sky was turbulent at this time, and the powerful demon gods and monsters gave the prince of Yinsi to Yang Shi who surrounded the great world.

The prince of Yin Si melted the Qi Luck of Yin and Yang, and he did not feel the slightest discomfort in the Yang world. This Yama Dao was indeed extraordinary.

"Yan Luo covers the stars with only one hand, and the stars of Vientiane enter my soul."

The prince of Yinsi covered the sky and sun with a palm of his hand, and moved towards the starry sky. The monster star battle array of the demon clan turned in an instant, and Xiangshen stepped forward to block the attack of the prince of Yinsi.

On the coast of the East China Sea, Ao Le looked at the battlefield where the three tribes were fighting. At this time, an army of ghost tribes actually broke through the channel between Yin and Yang and entered the world of Yang.

"Ao Le, since you have proved the true body of Ancestral Dragon and inherited the will of your elder brother, you should be the first person of my dragon clan. What do you think we should do now?" Beihai Longjun's eyes were full of grief.

"The demons and the demons are not good things. My dragons are cursed, and the demons have unshirkable responsibilities. Now they have involved the Yinsi again. Since the Yinsi has a way to rescue my sea tribe, it is a little niece. I mean, we should form an alliance with the Yinsi at this time. Now the Yinsi is also helpless, and will never mind to strengthen the covenant with the dragon clan, so that the demon clan and the devil clan will lose both." Ao Le said in a cold voice.

"Alright, my Dragon Clan now has nothing, what else should we be afraid of? The Demon Race is calling, we have a big deal to escape. When the Demon Race is gone, we are attacking and coming back. The most important thing at the moment is to guard against the traitor Jinlin. That **** with Han Yan" Xihailong Jundao.

When the words fell, I saw the three dragon monarchs nodding their heads together, and Ao Le's body was immortal: "Today, my dragon clan is separated from the monster clan, and I stand on my own. I will have no relationship with the monster clan in the future."


In the dark, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon roared, and then he saw the monster tribe's huge golden dragon instantly slumping three points, exploded suddenly, and then a part of the Qi Luck returned to the world and was taken back by the four Dragon Kings.

Sihai Longjun's actions were no less than giving a knife to the demon clan behind his back, and this knife almost stabbed the demon gods who were fighting.

Under the influence of luck, the four demon gods snorted together, looking at the void in the distance with amazement, looking towards the direction of the East China Sea, and the fox expression was pale: "Ao Le! Dare to be so betrayed and abandon the covenant? Where is my monster?."

"East Sea Dragons" Xiangshen deflated the attack of Prince Yinsi with a fist, looking gloomy in the direction of the four seas.

"Damn it, really hateful" Tiger God roared up to the sky.

"Hahaha, Yaozu is miserable this time" The Yinsi Prince smiled triumphantly.

The demon gods of the Demon God Clan were also smiling at this time. Look at me and see you, each with wide-eyed eyes. Without the help of five dragon kings, the demon gods seem to see the hope of victory.

"Covenant?" Ao Le sneered coldly: "Prince don't panic, I'll help you to drive these demon gods and demon gods out of Yin Division."

"Okay! In the future, the Dragon Clan will be the strongest ally of our Yinsi, we will sign an agreement in the future" The Yinsi Prince responded to Ao Le's words.

At this time, there are three powerful Yinsi on the Yinsi There are also the newly promoted Yinsi powerful Prince Yinsi, plus the four ancestors of the human race and the four dragon kings of the dragon family, and now there are twelve of them. The strong, if you count the insect gods, they are more than the strong of the Demon God Race, and they just called the Yinsi back to the situation.

"Human! Now that the Yinsi is powerful, you are still in the muddy water, helping you to abuse, is it because you really want to see my great world die out?" Xiangshen was cold.

The ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao sneered when he heard the words, and did not answer, but continued to use magical attacks.

"The trend is over. After all, the time to capture the Yinsi is still immature! It is too difficult! The human race and the dragon clan are mingled, and this matter is a waste." The Fox God sighed softly, "The Yinsi and the Yangshi are separated by a barrier, star fighting. The power of the Yin Division will be greatly weakened when entering it. The Demon Race is not as good as the Demon God Race in the Yin Division, and it has suffered from the trauma of the Dragon Race before. The enemy is strong and the enemy is weak. The Yin Division has the advantage of the home game. Let's retreat... ...."

Listening to the words of the Fox God, the Elephant God stopped, with a wry smile: "Withdraw your troops! Save your strength and think about how to deal with the upcoming attack of the Demon God Race! My Demon Race lacks the support of five supreme powers. It's difficult, anyhow, having a little fox testify is also a comfort."

Hearing the words, the fox **** moved the stars and changed his battles, and wrapped the little fox in the stars of the heavens. The stars shook, and the stars of the heavens slowly retreated from the channel of the Yin Division.

"Bastards" watched the movements of the demon clan, all the demon gods changed their expressions, and the wolf gods looked up to the sky and roared: "Why do you **** retreat, as long as the demon clan and my demon clan abandon their antagonisms and cooperate together, why worry about this evil clan? Can't conquer?."

"Wait a minute" Shen E's eyes were full of anger.

The Tiger God sneered coldly: "You barbarians think it's good, kill the Yin Division, and take the opportunity to pull my monster race away, right?." rw

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