The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1986: Born from the same root, teach your ancestors

The ancestors of the human race look at me, I look at you, looking at the ghost master who is standing in the Yinsi and shouting, with big eyes and small eyes.

Taiyi taught his ancestors "what to do?."

"Innate gods are important. You and Taiping go to the Yinsi to help the ghost master. The remaining Dao brothers protect the law for me. That's enough," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"Alright" Taiping Teacher nodded.

"The Yin Division is the world of the ghost master and the **** of death. It is not easy to suppress it." Taihuang Jiaozu said: "If you want me to say, let the ghost master and the **** of death fight in the Yin Division, the two sides are entangled. There is no time or opportunity to plot against us."

"Although it is said, everyone in Yinsi is already showing signs of decline, and they will not stop it. I am afraid that the ghost master is really going to work hard, and it will not end at that time. Yinsi is not only the Yinsi of the ghost master, but the heavens. The yin division of the clan, the lives and deaths of all the heavens and the hundreds of races, all have to go into reincarnation. Once the yin division is controlled by the **** of death, the yin divisions of the heavens are not far from the dead race." Why do you want to shoot?"

"For the human race," Taiping taught ancestors indifferently.

"Taiping, too easy to shoot." Watching the two human figures fall into the Yin Division, the Jade Ancestor clapped his hands and applauded: "This time, the two top humans of the human race will take action. The **** of death is dead, the monster and the devil. A tribe is short-sighted, and all are short-sighted people."

"As long as the **** of death is suppressed or killed, it is the decisive battle between the monster race and the demon **** clan. The demon race and the demon **** clan will fight countless deaths and injuries. The strong anger will strengthen the power of the death god, so these two races It's a big battle, and it will happen after the **** of death is suppressed, otherwise it will help the **** of death" Jade Patriarch explained to Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded, and slowly closed her eyes: "Everything is a foregone conclusion, no change!".

"Oh, there is a helping hand." The death **** looked at Taiping Jiaozu and Taiping Jiaozu carelessly at the beginning. When he saw the unfathomable Qi in Taiping Jiazu and Taiping Jiaozu, his expression suddenly became solemn. After coming down, my heart sank: "I really didn't expect that you group of demons can be considered as capable, and it is rare to have such a strong birth."

With such words, the **** of death gave a chuckle in his heart and cursed inwardly: "These **** fairies, I don’t know how many years have passed. There are such strong men, especially these two demons, so strong. Even if it’s a great innate god, it’s only strong but not weak. It seems that I’m entrusted with it, and I should check it out before I was born, but when I was born, why didn’t I find this? Strong spirit? How else would this seat act so recklessly?."

This time, the **** of death blamed everyone. The strong human races are hidden in the star battle array, and the monsters are hidden in the 33rd heaven. Now the strong from all walks of life, as long as the cultivation base has As for the twelve demon gods, they have also sneaked into the earth to cultivate hard. It is also a coincidence that this demon **** has never found a strong one when he was born, and thinks that it is now the same as the age of the gods. I am respectful, but I never thought that this kind of thinking would deceive others.

The **** of death thought of a breakthrough in his cultivation. The only ones who were afraid were the ghost master and the jade. The rest was just you, but now he never thought of giving himself to the pit.

Looking at Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiping Jiaozu, the **** of death grabbed the judge's pen, carried his hands on his back, and was shrouded in black robe without seeing his face: "They are two rising stars again. I never thought that this demon was so powerful and killed. certainly delicious."

"Thank you for the help of the two fellow Taoists. They are not as bad as the jade mate. I was so scared to see the **** of death that I didn't dare to take action." The ghost master gave a fist to the two.

"Bah, I didn't dare to make a move. Patriarch, I don't want to spend a lot of trouble. Besides, the **** of death is the most difficult thing. Patriarch, I don't want to cause trouble."

"You don't need to be polite, I waited for the ancient covenant to exist, and now that the **** of death is resurrected, he should be sealed and killed again" Taiping ancestor looked deep.

"Want to kill me? I don't know if you have the ability." The judge's pen in the hand of the **** of death pierced the Taiping ancestor.

Countless runes flowed in front of the Taiping ancestors, and a world slowly spread out. I saw where the judge's pen passed, and the power of disaster in the world burst out. The judge's pen judged the heavens and everything, and the small world was in danger in an instant.

"To deal with the innate gods, you can only use the laws of natal life, and don't use small means to avoid harming your own life." Tai Yi taught the ancestors of the chaotic river in his hands to bend and flow: "Ding."

"My destiny is born. You are an acquired person. How do you change your innate destiny? You touched the law of fate and blasphemed your destiny. You are guilty." The **** of death circulated the magical powers in the hands of the gods of death. Shattered, the power of the priesthood formed by the will of heaven and earth is undoubtedly revealed.

"If you want to defeat the **** of death, you must first capture the judge's pen of the **** of death, then suppress it and seal it, slowly disperse its spirit, and then seal it in the depths of time and space." The ghost master has six reincarnations, six With the Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiping Jiaozu delaying the time, the ghost master has enough time to stack the six reincarnations. In an instant, a vortex exuding a chaotic mood is formed. It seems that it can swallow all things in the world. Even the great world can be affected by this. Swallowed by the whirlpool.

"Those who have blasphemed the cycle of reincarnation, you are sinful. When you are judged, you will be buried in time forever and be questioned by the gods." The **** of death stretched out his palm, and the power of life and death flowed, condensed in the judge's pen, the judge The pen shot out, piercing through the six reincarnations in an instant, passing through the body of the ghost master.


The six reincarnations exploded, the ghost master exploded, the judge's pen turned back, and was held by the **** of death.

"It's too easy, you hold the mouth of the **** of death with your destiny. With a mouth with heavenly constitution, you can mobilize the will and blessings between heaven and earth. Instead of being an enemy, you are an enemy of heaven and earth. Don't let him speak." The ghost lord's real body reorganized, and his voice hurried.

"Where is life and death, not coming back soon?" The myth of death spread throughout the world, constantly calling life and death.

"Life and death are only in the hands of the **** of death, so that they can exert their greatest strength. They fall into the hands of the ghost master and the prince of the Yinsi. The treasure is covered in dust." The old jade ancestor sighed slightly: "If the **** of death is to take life and death to death, It's time for the Yin Division to change hands."

Yu Duxiu remained silent, quietly comprehending God's will like a knife, and the jade ancestor looked curious: "You resurrected the **** of death, so don't you care about the battle below?"

"What's there to worry about? If the **** of death fails, he will be sealed at most. He is already a Dacheng innate **** and can't kill. With my means, he can release him at any time." Yu Duxiu did not rush.

"Good boy, you are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. What do you think would happen if the ghost master suppressed the **** of death in the origin of reincarnation?" The old jade ancestor came over, his face full of pride, you want to know, please beg me expression.

"What will happen?" Yu Duxiu didn't open her eyes, as if she didn't see the proud face of Jade Jade Patriarch was frustrated and smiled: "The six reincarnations will digest and absorb death, ghosts The Lord will inherit everything from the **** of death."

"Which end are you old boy?"

Yu Duxiu opened her eyes and looked at the ancestor of Jade: "Is this serious?"

"I can't fake it." The old jade ancestor patted his chest: "All the acquired creatures of the heavens and all realms, no one knows the innate gods and their secrets better than I. I am the sole respecter of the chaotic ancient times. The closest to the age of the gods, many secrets are You can't hide it from me, and of course you can't hide it from the ghost master. The appearance of the **** of death is a challenge and an opportunity for the ghost master."

Yu Duxiu heard the words silently, and after a while said, "What do you mean?"

"Don't let the ghost master swallow the **** of death, otherwise even the reincarnation of the great world will be practiced by him, and chaos reincarnation is just around the corner" the mysterious secret road of the jade ancestor god.

Yu Duxiu was silent for a while, and then an edict appeared in his hand: "I preached the letter Yuanshi Tianzun and Amitabha to prevent this from happening, and took the opportunity to reconcile the power of the Yin Division and step into the Yin Division."

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