The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1982: The mystery of the ancestor dragon, the will of heaven vs beings

Yu Duxiu secretly scolded the jade ancestors as shameless. Back then, the Great Thousand World and the Ancestral Dragon were both defeated, or that the Ancestral Dragon died, the Great Thousand World was injured, the laws of heaven and earth were disordered, and were severely injured. Reluctantly to maintain operation, so the innate gods were born, the innate gods evolved from the great world to manage the great world.

It just never thought that there would be an innate beast that would evolve with it. This inborn beast seemed to be contaminated with the blood of the ancestor dragon, so a battle began.

If it were not for the creation of the world, the age of the gods, the chaos, and the countless years of recuperation from ancient times to the present, plus Yu Duxiu's repeated secret push now, the will of the world of the world might not be able to be reorganized.

Now the will of the Great Thousand World has just begun to recover, and the establishment of punishment is successful, and it has control over the supreme powers.

Yu Duxiu is the person in this world who is closest to the will of heaven and earth. Through Tiandao* Yu Duxiu can feel that the will of the great world is gradually recovering, and even his own sacrifice to the heavens is conducive to the recovery of the will of the great world. .

In the past, the will of the Great Thousand Worlds was not absent, but the will of the Great Thousands of Worlds must be used to sort the rules, control the cycle of life and death of sentient beings, and control the definite number of life and death. There is no way to control the supreme powers in the world. Yu Duxiu is pushing his backhand behind his back. Yu Duxiu has become the spokesperson of heaven and earth, or the manipulator of heaven and earth, and his own heaven and earth* are definitely not just a gem bred by the crystallization of laws.

Yu Duxiu thought of the Heavenly Dao fragments handed down in the Ancestral Dragon’s bloodline. They were not passed down to him intentionally, but when the Heavenly Dao Will and the Ancestral Dragon were fighting, the Heavenly Dao fragments penetrated into the Ancestral Dragon and abolished the Ancestral Dragon. This fragment is the helpless thing of Ancestral Dragon, there is nothing to do.

From the words of the jade ancestors, Yu Duxiu thought of Jinlin, Sihailongjun, and Kunlun Mountain's ancestral veins.

What happened between Zulong and God? And why did the demon **** in the chaos disappear? Back when I met Zulong through time and space, Zulong was able to see through time and space, and he was not hostile to him at all, and he even helped himself to understand the mystery of the beginning of the world, until the dragon’s blood was yellow and blood stained the world. , Yu Duxiu never knew what Zulong's glance meant.

Yu Duxiu was silent. Seeing Yu Duxiu fell silent, the ancestor Jade smiled: "How? Do you feel that the ancestor I am very wise and martial, I tell you, if it weren’t for the ancestor, I’m afraid you guys How can one obtain longevity and steal the secrets of heaven while still in the reign of the innate gods.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's contemplative expression, the old ancestor of Jade shook his hand before Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just something. I don't understand. Since you were born in the age of the gods, have you ever heard about the ancestor dragon?" Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor heard the words and turned his eyes dizzy, and his eyes looked at the void: "This old guy can't say it. If you say it, you will have induction, cause and effect. It is terrible. If I were you, I would not mention the name of a dragon in the future. , The old dragon has never given up, thinking about resurrecting. I tell you, I suspect that the old ancestors, I proclaimed the Dao, and killed the innate gods and the innate beasts, all have traces of immortality."

When Yu Duxiu heard this, her hair was horrified, and she looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes: "Do you still know what?"

"Those who talk nonsense about being condemned by the gods, my ancestor is bad luck. Where can I dare to talk nonsense, you have to find the answer in the clues of all this," the old jade ancestor laughed.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu cast his gaze on the Yinsi, the light in his eyes flashed, and after a while, he said: "I didn't expect that the judge's pen and life and death are treasures of the **** of death."

The old jade ancestor smiled awkwardly: "The **** of death hates me to the bones. It was because of my ancestors that I made a plot, the **** of death lost his life and death book and the judge's pen, and was killed by the ghost master and me. In the first place, now it's thanks to your kid."

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered: "You old boy must be hiding something from me, but you can rest assured that although you don't say it, I guessed it."

Seeing the ancestor of Jade, I have to say it again. Yu Duxiu pointed her finger at the battlefield below: "You said this battle, what was the result?"

The ancestor of Jade looked at the battlefield below, and then looked at Jade Duxiu: "The ghost master is the biggest variable besides you in the world. Although you have hatred with the ghost master, I advise you to do so. The old guy has turned the fighting into a good jade silk, so I can’t say you have to fight together.

Yu Duxiu shook his head. He will exterminate the heavens. Who can fight together? .

In the Yin Division, at this time the ghost lord and the **** of death are entangled again, and you come and me. In the Yin Division, it is almost half a catty in general, but Yu Duxiu knows that the power of the ghost lord has not been used. It is only the power of reincarnation.

"Roar, death, don’t think about it, let me tell you, I am definitely not a pawn, absolutely not, my ghost master does not accept my fate, I am definitely not a pawn, no one can treat me as a pawn, I was able to break the box back then, and now I can Bury you again" the rise of the ghost master kill, the six reincarnations turn into vortexes and continue to rotate, the power of reincarnation rotates wherever they pass, and the power of death is constantly removed.

"Pawn? I don't care whether you are a **** or not. Now I only need to get back my origin of life and death, and my life and death." Prince Yinsi smiled coldly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and saw the judge's pen slowly condensed in front of him. Out: "You should know that the judge's pen and life and death are my strongest state. I will give you a chance to give birth and death and the origin of reincarnation."

"God of death, the origin of reincarnation has been thoroughly smelted by my father, and I can't get it out. This life and death is fine. After I preach, this life and death is useless to me. It doesn't matter to you, but you have to Withdraw from the Yinsi, and you shall not be harassed in the future." The Prince Yinsi's voice sounded in the distance: "Although you have the cards, but my father also has the cards, please think twice."

"Think twice?" The **** of death quack looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "The Taoist has already been born, and my inborn gods will be resurrected one by one in the future. You are rebellious in the world and cannot suppress the resurrection of our innate gods. Wait until the world is restored. It’s the time of your rebellious death."

While talking, I saw the **** of death waving a palm, and the judge's pen danced, stabbing towards the ghost master: "Heaven and earth judge."

"This is the great trick of the **** of death." The old ancestor of Jade rubbed his hands beside Yu Duxiu.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's puzzled expression, the ancestor of Jade shook his head: "Using the judge's pen to sway the will of heaven and earth, in the name of heaven and earth, kill the enemy, and fight against the gods, that is, heaven and earth rebel against the party."

"Reaper, really want to hurt both sides?" The ghost master looked gloomy.

"All the jade and stone are burned, don't hesitate!" The expression of death was firm.

"It's a dead brain, **** innate god" The ghost master yelled angrily, and the reincarnation in his hand flashed out: "Monsters, endless will of heaven and earth is constantly in the judge. Under the stroke of the pen, the law of the **** of death was merged to form a mighty will of heaven and earth, and went to torture the ghost master.

"Trial, you are guilty!"

"I can't help but blame, I am innocent."


After a burst of impact, the ghost master's body suddenly exploded, and the skin in Death's hands began to burst, the flesh collapsed, and the flesh and blood continued to collapse out, and Qiqiao looked at the ghost master in the distance with blood.

"It's so tragic, it's really tragic." Tai Yi taught the ancestors and sighed quietly: "Is this the power of the six realms? Even the will of heaven and earth can be resisted. It's really amazing. This is the ghost master's trump card, but I don't know the ghost master mobilization Has gained a few powers of sentient beings."

"What a ghost lord, what a ghost lord, I didn't expect the ghost lord to hide so deep, we used to underestimate him" Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes were filled with stars.

"The ghost master has a deep mind. This trick has been left to the **** of death a million years ago." Taiping ancestor smiled bitterly: "If you don't plan it, you will waste it."

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