The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1864: Burial place of the **** of death

The ancestor of Jade stared at Yu Duxiu: "If it has nothing to do with me, do you think you have a chance to stand here and talk to ancestor me?"

The face of the jade ancestor was full of memories: "Frightening, after the ghost master stabbed the nest of ant bees and took charge of the six reincarnations, he alarmed the **** of death who was sleeping and growing, so a great battle began. The battle was earth-shaking. Although the ghost master was already enlightened at the time, there was no way at all to face the **** of death. The defeated steadily retreated. The **** of death was in charge of the life and death of the heavens and all beings. Great scourge, how can I stand by, ancestors? If the **** of death is allowed to continue to grow and develop, all living beings in the world of the sun will be buried by the **** of death, and the world of the **** of death is death."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade glared at Yu Duxiu: "Couldn't your kid want to make a horrible idea?"

"Where did the **** of death fall?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"The Yinsi Burial Mountain" Jade Patriarch said.

"Where is that?" Yu Duxiu was puzzled.

The old jade ancestor smiled bitterly: "You will know if you walk with me."

The old jade ancestor quietly tore the barrier between the Yin and Yang worlds, and Yu Duxiu followed closely behind the old jade ancestor. The two sneaked along the way and came to a valley.

"There are two mountains here, which one is the sacred mountain?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

The old jade ancestor scratched his eyebrows: "The Burial Mountain is just a name, not a real mountain, but a valley. The **** of death fell into this valley."

Yu Duxiu was stunned: "You two old guys really know how to play."

The valley is unfathomable, it seems to have absorbed all the light from the heavens and the world, and a chill of death air spreads out in the valley.

The old jade ancestor shrank his neck: "What are you looking for for the burial place of the **** of death?"

"I want to resurrect the **** of death" Yu Duxiu said.


When the old jade ancestor heard that his hair exploded, his eyes looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "Your kid is not crazy, are you going to resurrect the **** of death? Are you making trouble for yourself, do you know?"

"I don't know." Yu Duxiu laughed and looked at the bottomless valley. When she stretched out her palm, she saw that all the sand, gravel and soil in the valley fell into Yu Duxiu's palm. In a short time, the valley was restored. Bright, I saw the soil in this valley appeared black, and the air of death escaped, which was astonishing.

"Let's go" collected the body of the **** of death, Yu Duxiu turned around and left.

"Wait." The old jade ancestor shouted, jumped into the valley, looked at the lifeless mud, grabbed a handful, slowly put it on the tip of his nose, and said after a while: "Something interesting."

"What did you find?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"Let's go! Let's go! The **** of death is the heart disease of the ghost master, and it is strictly guarded against this place. Let's go quickly." The ancestor of Yu Shi followed behind Yu Duxiu, pushing Yu Duxiu toward the outside of the valley.

"Enlighten to the ghost master, a black wind rolled up in the God Burial Valley before, and the entire God Burial Valley has undergone an abnormal change. The unfathomable God Burial Valley has recovered to its brightness, and all the dead energy has disappeared." The guard of the Yin Division reported to the ghost master.

The ghost master was looking at the memorial in his hand, he was shocked when he heard this, he stood up suddenly and disappeared into the hall.

"The eventful autumn" The ghost master looked at the empty burial valley, standing there with a gloomy face: "The heavens and all realms can sneak into this place silently, blinding the senses, one of the few, the place where the **** of death is buried. , Is a secret to the powerful, only a few people know."

The ghost master clenched his palm: "Now that I have stolen the body of the **** of death, what do I want to do? There must be no good things."

"If the order is passed on, the various tribes of our Yin Department have sent strong men to walk secretly in the world of Yang, and must find information about the **** of death." The ghost master's face was gloomy and cloudy.

After hearing the words of the ghost master, everyone looked at each other, silently, and withdrew one after another. The Yin Division was like a huge and precise machine, constantly operating.

The old jade ancestor followed Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun, the **** of death is dead, how can he be resurrected?"

"This is my secret technique. I have infinite means, infinite magical powers, and infinite methods! It is not impossible to reverse life and death and resurrect the **** of death."

"Your kid is playing with fire and self-immolation. Do you know if you are playing with fire and self-immolation?" Old Ancestor Jade closely followed Yu Duxiu: "I knew you were going to resurrect the **** of death. I said nothing, ancestor, will bring you here. You have never fought the **** of death, and you never know how terrible the **** of death is."

"The ghost master needs to be restrained. You can't restrain the ghost master. The only way I can think of now is the power of the **** of death." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch unhurriedly.

The jade ancestor jumped angrily: "The **** of death is resurrected, and when you cry, the **** of death controls the law of death and can kill all things, even if the ancestor is slashed, it will lose a bit of origin."

Seeing Yu Duxiu still unmoved, the ancestor of Jade jumped angrily: "Okay, you kid is great, ancestor I didn't understand why you did this. I knew I shouldn't help you."

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor: "Don't worry, there is a **** of death. I have the blue sky in my hand, and the sky is gestating. If I bless the wheel of law, I will be an invincible existence, let alone death. God, even if the Ancestral Dragon is resurrected, it can’t help me.”

"Your broken wheels are really so powerful?" Ancestor Jade showed a fiery eye.

Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch with a sneer, then stretched out his fingers and put his hand on the shoulders of Jade Patriarch Dao: "Old Patriarch."

"What do you kid want to say?" A vigilance flashed in the eyes of Old Ancestor Jade.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "If you are idle, you might as well go to the Heavenly Court and see how Qiantian proclaims. It's really mud that can't support the wall. I have a feeling for the roots and feet of Qiantian. I already have a hunch, please go to the heaven to give him advice."

"Your kid's head is cramped." The old jade ancestor threw away Yu Duxiu's arm: "You have never seen how terrifying the Emperor's Avenue is. If you see it with your own eyes, you will never let the Emperor's Avenue grow up."

"There is no invincible avenue in the world, and the imperial avenue has flaws" Yu Duxiu did not rush.

"What flaw, why didn't I find the ancestor?"

"Being ordered to heaven, it is longevity and Yongchang."

The old jade ancestor clutched his head, not long-winded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Jade's ancestor, Yu Duxiu secretly laughed. Gantian was not Yu Duxiu's goal at all. If he set his goal on a mere Gantian, he would be the same in his life, and he would have no prospects at all.

Returning to Yujing Mountain in the 33rd heaven, Yu Duxiu and the Jade ancestor parted ways. The Jade ancestor infiltrated the human race to cause internal destruction, but Yu Duxiu began to think about a step-by-step layout plan.

Nowadays, various layouts have reached the most critical moment one step is wrong, and there can be no mistakes, otherwise it will be the end of the game.

Now the heavens and worlds have rarely entered a tranquil state, as if it were a pool of lake water, but in this tranquil state, the waves were surging and murderous intent.

The demon race is practicing the great formation of the heavens and the stars, and constantly rehearsing the various changes of the great formation of the heavens and the stars, and the demon clan is also practicing its own great formation of the heavens and twelve gods, and the two sides continue to compete secretly.

The Sihailong clan was not idle either, Han Yan suddenly detached himself, the extremely cold icy air made Sihailongjun's heart vigilant, and began to secretly accumulate strength to guard against the cold.

The ancestors of the Human race were rarely quiet. The Zhoutian star formation of the Human race was operating, isolating the prying eyes of the Monster Race and the Demon God. The ancestors of the Human Race disappeared, and they did not know what they were planning.

"All the eternal souls of the demon race have been integrated into the heavens and stars. Only when the heavens and star battles are well practiced, they can have a battle with the demon clan and completely suppress the demon clan and unify the heavens and the world." The domineering eyes of Xiangshen are overflowing: "The emperor's robe and golden badge are really good things."

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