The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1944: Teaching the Witch Clan

The demon gods talked a lot of things in a mess, but they still couldn't figure it out. The power of the heavens and stars itself represents a part of the mighty power of the great world, and the demon gods can't even calculate the mystery of the heavens and stars, let alone none. Without the primordial spirit, you cannot understand the demon gods of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The demon gods quarreled a big deal, and finally broke up.

Seeing the demon gods leave, the wolf **** sighed helplessly and turned back to his own territory.

To rule the earth and be at a loss for the vast starry sky, this is definitely not what the demons want.

With a pair of eyes, Yu Duxiu watched the demon spirits in the distance dissipate, walked slowly to the territory of the wolf god, and walked into the hall of the wolf god.

"Hongjun, why are you here?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement.

Yu Duxiu chuckled and touched her chin: "I heard that your demon clan wants to break into the starry sky. This seat has come here to solve problems. Isn't it possible that fellow Taoists don't welcome this seat?".

"No, no, no, welcome. Fellow Daoists are invited to sit here. Does Daoist have a way to restrain the power of the heavens and stars?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu eagerly.

Yu Duxiu smiled without saying a word, slowly drank the tea, put the tea cup down, and slowly said: "I have a technique for transforming essence and blood here, and a large formation of gods and evil spirits can contend against the stars. Power".

"I also ask fellow daoists to teach Dafa, my demon clan must be grateful to fellow daoists, and I am very grateful." The wolf **** stood up and respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf **** with a smile: "The law cannot be passed lightly."

"Friends of Daoist, even if the price is the same." The wolf **** patted his chest proudly.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "In that case, I'm not welcome."

Yu Duxiu took out a letter from his sleeve, and the wolf **** slowly opened it, but he shivered: "The price is too high."

"Friends of Daoist are not willing to give, and I am not reluctant. When the monster clan comes to call in the future, it will not be too late for us to talk." Yu Duxiu shook her head without paying any attention.

"It doesn't need to be, although the price is high, but my Demon God clan has a profound background, everyone has come up with the old bottom, should be able to make up a lot of things," said the wolf **** helplessly.

Seeing the expression of the wolf god, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Fellow Daoist decides by himself."

The wolf **** gritted his teeth, Nian Mo, the Qi machine headed towards the other demon gods' territories. Not long after the powerful aura from heaven and earth gathered together, they saw all the demon gods descending on the wolf god's territory, with a pair of eyes staring at him. With Yu Duxiu.

"Hongjun, you are a lion with a big mouth" said the centipede ancestor, dancing his arms and jumping slightly.

"You can choose to abandon this transaction, and I did not force you." Yu Duxiu smiled.

"Okay, don't talk about it. Although that thing is valuable, but our big guys can still make a lot of things. But how can I know that your secret method is useful or useless?" The lion **** forced Yu Duxiu with his eyes. .

"Take out the treasure, you will naturally know that I am here, and I can't run. Besides, if I can run, the monk can't run to the temple. I don’t have anything to do with this seat, so I won’t take you to make fun." Yu Duxiu puts the tea cup on the table.

"Okay! This transaction is completed, and I will agree to the transaction." Bull God said: "Let's put together the items on that list."

The demon gods gathered together, whispering and shining, but not long after seeing the hills of talented treasures piled up in front of Yu Duxiu, the bull **** looked at Yu Duxiu: "All the treasures are here, under the crown. Just check the acceptance".

Yu Duxiu nodded, stretched out her palm, and the whole hill was held by him, and there was no trace in her palm.

Facing the gazes of the demon gods, Yu Duxiu took out two volumes of bamboo slips and placed them on the table: "The things are here, one of them is the technique of bloodline transformation, and the other is It’s a formation, and I call it the Great Formation of the Twelve Heavens and Gods. You need to learn this bloodline transformation technique before you can control the formation. Just watch."

Seeing the smile in Yu Duxiu's eyes, the wolf **** stepped forward and took the bloodline transformation technique, and then spread the twelve gods and evil spirits. All the demon gods came together, with a pair of eyes dead. Staring at the formation.

After a long time, I listened to the Niu Demon God said: "Good formation, good formation, this formation is unparalleled in the world, really is extremely powerful, it is specially designed for my demon clan, powerful, powerful, with this formation. What is the fear of the mere demons."

"Yes, yes, these treasures are worth paying for. With this formation, I will wait for the unification of the world, just around the corner."

"Hahaha, that's great, watching the demon clan children dare to be arrogant."

"Really ridiculous".

The demon gods look at me and I see you, their eyes are full of ecstasy, it seems that calming down the monster race is just around the corner, just now.

Watching all the demon gods gather together, their faces are constantly discussing how to practice that exercise, deducing the various key points of the twelve gods and gods, seeming to forget Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu slowly Slowly stood up, his figure disappeared into the void.

Seeing Yu Duxiu walking away, the demon gods stopped their movements, but listened to the cow **** said: "Such an exquisite technique, powerful formation against the sky, Hongjun has asked for so many geniuses and treasures, it is almost clean. I’m afraid it’s a big conspiracy because of our old bottom."

"This kid has never been profitable, so what on earth do you want to do?" The wolf **** clutched his chin, eyes full of coldness.

"Leak the news out" Centipede ancestor with a smirk: "No matter what Hongjun's plan is, let's leak out the news, it's always right."

"Idiot" watched the demon gods discuss together, Yu Duxiu stood in the outer sky and sneered, and walked into Yujing Mountain.

"There are so many genius treasures, the treasures needed for the demon lock tower in this seat, but finally all the materials are collected. This is the accumulation of twelve superpowers over millions of years. They are all cheap to me. Wait for me. The demon-locking tower is completed this time. If you feel good about it, you must turn all the supreme powerhouses in the world into prisoners." Yu Duxiu sneered: "Right, so many years have passed, I don’t know What kind of realm has the explosive monkey cultivator reached? Taking advantage of the eyes of the Demon God and the Monster Race to look elsewhere, this seat just took the opportunity to visit."

Just do what you say, Yu Duxiu is definitely not the kind of hesitating person, quietly descended to the East China Sea Tanggu, looking at the boiling sea water, Yu Duxiu smiled, isolating Lu Ya and himself Yu Duxiu's induction, Yu Duxiu pinched the method, and the Zhanxian Flying Sword instantly fell into Yu Duxiu's hands.

"Jade why are you here".

The lid of Zhan Xian Fei Dao opened automatically, and the explosive ape turned into white light and drilled out, the size of a thumb, and his eyes looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Come and see your old friend, how is your cultivation level now?" Yu Duxiu looked at the explosive monkey.

"You're not as fast as you enter the world" Bang Yuan looked at Yu Duxiu with complicated eyes: "You are now well-known in the heavens and all realms. Even if you are the supreme powerhouse, you have to retreat. It's just flat".

Yu Duxiu looked at the explosive ape with complicated eyes, and said after a while, "Congratulations, detachment is imminent."

At this time, the five elements in the gourd are derived, yin and yang are intertwined, as long as the blasting ape transcends the small world within the Zhan Xian Fei Dao, it can be free from the shackles of the Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the explosive eyes were solemn: "You kid isn't here to harm my Dao Guo, right".

The Zhanxian Flying Sword is in Yu Duxiu's hands. With Yu Duxiu's current cultivation base, as long as he is willing, a single thought can destroy the world in the gourd.

"You have to promise me one thing" Yu Duxiu looked at Booming Ape.

"Let's talk and listen to it." Burst Ape didn't say yes, nor did he say no.

"If you are detached, you must not tell the relationship between me and Xihe, and you must not expose Lu Ya to the storm." Yu Duxiu looked into the distance with a pair of eyes.

"It's easy to say, I'm not the kind of talkative person" Bao Yuan said.

"Second, you have to protect Lu Ya's growth" Yu Duxiu said.

Hearing this, Bao Yuan looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "How old is it?"

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "One hundred thousand years."

"it is good".

After a long silence, he heard the ape speak, and looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "A hundred thousand years, only one tenth of the world."

"Are there any other conditions?" Bao Yuan looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Sufficient" Yu Duxiu's figure disappeared and her voice was Miaomiao.

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