The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1942: Xihe Return

"What to do?" Taishi taught the ancestor.

"It's okay, the demon race came for nothing more than the heavens and the star battle formation." Tai Yi Jiaozu's mouth sneered: "Since the demon clan wants it, just give it to him. The demon race does not get the heaven and star battle formation. Will take the initiative to descend on the earth and fight with the demon gods! The monsters and the demon gods do not fight, do not consume luck, how can they give us a chance."

"Let the order go on, all the mysteries of the heavens and stars will be opened. Since the demon clan wants to steal the learning, it will be enough for him." Tai Dou Jiaozu sneered.

Taiping taught the ancestors: "Taidou, Hongjun's magical powers that day was so amazing, have you ever touched the doorway?".

Taidou taught ancestors helplessly sighed: "This supernatural power is really mysterious and unparalleled. If you don't have Hongjun's guidance, wanting to learn that trick is simply wishful thinking. Now I haven't even touched any way."

"Don't worry, take your time, we still have a million years to go" Tai Yi Jiaozu chuckled.

Outside, among the heavens and stars, facing the aggressiveness of Qiantian, that Shaoyang did not receive instructions from the ancestors, and did not dare to go against Qiantian, so he could only swallow his breath and snorted coldly, then turned away. Go, disappear into the stars.

"I don't know what's good or bad" Seeing Shaoyang going away, Gan Tian looked at Xihe with a pair of eyes, walked a few steps over, and held Xihe in his arms: "After the catastrophe, it's great to see you again!" .

"The concubine's meeting with her husband is also very happy." Xihe smiled like a flower.

Gan Tian looked around, and took Xi He's hand: "Go, let's go in and talk."

When Qiantian and Xihe walked into the Palace of the High Heavens, they were anxious just now: "Why are you back? It's not easy to be born in the demon race, and the ancestors of the human race may not tolerate you."

"I have proved the quasi-no-superior fruit position" Xihe smiled triumphantly.

"Although the quasi-superior is strong, it is vulnerable to the ancestor of the teaching. The current ancestor is no longer the former ancestor." Gan Tian took a deep breath.

Xihe sighed helplessly: "The reason why the concubines came back was because they thought that the husband was struggling in the human race, and wanted to come and take care of it. You and my husband and wife work together. In the end, they are better than one person. I peeped into the mystery of the heavens and stars."

Qiantian's expression changed when he heard the words, and he stepped forward and covered Xihe's mouth, and looked around in the Lingxiao Hall with his eyes: "Where is the old immortal Jade? Why is there no trace?"

"The great array of heavens and stars is the final thing of the human race. It is not so easy to peek. You must not say it so as not to be induced by the ancestors. I will help you with this matter," Gan Tian whispered.

"Husband" Xihe's eyes were moved.

"Don't say anything, it's okay if you and my husband are in the same mind." Gan Tian took a deep breath: "At this moment, if you are not worthy of my life and death, it will be meaningless for me to live."

"The husband must not be so discouraged. After I prove it, he will be immortal, and he will definitely help him."

Not far from the Lingxiao Hall, the old jade ancestor curled his mouth: "Too sore, so sore, this kid, Qiantian, who is presumptuously an emperor, is actually so tacky, not as free and easy as Hongjun, Hongjun this kid, ,,,,".

Speaking of Jade Duxiu, the old jade ancestor couldn’t help but want to laugh. Yu Duxiu was still too immature in the eyes of the old jade ancestor. The old jade ancestor has lived for millions of years and cannot see through anything. Since he has fallen asleep, then What's the embarrassment about sleeping a few times more generously and openly.

"Wen Yingji stayed alone in Yujingshan all day to keep the vacant room alone. I have to do a good job to promote the relaxation of both sides. As for Miaoyu, this little Pi Niang is actually pregnant. I want to prepare a gift for my ancestor. The gift is great. Patriarch I can’t bear it. It’s too cheap. I can’t take it. There is also the fox god. How is it possible? How is it possible. This is unreasonable." The Jade Patriarch grabbed his head and walked into the Lingxiao Palace: "You two don’t chirp. Oh, oh, it’s easy to say that the mystery of the heavens and stars is not difficult to peek, ancestors, I can help you wait."


Qian Tian and Xi He Qi said joyfully.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Xihe and smiled weirdly: "That's natural, that's natural, we are all a family, and the days are long."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade took out a piece of cloth and sketched it in a blink of an eye, drew a complicated star trajectory in it, and threw it to Xihe: "Take it."

"Thank you ancestor, thank you ancestor" Xihe quickly took the drawing and put it in his arms, eyes full of ecstasy.

The ancestor of Jade said: "How about the ten princes?"

Hearing this, Xihe's eyes moved slightly, and he put away the formation without a trace: "Sihailong clan is included in my heavenly palace. There are Sihailongjun looking after ten princes. Ten princes are naturally very good."

Xihe looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, revealing a look of uncertainty, and Qian Tian said to the side: "Oh, I haven't seen ten princes for a long time."

"That's good, that's good." The old jade ancestor turned his back to Gan Tian, ​​and smiled at Xi He wretchedly, making Xi He pale for a while, and the old jade ancestor turned and walked out of the hall: "You play slowly, ancestor I still have things to deal with."

Thirty-three heavens outside Yujing Mountain.

The old jade ancestor wandered into Yujing Mountain with his hands on his back. A pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu who closed his eyes and deduced Dafa in the main hall, and walked to Yu Duxiu's side with his small hands touching his eyebrows. , Swipe up and down: "There is nothing unusual."

Looking at Yu Duxiu's head, the old jade ancestor showed an eager look: "I don't know if Hongjun's head is opened, will he find the space node and take out the treasure."

"My ancestor, my head is not so easy to plan." Yu Duxiu looked at the tribulations gathered around him, and quickly opened his eyes. The words of the old ancestor Jade are definitely not a joke.

"Hey" the old jade ancestor rubbed his hands vigorously: "As soon as I see your head, I can't help it."

Looking at the black line on Yu Duxiu's head, the ancestor of Jade rushed over to please him and said: "Don't be angry, ancestor, I did a good thing for you."

"Good thing?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade ancestor in confusion.

The old jade ancestor said: "I helped your little lover get the formation of the Zhoutian star formation of the human race."

"You stole the formation of the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Human Race!" Yu Duxiu's voice raised.

"Cut, what's the big deal, isn't it just the Zhoutian star formation? Compared with your Zhoutian star formation, it's far worse, besides, I am not for your little lover Xihe~www. still come to blame me" the old jade ancestor muttered.

"Xihe? What mess?" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"Then the tenth prince of the East China Sea, is it your seed? Don't want to hide things like this from me, I am curious, what kind of grievances did your boy have with Gantian in his previous life? Why do all the hats be worn by Gantian? It's on." The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

"What did you say? How did you know?" Yu Duxiu looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement.

Yu Duxiu grabbed the jade ancestor's neck and dangled back and forth: "Say, how do you know, you have to give me a reasonable explanation."

The ancestor of Jade coughed dryly: "Let go of me, you let me go, don't choke my neck".

Yu Duxiu stopped his movements, looked at the old jade ancestor, and got stuck in the neck of the old jade ancestor. The old jade ancestor rolled his eyes: "Look, the fox **** was arched by you, and Xi and this future monster demon **** are also You gave birth to a baby, half of the strong monsters are yours, this monster is a family with you, we are all a family."


The mountains in the distance were filled with smoke and dust. Before the ancestor of Jade could finish speaking, Yu Duxiu threw it out: "This **** thing".

"Hongjun, what I'm talking about is the truth. Although the Great Star Array of Heavens and Stars is powerful, it is far behind the Great Array of Stars and Stars. As long as the demon gods step on the ground, no one can defeat them, not even you. , Only relying on the suppression of the starry sky law, this matter must be the monster race, you have to think carefully," the old jade ancestor said with his throat.

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, his actions were stagnant: "There is some truth to what he said."

"Come here and do something for me" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade.

The old jade ancestor ran over and said, "What's the matter? Just ask, you are welcome."

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