The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1939: ***I am heaven

"Chaotic reincarnation? What is chaotic reincarnation?" Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes. .The fastest update

"The six reincarnations are superimposed on the six, it is the great thousand reincarnation. If these six reincarnations can be completely smelted, it is chaotic reincarnation. Even if the chaos demon **** is beaten into it, he will fall into reincarnation."

Looking at the face of the ghost lord laughing wildly, the reincarnation that continuously overlaps, the reincarnation of her own world is controlled by the ghost lord, Yu Duxiu doesn't care.

"Heaven! Heaven! Heaven! I am the heaven underneath."

Yu Duxiu's palm was delicate, and the entire world formed by fluctuations was instantly converged by Yu Duxiu, and then he leaped across the chaos with a palm and pressed it towards the ghost master.

"It's up to you to see if your reincarnation is great, or the sky in this seat is great" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a sneer.


The ghost lord flew upside down, the palm of his hand was crystal clear and delicate, without the slightest power, plain and ordinary, but it penetrated the six reincarnations of the ghost lord, and a palm pierced the ghost lord's chest, knocking the ghost lord into the air.

"It's impossible." The ghost master stabilized his figure, the power of reincarnation all over his body turned, and he quickly repaired his flesh. A pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "This seat is the sixth of the six reincarnations, why can you actually have a palm? Breakdown, I don’t believe you have such strength."

The jade ancestor on one side also covered his mouth in amazement: "Hongjun! When did your kid become so stubborn?"

"Your reincarnation is after all the reincarnation of a thousand worlds. It is not so easy to completely merge the six reincarnations into chaotic reincarnation." Yu Duxiu did not answer the words of the two, but Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes and slowly retracted Palm: "Today, since you died in the chaos, you are not to blame. You will be sealed in the chaos, and you will never be born again."

Talking, taking a step forward, Yu Duxiu enveloped the world with a palm, chaos time and space, countless mysterious runes, imprints, and silk threads intertwined in his hands.

"This kind of rune, this is Qingtian's method, shouldn't your kid be swallowed by the blue sky, right?" Jade Ancestor said uneasy in the distance.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "Shut up, you immortal, the whole crow's mouth."


The ghost master didn't know what was happening before him. It was completely unreasonable for Hongjun, who was chased and killed by himself in the great world, to be so stubborn in the chaos.

"Why are you so powerful?" The ghost master stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Could it be because of that treasure?".

"It's smart," Yu Duxiu does not deny that with this blessing, her confidence is unprecedentedly strong.

"No wonder you wouldn't give it up when you die. If such a treasure is replaced by me, it will definitely not be handed over." The ghost master sneered.

"Since you know the secrets of this seat, you will die today, and you will be sealed in the chaos, and the Yinsi seat will take care of you," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Want to seal me? Don't think about it! I am the origin of the six reincarnations. Unless it is the destruction of the great world, otherwise you can't want to seal me." The ghost master hit Yu Duxiu with a blow, and was instantly hit by Yu Duxiu, with countless runes. The ghost master began to make up for the interweaving, and wanted to seal it.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation" The holes in the six black holes of the ghost master are constantly rotating, obliterating all power and preventing the invasion of runes.

Yu Duxiu stepped forward, her delicate palms fell on the ghost master, and countless runes were interwoven and derived in Yu Duxiu's hands.

"Hahaha, you old thing, told you to plot against this seat back then, now you are sealed! Back then, the ancestor I was held by the palm of the blue sky, and I could not escape, let alone you, the immortal .

Seeing the light of reincarnation in the eyes of the ghost master, Yu Duxiu's mouth wore a triumphant smile: "Rest in peace, sink into chaos forever and cease to exist."

"Don't think about it!" With a loud noise, the ghost master exploded and disappeared.

"Gone?" The ancestor of Jade was taken aback: "What is this?".

Yu Duxiu is in a strange state at this time. A pair of eyes seems to scan the entire chaos, searching the great world: "The ghost master actually has a trace of origin placed in certain small worlds in the great world, some meaning, some meaning, and fun. Up".

"Fun? This wheel is too bad, you actually said it is fun, if this news is spread by the ghost master, you will never want to live in peace in the future," the old Jade Ancestor said uneasy.

"It won't work for him to spread it out. There is a deep hatred between us. He said that someone should believe it." Yu Duxiu's mysterious wave disappeared. Stepping towards the wheel, Yu Duxiu did not stop it. The white and tender palm of the old jade ancestor penetrated the wheel, as if the wheel was a ray of aurora, illusory and unpredictable.

The old jade ancestor looked at the body that was always inaccessible, grabbing up and down. As he entered the ancestral hole of Jade Duxiu, the old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with squishy eyes: "Why? I can't catch my ancestor."

"It has been refined by me and has become my treasure. It is a thing with a master. Apart from me, no one in the heavens and the world can touch anymore." Yu Duxiu did not explain too much.

The ancestor of Jade Stone looked up and down Yu Duxiu with weird eyes, and then said with an expression of vicissitudes of life: "Oh, your kid is now the number one master in the world, ancestor I am old, old."

Yu Duxiu ignored the jade ancestor's pretentious posture, turned around and looked at the depths of the chaos: "Let's go and see what secret the ghost master is hiding here."

"What about the ghost master?" The old jade ancestor followed Yu Duxiu.

"In the future, I will always have the opportunity to suppress it. I am now blessed and improved infinitely, but after all, it is not my own strength. I can't handle it easily. I will be able to meet my supernatural powers in the future, and I will die with the ghost master." Yu Duxiu does not Take it easy.

"You have to be careful, once the ghost master is smelted into chaotic reincarnation, he will definitely become the number one master in the world. Although your kid's wheel is powerful, it may not be its opponent." Jade Patriarch said.

"Is that strong?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"Or you can compete with the blue sky" Jade ancestor said uncertainly: "The blue sky is too against the sky, that chaotic reincarnation can protect itself under the hands of blue sky."

Yu Duxiu is silent, Qingtian is the guardian, and his strength is beyond doubt. Although Yu Duxiu controls*, it is due to his own realm and cultivation can not reach Qingtian, Yudu If Xiu's cultivation is comparable to Qingtian, he would have ruled the world a long time ago, so there is no need to surreptitiously stir up the wind and rain.

"Don't think about it, your kid has that blessing, you can already defeat the detached powerhouse, you are the worthy first powerhouse in the great world" Jade Patriarch patted Yu Duxiu's back.

Yu Duxiu shook her head when she heard the words: "It's hard to say! There are laws in the great world, and magical powers can be used. Unlike chaos, you can only use the original means. It is really hard to say who wins and loses."

In the Yin Division, somewhere in the void, the ghost master walked out with a gloomy expression. Thanks to his cleverness, he called the insect **** to open up the world, otherwise he would really be planted this time.

"You are actually reborn in the world. It's incredible. The heavens and myriad realms can't think of anyone who can force you to such a realm." The insect **** sat outside, looking at the gloomy ghost master.

"Hongjun!" The ghost master's voice was gloomy.

"It's impossible" The insect **** was taken aback, then shook his head and vetoed it.

"You think you are in the mood to joke with you" the ghost master sneered.

"How did he do it?" Chong Shen was taken aback.

The ghost master said with a gloomy expression: "Be careful when you fight with Hongjun in the future, don't be alone, let alone hide from the sight of everyone in the world, Hongjun's strength is beyond everyone's imagination, this time I almost fell. ".

Chong Shen grabbed the straw in his hand: "Is it really so strong? It sounds a bit illusory."

"Hongjun gained the power of the blue sky" The ghost master looked at the endless chaos and clenched his fists: "Damn, damn, that's where the treasures of this seat are hidden, and that's where the treasures of this seat are hidden. One day you will be asked to pay for your blood debts and vomit out all you eat."

"Hiss~" After hearing the ghost master's words, Chong Shen took a breath. (To be continued.)

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