The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1934: The ghost master chases and kills the demon bones

Seeing the fox god's beautiful red lips, Yu Duxiu took a step back. The previous battle in the yin division, the relationship between the two turned around, and the awkward atmosphere disappeared. This fox spirit became amorous again. , So charming.

"The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, expounding the principle of the star fight between the heaven and the earth, can mobilize the star fight, and make a fortune, and it has infinite power and cannot be easily shown to others" Yu Duxiu refused.

"Don't show it easily? I'm not a human, I'm a fox, I shouldn't be in the ranks of humans, right" Fox God walked over and put his palm on Yu Duxiu's shoulder.

"Hu Chuanman" looked at the fox god, Yu Duxiu said.

"It's really stingy. You want my monster race to be unlucky now, don't you?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu: "Then I ask you, can my monster race have sinned against you? Tiger God, Elephant God, I, Have you ever harmed you?".

"No, no, it's because you don't have a chance," Yu Duxiu muttered.

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly." The Fox God rubbed Yu Duxiu's shoulders and stepped forward slowly, staring at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

Yu Duxiu coughed: "Let me think about it, the great mystery of the heavens and stars is contained in the great array of stars and stars. If you want it privately, it's okay for me to teach it to you. It's just a monster? Or forget it, human. The great array of heavens and stars is not bad, you can exchange it."

"How can the great formation of the heavens and the stars match the great formation of the stars? Besides, those guys of the human race are broken. I wish my demon clan would be unlucky. Fighting against the demon gods will kill you and you will hurt both sides. Give it to me?" The Fox God gently stroked Yu Duxiu's chest.

There was a tingling numb when the hand passed.

Yu Duxiu looked at the fox **** with a pair of eyes, and instantly picked up the fox god: "You are the one who caused the fire, but I can't blame me."

After speaking, he walked into the hall holding the fox god.

After a while, Yu Duxiu lay on the fox god, instantly awake, and suddenly slapped his head: "What's the matter!"

Yu Duxiu was about to get up, but was instantly pressed by the fox **** with his jade hand on his back, firmly holding on, "What do you get up for?"

"Your Mei Gong is indeed amazing, can you not do it to me next time" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, feeling the softness under her body, her body stiff.

"What's the matter, Yin-Yang Dadao, it helps the metaplasia of the world, especially the Yang Qi in your body. The Qi of Life helps to nurture the world of this seat. You kid enjoy it, and the cultivation level of this seat is improved. Fan, isn't it the best of both worlds? Besides, I didn't want your vitality in vain. Didn't it also give back your vitality?" The fox **** whited Yu Duxiu, and Xiao Baifang took a bite in his chest.

Yu Duxiu stiffened, lying on the fox god, and after a while, seeing the fox **** let go, then slowly sat up and put on his shirt: "You go, I have a calamity coming".

"Causes? Do you want me to help?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu shook her head and looked at the tribulations gathering around her. She slowly stood up and tidied her clothes. She felt that her waist and knees were sore, her body was hollowed out, and the vitality in her body was almost drained.

However, what the Fox God said was not wrong. The Fox God did use his essence to feed him back, but the Fox God didn't know that what he cultivated was the power of calamity, and his vitality was of no use to him.

The light of the fox **** circulated, and all the clothes were neatly dressed in an instant. The red light looked at Yu Duxiu and walked outside the hall: "If there is a catastrophe, if you can't handle it, you can call me."

"In the great world, there are calamities that I can't deal with?" Yu Duxiu shook her head, Qinglian absorbed the essence of the fox **** in her body, then arranged her clothes, walked out of the world of Yujingshan, and shuttled in the chaos: "The calamity should be You still have to come. Although there is a perverted tortoise in Yujing Mountain, it will be difficult to travel in the future."

Yu Duxiu stepped tens of thousands of miles, and for an instant, he sank into the barrier of the great world and landed on the border and wasteland.

Yu Duxiu discovered that fighting in the border and wilderness is beneficial to the growth and development of the world.

"Come out" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "Following me all the way, the ghost master is really patient. If I changed to me, I would have been tempted to make a move."

A black shadow flickered, and the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a gloomy expression: "Did you find me?"

"Very few people can hide it." Yu Duxiu held her hands on her back, pinching her stupid cuteness.

The ghost master stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Take the initiative to come to the border, it seems that you are looking for death by yourself, and you are looking for a dead end."

Yu Duxiu chuckled, stretched out her right index finger, and shook: "No."

"Oh" the ghost master was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu said: "I have confidence in myself. In the heavens and in the world, no one can kill me, and no one can suppress me. The ancestors can't do it, let alone you."

"Really?" The ghost master smiled, looking at Yu Duxiu with green eyes, and two lanterns flashing: "But I am confident that you will be suppressed and killed."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu smiled.

"You opened the channel between Yin and Yang, but you broke the foundation of my Yin Division." The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu: "What's more, Yin Division is heavy, because you have suffered a great disaster, and hundreds of millions of ghosts and souls are scattered. All these sins are blessed. All in you".

Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, and a green lotus was hazy and seemed rooted in the chaos. A pair of eyes looked at the ghost master: "Do you think you can do anything to me?".

"Try it and you will know that the ghost brake has already told me that your magical power, the nemesis is the power of all living beings" the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu.

"What else did he tell you?" Yu Duxiu did not go to see the ghost master, but retracted his arm and dropped it on his chest, quietly looking at the green lotus.

"Enough" Ghost Lord said.

Yu Duxiu nodded, looked up from Qinglian, looked at the ghost master, saw Qinglian transformed into a round bracelet that shone with immortality: "Do you know what my strongest magic weapon is?" .

"Sanbao Ruyi, and you,,,,, Dao Guo?" Ghost Lord said.

"Wrong, it is this diamond diamond, this diamond diamond is good at covering all things in the world, diamond is immortal, everything can not invade, today just let you see how powerful this diamond diamond is." After speaking, Yu Duxiu held the diamond diamond in her hand and took the lead. Smashed towards the ghost master.

The ghost master stretched out his right hand, his five fingers turned into five innate ghosts, and roared: "Five ghosts carry Dafa."

The five ghosts flew out, grabbed the diamond sleeve instantly, and wanted to remove the diamond sleeve.

Yu Duxiu sneered at the corner of her mouth: "I accepted your five congenital ghosts I am very curious about your five congenital ghosts."

After hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, the ghost master's complexion changed drastically, and he didn’t wait to react. The diamond crystal turned around. The five innate ghosts had already submerged in the vortex formed at the center of the diamond diamond. Yu Duxiu held the look of a demon **** with a strange look and a hideous face.

"Is it really an Innate Demon God? You actually made the Innate Demon God into five ghosts, so amazing?" Looking at the five Demon Gods in his hand, Yu Duxiu looked shocked.

"Give me back the five innate ghosts" the ghost master looked gloomy.

"Before the opening of the world, the devil **** was extinct, how did you find the remains of the innate devil snake" Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master.

"I said, you will return me the five innate ghosts." The ghost master's voice shook the world, attracting the attention of countless powerhouses in the world.

"Hongjun is fighting with the ghost master."

"I knew that Hongjun caused such a big mess this time, causing Yinsi to suffer a heavy loss. How could the ghost master let Hongjun go."

"It's really fighting, I don't know who the ghost master and Hongjun are strong."

"What is Hongjun holding in his hand? It seems to belong to the ghost master, and the ghost master's expression is terrible."

"Fight! Fight! If we can do our best together, there will be nothing good."

There was a burst of whispers from the heavens.

"Interesting, if you want to take it back, it depends on your ability" Yu Duxiu put away the five innate ghosts.

"You're looking for death" the ghost lord's eyes rose with anger, and the two green lanterns became bright in the ghost lord's eyes, like two small green suns: "I wanted to give you a way to survive, and it would be fine for you to suffer. It seems that you must know how powerful you are, bury you completely in this time and space, and warn everyone in the sky to kill chickens and monkeys."

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