The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2933: Fox God Inquiry

"Xiang God! Fox God! You are busy for nothing, even if you take away the spirit of the monster race since the ages, what about it? As long as the battle of the sun is rolled up, it is not necessary to send the spirit back again. Will the seat give you another chance to open the yin and yang channel?" At the end, the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu in the distance, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You don't need to worry about it, you will have a way to deal with it," Xiangshen said unhurriedly.

The ghost master sneered and stopped talking. He just looked at the crowd with a good-looking expression. After a while, he heard the news of the tiger **** from above: "Xiang Shen! Fox God! Quickly retreat."

The elephant **** and the fox **** looked at each other, and the fox **** said, "Hongjun, go."

"Okay" Yu Duxiu responded, exploded in an instant, turned into a calamity, appeared outside the Yin-Yang channel, watching the army of the Demon Clan and the Demon God Clan in the Yin-Yang channel gradually retreat, and countless groups of insects were overwhelming and chasing behind. Reluctant.

Yu Duxiu shook her head and flicked her finger, the innate sacred fire fell, breaking the way for the Zerg army.


The earth shook the mountains, the Yin Division shook, and the fox **** and elephant **** fled in embarrassment and fell into the sun.

As for the escape of Elephant God and Fox God, the Ghost Lord did not stop them. At this time, the Twelve Demon Gods stopped and watched the channels of Yin and Yang continue to break under the palm of Tai Dou Jiaozu.

"withdraw troops".

"withdraw troops".

The powerhouse of the Demon God clan glanced at the Yaozu and was not arguing. Now everyone has received a lot of benefits in the Yinsi. It is not suitable for disputes. After digesting the benefits, it will not be too late to settle accounts with the Yaozu. He turned into an idiot. The great shame of the Demon God Clan, if this causality cannot be retaliated back, how can you tell the Demon God Clan to mix in the heavens and all realms.

An idiot of the supreme realm is funny to listen to.

"Take care, I'm afraid the Yinsi won't let you off easily, the ghost master has infinite power, be careful," Fox God said.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "I know! Don't worry."

Taking a look at Yin Si, Yu Duxiu's heart was more relaxed than ever. Although the prince of Yin Si had made such a mistake, it was not without an opportunity to make up.

"Let's go, our business is complete, don't mix up indiscriminately." Tai Yi Jiaozu's mouth curled up and turned away.

The Yin Division, at this time, the Yin Division was in a mess, and was miserable by the demons and demon gods. It was like a devil entering the village, burning, killing, and robbing it.

The ghost master stood there with a gloomy expression, his eyes staring at the void in the distance, looking at the two-world passage that was constantly shattering, his eyes were stained with red.

The four supreme masters of Yinsi walked over dejectedly, standing beside the ghost master silently.

"Can the ghost brake be there?" Ghost Lord said.

"Father God" Prince Yinsi came out.

"Please move the ancestors, what conditions did the ancestors set?" The ghost master looked at the ghost brake.

The prince of Yin Si gritted his teeth and said: "Half life is thin."

"It's a big loss!" The ghost master was angry: "Only I can control life and death. What are these old **** doing?" The ghost master took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger.

"Father, now the Yin Division is suffering catastrophe, and a hundred waste is waiting to be revived, what should I do?" The Yin Division Prince said.

"My Yin Department has accumulated millions of years of heritage, but it's just a catastrophe. What's the big deal? Hongjun is a great disaster. It is the deadly point of my Yin Department. He can actually open the Yin and Yang channel. This kind of person must never Allow him to live in the world, and after the affairs of the Yinsi are stabilized, I personally chase him and kill him. No matter how bad he is, he will be suppressed forever in reincarnation, and he cannot be freed." Thick.

"Hongjun, ancestor, I always feel that you are in trouble." Yujingshan, the ancestor of Yushi stood beside Yu Duxiu.

"Really? The Yin Division has been embarrassed with me many times. Is it possible that I can only be calculated by the Yin Division, but cannot be calculated by the Yin Division? This is also unreasonable. Besides, it is just an appetizer. There are more advantages for this seat "Taste the Yin Division" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"What big trick does your kid leave for the ghost master?" Old Jade Ancestor looked curious.

"Don't tell" Yu Duxiu shut up.

The old jade ancestor curled his lips, but saw the old jade ancestor whispered: "The ghost master is not easy to mess with, this old thing is hidden too deeply, and the strength is beyond your imagination."

Yu Duxiu played with her stupid cuteness and looked down at the old jade ancestor: "The fox **** said to me that the ghost lord and the enemy have always displayed the power of reincarnation. The power of the six realms has never been used, neither is it ?".

The old jade ancestor nodded when he heard the words: "Yes! I didn't expect that the fox spirit was so desperate to you. I told you this kind of thing."

"Have you seen the six powers of the ghost master?" Yu Duxiu said.

"I have seen" the rare face of the old jade ancestor became serious.

"How?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Unmatched, the world is worthy of the name of the first strongest" Jade Patriarch said.

"He is the number one powerhouse? Didn't you chase the ghost master back then?" Yu Duxiu was surprised.

The old ancestor of Jade was a little embarrassed when he said this: "What do you know, face-to-face confrontation, the ghost master is not afraid of anyone in the heavens and the world, but once the ancestor I use my innate spirit treasure, even the ghost master Go on a detour, stay away from me."

"What is the magic weapon of the ancestor?" Yu Duxiu showed curiosity, and the magic weapon of the ancestor of jade successfully attracted Yu Duxiu's attention.

The old jade ancestor smiled triumphantly: "If you have a chance in the future, you can naturally see that it is not me. Although your boy is supernatural, facing the ancestor my innate spiritual treasure, you can't get out of a round of discipline."

"So amazing? I don't believe it." Yu Duxiu shook her head, showing suspicion.

The old jade ancestor hugged his arms, his eyes flashed with disdain, and he hummed and said, "You will have a chance to see it."

On the Thirty-Three Heavens, the demons and gods gathered together to sigh.

"Great Harvest" Xiangshen's eyes are full of smiles.

"Although it was a bumper harvest, it completely offended Yinsi," Fox God said.

"Hmph, why offend, we and Yinsi have never been better" Tiger God curled his lips.

"The **** of insects must not be guarded against, the power of the **** of insects is really too strong, the race wars, the swarms of insects are overwhelming, it is simply a destructive force" The tiger **** showed contemplation.

After hearing the words of the Tiger God, the Fox God gritted his teeth: "It was supposed that the first ancestor suppressed the Insect God back then, and after conspiring it, he regretted that he had not heard what the first ancestor said, and gave the insect God the opportunity to rise. The beast is terrible".

The demon gods are silent Tiger God said: "The ancient heroic soul has been snatched back, what should I do now?".

"I'll go to Hongjun for help" Fox God stood up and walked towards Yujing Mountain.

"You said, did the Fox God really be arched by Hongjun?" Looking at the back of the Fox God leaving, he looked at the Tiger God Road wretchedly like a god.

"Do you believe what the old jade ancestor said? That old guy is full of supernatural powers and talks nonsense every day, who believes it" Tiger God shook his head.

Elephant God chuckles: "Not necessarily."

"Yo, your old lover is here, don't bother you, you kid seize the opportunity, this fox Meizi is the best" Jade ancestor was boasting with Yu Duxiu, suddenly stopped the endless words, and then faced Yu Du Xiu winked, turned and left.

The Fox God crossed the barrier and came into the world, walking to Yu Duxiu.

"You are here" Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly.

Fox God smiled: "Why, don't you welcome me?".

"That's not it." Yu Duxiu was silent for a moment: "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasure Hall, what are you looking for today?"

Fox God said: "The eternal heroic soul has been snatched back, how to reverse the yin and yang and bring it back to life, and I will ask you for advice.

Yu Duxiu looked at the barrier of the Great Thousand World with a pair of eyes, and then said: "The solution is right in front of you."

"What's the solution?" Fox God leaned over, his breath was blue, the scent of fox musk was intoxicating.

Yu Duxiu said: "Let that heroic soul merge into the ancient stars and live forever with the sun and moon. With the help of the ancient stars, the demon clan can better control the power of the heavens and the stars, and make a break with the demon clan."

"That's okay?" The Fox God was taken aback, his red lips stopped beside Yu Duxiu's finger, delicate and dazzling: "I heard that you control the heavens and stars are still above the human race's stars. , I don’t know if you can teach me Yaozu, the conditions are up to you."

Fox God's voice is gentle.

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