The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1904: Blue Tenno Lord

Looking at that charming and charming Tao Zhiyao’s Miaoyu, Yu Duxiu resisted the idea of ​​rolling the sheets again, stood in front of the bed with a wine glass, and looked at the void in the distance with a chuckle: Driven to the wasteland. Although the environment here is bad, it is not terrible for ordinary mortals and gods, but for monks and ancestors, it has fatal disadvantages, if not this The Zhoutian star formation guards the endless beings, the endless monks. I'm afraid these monks don't know how much they are going to die. How can the greenhouse flowers that grow in the middle region withstand the scorching heat and cold of the wilderness."

"The ancestors advocated that the human race should re-practice the ancient law. After practicing the ancient law, the strength of the monks may not increase, but the life span must be much longer." Miao Yudao.

"There is no other way," Yu Duxiu said.

Yu Duxiu stayed at Miaoyu for decades. After taking shelter from the limelight, she could no longer sit still: "No, I have to go out and have some fun, and find some things for those bastards. These **** don’t fight, Ben How to increase the strength of the seat, how to bloom the ten products.

Watching Yu Duxiu sorting out her clothes, that Miaoyu was wearing a small dress, hugging Yu Duxiu behind her, fingers crossed Yu Duxiu's chest, and the whole person stuck on Yu Duxiu's body seamlessly: "Brother wants Are you leaving?".

Yu Duxiu nodded: "There are grievances, grievances and revenge."

"Can't you stay here? What's wrong with us being here now?" Miao Yu was reluctant to give up and hugged tighter.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "Ease is just the ease in front of you. The shrewdness of the ancestors will eventually be able to touch my clues one day. At that time, it must be the power of thunder. I no longer have the power to resist. Now the advantage lies in mine. In the hands, if you want to come back, you can only take the initiative."

"If the brother leaves, come and see me often" Miao Yu said warmly.

Then he kissed Miaoyu's forehead, and instantly turned into a streamer and went away.


"Oh, that bastard, hit me to death."

Yu Duxiu stopped to hide, shook his head a little dizzy, and looked at the old jade ancestor who was turning in circles on the opposite side. The first officer grabbed the old jade ancestor by the neck. The jade was always scolding, and Yu Duxiu said: " You don’t have a good time to stay in Yujing Mountain, how did you get here?".

"Run! Run, the old fellows of the Human Race seem to want to do something to my ancestor, let's run!" The ancestor Jade grabbed Yu Duxiu and galloped towards the distance.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "Why did you do it? With your current strength, are you afraid of those ancestors?".

The jade ancestor heard that a pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu weirdly, and almost sprayed Yu Duxiu's face with spit: "Standing and talking will not hurt back, you go try it, if it is ten thousand years ago, it is not terrible, just these few The accumulation of the guy’s heritage is indeed terrifying. Once a breakthrough is made, it must be like a blowout, and burst out vigorously. In the past ten thousand years, these old guys have not come close to the world's derivation, and even the ancestors can hardly control it. Besides, those are eight supreme strong men, two fists are hard to beat four hands. The reason why the old ancestors came out to trouble those old guys was because you held the battle for me, and the ancestors were also powerful enemies. Surrounded, the rest of the teaching ancestors did not dare to help, but now they are different! Different!".

The old jade ancestor dragged Yu Duxiu and galloped all the way, and in a flash, he fell into the territory of the Demon God clan, and then hid. The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, and said eagerly: "You guys shouldn’t be sealed off. You teach me magical powers, all kinds of items on my ancestors, magical powers and treasures, whatever you choose."

Yu Duxiu smiled disdainfully: "The Dharma cannot be spread lightly, and the Tao cannot be taken lightly. Your treasures are valuable, but my tactics are priceless. The treasures can be retrieved, but the tactics are unique to this family. No branches".

Seeing Yu Duxiu, the jade ancestor scratched his head: "It's really troublesome."

Yu Duxiu chuckled and said, "What should I do now?"

"What to do?" Yu Duxiu touched her chin, looking at the void in the distance with her eyes: "It's okay to make this great world mess up first."

"I am going to refine a treasure now, do you want to follow me?" Yu Duxiu's figure sank into the earth.

"You wait for me".

Sensing the will of the supreme powerhouses to shuttle in the void, the Jade Ancestor suddenly couldn't sit still, and followed Yu Duxiu closely to the depths of the earth.


A roar, spread from the depths of the earth, Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade Stone stood together at the barrier of the earth's muddy air, a pair of eyes watched the rolling muddy air, roaring in the muddy air. The vibration has a radius of tens of millions of miles.

"Blue sky!" Old Jade Ancestor's jaw trembled.

"You kid doesn't want to live anymore. This monster is too fierce. Here is suppressing Qingtian's torso. If it is accidentally caught by that Qingtian, we are afraid that it will be unprofitable." The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu dryly.

Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch unhurriedly: "Really?"

"This monster beast is too powerful, let's go quickly. If we are entangled by this monster beast, it will be in trouble." The Jade Ancestor pulled Yu Duxiu's arm.

Yu Duxiu chuckled and grabbed the back of the old jade ancestor's neck.

"You let me go! Bastard! It's not allowed to catch this ancestor me like this, you let me go, let go" the old jade ancestor angered Yu Duxiu, struggling hard, trying to push Yu Duxiu Open, but it can't escape Yu Duxiu's arm.


The overwhelming turbid air rushed towards Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu's complexion remained unchanged, and a green lotus gleamed in his eyes. The whole body burst out with blue light, and all the turbid air was approaching Yu Duxiu. At that moment, he was immediately pushed out by the blue light of Yu Duxiu's body protection, and could no longer get close.

"Your kid is a good method. With such a powerful turbid force, even if the innate spirit treasure that taught the ancestor falls into it, it may not be able to get any benefits." The old jade ancestor pulled Yu Duxiu's placket and pulled Yu Duxiu's arm. Come down.


A roar was shocking.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu: "Or let's stay away from this monster."

Yu Duxiu stayed silent, stepped forward, and the turbid air instantly opened up wherever he passed, and then followed the roar to the place where the remnant of'Qing Tian' was, looking at the half of Qing Tian, ​​being said Suppressed by the seal, Yu Duxiu said: "The ancestors are on the side and later, watch me use my methods".

"Blue sky!" Yu Duxiu ignored the jade ancestor after speaking, and stepped forward, revealing an inexplicable charm all over her body.

The blue sky is the guardian of the wheel of law and the wheel of rules. This blue sky is only the first guardian. Every million years, a sky will be born. The blue sky is only the first, and the next is the yellow sky and the sky. Wait for five full days to guard the wheel of law.

The wheel of law is the heaviest weapon of heaven and earth, the true supreme treasure, incomparably important, and it represents the power of heaven and earth, the might of heaven and earth, and the mighty power of heaven and earth.

Seeing Yu Duxiu, as Yu Duxiu approached, that Qingtian unexpectedly fell silent. Yu Duxiu came to that Qingtian's body, stretched out his palm, and saw that the blood on Qingtian's body flowed upstream and fell into Yudu. Show hands.

The blood is red, the red monster is scary, the red one seems to be the most monster in the world, and it is breathtaking.


Qingtian roared for a while.

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Don't make a noise, it won't be long before this seat will let you out and destroy the world, how can you be missing!".

After speaking Yu Duxiu turned and walked towards the ancestor of Jade.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu dumbfounded: "That blue sky? You? You?".

"Qing Tian is the guardian beast of that, and the guardian of that. Since this seat has been in charge* this blue sky can naturally be used by me." Yu Duxiu didn't rush and seemed to be talking about an ordinary thing.

"Can you control the sky?" The Jade Ancestor opened his mouth wide.

"It's just that the blue sky listens to my orders," Yu Duxiu said.

"Then what's the difference? Let's release this blue sky quickly and have a fight with that human race, let the human race old guys know that we are great," the old jade ancestor howled.


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