The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1887: Wheel of law

Seeing the people vying to and fro, constantly suppressing the blue sky, Yu Duxiu didn't say much, and walked toward the depths of the dimension along the chaotic and hazy void. Fastest update

For Yu Duxiu, the chaotic air does not hurt the slightest, but after walking to the dimension of the God of Time, Yu Duxiu was taken aback, and continued to go deeper and deeper, following the chaotic and hazy air, into the dimension of the insect god's dream. Among.

The chaos was hazy, no time and space, no distinction between north and south, and there was a mysterious fluctuation in it. Yu Duxiu followed this fluctuation and didn't know how long he walked, and suddenly froze there.

A crystal-clear wheel was spinning silently in the void, without shaking the earth, without falling into the sky, and rushing into the golden lotus, just where it was spinning peacefully.

At this moment, Yu Duxiu’s Qinglian was restless, and his face jumped instantly. Yu Duxiu clearly felt that the Hongmeng Purple Qi that had been incorporated into the Qinglian was constantly cheering and jumping. At the same time, Yu Duxiu’s soul moved, that Hongmeng Ancestral Qi also began to exude subtle fluctuations at this time, instantly resonating with that.

A strange force pushed Yu Duxiu. Before he came there, Yu Duxiu stretched out her fingers, watching that crystal-clear *a finger cautiously touched it, seeing a divine light in it. In the counterattack, Yu Duxiu's Yuanshen jumped slightly, and the aura from Hongmeng Ancestral Qi instantly soothed *boom.

A stream of information flowed into Yu Duxiu's mind, constantly impacting Yu Duxiu's soul.

"Wheel of Law".

After a long time, Yu Duxiu slowly opened her eyes, looked at the wheel of law, and stretched out her palm. The wheel of law seemed like an aurora. The palm of Yu Duxiu actually passed through the wheel of law, and the wheel of law was still quiet. Where quietly suspended, silently turning.

Hongmeng ancestor did not move, Yu Duxiu urged Hongmeng ancestor gas, this time he stretched out his hand, and was held in his hand by Yu Duxiu at that moment. In anger.

"The wheel of law!" Yu Duxiu muttered to herself: "I don't know what magical effect this wheel of law has, but Qinglian is very eager to see this wheel of law, and has always been eager to try it, Yu Duxiu discovered The wheel of law and Hongmeng Ancestral Qi are constantly intertwined, and they are slowly fusing, and a mysterious change has taken place on both sides.

"It's weird! It's getting more and more weird! The giant beast outside the door is called the blue sky, it is a guardian beast derived from the wheel of the law, or a puppet is also right," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu did not put away the Qinglian, but walked slowly towards the outside world, and instantly came to the dimension of the God of Time, and then Qinglian's roots stretched out, and the secret realm in which Qinglian was located was unexpectedly covered by Qinglian. Absorbed and turned into nutrients, the mysterious runes on the lotus seeds are more derived.

Yu Duxiu slowly walked out of the time mystery, watching the crowds constantly busy suppressing the blue sky, Yu Duxiu sneered, and came to Han Gang.

"What did you find?" Han Fang looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu did not answer, but looked at the blue sky: "This blue sky contains a secret realm, and there is a party in it that is the wheel of rules. If the blue sky is exploded later, this seat will take it. The wheel of rules".

"What's the use of the wheel of rules? How do you know that there is a secret realm in this blue sky?" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu strangely.

Yu Duxiu smiled: "I went inside before and found the heels of the blue sky. The origin of the blue sky can be traced back to the time when the sky was opened in the ancient times, even in the chaos, and even earlier."

As they were talking, the supreme powerhouses had already suppressed the eight arms of the blue sky, and then saw the light flowing in the void, leaving only the body and head locked.

"Suppress it in the Central Territory" everyone shot together, moving that Qingtian's body toward the Central Territory.

"Want to suppress me? No way!" Qing Tian looked at everyone and smiled coldly: "Blow me up."


The land of the borderline deserted place was round hundreds of millions of miles, and the earth instantly rolled up smoke and dust, and the dust rose into the sky. This blue sky would rather blew itself up, and would never give everyone a chance to suppress it.

"He ran away!" The Jade Ancestor yelled angrily.

Qing Tian did explode, but Qing Tian's body escaped, leaving only a black hole in place, or a black hole with a bottomless black pressure. The chaotic air in this black hole soared into the sky, shaking Jiuxiao, and Yu Duxiu Sharp-eyed, prepared well, and rushed in without saying a word.

"Go away."

Yu Duxiu is fast, but some people are faster than him. Jinlin has already stepped to the entrance of the cave before Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu sneered, and the Qinglian in his hand brushed out instantly.


Jinlin was hit by Yu Duxiu instantly, and Yu Duxiu took the opportunity to sink into the black hole and disappeared.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's blow to fly the Jinlin, all the supreme powerhouses also reacted and turned into streamers, rushing to the black hole first.

After immersing in the black hole, everyone discovered that it was actually a small dimension that was very strong. At this time, Yu Duxiu was standing in the dimension, holding a crystal clear wheel in his hand, and slowly putting the wheel into the eyebrow ancestors' hole.

"Stop! This thing is everyone's thing. You can't fight against the ‘blue sky’. This treasure doesn’t have your share." Xiang Shen angrily rebuked and fisted Yu Duxiu to suppress it.

Looking at the fist of the elephant god, Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling, and her hands on her back, a green lotus slowly grew up behind her, turning into a three-meter high, covering Yu Duxiu's back.

Yu Duxiu has a pair of crystal clear palms without fear: "The wind of annihilation, the catastrophe of annihilation."


The wind of annihilation blew out of thin air, spinning endlessly around Yu Duxiu’s palm. Facing the palm of the elephant god, Yu Duxiu’s mouth showed a slight sneer: “Taste this avenue of disaster and calamity. The ancestors of all calamities".

Yu Duxiu took a step forward, avoiding the elephant's foot, his body was erratic, and instantly came to the back of the elephant, with a gentle palm falling on the back of the elephant.


A weird whimper sounded, and then I saw a wind of annihilation in the elephant **** was born out of thin air. I don't know how many icons screamed in an instant, and were blown to death by the wind of annihilation.


The elephant god's body exploded with divine light, and the power of hundreds of millions of hordes actually suppressed the wind and calamity of annihilation, and then compressed the void with a punch, collapsed the eternal age, and came toward Yu Duxiu's brutal suppression.

"This seat has no birth and no dying. Ten thousand calamities are as you please. This fist and calamity will be accepted by this seat." Yu Duxiu did not evade, letting the power of that calamity fall on Yu Duxiu, and then Yu Duxiu He flew instantly, but his body was unharmed.

"Hongjun! The so-called treasure is seen by those who have a share, not to mention that this treasure was obtained jointly by me. You are so arrogant and swallow it, but it is a bit too much" E Shen looked at Yu Duxiu with gloomy eyes.

Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god: "Wolf god! What do you say?".

The wolf expression wandered: "Since you have obtained this treasure, this seat will naturally not interfere, but if this treasure is taken away by others, I will still take action."

Yu Duxiu nodded and looked at God E: "You old man is not as smart as the wolf god."

"Hongjun! What is this treasure?" The ancestor Jade's eyes shone brightly: "This is a treasure in It must be no small thing. Others are nothing but the ancestor’s copy. Can't embezzle it".

Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor with a smile but a smile: "You old thing, do you want to do it with me?".

"If your kid is embezzling, you can't say you have to do it." The Jade Patriarch frustrated his palm.

Yu Duxiu nodded when he heard the words: "It's also interesting. Now this seat is fortunate enough to be among the best in the world, how lucky it is."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu took a deep breath: "Come on, after the reincarnation, the cause and effect between you and you are not small. It's not bad to try today, so that everyone in the world will not look down on my Yu Duxiu. ".

After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and the chaos behind her was hazy: "Dare to invite all the kings to fight."

"Hongjun! Are you really going to eat alone" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked ugly.

"You have to eat, eat your own food and let others starve to death," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly. rw

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