The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1878: Seize power

Gantian looked at the old jade ancestor, wishing to tear the mouth of the old jade ancestor, but thinking that this servant is now one of the best in the world, he is the best in ancient and modern times. The impulse tolerated, and calmly walked towards a star **** in the distance: "Where is the Lingxiao Palace?"

   When asked this sentence, Gan Tian felt that his face was a little hot, and the emperor did not know where the Lingxiao Palace was. He really lost his face.

   "This shame, I will definitely repay it twice." Gan Tian's eyes rose with anger.

   The Star God glanced at Gan Tian. After all, Gan Tian is the Emperor of Heaven, and he holds the penalty knife. The monk did not dare to talk gibberish, but the mockery in his eyes deeply hurt Gan Tian's heart.

   "Your Majesty Qi, that's the direction." The Star God pointed at him unhurriedly.

   Qiantian turned gloomy, too lazy to be angry with a star god, and looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes: "Old ancestor, let's go."

Na Gantian led the jade ancestor all the way to the Lingxiao Palace, which is magnificent, but the ancestors directly moved down from the 33rd heaven. The jade ancestor looked at the empty Lingxiao Palace. There was a sound in the mouth: "Gather together!".

Qiantian ascended to the supreme throne, took out a decree in his hand, the emperor's dragon spirit mobilized, and began to write the edict: "Today, the ancestor of the jade is forgiven to be the supreme, holy, and great master of the heavens, to command the heavens and all realms, and to dominate all laws. All beings".

  The imperial decree fell, and the true dragon purple gas roared, this decree was automatically without wind, and a mighty voice was slowly and calmly read from the imperial decree, spreading throughout the entire world.


   The real dragon of heavenly air luck shook, and one-tenth of the air luck was actually obtained by the jade ancestors, and even the bad luck on the body was suppressed a lot.

"Good things, they are really good things. It seems that I have to play with those old things." The ancestor of Jade had a gleam in his eyes, showing the look of a hungry wolf: "I didn't expect a million years of change, Human Race Qi luck is so powerful, these years have been cheaper than those white-eyed wolves, ancestors, I must have a good kick."

  The world outside the sky, the ancestors of the teachings felt in an instant. Under the influence of their luck, they opened their eyes and looked at the 33rd world.

   "Bastard! What a bastard! Dare to God!".

   Seeing Gantian actually lead the wolf into the room again, the teaching ancestors were furious.

   "The gods gather, come to Lingxiao Palace to order, and the offender will be punished with no eyes." The dry sky's voice spread coldly across the human race.

At this time, the five emperors raised their heads and looked in the direction of the High Heaven Palace, with a look of surprise in their eyes. Back then, the teaching ancestors had a clear law instructing Qiantian to suppress the heavens and the stars, and would not enter the 33rd heaven. This fellow dare to resist or not comply? .

  Since I did it, Qiantian must have reliance on it. The five emperors and five emperors walked towards the heaven in silence. Naturally, many ancestors were worried about the matter of Qiantian, and it had nothing to do with him.

   The Five Fangs and Five Emperors arrived at the Heavenly Court and looked at the little boy sitting beside Qian Tian, ​​all his pupils twitched and shrank quickly, revealing a look of panic.

   "No wonder I dared to violate the order of the ancestor, and I hugged my thigh."

   The Five Sides and Five Emperors sat down silently, and did not say hello to Gan Tian, ​​just like this.

These few people did not speak, but the old ancestor Jade stood up and looked down at the five emperors: "I said you guys, ancestors, I am now the first person in the heavenly court. The kid also respects me as a teacher. When you see the ancestor, you don’t have to give a quick salute. Could it be that you can’t wait for the ancestor to go crazy?".

   Jade ancestor stared at the five emperors with a pair of eyes.

   The five facets of the five emperors twitched, and they were about to speak, when a violent shout came from the void, and then saw the figure of Taiyi Jiaozu appear in the hall, looking at the jade ancestor: "Why the ancestor should care about the younger."

   "That is, the ancestor, as a great power before the chaos, don't get to know the juniors." The Taiping ancestor walked out slowly.

   "The ancestor is bullying the small."

   All the ancestors saw the jade ancestors mingling in the heaven, and they couldn't sit still, and they all rushed to the lower realm.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu is comprehending her own mantra of Hongmeng Ziqi Volume. Hearing the true dragon and purple energy from the lower realm, she looked at the human realm: "What is the goddess doing? Huh? Why is this servant entangled with the jade ancestor this bastard?".

   Seeing that Qiantian was actually mingled with the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu suddenly became interested: "Interesting, interesting, this time it is really interesting."

   "What is the human race going to do?" The demon gods in the earth raised their heads to look at the human race's marginal wasteland, and the E God said: "Is it not honest to retreat to the marginal wasteland?".

   "The situation of the human race is more complicated than ours. Besides, it is a good thing to cause the human race to make trouble. Otherwise, if the human race is one mind, we will be in trouble." The wolf **** has a long look, always paying attention to the movement of the human race.

   "Oh, even if it's not the protagonist of heaven and earth, this human race is still restless. The old ancestor of Jade is just a shit-stirring stick. Wherever he goes, there will be turmoil." Xiangshen looked down at the lower bound with his eyes.

   "The human race and the demon **** clan live together in the wild land, and we still need to find a way to get the two sides to fight, and my demon clan will take advantage of the fisherman's profit." The tiger **** laughed.

   "Let's just watch the changes, but see how much wind and cloud the jade boy can stir" Fox God's voice sounded.

The world outside the sky, the world facing the sky, and the sky facing the sky is comprehending the laws of the world. At this time, hearing the voice of the human race, his eyes looked at the lower realm, and then his brows were frowned: "This old thing is really messing up the wind and the rain. I ran over to find fault with the ancestors, I pretended not to see it, otherwise I have to be dragged into the water by this old thing."

   Tai Su, who is next to Chaotian, smiled softly: "I'm afraid you can't help this matter. If I were you, I would immediately find a place to hide. This old thing has always been capable of disturbing the wind and the rain."

   Hearing what Tai Su Jiaozu said, he nodded to the sky: "There is some truth to it."

"You said I bullied the small with the big one?" Old ancestor Jade sat down on a chair, looking down at the ancestors: "Old ancestor, I act according to the rules. If it is about position, ancestor, I am the biggest in the heaven. The kid Gantian also salutes me when he sees me, not to mention the five squares and five emperors who are half-cut.

   The old jade ancestor despised the eight supreme ancestors: "Besides, this is a matter of my heaven. Can you eight old guys stretch their hands too long?".

   Yes, the old jade ancestor was overbearing, and he drove all the ancestors out in one sentence. You eight old guys are pointing fingers and feet, here is the heaven, not your nine major sects, so why are you pointing fingers and feet?

   "Ancestor, if you say that, it is unreasonable" Too easy to teach the ancestors ~ ~ reasonable? I'm just reasoning with you! I am the person with the highest status in the heavenly court. Why do you care about me? Why stop these five parties and five emperors from bowing to me?” The jade ancestor looked at the eight ancestors with anger.

   "This,,,,," the eight ancestors were embarrassed, and the Taiping ancestor said: "This heavenly court was jointly established by my nine supreme ancestors. It should be under the jurisdiction of our ancestors. The ancestors should not mess around."

"I'm pooh!" The old jade ancestor sprayed out with moldy saliva and yelled, "You sacrificed the heavenly court? Are you too embarrassed to say that you can't say anything. Why do you say that the heavenly court was built by you? My ancestors also said that this heavenly court was built by me! Can you mobilize the Conferred God List? Can you control the penalty altar? Can it?".

   Looking at the supreme teaching ancestors, the jade ancestor pointed at the people and cursed: "I will ask you if you can! Can you!".

   "We can't, but neither can our ancestors!" Tai Dou Jiaozu frowned.

"Who said I can't! Who said I can't! Patriarch, as the supreme ruler of the heavenly court, I am intersecting with Hongjun Moni, dare you say that I can't? Na Hongjun has long told me the method of controlling the enshrinement and punishment altar. , Dare you say I can't?" The old jade ancestor stuck in his waist and stepped on the dragon chair, spraying the teaching ancestors.

   The ancestors looked at the old jade ancestors, and thought of the old jade ancestors following Yu Duxiu all day long. It seems that this is really possible.


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