The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1868: Teach ancestors to take action, fate is tampered with

The Yao Clan and the Sihailong Clan happily reached an alliance, and the Fox God walked out of the East China Sea swayingly, without the slightest concealment.

The demon gods, the demon gods gathered together, watching the wolf **** come back, the demon gods said: "How do the four sea dragon clan reply now?".

The wolf **** sneered coldly: "Sihai Dragons have no choice, this matter is considered complete."

"If the Sihailong clan dares not to promote, you must slaughter the Sihailong clan." E God's eyes flashed fierce.

"If there are five dragon monarchs from the Four Seas Dragon Race to join, even if we rush into the stars, we should be able to completely suppress those three bastards" Lion God said.

"Almost, the 33rd Heaven is a good place, we must not miss it" Wolf God sneered.

After speaking, the centipede ancestor's complexion changed, and his whole body was full of eyes: "How did Hu Meizi come out of the East China Sea?".

"Really?" The demon gods looked at the East China Sea again and again, all their expressions changed suddenly, the centipede ancestor said: "The fox **** actually went to the East China Sea, I'm afraid there will be changes, but the heavens have also gone to win the world. Dragons?".

"This time it's very troublesome. If the Sihailong clan takes refuge in the monster clan, we will really be in trouble." The bull **** touched his horn.

"This is a wild land, our territory, forgive him for not daring to take refuge in the Heavenly Court" A flash of disdain flashed in the wolf god's eyes, but there was a large cloud of clouds rising deep in his eyes.

"One year later, after seeing the difference, if the Sihailong clan doesn't know how to promote, we will slaughter it." God E's eyes were cold.

But before God E’s words fell, the face-slapped voice spread from the Heavenly Palace to all over the world: “Since today, the Four Seas Dragon Clan has become the master of my monster Shuibu Great Emperor. He is known as the Black Emperor. ".

The sound fell, and the great world shook. I saw the boundless divine light burst out of the void, and then I saw the two golden dragons of Qi luck merged in the boundless divine light, and the four seas were completely integrated into the heavenly palace.

"In fact, it is in the interests of all races of the heavens and the world of the Sihailong clan to be included in the heavens," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "If the Sihailong clan is really included in the devil clan, I am afraid that the devil clan can sweep the world and dominate the world. ".

"This time it's fun. When two evenly matched guys fight, they will inevitably turn upside down. The next million years will be the grievances between the Demon God and the Demon Race. After a million years, if the Human Race rises, history will be rewritten. The Yaozu should withdraw from the center of heaven and earth, otherwise these two races will take the protagonist's position." The Jade Ancestor clicked his mouth, his eyes filled with emotion.

"Oh, in fact, there is nothing good about the protagonist of heaven and earth. They have become the target of public all day long. You can see that the ancestors of the world became the protagonist of heaven and earth. The cultivation base is not as high as that of the other demon gods. These millions of years have been wasteful. It is really nothing good to calculate this and that all day. It is better to rely on your own efforts to practice a little bit hard. "The foundation is the strongest," the ancestor of Jade sighed.

Yu Duxiu heard the words silently: "If you think so, others don't think so. That's the center of heaven and earth. If it weren't for me, I don't need luck, I'm afraid I will make calculations."

"You don't need the power of luck, then what power do you need?" Old Jade Ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with interest.

Yu Duxiu smiled softly and didn't say much.


After the court announced its will that day, the whole world was shaken, and countless auras in the void began to merge. The Ethical God's words were slapped in the face as soon as they fell, and he was furious: "Sihai Dragon Clan dared to take refuge in those beasts, don't you want to live? ".

Listening to the words of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, the sound of the huge dragon's roar echoing in the four seas, this dragon's roar seemed to be the sound of a face slap, and the demon gods that hit it hurt.

"Bastard!" E Shen stood up abruptly: "I go to the world to ask, who gave them such courage."

After Eshen finished speaking, he walked directly into the border and wasteland, descended on the edge of the four seas, and turned into an ugly real body of the demon god, tall and tall, with demonic energy rising all over his body, looking down on the four seas: "Sihai Dragon King".

The voice of God E shook the entire East China Sea.

"This battle is probably inevitable. Sihai Longjun's slap is too painful. This is challenging the status of the demon **** clan as the overlord of the earth. The demon **** clan can't bear it." Chaotian clicked his lips.

Fu Yao sneered coldly: "It's not a good thing, it's hard to beat, it's good if the background is exhausted."

Too Su's face was unbearable: "The battle between the two clans, the innocent creatures and the living beings on the middle land are afraid that they will suffer a lot of calamity, alas! I only hope that the demons and demons can converge a little."

"The penalty guillotine is not a vegetarian" muttered to the sky.

"It's fun, it's fun, this thing needs to be promoted by the seat, and give him more fire." The turtle shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand keeps spinning: "Fight! It's good to fight! If you can't fight, there will be nothing. Got to play".

After speaking, the long river of fate in the hands of Taiyi taught the ancestors was constantly twisted: "Change the number of fate, temporarily change the universe".

"I'll help you."

A plum flower fell in the void, and instantly fell into the long river of fate, and had a fate with Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"Sihai Dragons have eaten a lot of our benefits, and now they are all told to spit out, and hold their fate, so that the Sihai Dragons and Demon Gods will never die." Sihailong Jun's eyes were full of sneers.

Looking at the Dragon King of the Four Seas, a long spear flew out of the Taishijiazuo ancestor's hand, and instantly crossed the world and nailed the long river of fate: "This seat will help you suppress the fate."

"Hehe, this is a grand event of my human race, how can I lose my seat?" The emperor figure in the hands of the Taiping ancestor turned into a Taotao Fu seal river, and went to cover the fate.

"I'm here to join in the fun too." The precious light burst from the five-element round beads in the hands of Taiyuan Jiaozu, instantly falling on the river of fate.

Tai Yi taught the ancestors for a moment: "Oh, okay, I didn't expect your kid to realize the threshold of the realm of liberation after such a long time, and the five elements have begun to split."

Taiyuan Jiaozu shook his head: "It's early, this seat has been accumulated over millions of years, and now it is just the division of the five elements. If you want to achieve the world, there is no time for it. I don't know when, but the old guy Tai Dou quietly I used to think that Taiping was the second place in my human race. I didn’t expect that the ancestor of Taidou would take a step.”

Everyone chuckled, and a vast galaxy world in the distance fell into the long river of fate. Tai Dou taught the ancestors: "I just picked up a bargain. I have a sense of understanding the Miaoxiu Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and Zhou Tian Xing Dou Dadao. If this old fellow Taiping hadn't been taken away by the ghost master of a corner of the Huangtu fragment, I'm afraid it would have broken through long ago."

Taiping ancestor shook his head: "Don't flatter me. Your family knows your own affairs. What you break first is what you break first. This seat only realized the world after the ghost master seized the corner of Huangtu. The true meaning of ".

After speaking, he sighed softly: "It's a pity."

"What a pity?" Everyone looked at Taiping Jiaozu.

Taiping Jiaozu shook his head: "It's a pity that we all understand it late, otherwise the center of the world is still ours."

"The center of the earth may not be ours today" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes What do you think of this old fellow? "But seeing a mountain and river Gui in the distance fell into the long river of fate, Tai Huang Jiaozu shot.

"This seat is just thinking that although the Human Race has withdrawn from the Central Territory, we can open up a sect bet in that Central Territory. Now the Demon God family has broken with the Monster Race and the Dragon Race, and we dare not easily offend our Human Race, but this The matter is just my own speculation, and I will need to test it slowly in the future. I can't be anxious at this time. I am thinking about it, thinking carefully, and then making a decision."

"Let’s fix this fate first, let the Demon God Clan fight against the Monster Clan and Dragon Clan. Let’s watch the excitement." Another congenital spirit treasure was suppressed in the void, and the ancestor of the gods once again took action, but it was the ancestor of Taiyi, a bear The real fire bead of the sun is like a small sun, illuminating the entire river of fate with unmatched power.

"Taiyi, you can't do it like this" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Taiyi Jiaozu aloud.


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