The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1863: The demons split, the demons 1 family

   "Wait for those demon gods to fight with the three heavenly courts, you'll know" Yu Duxiu sold a pass, with magical powers in his hands, and instantly put all the sculptures away, not showing them to the jade ancestors.

   "Cut, stingy" Seeing Yu Duxiu's movements, the ancestor of Jade was suddenly unhappy and turned around and walked out of the hall.

   Watching the jade ancestor walk away, Yu Duxiu's fingers stretched out, and the will of heaven revolves like a knife: "Fate is present in this world"


I saw twelve crystal-clear diamond-shaped crystals slowly condense in the void, and Jade Duxiu’s palm stretched out, and the twelve diamond-shaped crystals merged into the twelve statues in an instant. It seemed that he had come alive, turned into a flesh and blood body, and began to breathe, but fell into a deep sleep with his eyes closed.

The corners of Yu Duxiu's mouth were raised, her sleeves waved, and the cold ice in the air condensed into an ice coffin in an instant. The twelve statues were packed into the ice coffin one by one, and dense runes were carved in the ice coffin. Dao Dao Xuan Miao silk thread flickered in his eyes, and the jade butterfly of good fortune revolved, constantly branding runes on the ice sculpture.

   Yu Duxiu's mouth is smiling: "When you have completely integrated your fate, the show will begin."


   Yu Duxiu's words fell, and there was a sudden shaking between the sky and the earth, and then I heard waves of desolate war drums hammering on the earth.




   The sound of war drums spread throughout the world, and I saw countless monsters in the wild world boil, converging towards their own sanctuary.

   Demon God Drum, the twelve-faced Demon God Drum was shaking the earth, erupting from the wilderness. At this time, countless monsters lost their minds and went crazy toward the holy land.

   "Come!" Tiger God suddenly threw down the chess piece in his hand, looking at the wild land with his eyes.

   "I have been immersed for a thousand years, these guys finally moved, are they dying?" Xiangshen's eyes were full of disdain: "I have to see what these guys are playing."

   The demon **** drum rang, the world shook, and the sky shook, and the will of countless strong people descended on the world to watch the behavior of the demon race.

   "The fate of the great world suddenly became muddy. It seems that someone has secretly muddled the water, and I don't know who is secretly making arrangements and breaking the game." Tai Yi Jiaozu's voice came from the childhood of the thousand worlds.

   "These brutal dogs bite the dogs, let's just watch the excitement and it's no matter who is wading in the muddy water in secret. It's not our business." Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes were full of sneers.

   "I don't know why, there is always some frightening feeling" Taiping Jiaozu's eyes are full of runes, and countless runes are circulating at this time.

"What tricks are you playing?" The fox **** looked at the wild beasts in the lower realm, with a little wisdom ignited in his eyes: "After preparing for a thousand years, I am afraid that the one who is not good will not come this time, but the demon banner is on me. In your hands, you still rely on your monstrous power, and you can't escape the control of this seat."

   The will of the ancestors gathered and confronted in the void, and the drum of the lower realm was sounded for thirty years.

In the wolf clan temple, the wolf **** looked at his countless affiliated tribes and hundreds of millions of sentient beings, with triumphant eyes in his eyes, and exuberantly said: "This seat has mastered the method to crack the demon banner. Now the magic trick is given to you, I will wait. Let's break the shackles of the demon banner together and be free again."

   The wolf mythological word fell, and the world shook instantly, and countless monsters roared up to the sky, but some monsters fell silent.

   "Does this man's words say true or false? Break the control of the beckoning flag? Dreaming?" Xiangshinto.

   "Look at and talk about it."

Looking at the countless silent beasts, the wolf **** suddenly turned gloomy: "Of course, I don't want to break away from the shackles of the beckoning banners, and voluntarily return to the heaven. This seat is not reluctant, you leave at the same speed." .

Looking at the wolf god, countless monsters were hesitant on their faces, and the wolf god’s expression remained unchanged and said: "Are you waiting for this seat to repent? The power of all the heavens and all realms is watching, this seat is not that The kind of person who tears up promises casually".

  The monsters looked at the monsters, and in an instant, most of the billions of monsters were gone, and only a small part of them belonged to the wolf gods.

   "This group of bastards, if you have milk, you are a mother." The wolf god's eyes were murderous.

On the Thirty-Three Heavens, the elephant gods and tiger gods have sarcasm on their faces: "Hehe, what you can't give, I'll wait for it. These monsters are not fools, why don't you rely on me? It's just a realm of good fortune. When the opportunity comes, it can be repaired for thousands of years."

   is not only the wolf **** here, even the rest of the monster gods are the same. In a flash, most of the monster beasts are gone, and only one tenth is left.

"It's really a bastard. It's only been a thousand years. The entire wild monster beast has been bought by these three bastards. It's a bastard." The Lion God scolded, and then countless magic tricks flew out towards the monster beast left. Go: "This is the supreme Dafa, you can quickly comprehend it, and this seat will help you wait for your cultivation later."

The demon gods gave the demon god’s true body tactics one after another. Three months later, the demon gods roared and shot together. At the same time, they displayed their magical powers. The power of the earth's turbidity roared and spewed out, instantly covering all the monsters. place.




   The primordial spirit of countless monsters quickly melted in the muddy air, turning into the power of blood.

In the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Fox God suddenly changed color: "Well, I didn't expect that these guys would really play tricks, and actually dissolve the power of the original spirit and cultivate the muddy air of the earth. These guys What are you doing, how can you attract the earth's muddy air".

  Countless remnants of the demon **** roared out and merged into the bodies of the monsters. The earth's turbid and evil air was drawn out, the grass and trees turned to ashes, and everything was instantly melted and turned into powder.




  Because of their limited strength, the monster beasts cannot be transformed into the body of the demon **** like a demon god, but at this time the monster beasts have faded from the form of the monster race and turned into a human form.

   Yes, all the monster beasts, under the power of the demon god's remnant soul, actually lost the blood of the monster race, turned into the power of the demon god, and transformed into human form.

   Soul and primordial spirit nourish the flesh. The flesh of these monster beasts is extraordinarily powerful, which is much stronger than the monster beasts of the same level.

   Seeing the transformation of the monsters and beasts, the twelve monsters said in unison: "Today, my monsters and gods unite to form a clan of demon gods, separate from the monster clan, and divide the boundary with the monster clan. May the world learn from it."

   The twelve demon gods drank blood and swore together, and the sky thundered in the sky, and the golden dragon of luck of the monster race exploded in an instant, partly attributed to the 33rd heaven, and partly attributed to the wild land.

"Hahaha, hahaha, the organization is too smart, so what? Thousands of hard work has turned into running water, I will wait for the self-reliant clan, and will not play with you" E God roared to the sky, unscrupulously mocking the thirty in the sky Triple heaven.

   "How could this be! How could this be! What a powerful method! Such a powerful method actually abolished all the true spirits." The Fox God looked at the beckoning banner in his hand, a little lost.

"Really did it?" Xiangshen was a little to ask Fox God." Baihu stood up with a gloomy face, looking at the exploded real dragon of luck, the luck of his own body, His complexion turned white immediately.

   In the entire reckless world, 60% of the fortune goes to the demon gods, and the remaining 40% of the demon gods go to the 33rd heaven.

   "Really did it" Donghai Longjun was taken aback.

   "The muddy air, what are these **** doing! They are using the muddy air, they are reviving the demon gods, what are these **** doing?" Jinlin's expression changed wildly.

  "Brother Jinlin, what's the matter" Donghai Longjun discovered the strangeness of Jinlin.

   "Brother, this demon clan is afraid it is a curse" Jin Lin's face is ugly.

   "How do you say?" Donghai Longjun said.

   "Big brother, these **** are combined together, the crocodile clan has a big feud with my dragon clan, so you can't let us take the knife," Jin Lin said with a gloomy expression.

   "The demon **** clan is controlled by the monster clan, so I shouldn't make trouble for the whole world, right" Donghai Longjun looked hesitant.

   "It's hard to say, eldest brother is better planning early" Jinlin said with a gloomy expression.

   The ancestors of the human race, when you look at me and I see you, they are all looking at each other. Then Tai Yi taught the ancestors: "They actually mobilized the turbidity to practice the strange tricks, these guys have some meaning."


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