The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1842: Mysterious innate spirit treasure

"Why are you looking at me".

The ancestor of Jade met Yu Duxiu's gaze, and suddenly felt something bad, and his eyes fluttered everywhere.

"Naked Mine".

Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"So what?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

"This seat is very busy, I don't have time to waste time here" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch, and then said to the pothole: "You five come out."




The five dirty Demon Kings flew out pitifully and landed on the ground, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"From today, you will guard Mu Mansion in the future, do you have any objections?" Yu Duxiu looked at the five monsters.

"I dare not dare, I just follow Mian's orders," the demon king said immediately.

Looking at the meek five demon beasts that seemed to be five puppies, then he looked at everyone in the Mu family: "I pushed this hall and gave you five demon kings, are you satisfied?".

"Satisfied, satisfied, thank you Mianxia" repeatedly nodded as promised.

With these five monsters, Mu Mansion will become a golden hoop of iron barrels in the future.

It is not a problem for this Demon King to live for tens of thousands of years. With these five knowledgeable Demon Kings, Mu Mansion will definitely become the eternal family.

Yu Duxiu nodded and looked at Du Tong: "Please also Du Tong lead the way."

"Follow me under the mian", who all heard the words and was overjoyed, leading Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade toward the barracks.

"Congratulations on the crown."

Everyone greeted Yu Duxiu's departure direction.

"Mianxia, ​​it's here" the leader led everyone to the place where the barracks were.

Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch: "Old Patriarch, it's time for you to show off your power."

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the jade ancestor's eyelids twitched: "Asshole, take the ancestor me to do coolies."

After speaking, I saw the jade ancestor slam his hands into the earth.

"Hate the sky has no handle, hate the ground has no ring".

The whole vein was suddenly pulled out by the jade ancestor.

The veins of this cloud-forbidden flow stone are tens of thousands of miles long, and they are instantly uprooted, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, and the entire frontier is horrified.

The old jade ancestor exclaimed: "Miaoxiu boy, don't use any means to go out, otherwise where should I put my ancestral veins".

Yu Duxiu nodded, his hands surged: "Space Fragmentation".


There was a loud noise, the world barrier split, and the mighty wind blew in. Yu Duxiu stepped out of the small world, and then from outside, he pulled out the earth veins one after another, looking at what would follow the earth veins. The ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu said: "What do you do if you are so anxious, then go and pull out the remaining two ground veins."

"Asshole, I'm really a coolie as an ancestor, and I really owe you." The old ancestor Jade turned around helplessly, and uprooted the two ground veins and threw them out. Then everyone in the lower realm looked panicked. In the middle of the world, he left along the way to the sky. Since then, this small world has left behind the legend of the supreme martial art of broken void and immortality, and Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of jade are even more affected in this world. Known as the most powerful.

"Also considered destined."

Yu Duxiu's finger flicked, and a stream of light sank into the small world.

"What?" The Jade Ancestor was taken aback.

"The surprise of staying in this world" Yu Duxiu smiled lightly, opened the universe, and put away the cloud forbidden flowing stones, looking at the border land with a pair of eyes: "There are many secrets here."

"Those losers are hiding here licking their wounds, waiting to break through the five declines of heaven and man, but unfortunately, hope is not great, the five declines of heaven and man are not so easy to pass, your kid is the only exception" The jade ancestor's eyes revealed a touch. With emotion.

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu touched her chin, and looked up and down the jade ancestor: "Old ancestor, what are you hiding in that small world? We are not outsiders, just show me."

"No! No! This is the accumulation of millions of my ancestors, don't pay attention to me, you kid" Old ancestor Jade gave Yu Duxiu warily.

"Really not showing it?" Yu Duxiu asked, looking at the ancestor of Jade.

"Don't show it."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu asked again.


"Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do, you guys are robbing you, do you know that you are robbing?" The old jade ancestor heard bursts of exclamation and saw that the old jade ancestor was hugged by Yu Duxiu, and then Yu Duxiu's palm rudely searched the Jade ancestor's chest.

"Back then, you young and old took my pill of immortality! Why are you so stingy" Yu Duxiu muttered, grabbing the jade ancestor, shaking off the dust like a doll.

"No? Where are you hiding? Your little world? What about your Innate Lingbao? Why have you never used Innate Lingbao before?" Yu Duxiu was stunned.

"Huh! You kid let me go, let go, it's just a dogskin plaster." The ancestor of Jade broke away from Yu Duxiu, with a trace of pride in his eyes: "How about? Patriarch, I have a good method?".

"It's really good, but don't even think about the five-decay eternal life pill in my pill furnace." Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a streamer and dissipated in the void.

"Hey hey, I said your kid wouldn't be so stingy, right? Don't be stingy, it's not a treasure, what's the big deal, I will give you all the ancestors, and you can't make it."

Seeing Yu Duxiu walking away, the old jade ancestor kicked his calf and immediately caught up.


Fuyao Temple.

Yu Duxiu revealed his figure, the old jade ancestor chased him up like a stalker, and instantly hugged Yu Duxiu's thigh: "Come on, Miaoxiu, I will give you all my treasures from my ancestor."

The ancestor of Jade took out a bag that was not stale and autumn: "This is a good thing that ancestors I collected hard in antiquity."

"Give it to me?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"All for you" said the old jade ancestor reluctantly.

Chaotian's eyes widened on the other side: "A million-year collection of this old thing?".

Seeing Chaotian and Fuyao's gaze, Yu Duxiu instantly put away the bag.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu and smiled: "I have a copy of the medicine."

"Easy to say, easy to say".

"Then the cloud forbidden flow stone was taken back?" Tai Su Jiaozu came over.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "It's a really interesting world. If it weren't for me, even if the supreme power entered that world, he would only be trapped alive."

"It's very strange to say that I am very strange. Why can you use supernatural powers for your kid, but the ancestor I can't do it. It doesn't make sense?; Patriarch I am handsomer than you, cute and cute than you, why can't I?" No one understands this world, and this fellow begins to doubt his life again.

"By the way, any of you have seen the innate Lingbao of this old thing" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestors.

Na Fuyao looked at the old jade ancestor, his face twitched: "Tai Chi."

"I'm sorry to use it," Chaotian said.

Prime Minister Turtle intervened in a rare word: "Old Turtle I have seen the most weird and most shameless treasure."

"The jade body of this old thing is enough, no one can force him to use the innate spirit treasure" Tai Su Jiaozu said with emotion.

The old jade ancestor on one side came back to his senses, with a touch of shame in his eyes: "Can you blame me for this? It's all the karma of the thousand swords. The old ancestors have done too much evil, and I have been subjected to countless bad luck. It's implicated, can you blame me for this?".

The old jade ancestor cursed, and his eyes flashed with a touch of anger and anger: "If any of you dare to reveal the details of the ancestor, I will definitely be perceived by the ancestor, and we will not stop."

After speaking, the jade ancestor walked out.

Looking at the back of the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu looked towards Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu: "Don't be afraid, just talk about it, this old thing can't turn the sky".

Everyone shook their that Fuyao smiled bitterly: "When you haven't seen this gangster, even the supreme powerhouses must retreat and don't mess with them."

"Yes, that is, if you want to see it, go find him for a fight and force his spirit treasure out," said schadenly.

"Those who have seen his congenital spirit treasure are all killed by this servant," Prime Minister Turtle said boredly.

Yu Duxiu glanced at the crowd and sighed softly, "No matter, I'll go to sacrifice the lock demon tower. As long as the lock demon tower is refined, the big plan of this seat should be on the agenda."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked into the distance: "Wangchen, brother will take you to open the dojo".

Yu Duxiu yelled.


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